What are the kinds of radiators, we approach the selection and installation of the mind

Start preparing for the winter cold you need to have in the summer. To frost is not caught by surprise, better to install the heating system. Today offers a variety of types of radiators. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, especially the installation and quality characteristics.

Types of heating batteries

Choosing radiator, it should be noted that a key role is played by 2 factors: the material of manufacture, and the room in which will connect heating.

If we talk about the material, the most popular are the radiators of:

  • iron;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetal;
  • become.

Cast-iron battery

Battery section leak from iron and sealingly connected to each other. The number of sections can be selected depending on the area of ​​premises, accommodation apartment / house, the height of the window.

Pros iron batteries:

  • high strength and wear resistance material;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • service life can exceed 30 years;
  • the ability to withstand pressure 18 atmospheres;
  • ability to withstand water temperature 130 ° C;
  • relatively low cost.

Among the shortcomings of this material is the difficulty of installation due to the large weight gain, the inability to adjust the temperature, low resistance to surge. In addition, cast iron radiators need periodic painting.

In general, cast-iron batteries are suitable for centralized as well as for heating.

aluminum radiators

There are two types of batteries, different manufacturing method: injection molding and extrusion.

Injection batteries are produced by high pressure die casting. Poured sections fastened in one heating battery. you can reduce or add sections if desired.

The vertical part of the extrusion heat sink are made on the extruder. This method of making a cheaper, but to regulate the number of sections is not possible.

General characteristics of aluminum radiators:

  • service life can reach 15 years;
  • ability to withstand the temperature of the water to 110 ° C;
  • Power one section varies from 81 to 212 W..

The main advantages of aluminum radiators is a high thermal conductivity and heat dissipation, ease of installation, the ability to embed thermostats, a relatively cheap price. Along with the advantages of aluminum in batteries, there are significant disadvantages:

  • pH of the water should always be in the range 7-8;
  • Often Education leaks in the joints;
  • susceptibility to corrosion;
  • low resistance to pressure spikes, physical treatment liquid slugging;
  • incompatibility with copper tubes;
  • the need to install filters.

Important! Aluminum radiators are not recommended to get to the district heating.

bimetallic battery

This type includes radiators connecting a "core" of steel and an outer layer of aluminum. The thermal capacity of this type of battery would reach 180 W. But the water temperature should not exceed 130 ° C. With proper care can last such radiators to 20 years.


  • not subject to corrosion;
  • strength of the material and its resistance to external impact;
  • great heat;
  • easy installation and light weight.

One of the main disadvantages is high price. In addition, in the first few years of operation, there may be instability in the heat transfer, noise and clatter inside the battery.

steel battery

This type of radiator is presented in various forms, but the most popular are the panel battery. They are especially common in the autonomous heating systems. In this case, the number of panels and convector can be different.

Advantages of steel radiators are:

  • ease of installation;
  • low weight;
  • fast heat up and give off heat well;
  • compatibility with different materials;
  • a long service life.

Among the shortcomings should be noted:

  • poor corrosion resistance;
  • Battery does not tolerate water hammer and pressure surges.

In addition, steel radiator should not be left without water for a long period. Therefore, this type is not suitable for district heating.

It should also be aware that distinguish side and low battery connection. The most versatile option is considered to be lower connection.

radiator installation

Before proceeding to the battery installation, you should determine the type of wiring. There are 2 traditional type:

  1. One pipe. In this system, the heat supply and return (return line) carries one pipe. Batteries should therefore be "embed" series. To connect the bypass is needed.
  2. Two-pipe. In this system, one tube feeding plays a role, and the second - the return. The batteries are connected to the two pipes parallel to each other. Often, two-pipe system is found in apartment buildings with central heating.

The next step - the choice of location. When installing the need to comply with the horizontal and vertical directions. In addition, please note the following rules:

  • distance from the floor to the lower edge of the battery can not be less than 6 cm.;
  • between the lower part and the upper sill line of the battery should be in the interval 5-10 cm.;
  • battery from wall to wall distance must not be less than 3 cm.

Step by step installation manual

Step 1. Clean the threads on the radiator holes.

Step 2. Install adapter and an American. Screw the key.

Step 3. If necessary, shorten the pipe with a pipe cutter.

Step 4. Remove the inner chamfer and expand the end of the tube.

Step 5. To determine the place of installation of the battery and drill holes for mounting.

Step 6. Set 3 arm - top 2 and bottom 1.

Step 7. Hang the radiator and align it to the level.

Step 8. Connect tubing to the battery.

In this heat sink installation process is finished. All of the above operation, you can easily do yourself.

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