Installation of heating systems of private houses with their own hands: the scheme

Installation of heating systems of private houses with their own hands: the scheme

Boiler room in a private house


  • 1 How to arrange a heating private house with his own hands: diagrams of various embodiments
    • 1.1 Solid fuel heat sources
    • 1.2 Spot gas and electrical appliances
    • 1.3 Complete fluid systems
  • 2 Instructions on the organization of a private home heating system with their own hands: diagram of the device
    • 2.1 private house with his own hands the heating system (video)

How to arrange a heating private house with his own hands: diagrams of various embodiments

Already at the design stage, the future owners need to decide choice of the type of heating system for a country houseDesigned to warm a warm household for many years. It depends on many important circumstances. Chief among them are: the availability of utilities, are supplied to the construction site, the cost of a resource in a particular locality. According to the type of heat source location in the room, all options can be divided into:

  • point: ovens, heaters, gas and electric heaters;
  • Distributed: liquid radiators connected pipes.
EXAMPLE heating system in a two

EXAMPLE heating system in a two

If you have certain knowledge and skills, you can create any of the following heating private houses with their own hands. Scheme description can easily be found online, and with the basic installation should be familiar moments beforehand.

Solid fuel heat sources

Energy supply all heaters can be divided into: solid, Liquid fuel, gas and power. TO solid fuel include classic wood ovens of metal or brick. In many places they are still functioning properly. Today it is still a large number of localities has no gas, so residents are forced to choose between conventional oven and an electric boiler. Yet the wood are cheaper in terms of electricity per m² heated volume. The disadvantages of this option are the presence of garbage in the house of the wood, and the need to twice a day to heat the furnace in the winter.

Connection of single and two-pipe heating system

Connection of single and two-pipe heating system

Useful advice!If it is impossible to arrange the house more modern heating system, you can optimize the use and furnaces. It is recommended to acquire long burning furnace and use it as a power center for radiator liquid heating power.

Heating in the house with the help of warm floors

Heating in the house with the help of warm floors

Spot gas and electrical appliances

Among other things, it is possible to arrange a private house with his own hands the heating system, the scheme which provides only for the installation of several heaters in different rooms. There are different due to electric or gas heaters. They can be a convection type or infrared. The first involves direct spread heat from heated elements of devices by convection, and the latter emit infrared, invisible the human eye, electromagnetic waves, which can cause the acceleration of the molecules in the surrounding objects, thus contributing to the allocation of heat. These devices consume 30% less power.

Hot water and heating of private homes

Hot water and heating of private homes

The easiest way to create this type of heating private houses with their own hands. Circuit video and instructions for heating appliances will be able to understand each. Installation of this type of equipment is not complicated. The device is put in the right place and include the network. Complexity can only occur with the connection of the gas heater. However, this device is not very popular, because they do not have sufficient mobility and stands only at the point where the pipeline output. In addition, it has a open fire, which is not safe for residential use.

heating scheme using a gas boiler

heating scheme using gas-fired boiler

Useful advice!Heaters, unlike the conventional electric heaters, hot air is fed from the heating elements by a fan, so the room is heated much faster. Thus they, unfortunately, use large amounts of electricity. Such devices are recommended for use in the cottages for quick heating in the winter with infrequent visits.

Heating homes with solid fuel

Heating homes with solid fuel

Point sources of heat are not taken to use as the primary heating of a private house. His hands are not difficult to repeat the scheme of this design, but it does not meet all the requirements for home heating requirements of the middle latitudes.

Complete fluid systems

It is the most popular way to provide heat to various premises, including residential houses. If in urban apartments the heat transfer fluid is heated in a central boiler and pump pumped in all the apartments, in a private house it is necessary to heat themselves. This can be done by any energy: electric, or generated by the combustion of any fuel. Often, it does not matter how the fuel burns. This can be cleaved, dry briquettes, gas or fuel oil. For each of them has its own furnaces and boilers, some of whom normally operate on different fuels.

Two pipe circuit with forced circulation and warm floors

Two pipe circuit with forced circulation and warm floors

Of course, you can build a system of heating private houses with their own hands. Driving its installation is always roughly the same:

  • oven or boiler installed in a special room or in the bathroom. Boilers can be electrical or gas. Some advanced models have two circuits and automatic control system. Gas embodiments are provided pipe to exit their combustion products. They come in natural draft or forced exhaust. All boilers vary in power, which determines the capacity of the heating of a particular area. Inside, all boilers are the so-called grate bars or contours of the thin tubes in which circulates the heat transfer fluid. They may be water, antifreeze or technical oil. Each circuit has an input and an output;
The circuit arrangement of heating using an electric boiler

The circuit arrangement of heating using an electric boiler

  • for heating large areas or buildings with two or more floors in mounted centrifugal pump that It causes fluid to rapidly circulate through the pipes and radiators, more efficiently exchanging heat with the outside air.

Knowing the basic principles, you can create the heating system of a private house with his own hands. Scheme it was described above, but with the installation procedure can be found hereinafter.

Scheme combined heating system

Scheme combined heating system

Instructions on the organization of a private home heating system with their own hands: diagram of the device

Before you actually start the installation, you need to calculate the material requirements. You can do this only if you know the required boiler output and the norms of distribution of calories from radiators. To calculate the number of sections in the radiator of a private house, you need to know that 1 m² requires 150 watts of power. Knowing that the average power of the standard battery section is 15 W, it is possible to count the number of sections for every room. Power of the boiler should not exceed 10% required for heating the whole house. For example, for normal operation of the boiler for heating homes, 100 m², it is necessary to have a power greater than 15 kW.

Examples of one-pipe heating systems with the upper wiring and the natural circulation of coolant

Examples of one-pipe heating systems with the upper wiring and the natural circulation of coolant

We continue to the instructions for the construction of heating private houses with their own hands. Circuit video and nuances of different variants of this process can be read here. In general terms, you can also follow the following algorithm:

  1. The place for the installation of the boiler must be a separate room, especially if it gas.
  2. In the right places set batteries with the required number of sections.
  3. Putting them together one or two tubes, depending on the option selected wiring. At the same time we monitor the level relative to the horizon.
  4. The return pipe set expansion tank, a centrifugal pump in the flow when they are not in the very structure of the boiler.
  5. Incoming and outgoing pipes screwed to the respective branch pipes of the boiler.
  6. Fill the water system through the expander, or directly from the mains, if this is available in the design and run the boiler.
Connecting radiators through manifold

Connecting radiators through manifold

Useful advice!At the top of the batteries must be present drains for air bleed. Otherwise not be able to completely fill the system.

There are many types of heating organizations in the private house and the ways of its installation. How to choose, everyone decides for himself the master in accordance with the preferences, and economic considerations.

private house with his own hands the heating system (video)

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