7 reasons why you should not get rid of old toys

Many parents believe that the toy - it's not just children's joy, but also a dust collector. This is partly, of course, true, but these things can be a great part of the modern décor. In this article you will learn why you should reconsider their opinion on old toys your children.

old toys

old toys

1. Fridge magnets

Your child is full of figures of animals, dogs and cats? Let us present to these toys new life - magnets.

First we need to cut figures of animals into two parts, and then use superglue to glue the magnets in toys. This way of decorating looks very creative! One gets the impression that the figures seemed "stuck" half in the refrigerator. By the way, attracted to the occupation of the child, as this process develops fine motor skills of hands.

Refrigerator magnets with their hands

Refrigerator magnets with their hands

2. Bookend

Create Holder will not be difficult, because only some will need more massive figure of the animal - it may be a dinosaur, a predator, and so on, and do not forget about the 2 wooden tablets.

The most important - is to cut the figure in half. The second step - to stick to each board body toys. Such holder fits perfectly into the interior of a child's room.



3. Decor for baking

You want to surprise your household view of freshly baked desserts? In addition to topping you can use and children's toys. Just before serving pastries, cakes, pies, cupcakes warn relatives about inedibility data figures. By the way, for completeness of colors you can paint with food coloring toys. So they will have a presentable appearance.

Children's toys are used as decorations for the cake

Children's toys are used as decorations for the cake

4. Table lamp

Your toddler loved collecting small toys? Then I have for you, there is one interesting proposal - to build a table lamp from your child's favorite toys.

  1. On the leg lamp is required to paste as many medium-sized figures, for example, cars, soldiers and other toys.
  2. For design inked: silver or gold.
  3. Lamp is ready!
The lamp of old toys

The lamp of old toys

Besides, you can decorate in the same way is not the lamp, but also a mirror. Such decorated items fit perfectly in the children's and playrooms.

Mirror decorated with figures of children

Mirror decorated with figures of children

5. Furniture handles

Children's toys will be a worthy replacement for furniture handles. Enough to choose the appropriate figures and paint them in any color, the most advantageous to look silvery and golden color. Painting is done on request - this is an optional item.

The most important thing - to show imagination and hard work, and then the result will be beyond your expectations!

Handles of children's toys - a highlight of interior room

Handles of children's toys - a highlight of interior room

6. The canopy over the bed

It has long dreamed of a canopy? Your dream can come true, because to create your canopy, you will need: a hoop and fabric. It is made quickly and easily. On request you can add a garland - it will give the room a certain style.

Master class on the construction of the canopy in the nursery

Master class on the construction of the canopy in the nursery

7. Stand for cutlery

Dear readers, rather than lying around if you have multiple designer LEGO blocks? If the answer is yes, I am pleased to present you stand under the cutlery from the designer. It is not only vibrant colors but also the practicality and convenience.

Funny application designer LEGO

Funny application designer kitchen LEGO

By the way, the designer can make not only stand, but also a great organizer that will gather all the office in one location. This budget, and useful item.

Cheerful organizers for the Office

Cheerful organizers for the Office

Children's toys - it's a real treasure not only for children but also for parents. Therefore, dear parents, do not rush to throw out old toys your children, because they will last you for at least another couple of years.

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