Small bedroom: design and décor to create a cozy interior

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Getting into any living space, one feels, how it comfortable, visually assesses the size, colors, furniture arrangement. All of these factors lead to harmony, combine comfort and aesthetics. Bedroom - increased comfort room, because it is intended for rest and relaxation. Challenging to design a small bedroom: the design in this case requires special attention to the room size is not limited his appointment.

Small bedroom: design and décor to create a cozy interior
A small bedroom can be a very comfortable and relaxed


  • 1 The design of small rooms: matching desires and possibilities
    • 1.1 Style as a basis for creating the interior of the small room
    • 1.2 Planning, preparation and repair of a small bedroom
  • 2 Variants of upholstered furniture for small bedroom: design, photo
    • 2.1 Case furniture in the interior of the small bedrooms
  • 3 The required lighting and lighting in the interior of the small room
  • 4 Design small bedroom 12 sqm: Interior photos and placement of furniture
  • 5 Design small bedroom 10 sq.m: photo arrangement
  • 6 Design small bedroom 9 m: Square deficit, but not spaces
  • 7 Small bedroom: the design and aesthetics of the room 6 m

The design of small rooms: matching desires and possibilities

Is the design of the small room, spacious premises? Are there restrictions if opportunities are lost? "No" can be answered with certainty. The approach to the arrangement has its own characteristics, specific requirements and preferences, but the freedom of imagination and creativity is not limited.

The window sill in a small bedroom can be used as additional space to accommodate the necessary things
The window sill in a small bedroom can be used as additional space to accommodate the necessary things

If you have a dream to have a spacious bed - this is also possible. Just realize it is necessary due to modernization, versatility and styling of other furniture. Spacious cupboard Clothes are also easy to place, just need to find the optimal shape for him. Dressing table is required. two in one as an option, you can do: bedside table + Table.

If the bedroom - it's the only place where you can be alone to read or work, then this area actually create even in the absence of free space. Creative solution in this case can be a wide folding shelves on the side of the bed, imitating the armrests.

Mirror visually expands the boundaries of small space
Mirror visually expands the boundaries of small space

The design of small rooms need to fulfill three prerequisites:

  • the creation of all the necessary areas of life;
  • comfortable accommodation for the enjoyment of all home furnishings;
  • the aesthetics of the room.

In the photo you can see small bedrooms variety of design options used in creating the interior small rooms. small bedroom design is subject to the general requirements in the selection and combination of colors and shades should be the laws of perspective, balance and harmony. There is no ban on the use of any accessories may be just a few requirements for their number or size. To create coziness and comfort are no barriers, you need only a reasonable creativity.

Bright colors and a rich decor in the design of the small bedroom
Bright colors and a rich decor in the design of the small bedroom

When choosing the style of the interior, you can view photos of small bedrooms in the flat design, they dispel doubts about the lack of opportunities interesting arrangement.

Style as a basis for creating the interior of the small room

The interior of a small room can not be impersonal. In the absence of self-developed design can refer to the ready style solutions. Style - is the mood and choose its costs in accordance with the habits, tastes and personal preferences.

The choice of style affects the inner comfort of the people in the room
The choice of style affects the inner comfort of the people in the room

Classic style in the interior of a small bedroom recommends regular shapes of walls, furniture, traditional lamps. Bright colors: pastel and white, without sharp contrasts. Minimum of small parts, there is no dominant subjects. Measured and calm distinguish this style.

Country will satisfy supporters of naturalness in all life areas. Wooden furniture vines and simple shapes, but not coarse. blinds, Bedspreads, blankets made of cotton and wool. On the window blinds made of straw. Bed mats woven, small size, wooden frame. This room looks neat and cozy.

Soft unobtrusive colors of the room can be refreshing bright textile elements
Soft unobtrusive colors of the room can be refreshing bright textile elements

High tech It can also be used in the interior of a small bedroom. However, one must have in the room a large open window. This style allows maximum organically fit into a small room bedroom work area. Surface-colored, but not use more than three colors in the interior. Bedspread and pillows should not stand out from the color gamut.

Minimalism preferred by many. It uses multiple colors, soothing, not irritating, plus one "animating" the room. It may be big, but not repetitive print. Furniture extremely rational form, any superfluous items and details, all comfortable, practical and functional.

A successful example of the use in the interior of a bedroom decorative brickwork
A successful example of the use in the interior of a bedroom decorative brickwork

Vintage plunges into rest, regularity and romance. To prefer this style stands if bedroom - just a place to rest. The furniture is made of wood, visually it looks pretty heavy. Bed, coffee table, dresser, shelves - the maximum set of furniture for a small room. Sure enough natural light.

modernCombining wood, plastic, glass, a cleaning corners and not be tied to the correct lines - suitable for many. One can easily buy ready-made furniture, lamps and accessories required size, while saving time and money. This style is liberating, expanding choice.

For the country style is characterized by the original wooden elements in the interior
For the country style is characterized by the original wooden elements in the interior

This is not all the existing styles, photos of the interior small bedroom will help to select the desired option.

Planning, preparation and repair of a small bedroom

The most time-consuming and complex in the repair of the small room are replacing window frames and door installation. If the window opening is small, less than 80x120 cm, and it is possible to increase it, it is better to implement it. Natural light to brighten any design. The doorway should be quite large (door leaf width of not less than 80 cm, height not less than 210 cm.).

A preliminary compilation of the design project pozvoit functional use of every space santimentr
A preliminary compilation of the design project pozvoit functional use of every space santimentr

Note!Getting to repair in a small room, it is necessary at least in general terms, to represent its future interior. In the limited space of a lot to replace or rearrange it will be impossible.

An important aspect of the small room layout is the location of the door. It is not necessary to make an opening in the center of the wall, if the room is square. It is better to shift, departing from the angle perpendicular to the wall 60 cm. So defined area for the bed and the wall with 60 cm width formed with the free space you can put other furniture: wardrobe, chest of drawers or a table.

Modern bedroom with a small table for cosmetic procedures
Modern bedroom with a small table for cosmetic procedures

The same should be followed, if the room is rectangular, but the difference between the lengths of the walls of a minor. In this case, the door is better positioned in the wall of greater length. Only in circumstances where one wall is longer than the other to a large extent (2x4 m or 2,5h4,5 m) the door can be positioned in the center of the long wall. Then the two zones are formed and create the conditions for an interesting and cozy interior.

Related article:

Zoning of the room into a bedroom and living room: design and functional content

Variants of the separation room, advice on registration of designs combined premises, photo functionally and comfortably furnished apartments.

If not selected for the design style bedroom country or ethnic, it is possible under appropriate technical conditions to install a glass door or transparent interior walls. The ease and visual expansion will eliminate a confined space.

Realizing repair ideas for a small room, you need to consider how to change the height of the ceiling after the alignment. Large and deep texture of the walls of the small room is not recommended. Skirting should not be wide and high. Multilevel ceiling plasterboard will narrow room. Proper repair in a small bedroom is essential to create the desired interior.

Bulky closet in the interior can be replaced with open shelves
Bulky closet in the interior can be replaced with open shelves

Variants of upholstered furniture for small bedroom: design, photo

The basis of any interior of furniture. The central place in the design of a small bedroom occupies the bed. Sleeper - it's not just the convenience and beauty of it - health. Therefore, to give up the conditions necessary for the sake of the interior is not worth it.

If more preferred is a high and hard bed, and in this case will not be difficult to select the desired option. Showrooms and online shopping are most filled with options of furniture for small bedroom.

Upholstered Headboard bed can be used as the back while reading a book or watching TV
Soft headboard It can be used as the back while reading a book or watching TV

High legs and high lift mattress bed to the desired height. The variant bed with drawers. It is better if the two boxes instead of one large push them in this case is easier, and the contents can be divided according to purpose. If you buy a bed width of at 200 cm and 190 cm, the discomfort is not tested, but visually room will benefit from this, 10 cm freed space is quite noticeable.

It is important! In a small room is better not to make a band-podium. This will create a disadvantage when moving and shattering the space.

Bed backless takes up less space in the room
Bed without backs It takes up less space in the room

Option bed with drawers for organizing low bed is also possible. It is necessary to make the boxes height not exceeding 18 cm and buy a mattress 8-10 cm suitable stiffness.

The headboard is desired only at the head, and must either not to attract attention, or combined with other home furnishings. Even low bed should have legs, or under the bed will accumulate dust. If you choose a bed without a back, it is better to buy a pillow-rollers. They do not require a hard stop and maintain the correct position of the body in the area of ​​the cervical spine during sleep.

A good solution to save space in the bedroom - the use of bed-podium with drawers
A good solution to save space in the bedroom - the use of bed-podium with drawers

If none of the finished version of the bed does not meet the requirements, it can be made to order. View photos of the small room design with interesting models will help in the selection of beds.

Case furniture in the interior of the small bedrooms

Comfortable in a small bedroom It is only when in addition to sleeping in her bed is a wardrobe, a dressing table and a place where you can put your favorite books or photos.

In a small bedroom, it is advisable to place cabinet furniture from floor to ceiling
In a small bedroom, it is advisable to place cabinet furniture from floor to ceiling

Roomy and comfortable wardrobe, but if it takes a wall completely, visually change the dimensions of the room. By choosing this option, it is necessary to reduce the depth of the cabinet from the traditional 50-55 cm to 45 cm, and even up to 40 cm. Receive up to decrease slightly, and the area of ​​the bedroom "not suffer." You need to choose the right and front of the wardrobe, it is not necessary to do all of it in the mirror, it prevents the state of privacy. Rationally make mirror one of the sliding doors.

To create a feeling of lightness in the room, you can put a stand-alone cabinet of frosted glass.

Storage space in a small room can be used as open shelves and closed the drawers and dressers
Storage space in a small room can be used as open shelves and closed the drawers and dressers

Useful advice! Do not overload the interior furnishings of glass. In a lot of it makes room "office" and not conducive to creating a cozy atmosphere.

Wooden stands on the floor of the cabinet, it is desirable to remove from the ceiling at least 30 cm, while visually the room is reduced. Convenient wall cabinets, which can be placed under the work area by placing a console and an easy chair. If the room is low, it is better not to choose a wardrobe and chest of drawers, whose height is 20 cm below the middle of the wall. Size of the room did not diminish the visual and the surface can be used to accommodate a variety of needed items.

A small bedroom can be expanded by the addition of balconies or other room
A small bedroom can be expanded by the addition of balconies or other room

Bedside tables must be combined either with cupboard (chest of drawers, cupboards), or with open parts of the bed. Bedside tables have to be light, small. console tables - a good idea for a small room. Often these are the stone are the dominant component of the interior. If the bed is low, the tables may be higher, but only slightly, so they were easy to use.

For a more informed choice should view the photos of bedrooms in a small apartment. Design photo for the room size needed to help in the selection and placement of furniture.

The original built-in wardrobe in the bedroom of plasterboard
The original built-in wardrobe in the bedroom of plasterboard

The required lighting and lighting in the interior of the small room

A significant role in creating a comfortable interior small room lighting plays.

It is important! lighting zones must be defined in the course of repair: founded and launched cable, sockets and switches.

The lighting in the bedroom can be divided into three types:

  • basic;
  • target;
  • decorative.
In the bedroom, it is important to provide both general and local lighting
In the bedroom, it is important to provide both general and local lighting

Basic lighting is traditionally mounted in the center of the ceiling, but in the interior of a small room, you can replace the lamp arrangement or slot system on the ceiling above the door or over the bed. The light should be soft, scattered, providing sufficient light, but in any case not blinding and irritating.

Trust requires lighting area by the head of the bed and work area (if any) and a dressing table. To save space on the nightstand, lamp can be mounted on a wall. Lampshade is better to use an opaque, turning. Luminous flux will be highly directional and will not interfere with the person lying next to.

Comfortable for sleeping room is a soft spot lights
Comfortable for sleeping room is a soft spot lights

For illumination of the working area is best suited desk lamp office type. It may not reflect the overall style of interior, but its color should be chosen so as not to attract attention. Attached to the edge of a table or console, the lamp does not take much space and direct lighting on well-defined areas.

If in a small bedroom has a dressing table, it is best to place a few small lights around the perimeter of the mirror: it is enough to be two identical lamps on either side of the frame. It is very important to the quality of light. It should be as close to daylight, so as not to distort the natural colors when applying makeup.

The bedroom lights arranged multifunctional separate zones
The bedroom lights arranged multifunctional separate zones

For decorative lighting wall sconces (lighting) it is better not to use, they will appear to be "unnecessary". Perfectly perform the functions a pleasant decorative lighting LED ribbon.

When choosing fixtures for a small bedroom, consider the following conditions:

  • compact dimensions (depending on application areas);
  • maximum functionality (rotary, can be fixed to a vertical surface, adjustability of the light intensity);
  • matching the interior style.
Table lamps on each side of the bed will allow to use them if necessary
Table lamps on each side of the bed will allow to use them if necessary

Determine the light and learn affordable and original ideas can be of real photo bedroom design in a small apartment. Depending on personal preferences for different quality glow can be used:

  • Incandescent lamp (cheap, give a warm yellow light);
  • fluorescent lamps (economical, light is as close to natural);
  • halogen lamps (suitable for the targeted lighting);
  • LED lamps (maximum cost-effective, give a soft milky light).
As a further highlight in the interior of the bedroom wall sconces used in creative design
As a further highlight in the interior of the bedroom wall sconces used in creative design

Design small bedroom 12 sqm: Interior photos and placement of furniture

Start to develop design a small bedroom area of ​​12 sqm is necessary to assess the height of the ceiling and the window size. If the high ceilings and natural light is sufficient, it is not necessary to use only pastel and bright shades. A lot of trouble and it seems cold white sterility. It can be used and the deeper the color, but it must be careful to use large drawings and prints.

If the ceiling is low, it must be white or light as much as possible, otherwise it will "push". Light floor, ceiling light and relatively saturated walls - an option for those who love the expression. If the walls are highlighted, the textiles should be as monotonous, quiet tones. Featureless walls can add colorful curtain or veil, and thus revive the room.

Modern bedroom with en suite bathroom and dressing room
Modern bedroom with en suite bathroom and dressing room

When a rational arrangement of suitable size and placed in such a room can be with all the necessary furniture. Photo design small bedroom 12 sq m, or a smaller area to help identify rational and convenient accommodation beds under a window or along the perpendicular wall, and even in the middle of the room.

Useful advice! dispose double bed Please ensure that it was provided by an approach from three sides. Otherwise, change of bed linen will be marred by the constant discomfort.

The bedroom is 12 sq.m. successfully placed a bed, dressing table and chair for reading
The bedroom is 12 sq.m. successfully placed a bed, dressing table and an armchair for reading

Wardrobe can be placed built-in or freestanding. The dimensions should be selected such that leave between wardrobe and other furniture extending at least 70 cm. It is better to buy a wardrobe with sliding system. Then the space next to it will always be free.

If there is a need for a work area, data room dimensions allow not "squeeze" it into a free corner, and convenient place and isolated from other areas of the room.

Photo small bedrooms design confirm that the observance of proportions and following the style - the main conditions for creating the interior in this size room.

French windows in the room to visually enlarge the room and give the interior a special izyumnku
French windows in the room to visually enlarge the room and give the interior a special izyumnku

Design small bedroom 10 sq.m: photo arrangement

Creating a design sketch of the interior small bedroom should dream up over the cabinet. It was his modernization will provide a real opportunity to save the area and place all necessary bedroom interior. Wardrobe better to do half, divided into sections. Then we can put them under the bed and bedside tables.

The room of this size requires that it "expand". You can do it, causing a horizontal pattern by means of plaster or choose wallpaper with clearly distinct horizontal stripes. If the room low ceiling, the "bump" you can use the soft curtains, gathered in a large number of folds. Cornice to choose a narrow and unobtrusive and attach to the ceiling.

Bed in the bedroom should be located so that all sides of it had a free space
Bed in the bedroom should be located so that all sides of it had a free space

You do not need to lay on the bed a lot of pillows. They perform more decorative function, and in this case, visually take up space.

Useful advice! When making a similar size bedrooms avoid deep niches. They create a sense of "boxes".

In the absence of desire, ability or time to design the interior, should see the photos Design small bedroom 10 sq.m. They will help to make a choice and arrange in a small room a comfortable and cozy bedroom.

A good solution for a bedroom will become dense Roman blinds, which in the closed position practically impermeable to sunlight
A good solution for a bedroom will become dense Roman blinds, which in the closed position practically impermeable to sunlight

Design small bedroom 9 m: Square deficit, but not spaces

Expand and make up such placement is not recommended to use the horizontal and vertical stripes. The effect will be the opposite, artificial visualization will attract the attention to the small size. It is better to remove the sharp boundaries and contours. Walls and ceiling may be painted or papered in light colors. Ceiling fillet is desirable to choose a tone darker or lighter shades already used. Floors can lay the color of natural wood, moldings pick up the same color.

Photos interior design small bedroom 9 meters help to make sure that the correct choice of colors and a space can be made as comfortable as possible for the rest.

The small bedroom is decorated with oriental style elements
The small bedroom is decorated with oriental style elements

Organic for this size unit as desired. If the room is a square, it can be put in a corner. If rectangular, the installation space can be povarirovat. Pencil good "hide" in the corner. But you can install it in a different location along the long wall, attaching the desktop (console). Organized a separate area, which will help create comfort.

Bedside tables should be replaced by a small light tables. If you want to have made an exclusive furniture or make with their own hands, the options of fine bedside tables in the design of a small bedroom 9 sqm on photo to help decide.

Modern bedroom with a large double bed
Modern bedroom with a large double bed

Window, even if it is large, it is not necessary zashtorivat. It is better to hang the air curtain. If you need to close the room from prying eyes, it is best to hang blinds. Textiles suitable thin and light.

Working and dressing tables can be combined into one. It is better to make a rather narrow, but long. Always with a deep drawer, from which it is not necessary to extract and place objects on the table - its dimensions in the clear will not interfere with sitting at the table. The surface can be used for operating supplies. Lighting is better to use universal: a turning light (or table lamp), To be able to aim the light beam in the desired direction.

Dark wall a contrasting accent in the interior
Dark wall a contrasting accent in the interior

Floor vases and flower stands in the room misplaced. All standing on the floor of the items must be functional. It should follow when choosing restraint and artistically designed items. They can not just get lost on such a scale, but will spam room. Making the right choices can help design photo design small bedroom 9 sqm, demonstrating a minimum of decoration.

Small bedroom: the design and aesthetics of the room 6 m

In theory - this area just to accommodate a double bed, but there are plenty of design ideas for a small room and such a size.

Light colors visually expand a small space
Light colors visually expand a small space

Walls to make better light, using pastel shades. The ceiling of the same color. From white is better to give, in this case, it will underline the dimensions. Skirting and upper middle fillet width. Small size in such a small room emphasize small size. It is better to use the average size, but the correct form of the interior.

If no preference, bed better to choose a medium height (50-60 cm) and width (160-170 cm). Bedside tables can be replaced with wall-mounted shelves. They better fix at the head at arm's length (supine) to pick up and put anything freely. To work better to use a small portable console with a lamp or luminaire, and supplement it with a light, sliding chair. It should not clutter up the aisle, when not in use.

For the smallest of rooms with high ceilings, it is advisable to use a vertical design
For the smallest of rooms with high ceilings, it is advisable to use a vertical design

The same place can be used for use in cosmetics. hygiene more convenient to store shelf is not random, but in a large box or a decorative box, which can be made with your own hands. It is easy to move, but you need a permanent place to allocate necessary for him in the box bed, on a shelf or on a windowsill.

Wardrobe can be replaced with closed shelves that are rationally placed at a height of arm to use freely. The dimensions of the shelves is also worth to withstand medium (depth of no more than 35-40 cm, height 60-70 cm). If the bed without drawers and there is a need for a large number of shelves, it is better to place them on the adjacent walls, not the opposite - it's visually closes the space.

The only rational solution for the narrow length of the room - to place the bed from wall to wall
The only rational solution for the narrow length of the room - to place the bed from wall to wall

Useful advice! In small rooms, avoid open shelves. Even carefully exposed subjects contribute to the feeling of clutter.

If necessary use the room as a full workstation, can be installed with folding or bed lifting mechanism.

To limit the size of the room is not fancy, you can view the photo design small bedroom 6 square meters - one of the ideas required to solve the doubt.

Choosing a narrow bed in the bedroom will place small tables
Choosing a narrow bed in the bedroom will place small tables

When choosing a style, determine the size and placement of furniture, do not forget that room must necessarily be ventilated. You may need to install the air conditioner. All subjects must be defined its own place, and they must be easily accessible and wet cleaning should not create difficulties, for cleanliness and order - is the foundation of aesthetics.

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