Interior room: the transformation of the original space

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The living room is the soul of the house where the whole family gets together for hanging. This is a room for receiving guests, where there should be cozy, warm and comfortable. Interior room is represented by a unique mix, which should be combined together publicity halls and private rooms of the hosts. Option processing facilities depends on its size, the selected stylistic trends and personal preferences of family members.

Interior room: the transformation of the original premises

Living room - this is the soul of the house where the whole family gets together for hanging


  • 1 Interior room: general recommendations for the design of the room
  • 2 The color palette for the living room: photos INTERIOR
  • 3 Options plan living area: features and nuances
  • 4 Option walls in the design design living room: photos of interesting solutions
  • 5 The choice of flooring for the living room
  • 6 ceiling design in the interior of the living room in the house
  • 7 The role of lighting in the interior of the living room: the design room photo
  • 8 The choice of furniture, textiles and decoration in creating the interior for living room
  • 9 Recommendations for decorating the living room in an apartment-Khrushchev
  • 10 Interior features a living room in a private house
    • 10.1 The interior of the living room in a private home with a fireplace
  • 11 Interior features a living room, open plan kitchen
  • 12 interior design ideas living room combined with bedroom

Interior room: general recommendations for the design of the room

The living room is a special place in the house where the rest, spend time with a book, watching television, taking guests. Therefore, it is important to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere, which will appeal to all its inhabitants.

Small living room should be framed as comfortable and original

Small living room should be framed as comfortable and original

In developing the interior space, it should take into account the interests of each family member. Proper zoning area will arrange a place for creativity, work or sports area. Interior space will depend on its size. The overall and brighter living space, the expressive will living room design.

Small room should be decorated as comfortable and original. Visually expand the size of the room will be possible through the use of design ideas for the living room in the form of the use of mirror and glass surfaces, lighting fixtures, light finish.

Developing interior room should take into account the interests of each family member

developing interior living room should take into account the interests of each family member

Useful advice!For small apartments the most successful option is to combine several facilities, such as a living room with a bedroom, kitchen or office.

Various materials can be used for decoration. The main thing is that they are reliable and of good quality, so that will be able to create not only comfortable, but also safe for the interior health. Modern living involves the use of a harmonious combination of different materials that cover the surface of the room elements.

Furniture in the living room is chosen taking into account the dimensions of the room

Furniture for living room selected taking into account the dimensions of the room

The selection and combination of colors in the interior living depend on the stylistic trends of interior decoration premises. However, developing the design of the room, you should prefer a calm shades. Give the room dynamics and vitality, you can use bright accent elements, which are embodied in the decoration, furniture, textiles and decor.

Furniture selected taking into account the dimensions of the room. do not install massive specimens in a small room. It is better to choose a multifunctional model transformers, through which you can get extra beds, hidden storage. The central place in the living room is given a fireplace, which can be intricate, original performance. In a private house settling a real focus, and for the apartments can be used in the interior of the living room fireplace trim (photos clearly show the different device models).

The selection and combination of colors in the interior of the living room depends on the selected stylistic directions

The selection and combination of colors in the interior of the living room depends on the selected stylistic directions

Particular attention is paid to lighting the room. besides traditional chandelierThat is located in the central part of the ceiling in the living room will look appropriate wall sconces, floor lamps and spotlights. The special flavor peculiar to the chosen style of interior, will make a stylistic textiles and decor, which must be combined with decoration.

The color palette for the living room: photos INTERIOR

Character and mood of the interior defined by the chosen color scheme of the room. If the room is located on the sunny side, there are no restrictions in the choice of colors. The northern orientation of the room should be preferred warm palette of light, so that will be able to compensate for the lack of light, making the room cozy and relaxing.

Laconic interior for a living will be able to create with gray or blue

Laconic interior for a living will be able to create with gray or blue

The choice of color also depends on what kind of emotional and visual impact should create room. If the room will be used for active pastime and tumultuous gatherings, the design can be decorated with bright saturated colors, original prints, non-trivial elements of the decor and textiles that demonstrate real photos of the interiors living rooms in apartment. If the room is necessary to create a calm and relaxing environment, then the preferred light soft tones.

Universal option for registration is considered to be the living room of white color, which is typical for a variety of stylistic directions. It can be used as a basic motif or it may be a bright background for accent elements. Originally it will look like a black and white living room interior. A good solution would be to use several tones of the same color. This room will look dull and original.

The choice of color depends on what kind of emotional and visual impact should create room

The choice of color depends on what kind of emotional and visual impact should create room

Laconic interior for a living will be able to create with the help of gray, which is a good backdrop for colorful decorative elements in the form of cushions, curtains or paintings. Dilute the gloomy interior of the living room in shades of gray help yellow, purple, burgundy and shades of berry, which will accentual in achromatic palette. Good looks warm beige living room with a splash of pink or brown. Against this background, it will be organically look like wood furniture to calm cold colors or interior elements bright natural colors.

Quiet, romantic mood is due to the abundance of pastel colors. In this case, a soft relaxed atmosphere can be created through the use of bright wallpaper in the living room interior. Photo room design illustrate that using bright contrasting colors, which are used in the decoration, furniture and textiles, the situation can be more expressive.

The northern orientation of the room should be preferred warm palette

The northern orientation of the room should be preferred warm palette

Fashion trend is to use natural colors, which are often found in nature. The blue color of this area will make the living room of relaxation, filling it with air and coolness. In the green room you can fully relax after a busy day. Sand and yellow colors fill the room with warmth and cheerfulness. To supplement the solar interior will brown and white details.

Options plan living area: features and nuances

There are many ways to plan lounge, which is determined by the size of the room, the presence of adjacent rooms, number of windows and the personal preferences of the owners. Based on this selected functional zones location principle, embodiments and methods of amplification illumination visual change irregular geometry of the room.

Along the walls or in the corners of the room can be placed high or open shelves, glass shelves for books

Along the walls or in the corners of the room can be placed high or open shelves, glass shelves for books

Furniture should be arranged so that each individual household was a place for the self-employed in the room. At the same time they are in sight, yet should not distract each other. Properly executed plan will allow to organize joint activities, without affecting personal space for each family member.

Living room preferably has a surface area of ​​16-20 m², which are arranged in the same space area rest, a place to watch TV, reception, extra bed, dining room and office.

Properly executed plan will allow to combine the living room with kitchen

Properly executed plan will allow to combine the living room with kitchen

Recreation area should occupy a central place. It consists of elements of upholstered furniture, TV and coffee table. The selected composition, which are grouped around the remaining elements of furniture can be arranged in center of the room or borrow one of its halves, as is clearly shown in the photo living room 20 interior sq. m apartment.

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Features and characteristics of rural style, guidelines for choosing the finish for walls and ceilings, furniture, textiles and decorative items.

Another part of the premises may be used for the location of the working area where installed a computer desk, shelving for books and documents. For lessons in needlework is convenient to arrange a place for creativity with-transformer cabinet. The dining area is limited to a table with chairs.

Furniture in the living room should be located in such a way that each individual household was a place for self-employed

Furniture in the living room must be positioned in such a way that each individual household was a place for self-employed

Important!For families with children it is very important to arrange the living area for the games with the child, so that he will feel a full member of the family.

can be positioned high open shelves or glass shelves for books along the walls or in the corners of the room, dishes and various decorative elements that adorn much common space, making it bright accents. Different versions of the room layout, you can see in the photo living room of the apartment interiors.

Option walls in the design design living room: photos of interesting solutions

Finishing materials for a living are selected based on the concept of style, which has been selected for the decoration of the room. Despite this, there are some general guidelines to help in the selection of practical and aesthetic options.

To decorate the living room wall should be self-colored materials to create a basis for filling the interior space. Very popular wallpaper in the living room. Photo Interior confirmed the presence on the market a wide variation of textures, colors and product designs. For fans constantly change something most rational solution would be textured paintable wallpaper. This finish allows often transform the appearance of the room.

Especially popular in the interior of the living room enjoys a brick

Especially popular in the interior of the living room enjoys a brick

The most winning option to create an additional comfort - fabric wallpaper that looks royally. The articles may be velor, felt or linen. Despite the high cost, textile wall characterized by environmental friendliness and durability. Colors do not fade in the sun, so long preserved the original appearance surface.

Original and stylish look in the living room wall of unusual textures that create a decorative plaster. In this case, you can play the colors, combining different colors surface. Pearlescent lacquer, applied to the painted textured wall, illuminating the room and shine a rainbow glow. Among the unusual solutions can be identified laminate on the wall in the living room interior.

The walls in the living room should be self-colored finish materials to create the basis for the internal filling space

The walls in the living room should be self-colored finish materials to create the basis for the internal filling space

Modern and stylish look wallpapers that are suited not only for spacious living. In a small room light fabric with diagonal lines or perspective view can expand the space.

For the walls can use a combination of different materials. Originally it will look in the interior of the living room brick wall, complete with stucco surfaces. Admire its harmony protecting elements of the room, decorated with two different versions of the wallpaper texture and color. The wall near the fireplace can be lined with brickwork or stone is finished, it will give the interior an original look. Especially popular in the interior of the living room enjoys a white brick.

Finishing materials for a living are selected based on the concept of style

Finishing materials for a living are selected based on the concept of style

Selecting wall decoration determined not only by the room design style, but also its size. In the dimensional indoor surface can be decorated moldings, which are extensions of the ceiling or cornice performed in separate vertical or horizontal lines. Such walls with sections reminiscent of the palace finish that looks very original and stylish with a modern twist.

Useful advice!In a small room for a smooth wall is chosen minimalist monochrome finish.

The choice of flooring for the living room

For flooring living room suitable building materials that are resistant to mechanical stress and wear resistance. Their choice is subject to the overall style of the room. Low embodiments presented and linoleum flooring. You can use ceramic tiles for the kitchen-living room.

Parquet is suitable for any interior. This high-grade material, which is characterized by resistance, environmental friendliness and durability. Parquet presented in a wide variety of species, which makes it possible to select a suitable color and pattern. It will make the living room a truly luxurious parquet oak, curly birch or mahogany. This floor will be well harmony in the interior of the living room in an apartment with a fireplace, giving the room a special warmth and comfort. There are many options for laying parquet it allows you to create original floor surface, as demonstrated in the photo beautiful living rooms.

To make the living comfort and finality on the floor you can lay carpet

To make the living comfort and finality on the floor you can lay carpet

Very popular laminate. It is durable, wear-resistant material, which does not fade and endures mechanical shock and impact, easy to clean. Especially refined will look model which is easily visible texture of the wood. From a wide range of products you can choose materials with a smooth, monochromatic or glossy surface, whereby a floor covering may be a neutral background or accent element hall.

Make the room warm and calm will help the fluffy floor covering as carpet. The material is presented in a wide variety of colors, allowing you to choose coverage under any style of interior.

The most advantageous will look cover, imitating wood, stone, leather

The most advantageous will look cover, imitating wood, stone, leather

Ceramic tiles for the living room is rarely used. This is due to its cold surface, it can create discomfort for households. However, it can be laid under the floor heating system that will eliminate this drawback. This is the most suitable option for the kitchen-living room, which can be seen in the photo living rooms. Material presented in a wide range of species.

The most advantageous will look cover, imitating wood, stone, leather, with floral or geometric patterns. For the hall, you can use the material muted or bright colors with a matte or glossy surface that give the living room a royal look.

For flooring living room suitable building materials that are resistant to mechanical stress

For flooring living room suitable building materials that are resistant to mechanical stress

The original solution is combined variant of a floor covering comprising several materials for each functional zone, as evidenced by photo realistic interior room.

To make the living comfort and completeness of the floor should be laid carpet, which is chosen based on the design of the room. It can be placed on the entire area of ​​the room or stay near the recreation area.

ceiling design in the interior of the living room in the house

Variant design of the ceiling depends on the size of the room. For a small room is not necessary to arrange stacked structure, which will compress the inner space. And in this case it is better to abandon various moldings and pilasters on the ceiling. The best option for a small room is perfectly smooth white ceiling. Give a sense of depth, you can use a narrow ledge that covers the perimeter of the room.

The effect of increasing the visual space can be obtained using two-story ceiling with a small a height difference on the upper surface of which is arranged inside illuminated as spotlights. This technique will give the effect of depth by creating soft diffused light. As a result, the room will seem more spacious and high, as seen in the photos of the interior living a simple apartment.

Variant design of the ceiling depends on the size of the room

Variant design of the ceiling depends on the size of the room

Important!Techniques to visually increase the height of the room should not be used in rooms with high ceilings, as this will create the effect of staying at the bottom of a very deep well.

In narrow rooms with high ceilings need to visually reduce the height of the room, using hinged stacked structure. This living room will seem more cozy and comfortable.

Some interior styles imply the presence of wooden beams on the ceiling

Some interior styles imply the presence of wooden beams on the ceiling

The spacious rooms with sufficient ceiling height, you can safely experiment with its design. The surface may be concise, painted in white color, have a convoluted shape, which is achieved by through the organization of multi-level structures, the use of stucco and festoons, complex system lighting. Different variants of ceilings in the living room shown in the photo interiors in a private home.

Useful advice!In a room with several functional areas to maintain a given zoning can arrange the ceiling accordingly.

Most of the interior living room style suggest a white ceiling

Most of the interior living room style suggest a white ceiling

living room interior in the style of Provence presupposes white ceiling. For registration ceiling in other stylistic directions warm, soft pastels can be used, which are suitable for any interior. To create extravagant design, you can experiment with bright colors. However, it is important not to overdo it. The entire ceiling surface should not draw in full color. It is better to allocate the original tone of one part of a multi-tiered structure that creates a gorgeous effect.

The role of lighting in the interior of the living room: the design room photo

The key to successful design is a well-organized lighting system, which creates the maximum effect of all design ideas.

Ceiling fixture acts as the main lighting unit

Ceiling fixture acts as the main lighting unit

The role of the instrument lighting living room ceiling chandelier performs. Most advantageous it would look like in a spacious room. For a small room is better to organize a few lights around the perimeter of the living room, allowing room will seem larger. With the help of built-in lighting can be controlled light level areas, without overloading the room design. Such light sources correspond to any interior. Photo of beautiful living rooms in the apartment illustrate the different options for the lighting of the room.

In addition to the main lighting, which should be bright, should organize additional areas that are used for the isolation of functional areas. This will allow to cover all corners of the room, leaving dark areas. As additional light sources may be used wall sconce, desktop and floor lamps, floor lamps. A good solution is to use LED tracks in niches or on open shelves for the lighting of certain decorative objects.

For a small room is better to organize a few lights around the perimeter of the living room

For a small room is better to organize a few lights around the perimeter of the living room

In rooms with low ceilings create a visual extension of the space will help the parallel light sources located on the ceiling and the floor.

For the living room is better to choose white light that will create a feeling of spaciousness. Yellow light can be used for evening subdued lighting that will bring warm and cozy atmosphere.

The choice of furniture, textiles and decoration in creating the interior for living room

Living room furniture is chosen based on the selected design style living in an apartment or house. It is mandatory to be present sofa, coffee table and storage system of things in the form of cabinets, shelves, walls, cabinets and shelves. The number of items of furniture is chosen based on the dimensions of the room, which should not unduly overload.

For small rooms the best option is considered to be multifunctional furniture-transformer: sofa bed, wardrobe, which is transformed into a bed, a folding table and chairs, beds. A good solution is segmented furniture, individual elements which can be positioned anywhere in the room. Originally will look translucent products in the form of a table, chairs and shelves. Very popular today enjoy white furniture in the living room interior (photo - a visual confirmation).

Living room furniture is chosen based on the selected style living room decoration

Living room furniture is chosen based on the selected style living room decoration

For spacious rooms, you can use a variety of options for upholstered furniture. The main thing is to harmonize with the overall concept of living.

Option arrangement of furniture depends on the geometry of the room. In a square room furniture ensemble is better positioned in the center and in a right - along the walls, freeing up space to move.

The curtains should be in harmony with the color of upholstered furniture

blinds You should be in harmony with the color of upholstered furniture

The choice of decor and textiles also depends on the stylistic direction in which the interior room is made in a country house or apartment. Curtains matched in tone to the soft upholstery. For the living room is better to use light translucent curtains, capable of transmitting the maximum amount of daylight. Welcome an abundance of pillows on the couch. If the living room is a dining table, it must be covered with a beautiful cloth.

Decorative elements fill the room with life and comfort. Such details should not only emphasize the general style of the room, but also to talk about the nature and interests of the household.

Useful advice!Should not be unduly overload the space decorative elements, as this will create a sense of chaos and disorder in the living room.

Recommendations for decorating the living room in an apartment-Khrushchev

Living in the Khrushchev is small in size. Despite the fact that the location of the sofa, a small coffee table, TV and a pair of racks room size is more than enough room in the spacious feel much freer and more comfortable. There are two options to facilitate the expansion of small rooms: a real increase in its dimensions with the help of redevelopment and use of design techniques.

The bands on the floor contribute to increasing the visual space

The bands on the floor contribute to increasing the visual space

The most common type of redevelopment in the Khrushchev is to combine the living room with kitchen, hallway and a balcony that allows you to get a studio apartment.

Useful advice!Interesting and convenient solution is considered to be the installation of sliding-door wardrobes wall between the kitchen area, bedroom and hall.

Living in the Khrushchev - a small room, so do not pick up large furniture

Living in the Khrushchev - a small room, so do not pick up large furniture

If you are unable or unwilling to remove the excess wall, you can use the design solutions for the expansion of space. Make room bulkier and visually manage increasingly using mirror surfaces that possess light-reflecting effect. This can be mirrored cabinet doors, suspended ceiling and sleek decorative elements.

Create a realistic illusion of help wallpapers with a properly chosen image: landscape with an opening prospect, a picture with noticeable play of light or 3D plot format. In the background is better to use wallpaper beige interior. Photo living showcase interesting options.

Design techniques of expansion of space is to organize proper illumination

Design techniques of expansion of space is to organize proper illumination

Visually increase small space graphic illustration. Horizontal lines are able to push the wall, visually expanding the room, and the vertical - lifts the ceiling, making the room above. The original solution is to use a laminate on the walls in the interior of the living room - this is a photo showcase.

The bands on the floor also contribute to an increase in the visual space. For this purpose one can use the floorboard, dark laminate in combination with a light carpeting.

There are two options to facilitate the expansion of the small hall: redevelopment and use of design techniques

There are two options to facilitate the expansion of the small hall: redevelopment and use of design techniques

Important!Line perpendicular to the window, make the room visually longer and parallel - wider.

Another design technique of expansion of space is to organize proper illumination. The main place is given to the ceiling chandelier for a few light bulbs. According to the perimeter of the ceiling would be appropriate to accommodate spotlights. Niche under the TV and open shelves can be illuminated by a diode backlight. For evening teleseansov desirable to organize an unusual multi-colored illumination with blue, purple, orange and green colors.

Interior features a living room in a private house

Private house is characterized by the specific nature of the structure, which is reflected in the layout of the premises. The living room has a more impressive dimensions than this room in the apartment. It is often combined with the kitchen and dining room. Interesting options are shown in the photo design living room of 20 square meters. m.

Important!Despite the impressive size of the living room, it should not be too overloaded, but also numerous empty spaces will not bring the feeling of coziness and comfort.

Despite the impressive size of the living room in a private home, it should not be unduly overload

Despite the impressive size of the living room in a private home, it should not be unduly overload

In high-rise buildings is an important architectural element of the staircase, which is located in the living room. To make the atmosphere complete, the design must be harmoniously fit into the interior. Stairs can be framed to match the room or be accentual his element, playing on the contrast, as shown in the photo living room interior in a wooden house.

Stairs can be single, double, trehmarshevaya that depends on the height of the room. T- and arcuate structure is in the corner of the room, occupying two adjacent walls. A spiral staircase has a support post, so it does not require much space. An element looks neat and beautiful. In helical structure supporting member is absent. Its outer radius equal to 150 cm.

An important element in the living room in a private home is a real wood-burning fireplace

An important element in the living room in a private home is a real wood-burning fireplace

The structure may be made of metal, natural stone, different kinds of wood, glass, or mortar that is selected based on the selected design processing facilities and personal preferences. Stairway railing equipped with different modifications. They are forged, rezblennymi, glass, making the construction of a work of art.

The space under the stairs can be used as a storage area, there is a spacious closet organizing for books and other things. Interestingly it will look like the living area, framed by artificial lighting.

The interior of the living room in a private home with a fireplace

An important element in the living room in a private home is a real wood-burning fireplace, which will give the room an extra warmth and comfort. It can be placed in a corner along the wall, in the middle of the room. Corner fireplace in the interior of the living room is mainly used in small spaces and promotes creative furniture arrangement. Insular way of arrangement allows simultaneous high-grade heat your room and get a stylish and non-trivial detail of the interior.

The traditional solution is to trim fireplace. For its arrangement uses a special niche that you can decorate candles, a mirror surface, photographs, works of art. Very popular is the electric fireplace in the living room interior.

The furniture should be spaced not less than 1.5 m from the fireplace

The furniture should be spaced not less than 1.5 m from the fireplace

In the room with the fireplace it is important to properly arrange the furniture that will provide convenience for each family member and give the opportunity to contemplate the fire and enjoy it. A classic execution is the organization lounges, consisting of several comfortable seating, and a small coffee table lamp, which is clearly shown. Corner fireplace in the interior of the living room can be supplemented with rocking chairs or chairs with foot-stool. We can restrict puffs or frameless armchairs.

Important!The furniture should be located at a distance of not less than 1.5 m from the fire, which is necessary for compliance with fire safety regulations.

The traditional solution is to trim fireplace

The traditional solution is to trim fireplace

To separate the fire zone from the rest of living space the most correct option is to place a corner of the sofa. You can set two sofas facing side faces to the fire, between which it is recommended to place the coffee table. To a large living acceptably free arrangement of furniture. However, all seats should face the front part of the side or to the fireplace.

TV should not hang over the fireplace, as the radiant heat adversely affects the status of the device. In addition, such a tandem overload the interior. Do not place the TV in front of the fireplace. Fire will be reflected glare on the screen, creating discomfort when viewing. The most correct option is shown in the photo interior in the living room. Fireplace TV are aligned.

Interior features a living room, open plan kitchen

A good solution for small spaces is to combine the room with a kitchen, living room that is performed on the stage of repair. Photos clearly show the interesting options kitchen-living room. This space needs in the visual demarcation of the zones for which the general mood of the set must be maintained. This can be achieved by using the same materials for walls, furniture fronts, with a similar color scheme other than a tone or two. May overlap hardware furniture, decoration items and textiles.

Delimit zones through different embodiments can walls and a floor, which differ in texture and color. You can use the arches, pillars, columns. They contribute to a clear understanding of the boundaries of functional zones, without hiding any of them out of sight. Original and stylish interior of the kitchen-living room in a private house look glass screens, mobile or stationary partitions. Zoning element can also serve a large aquarium.

For small apartments the most successful option is to combine several rooms

For small apartments the most successful option is to combine several rooms

It is advisable to set the bar between the kitchen and living room. The most functional solution is a storage area arrangement intended for location dishes and other utensils (from the kitchen), and used in the form of a book rack (from living room). Extraordinary looks partition with built-in electric fireplace in the interior of the living room - photos clearly reflect this.

Between the zones can put a dining table with chairs, which will plan the placement of kitchen furniture is correct. As the separating element is often used sofa and a pair of seats facing in the living room.

Delimit zones through different embodiments can walls and floor

Delimit zones through different embodiments can walls and floor

Interesting and original will look zoning, which is carried out by lifting the floor in the kitchen and reduce the ceiling in the living room. Another way of space division organization is proper lighting in the kitchen, living room in the form of spotlights and strip lighting. The most advantageous is the lighting looks on multilevel false ceiling, making the light is diffused softly and evenly.

interior design ideas living room combined with bedroom

Making a bedroom-living room begins with choosing the location of the sleeping area and the space for receiving guests. And also need to think about working and dressing area. In the space reserved for rest and sleep, should be placed only a bed. The living area is recommended to install a sofa, armchairs, a small table and a TV. Separate the two functional areas, you can use storage cabinets located by the bedroom and an open shelf, where are the books, fresh flowers and decorative elements. Various design options are shown in the photo living room interior in the style of Provence.

Divide two functional zones by using the rack or enclosure

Divide two functional zones by using the rack or enclosure

If the room is not enough natural light, for a functional division is better to use a soft option in the form of curtains that will bring in the interior of elegance and harmony. Glass partition matte fill light room, with its delimit into functional portions. A good solution is the screen, which can vary in different seasons, as shown in living pictures.

for registration combined bedroom-living room should prefer a bright serene palette. Bright accents can be made by applying the decorative accessories and parts. Contrasting colors will focus on unnecessary details, reducing the space visually. Similar in color shades to smooth things over and hide flaws.

Making a bedroom-living room implies a bedroom area and a space for receiving guests

Making a bedroom-living room implies a bedroom area and a space for receiving guests

When choosing furniture in the bedroom, the living room little functional options should be avoided. Will help save space folding furniture. Their choice is better to stop on the corner sofas, folding chairs, cabinets coupe, bolted to the wall tops, built-in drawers.

Useful advice!TV and other equipment should be hung on the wall or integrated into furniture.

you must arrange the lighting of different brightness levels for the room. Living zone must be illuminated by a bright light. For a berth should be preferred bedside lamps or wall sconces with subdued light.

living room interior design is subject to certain rules that depend on the size, shape and style directions of the room. Following useful recommendations, you can create a cozy, comfortable and stylish living room, where you can will be fully unwind and relax with your family, and invite guests for friendly gatherings.

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