Erker: what kind of architectural element and its role in the exterior

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The modern architecture is represented by a large number of original and unusual shapes and decorations that not only help to highlight the building among other buildings, but also to make the interior more functional. One of these decorative elements is a bay window What is this object and what its distinctive benefits detailed in this article.

Erker: what kind of architectural element and its role in the exterior of the building

Bay window - is serving glazed bulk of the building, adjacent to the outer wall and extending beyond its plane


  • 1 Erker: what it is
  • 2 Options bay window in the house: photos cottages
    • 2.1 Types oriel projections
  • 3 Wooden house with a bay window
  • 4 Projects of houses with bay windows
    • 4.1 House with a bay window and a loft
  • 5 Variants of design rooms with a bay window
    • 5.1 The design of a living room with a bay window

Erker: what it is

In the description of premises often found a term such as bay. What is it, a lot of people do not know. This architectural element is often confused with a balcony or loggia. So, to be clear, it should be understood that such a bay window. This architectural element is a bulk portion protruding glazing buildings adjacent to its outer wall, extends beyond its plane. Simultaneously, a bay window, as part of the room, its interior space is expanding, adding functionality room.

The overall style of the house roofs and bay windows create a harmonious architectural ensemble

The overall style of the house roofs and bay windows create a harmonious architectural ensemble

Erker has a number of advantages:

  • thanks to the original glazing ledge created relief and unusual façade;
  • a kind of niche to increase free space inside the building;
  • provides good sun exposure, thanks to which the room seem more spacious and light, with reduced costs for artificial lighting and heating.

Despite the significant advantages of, the presence of a bay window has its drawbacks. Construction of such a complex element will require significant financial investments. In addition, the bay window you must properly insulate and isolate, to eliminate the possibility of significant heat loss from the room in the dark and cold season.

Large bay windows give a feeling of lightness and airiness of both interior and exterior

Large bay windows give a feeling of lightness and airiness of both interior and exterior

Useful advice!Architectural element to the building stands out against the background of other buildings, the roof bay must be done in harmony with the roof of the house, forming a common style.

Options bay window in the house: photos cottages

Depending on the shape of the structure ligth elements can be represented as:

  • triangle;
  • square;
  • semicircle;
  • rectangle;
  • trapeze;
  • polyhedron.

Depending on the height of the construction and location in space can be ekrernye structures:

  • storeyed ground adjacent to one of the walls of the first floor, relying on its own foundation;
House with an elegant glass bay window

House with an elegant glass bay window

  • storeyed outrigger, which are represented by small hinged designs, which rely on a wooden beam or cantilever stone slabs;
  • multi-storey above ground, reaching the height of the house and fixed to the bearing walls or leaning on a separate solid foundation;
  • multi-storey outrigger, which are represented by hinged multi-level constructs that protrude above the main cornice of the building, are securely fastened with stones or massive console beams.

Types oriel projections

The shape oriel architectural element can be assigned to one of several types of construction. Depending on this Compensation bow protrusion may be classic or poluerkerom.

House with bay designs always look stylish and interesting

House with bay designs always look stylish and interesting

Most often in modern architecture can be found classic bay, which may be in the form of a semicircle or a polygon. The main feature of these constructions is the presence in the structure of at least three sides, which are interconnected at right angles, and less than or greater than 90 degrees.

Due to the fact that during the construction of the classic bay windows significantly modified the standard form of the outer wall, the construction of an architectural element is expensive, due to the use of a large number of construction materials.

Rectangular, square and triangular designs are categorized poluerkerov. Depending on the room layout elements may be angled inscribed in a corner or wall. Photo options projects of single-storey houses with bay window clearly confirm this.

Mounting bay windows is possible at any stage of construction of the house

Mounting bay windows is possible at any stage of construction of the house

Today, often in suburban homes can be found bay window, which is not a full bay window. This design is not the entire height of the room, and represented only a small glazed projection on the plane of the wall. This is a normal window, which consists of several frames, which are attached to each other at a certain angle. The main advantage of bay windows is that it can be set at any stage of construction of the house.

Many residents of modern apartment, wanting to expand the usable area of ​​the premises, remaking classic balcony at bay. To do this, remove a large part of the wall that separates the interior from the balcony and the balcony door. The entire outer projecting part must be completely glazed. Balcony, bay window is constructed on the principle of bay windows. For that purpose the support tubes.

Wooden house with a bay window

To make the wooden house more interesting and original look, you can supplement it with large bay element, which structure is best to consider during the design phase.

Oriel structures can be constructed from a wide variety of building materials

Oriel structures can be constructed from a wide variety of building materials

Useful advice!To create an oriel projection is recommended to use the services of a qualified carpenter, which will follow the correct technique of shaping a bay window in the house.

If you plan to build a wooden house from a bar with a bay window, you need to design in advance by his foundation. It should be a strong support, as well as a load-bearing structure of the building elements. In this case it is better to give preference to concrete strip foundation. You can also use the pile foundation. The choice will depend on the type of soil area and the financial ability of developers.

The main point in the construction oriel designs in a wooden house is the observance of a special technology timber connections. Logs must be connected without a trace, in a special way badly ends of the beam. Products are bonded to each other using a special ligth angle. The most time-consuming step in the construction process is the bay tree gouging at a right angle to form a system of studs and grooves, through which the entire structure is going.

For the construction of a country house with a bay window, you can use a natural bar

For the construction of a country house with a bay window, you can use a natural bar

Projects of houses with bay windows

Today there are a large number of projects with bay windows of houses. Photo of single-storey and two-storey buildings demonstrate various embodiments of an architectural element in front of the building. These buildings not only look stylish, solemn and impressive, but also make it possible to make a unique and unusual interior design of premises. Through this architectural element can obtain the similarity of the medieval palace, shrouded in mysteries and secrets of history.

At specialized sites on the Internet represented a fairly large number of projects with a bay window houses. Photo visualize how it blends well with other architectural elements of the facade.

The project is a ground floor two-storey house with bay room and garage

The project is a ground floor two-storey house with bay room and garage

Among the most popular can be distinguished design house with a bay window and a balcony. The protrusion begins from the outside of the foundation on the ground floor and smoothly proceeds on the second floor of a balcony, a bay window which follows the contours. Balcony in this case could simply be protected, indoor or glazed.

If you want to get a unique structure, then you should pay attention to the projects of houses with two bay windows, which are equipped with kitchen and living room mostly. This design is appropriate in the construction of large massive buildings. It should pay particular attention to the calculations and work out in detail all the stages of construction, because quite difficult to fit into the overall design of such elements of the building to house the future was safe in operation.

A typical project is a single-storey house with a bay window

A typical project is a single-storey house with a bay window

Useful advice!To the house did not look too cluttered architectural features, bay windows should be positioned at different heights.

For the two-storey house bay windows can be placed on the entire height of the building, or one located on the same floor, and the second over the full height of the house.

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In the last few decades, this architectural element is not only the hallmark of a private home. A bay window can be found in modern multi-storey buildings P-44T. A distinctive feature of these apartments is a convenient layout and expanded kitchen area, as a bay window was created in the kitchen. There is used a trapezoidal shape element. Photos of different options of kitchen design with a bay window P-44T visualize how skillfully you can use the extra space.

The rectangular shape of the bay window helps to emphasize the elegance and the architectural style of the house

The rectangular shape of the bay window helps to emphasize the elegance and the architectural style of the house

Among the new-fangled trends can be identified buildings with bay window, that use an exclusive design solution Landry. The apartment is a special place can be presented in two versions, as a separate small room, and a niche hidden behind sliding doors. This space is intended for washing, dryer and utilities, which are hidden from prying eyes.

House with a bay window and a loft

A good option for a small portion of the project is considered to be at home with bay window and an attic. In this case, even a small compact area, you can get a comfortable and functional home. In such projects, two-storey houses provide the location of the bay window is traditionally on the first floor or in the attic, which is very often turn a bedroom.

The modern two-storey house with a bay window and a loft

The modern two-storey house with a bay window and a loft

Such an interesting combination of architectural elements allows to increase the effective area and an inner space in the building. However, this does not require an increase in the base area of ​​the building. Construction of the attic involves the construction of two-level buildings, saving on construction and the presence of a bay window extends the common space indoors.

Furthermore the functional component such combination gives respectable general construction and uniqueness. In addition, will significantly compensate for heat losses, most of which are assigned to the wide viewing window.

Using a bay window in the kitchen can increase the useful floor area

Using a bay window in the kitchen can increase the useful floor area

However, this duo has its drawbacks. In the first place there is the problem of clearing snow from the roof, which creates an additional burden on the supporting structures of the building. Also, the construction of the standard design house with an attic and a bay window will require substantial financial costs. And for its implementation will require the involvement of highly qualified specialists.

Variants of design rooms with a bay window

Making space in a niche of the room depends on the destination. When making a design kitchen with a bay window in the corner of the free can place the work area or to create a comfortable place for a meal, placing here a dining table for a traditional family meal.

Round or polygonal shape bay window provides many options for creating a cozy interior

Round or polygonal shape bay window provides many options for creating a cozy interior

Useful advice!For the square bay window will look perfectly rectangular table for trapezoidal - Oval for semicircular - round.

If the bay is located in the bedroom or living room, then this place can be equipped with working area with a small table for a laptop, books, or to engage in hand-mades. This layout is convenient because in the daytime work area is sufficiently illuminated by natural light and can be installed spotlights in the mini-cabinet for tonight's performance, graceful floor lamp or powerful desk lamp.

If the niche is large bay located in the children's room, it is possible to use the space under the playing area with shelves and baskets for toys. You can create a simulation of the kitchen area or workshop for girls for boys. If students live in the room, then it is advisable to equip the workplace that is well lit in the daytime.

Oriel room in the children's room can carry not only decorative but also functional load

Oriel room in the children's room can carry not only decorative but also functional load

If the window opens an unattractive view, you can turn back to the window, and to organize the working area in the form of round table tops diameter of a bay window. Here you can also equip the recreation area by installing a small sofa in the bay window, which is ideal for entertaining.

Useful advice!In should be used as a work surface windowsillAt the bottom of which can be positioned spacious cupboards for office or securities.

The bedroom can be arranged oriel niche mini gym, equipped with sitting area, to create a semblance of winter garden or to put a roomy chest of drawers with a large mirror in a wooden frame, thus creating a zone Beauty.

The horizontal lines in the design of bay windows allow visually expand the space

The horizontal lines in the design of bay windows allow visually expand the space

The design of a living room with a bay window

When making the design of the room with a bay window in a niche you can make a place for relaxation and comfort, reception and tea. Here you can set a small, cozy sofa or compact coffee table with a pair of soft comfortable chairs. This place would be comfortable for evening gatherings or friendly teas. The oriel recess can be equipped with a place in the mini dance floor or put a home theater. Recreate the soothing warm atmosphere in the living room will help inspirational photo living room with a bay window.

Oriel recess is the brightest spot in the room, so you can arrange a small home greenhouse. Among the plants can be put small statues and a room fountain. This ingenious solution will fill the room serenity and tranquility. Photo design living room with bay windows showcase the different variants of the premises.

Bay window easily becomes the most favorite place in the entire house

Bay window easily becomes the most favorite place in the entire house

With the help of drywall constructions space turns into a comfortable couch with a small library underneath. Separate space in the niche of the total area of ​​the room is possible by hanging thick curtains for bay window in the living room, or to create an additional structure in the form of a decorative room divider.

In the niche you can organize the workplace, equipped minikabinet. There can be arranged a table with a computer, or to organize a working surface for needlework classes. Making interior oriel recess is important to use a typical textile decor.

Oriel bay - great for workplace organization

Oriel bay - great for workplace organization

If the windows bay window offers a beautiful panorama of the nature, do not drape them with heavy dark curtains. For bay window in the living room, photo visualize design options for space, it is best to choose a transparent air tulleWhich will give access to natural light. To adjust the intensity penetration of sunlight into the room with a bay window, a good option is to use different kinds of shutters. Make the atmosphere cozy and comfortable, that it is positioned to peace and rest, you can use the textile decoration in the form of soft curtains, swags and brushes.

Useful advice!When choosing curtains should avoid products with rich colors and ornate patterns that will significantly burden the overall design.

The maximum possible lack of walls in the bay window and large windows give a sense of freedom

The maximum possible lack of walls in the bay window and large windows give a sense of freedom

Erker unusual architectural element that can be represented in an extraordinary performance. He is not only the decoration of the building facade is proven photo of one-storey houses with bay windows, highlighting it prominently on Compared to other buildings, but also enhances the functionality of the interior, which is located niche.

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