4 places in the apartment, which in any case can not hang a mirror

Few of the people reflects the true meaning of the mirror, so hang it anywhere. And then they wonder why no luck either at work or in your personal life. In today's article I will tell you where on any pretext can not hang a mirror in the apartment, so as not to draw troubles upon oneself.

Mirror - a reflection of the pieces of the human soul

Mirror - a reflection of the pieces of the human soul

1. Opposite the entrance door and windows

According to Japanese scientists Feng Shui in any case can not hang a mirror opposite the entrance door and the windows, as this can push a positive energy, and with it pick up and well-being, and joy, and happiness and health families. Remember, dear readers, that the windows and doors to you comes favorable energy, so it's worth it to protect and preserve the well-being of your family.

And in the hallway, on the contrary, allowed the mirror. Thus, you will improve the energy sector, not only in a small hall, but in the whole apartment. But consider a rule that is written just above!

The mirror opposite the entrance door to the interior of the apartment

The mirror opposite the entrance door to the interior of the apartment

2. In the bedroom

There is a mixed opinion on the mirrors in the bedroom: someone "for", while others "against". But according to Feng Shui is best to avoid mirrors in the bedroom, as it can adversely affect the health, success and even family relationships. But if no mirrors anywhere, it is recommended to hang a mirror in a part of the room, which is not a sleeping person is reflected.

The most important rule for a mirror in the bedroom - it is the right place, where there will be reflected sleeper

The most important rule for a mirror in the bedroom - it is the right place, where there will be reflected sleeper

3. In the children's room

In the children's room, as well as the bedroom is not recommended to hang a mirror, as it plays a negative role for the health and success of the child. You can not hang a mirror opposite the working and sleeping place. The best option - to hang him at the door so that it is not reflected opposite wall.

Mirror in the nursery operates the same rule as for adult bedrooms

Mirror in the nursery operates the same rule as for adult bedrooms

4. Next to the stove or in front of her

A mirror that hangs in front of the plate or next to it, will take away from you the power of life, when you start cooking food. In consequence of that, you will get tired much earlier. But if you want to still decorate the kitchen, hang a mirror, it's best to do it in front of the dining table, which normally meets all of your happy family. Thus, according to Eastern wisdom, you will increase the well-being and keep the relationship between family members in the house.

Do not hang a mirror in front of the plate, as this has a negative impact on human health, which prepares food

Do not hang a mirror in front of the plate, as this has a negative impact on human health, which prepares food

The mirror in the apartment - a great power, which can both harm and help the owners of the apartment. The main thing - is to choose a suitable location and properly care for him, as with each cleaning you remove all the accumulated negativity. Take care of the mirror, and it is in response to take care of you!

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