How to replace the burners on the electric stove if never done

Unfortunately, there is a problem common to the electric stove is not working burners. It is also common problems such as burnout spirals refusal switching relays and switches. To replace the burners, not necessarily cause a master. You can do to cope with this case, if have at least minimal knowledge of electrics. The main thing - is to observe safety precautions!

Hob with cast iron burners

Hob with cast iron burners

1. cast iron burners

These are the old burners, which have appeared since the Soviet times. They heat slowly, and therefore cool down too. They differ in power: one and two kilowatts. the heating temperature of 400 to 600 degrees.

cast iron burners

cast iron burners

2. tubular steel

These burners heat up quickly, but consume a lot of electricity. They are based on a special tube, which is divided into several spirals: one, two or three. Electric with tubular burners will be an excellent assistant in the country. The only negative - a narrow range of manufacturers, as it generally makes only Russian brand: Gold, Dream and others.

Electric cooker with tubular

Electric cooker with tubular

3. ceramic hotplates

The simple design of burners, easily and quickly heated by the heating element located below cerani. Replacement of burners to make at home will have no difficulty.

ceramic hotplates

ceramic hotplates

Electric - is the most important thing in the kitchen which we use regularly. Therefore, due to the daily work can happen any damage, but it is not surprising! Let's look at the main problems at work:

  1. Not heated hotplate. In this case it is better to replace the old with a new burner, but this applies only to tubular burners. If it is other types, that is more modern, in this case it is necessary to turn to professionals.
  2. Not supported adjustable temperature. The reason for failure - defective contacts between the switches. This item can not be repaired. The only way out - replaced by a new one.
  3. Odors. Burning smell indicates that burners were burnt food particles. First you need to turn off the burner and wait until it cools down. Then you need to wash food and burnt stains from the surface of the plate. After spending this procedure, the smell of no trace left! If you smell the plastic, it is recommended not to operate the appliance. It is better to call the repairman.
  4. Not heated heating element. Common cause - burner out of order, therefore, it must be replaced immediately. But there is another reason - to remove the wires. You need to clean the terminals, replace the wires, which are subject to damage, to reconnect with the broken wire.


It is recommended to loosen the screws that hold the circular base burners, as well as damage the heating element is replaced by a new working.

In addition to compliance with safety regulations, it is necessary to adhere to the original scheme of electric cookers! So it will affect the functionality and performance of electric stoves. Improper replacement of the burners could cause damage that would entail huge expenditure on repairs or the purchase of a new appliance.

Replacing electric stove burners

Replacing electric stove burners

Today you get to know the main types of burners for cookers with the problem and how to solve them, as well as the replacement. Always guided by their forces, if you are unsure of yourself, it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

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