Construction of houses from a bar with your hands: technology features

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Choosing the technology and materials to build a house, many owners prefer the home from a bar. This decision is due to a number of positive aspects, including the ability to independently carry out all the necessary work. Consider how the construction of houses from a bar with your hands should be held in order to eventually get a beautiful and safe building.

Construction of houses from a bar with your hands: technology features

Home from a bar, you can build your own or buy design services and turnkey


  • 1 Construction of houses from a bar with your hands: wood selection rules
  • 2 Home from a bar with your hands: which is better, solid, glued or shaped beam?
    • 2.1 The construction of wooden houses from profiled bars: advantages and disadvantages
    • 2.2 Construction of a wooden house from a bar: the advantages of solid timber
    • 2.3 Features of the construction of houses made of glued beam
    • 2.4 House of laminated veneer lumber: reviews and recommendations owners
    • 2.5 Wooden houses from a bar: preparation for independent construction
  • 3 On what foundation you need to build a house from a bar: selection rules
  • 4 How to build a single-storey house from a bar: step by step instructions on building walls
  • 5 How to build a house from a bar: Features installation of roof and floor
  • 6 Features of finishing the house from a bar: photo examples
  • 7 Timber houses Turnkey: examples of projects, prices and descriptions
    • 7.1 House of shaped timber from the company turnkey DomaTo
    • 7.2 "Vudstail" - the house of laminated veneer lumber: photos, description, reviews, cost
    • 7.3 One-story houses from a bar under the key: OD-7 project 8h12
  • 8 Finnish houses made of glued beam: what it is, and how they differ from the rest
  • 9 Rules of care of the timber house: how to extend the life of a wooden house
  • 10 How to build your own home from a bar: video instruction for beginners

Construction of houses from a bar with your hands: wood selection rules

Selection of a suitable quality wood - the first and one of the most important aspects that determine the success of the construction. And because the wood as any other material, has its own characteristics and advantages, should take a responsible approach to its selection and purchase.

Through the use of laminated veneer lumber for construction, construction gained a strong, reliable and durable

Through the use of laminated veneer lumber for construction, construction gained a strong, reliable and durable

The first characteristics that are worth paying attention to when choosing wood - its density and strength. For different types of wood, this figure is different and there are even some that are as good as metal. Therefore, in the selection process it is important to pay attention to it, because even a small house made of timber should be constructed so that no problems withstanding severe loading.

Here are the basic requirements to be met by a good home from a bar:

  • walls should be strong, reliable and durable;
  • level of heat and sound insulation should be high enough;
  • the project must be drafted in such a way that the load is not provoked subsidence and deformation of the walls.

If you decide to build a house from a bar, then make these indicators more than real. And, nevertheless, still have to put up with some shortcomings of wood. For example, the timber has an extremely low level of fire safety. In addition, he is inclined to react negatively to rainfall, partially deformed as a result of their exposure.

quality wood for building houses ekspluatatsinnogo determines the duration of the period of the building

quality wood for building houses ekspluatatsinnogo determines the duration of the period of the building

Important!Sediment deformation process is especially important for the first few years of operation at home. In the future, if it is observed, then a much lesser extent.

To build a house from a bar of the best from softwood trees. Thus, you get several advantages: the life of this bar quite a long while he the most resistant to the processes of decay, is lightweight, it has a positive effect on the foundation and eventually not crack.

Thus, the selection of suitable material - is no less important issue than adherence to the prescribed construction technology. In the process of buying you should pay attention to the quality of the acquired timber, selecting only the best material, which is able to last for many years.

To the building has all the necessary characteristics, it is worth pre-acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of timber as a material for construction

To the building has all the necessary characteristics, it is worth pre-acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of timber as a material for construction

Home from a bar with your hands: which is better, solid, glued or shaped beam?

There are two types of timber: a one-piece profiled. For the construction of houses are used both, but to opt for the most suitable option, it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of both.

The construction of wooden houses from profiled bars: advantages and disadvantages

In case of corrugated timber for construction, necessarily required profile. In this case it can be spikes or girth groove. With their help the timber is sealed over the entire length and then polished. Typically, timber for building it sold already fully finished, so that the owner can only collect the structure of the provided elements. Here are the advantages characteristic of such a decision:

  • resistance to deformation in such structures is extremely high;
  • at such cost technology construction substantially reduced;
Cost of construction of the hand-chopped logs is significantly higher than from profiled timber

Cost of construction of the hand-chopped logs is significantly higher than from profiled timber

  • Construction technology of the house a little bit easier than in all other cases;
  • smooth surface of the walls is obtained, which eliminates the need to further their sheathing;
  • inside the walls will not collect rainwater and melt water, so that the level of protection against decay may also be called quite high.

Important!In the production of high quality profiled bar produced some calculations that prevent ingress of rain in mezhventsovogo seams.

Clear and beautiful form of material makes it possible to quickly and thus qualitatively carry out all the necessary construction work. In addition, such houses are characterized by a high level of thermal insulation and have an attractive appearance.

The structure of the complex design requires careful calculations at the design stage

The structure of the complex design requires careful calculations at the design stage

Once the home of the profiled house sits, there is no need to waste time and effort on it to caulk the wall. Natural windscreen walls of the house will be quite sufficient, and insulation is also obtained quite decent due to the high density of the crown compounds.

Of course, as with any other material, have shaped timber and disadvantages. For example, any atmospheric effects he suffers badly. Furthermore, the material is extremely easy to illuminate and actively supports combustion. In order to somehow reduce these negative factors, the wood is required to handle special protective impregnation.

Important!Due to exposure to natural atmospheric humidity during the warm beams often crack. Therefore it is necessary to attend to the search of such a material, the humidity of which was initially lowered to not less than 20%. They do it by resorting to the drying chamber technology.

Another important aspect - the thickness of the walls made of profiled bar, enough for a comfortable stay in a fairly harsh climate of our country. Therefore it is best to resort to additional external insulation.

Construction of timber house requires careful adjustment of each element

Construction of timber house requires careful adjustment of each element

Construction of a wooden house from a bar: the advantages of solid timber

Of course, you should pay attention to the construction of houses made of solid timber. Despite the fact that its appearance is considerably inferior to the first embodiment, it is used in the construction of a fairly wide and has some advantages. One of the main - the cost. Another important factor - in the preparation of the wood, its natural moisture is retained, which significantly reduces the the duration of the preparatory phase and eliminates the need for a number of additional measures.

Buy a one-piece timber is somewhat simpler than any other, since the production of this material takes substantially less time. In addition, in order to build a quality home from a bar does not require special equipment.

But there is such a decision, and their drawbacks:

  • wall surface necessarily require significant finishing work, which would increase costs. Most of these houses sheathe siding or clapboard;
  • there is still a risk to buy low-quality material inexperience;
Timber as a natural material that requires special protective equipment

Timber as a natural material that requires special protective equipment

  • one-piece timber is exposed to the fungus, as a special drying procedures are not provided. This can partly be solved by special surface treatments, but it also involves costs;
  • because of the stitches mezhventsovogo a house is blown strongly enough. Therefore, a high-quality thermal insulation is necessary to think in any case;
  • often after shrinkage in the wood cracks.

Features of the construction of houses made of glued beam

Log houses Turnkey is not uncommon today. This wood product is very widely used in construction and it is also suitable for self-realization of the project. One of the main advantages of such a solution - a box of the house being built quickly enough. The walls are obtained in this case is extremely durable and able to withstand severe loads.

Glued laminated timber is one of the most popular materials for the construction of the house

Glued laminated timber is one of the most popular materials for the construction of the house

Due to the special production technology, we can not worry about that glulam crack or deform under the weight of the roof, due to the fact that the slats fibers are directed in different directions. Glulam can be called environmentally friendly material. True, there is one subtlety - the production of matter how quality has been used adhesive composition, since it is the components can have a negative impact on the health of people living in house. That is why the price of the house of laminated veneer lumber should not be too low.

Glued laminated timber best similar material resists fire. To a house on fire, it will require approximately 10 minutes of continuous exposure to an open flame. Also this type of timber and resistant to rotting process and mold.

Interesting! Within the walls of the timber of glue do not live insects, as each piece is thoroughly dried and sealed very tightly. For the same reason, it does not fall into the rain water and snow.

To build a house of laminated veneer lumber may be their own hands, using the finished project

construct House of laminated veneer lumber can be their own hands, using the finished project

Do not forget about some of the complexities associated with the construction of houses from glued beams. Reviews of the owners, for example, suggest that there is such a material does not quite cheap, and call it accessible to all can not be. In addition, as already mentioned, a major role is the quality of the glue that is used in the production process that virtually no way to check for sure.

Sometimes you have to face the fact that the manufacturer is irresponsible approached the process of forming the profile and angular or lock detail. In this case, you can be faced with a violation of the proportions of the whole boxes that impact negatively on the building, which means that the price of houses from glued beams under the key in this case is absolutely not justified. Also worth noting is a fairly low level of thermal insulation of the material: laminated veneer lumber practically keeps the heat inside the building.

Related article:

How to build your house with your own hands and how to do it cheaper

Milestones and important nuances of building a house. Budget projects based on different materials and the correct ways to save.

House of laminated veneer lumber: reviews and recommendations owners

Taking into account the cost of building houses from glued beams, before construction is useful to pay attention to what they say the owners of these buildings, because only they can provide the most accurate information about the quality and practicality of the operation of such houses.

Glued laminated timber is an environmentally friendly material, but it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of quality certificate from the manufacturer

Glued laminated timber is an environmentally friendly material, but it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of quality certificate from the manufacturer

"We contacted the company, which is engaged in construction of houses made of glued laminated timber turnkey. The construction itself took about 1.5 months. Live in the second year and one winter have already experienced. I can say that the house is very comfortable. Heat is well preserved, and no problems with the wind blowing out there. "

Vyacheslav, Yaroslavl

"Not surprisingly, the cost of the house of laminated veneer lumber is the highest. I'm still exploring options, read many times that this is the best option. Therefore, currently a built. Generally, wooden houses of laminated veneer lumber - this is a good designer: work extremely easy, nice and everything very quickly. "

Yuri, Krasnodar

Wooden houses from a bar: preparation for independent construction

Decide what type of timber is more suitable for the construction of your home, you can continue with the preparatory work and the purchase of materials. The easiest way to order the desired size timber. Then all that remains to do - to lay out his box on the instructions from the manufacturer.

Construction of two-storey houses of timber requires careful calculations to ensure that the building was safe and had a long life

Construction of two-storey houses of timber requires careful calculations to ensure that the building was safe and had a long life

In preparation, always pay attention to the fact that used wood was proper quality. In identifying large cracks (especially through) mandatory element must be replaced. It is also necessary to inspect for the presence of traces of insects. Also, do not forget about the importance of material handling antiseptic.

In order to carry out all necessary works on erection of buildings on their own, you need a set of tools, among which must be:

  • I saw electric or gasoline;
  • building level;
  • electric drill;
  • yardstick;
  • punch;
  • ax;
  • hammer;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • nails, screws and other fasteners.
for house construction project can be developed independently or acquire a construction company

for house construction project can be developed independently or acquire a construction company

No less important is the availability of drawing home from a bar. In the process of drawing up a detailed plan of all the necessary calculations must be performed. And although it is quite possible to do it yourself, many people prefer to turn to professionals to eliminate the risk of errors that can lead to serious consequences.

On what foundation you need to build a house from a bar: selection rules

After preparing all the necessary drawings and materials, you can begin to lay the foundation for future home. And in order to choose the most appropriate in a particular case, the base type, should take into account the following factors:

  • soil characteristics, existing in the area;
  • calculations that allow us to determine the expected load on the foundation;
  • Other design features of the house.
The foundation for the home from a bar must be selected on the basis of building parameters and geological data area

The foundation for the home from a bar must be selected on the basis of building parameters and geological data area

As the base may be used as a wood or concrete foundation. With that, more often resort just to the second option, laying on top of the brick plinth, and is already laying on top of the walls of the timber. Although the wooden base is also quite acceptable.

Construction of bar-shaped house can be made on the pier foundation as well as on the basis of the tape. Also resorted to the recessed and melkozaglublennomu foundation. But given the small overall weight of the structure, usually a base is not doing too great. Most often, enough of 50-70 cm, so that the house was secure.

How to build a single-storey house from a bar: step by step instructions on building walls

Building a house from a bar with your hands, without the experience of the construction - is actually not such a bad idea, as it may seem at first glance. Perform a self-stacking is quite possible, especially if you pre-define the assembly technology. The walls themselves lay out rows, just putting the next layer of the previous one, until the wall reaches the desired size.

There are several options notching logs - "in the cup" and "paw"

There are several options notching logs - "in the cup" and "paw"

Logs fit together provide special grooves. But these places are sure to further insulated to prevent heat loss. In order to increase the strength of the walls, it is advisable a further bond between the boards by means of special spikes.

The minimum amount of hassle is in the case of untreated pine timber, as due to its low weight calculations can be done manually, without attracting for this special technique.

Self-erecting walls of the timber, is to remember two basic rules:

  • All seams must be zakonopacheny to reduce vetroproduvaemost walls;
  • after the walls are, they definitely need to open a special compound, which will give them extra strength and fire resistance.
In wood products for the construction of the house you can buy ready-made timber with grooves

In wood products for the construction of the house you can buy ready-made timber with grooves

Otherwise, the one-storey houses made of beams: laminated, solid or profiled, can build one. A simple but effective technology will make the structure strong and reliable.

How to build a house from a bar: Features installation of roof and floor

In an effort to save money on the construction of the house from a bar, many admit the common mistake of not paying enough attention to the quality of the roof. Often it is used for cheap materials for Ondulina type. Doing so is not recommended, as the roof - this is, above all, safety.

Depending on the capabilities and preferences of the individual developer, the roof can be very different kind. It depends on the type of roofing and roof system. But in any case, each portion has to be equipped with different sized boards, For example, if the rafters have been selected elements 150h40 mm, for the pillars and struts need to take 100h40 mm.

Roof type should be selected based on the characteristics of the building and the foundation

Roof type should be selected based on the characteristics of the building and the foundation

As for the characteristics of the floor arrangement, there is the main factor - the choice of home owners. The main thing - to take care of the appropriate level of heat and waterproofing to cover in a short time has not come into disrepair. The same applies to the ceiling mount.

Important! If the house has a basement or a basement room, should pay attention to its waterproofing. Get layer of waterproofing material must in this case before the operation will be made to equalize or pouring screed.

In order to ensure a proper level of waterproofing in a wooden house, you can use the following materials:

  • waterproofing rolls;
  • obmazochnye materials;
  • flood system;
  • penetrating moisture protection.
The roof of the roof should be made according to the rules laying roofing pie

The roof of the roof should be made according to the rules laying roofing pie

Of course, home from a bar to permanent residence require investment, but it is better to take care of availability of quality base and the roof, so that later it was not necessary to correct the effects of eligible errors. The same applies to all materials for thermal and waterproofing.

Features of finishing the house from a bar: photo examples

Having dealt with the features of the technology of construction of houses from a bar, you should pay attention to some nuances finishing. First of all the works on the installation of interior partitions, windows and doors. Thereafter laid subfloor, insulation and topcoat. Be sure to trim the ceiling.

Important!All work on the laying of communications (water, sewerage, Energy and heating) must be completed before the start of the finish decorating.

Schemes laying all utilities in the house should be coordinated with the responsible municipal services

Schemes laying all utilities in the house should be coordinated with the responsible municipal services

As for the exterior finish, here there are many options: you can leave everything as it is, to lumber home look the most natural. But in this case you should make sure that you used timber looks quite attractive for this. Another option - to sheathe the walls, siding, and then using it to paint. In the same way using battens, and other similar materials.

Timber houses Turnkey: examples of projects, prices and descriptions

Despite the simplicity of the technology, not every site owner wants to mess with the construction of their own homes. Therefore, there are special companies ready to build a house from a bar turnkey, implementing one of the standard or your own personal design. Consider that we are ready to offer our customers the best construction companies.

Choose a house from a bar under the key by viewing the finished projects from the construction company directories

Choose a house from a bar under the key by viewing the finished projects from the construction company directories

House of shaped timber from the company turnkey DomaTo

The first model projects of timber house turnkey, quality and price which will please the customer is called D1. It occupies an area 7h9 m, and a total area of ​​just over 125 square meters. These dimensions make it possible to comfortably accommodate the whole family.

This home from a bar with a loft, that is, in fact, he has 1.5 floors. In addition, the plan has a spacious terrace, and a spacious balcony on the upper floor of the house. In the summer this area is indispensable to relax.

A closer look at the specifications and features of the structure:

  • initially in the project provided pier foundation, but if desired, the company's specialists are ready to individually calculate the belt or screw-pile-foundation for your home;
Driving home from the project log with terrace

Driving home from the project log with terrace

  • piping made of timber 100x150 mm. In putting the same in size as genital lag elements, increments 90-100 cm;
  • first floor wall profiled bar 95 is used (145 or 190) mm by 145 mm by jute canvas. Partition walls made of timber 95h145 mm;
  • the walls of the second floor - shaped beam 95h145 mm;
  • windows are provided with double glazing. All fittings are also attached. The entrance door is metal, without fittings;
  • for trusses used 40h100 boards or 150 mm, maintaining step is not more than 90 cm;
  • roof house - ondulin (you can choose color: brown, red or green);
  • height and the first and second floor is 2.5 m is used for the binder ceiling battens.;
  • staircase to the second etazh̶ wood and can be either odnomarshevoy and half-pace.
Project home from a bar to be drawn up in such a way as to optimize the load and prevent subsidence and deformation of the walls

Project home from a bar to be drawn up in such a way as to optimize the load and prevent subsidence and deformation of the walls

What exactly will be the price of the construction of timber houses completed, the company's specialists expect individually, taking into account many factors, among which the individual wishes customers. The only thing that can be described quite accurately - the cost of materials, which is offered by this company:

  • timber 100x150 mm - 744 rub .;
  • timber 150x150 mm - 806 rub .;
  • timber 150x200 mm - 898 rubles.

We can confidently say that the construction of houses from a bar under the key may not be the cheapest option, but it is more than justified, because it saves you from having to deal with all independently.

In the design of the house is better to provide a recreation area - the terrace

In the design of the house is better to provide a recreation area - the terrace

Useful advice!Before you finally decide on the company that will build your home, it is desirable to communicate with specialists from several companies. You can order them free estimates the cost of construction, and then choose the most suitable for themselves.

Summarizing, we can say that the house from a bar - it's a great idea, to realize that, in fact, not so difficult. Almost all the necessary work, if desired, can be carried out independently. You can also contact one of the companies that specialize in this matter and will be able to quickly and efficiently build a house of laminated veneer lumber beams turnkey.

"Vudstail" - the house of laminated veneer lumber: photos, description, reviews, cost

More detail to consider how much it costs to build a house from a bar, can be an example of this model. Construction company advertises the cost of 1303170 rubles. The total area of ​​the house is 118.37 m² (9.7h9.3 m).

The cost of construction of houses under the key to the company

The cost of construction of houses under the key to the company's "Vudstail" is laying the foundations, erection of walls and roofs

So, given the price of the house of laminated veneer lumber from the "Cedar" manufacturer includes the following activities:

  • laying the foundation;
  • erection of walls of laminated veneer lumber height of 2.7 m. assembly technology involves the use of wooden pegs, which are located at a distance of 1.5 m. Furthermore, 5mm web laid between lnodzhutovoe crowns. All surface necessarily processed preservative;
  • Flooring use waterproofing material - gidrostekloizol;
  • for overlap between floors using beams 50x200 mm;
  • 50h150 mm beam used for attic floor;
  • rafter - beams 50x200 mm. lathing made of cut 25h100 board, a step which is 25 cm. In a roofing material is used metal.
An example of the finished project from "Vudstail" company

An example of the finished project from "Vudstail" company

Interesting!This company offers its customers an interesting service - Weekly photo-progress reports by e-mail. This makes it possible to observe the process, without wasting time on a trip to the construction site.

One-story houses from a bar under the key: OD-7 project 8h12

As an example, consider a one-storey house project proposed by "Domabrusom". construction of house price of timber in this case depends on whether the thickness of the material used. Customers three options to choose from:

  • timber 100x150 mm - 720 000 rubles;
  • timber 150x150 mm - 806 000 rubles;
  • timber 200x150 mm - 900 000 rubles.
The cost of building the house turnkey from "Domabrus" depends on the thickness of the used timber

The cost of building the house turnkey from "Domabrus" depends on the thickness of the used timber

Initially provided support-pier foundation, however, it is possible to replace it with a screw-pile for a fee. Strapping used timber natural moisture 150x150 mm for the 1 st row and 150-100 mm for the 2nd line. floor joists are made of timber 50h150 mm increments from 60 to 70 cm.

As the material used for walls timber natural moisture 90h140 mm with Jute insulation whose thickness is 4 mm. For walls use the same board, but without insulation. Felling going on wooden birch Nagel.

For ceiling beams taking 50x100 mm with a pitch of 60-70 cm, and then further sutured Lining "B" and coiled heater which provides the proper level of thermal insulation. Vapor barrier material is deposited on both sides. Typically use a "Nanoizol" or its analogs.

3D project of a village house from profiled timber from "Domabrus" company

3D project of a village house from profiled timber from "Domabrus" company

Rafters - 50x100 mm bar disposed a distance of 800 mm. In use as a roofing material "Ondulin" of one of three colors: brown, green, or cherry. 30-inch overhang stitched lining.

The windows in the house are provided wooden, double glazed windows as well as all the necessary accessories. In addition, established and dull interior doors.

Useful advice! If you take the time to move, you can order a house from a bar under the shrinkage. In this case, the design should stand for 6-12 months without surfacing materials.

Driving the project one-storey house with a terrace

Driving the project one-storey house with a terrace

Finnish houses made of glued beam: what it is, and how they differ from the rest

Intrigued by the question of how to build a house made of beams, each reader will certainly meets the wording "Finnish home from a bar." Consider what it is, and what are the advantages of these structures.

These houses got its name thanks to one Finnish companies that are engaged in the manufacture of laminated veneer lumber of excellent quality. With the latest technology, as well as considerable experience in this field, its products have gained a leading position in the market, that was the reason for the emergence of such a name.

What, then, are the advantages of Finnish houses in comparison with the Russian counterparts, and why many people prefer them? The answer is very simple - it all depends on the quality of the raw materials used. Of course, the market situation is constantly changing, and today, many domestic companies are quite capable to make the Finnish competition, but the reputation of the second still keeps them on the cutting edge.

The price of timber house built on the Finnish technology, determined by many factors and aspects. These include materials used, as well as the size and complexity of the structure. All this can be pre-calculate, draw up a detailed project and budget.

For the construction of houses using Finnish premium bar

For the construction of houses using Finnish premium bar

What is the secret keeps a laminated veneer lumber made in Finland? Historically, that in the postwar years, the Finnish manufacturer has abandoned the use of trees that have grown on their own. For this purpose, specially planted areas throughout the country. The same conditions of growth and care have done their job, and practically all the different trees the same size and shape, which greatly improved the quality of laminated veneer lumber, which of them did.

Interesting!To date, the Finnish homes have very little in common with Finland, and in fact it is phrase practically implies a profiled beam, produced by a special technologies.

It is important to understand that the price of construction of houses from a bar of this type almost never low, and usually exceed Russian analogues at least 2 times. This is due to many factors, including a thorough quality control, as well as its own unique production technology.

Finnish construction technology at home involves the use of a bar, produced by special technology

Finnish construction technology at home involves the use of a bar, produced by special technology

Rules of care of the timber house: how to extend the life of a wooden house

Browsing options houses of timber: photos, prices and features, many are wondering what to do, so that the structure has served as long as possible. Consider the recommendations of experts, how to care for wooden house and what you can do for each of its constituent parts:

  1. Roof bar-shaped house requires extra protection against moisture, as it is, it leads to the destruction of the structure. To avoid this, the outer roof covering have to be solid and high-quality and technical inspection should be carried out at least 2 times a year. You also need to regularly clean the roof of dry leaves, moss, lichen and so on. D. Otherwise, there may accumulate moisture. It is extremely important to avoid scratching the surface, as even seemingly insignificant defects can cause a serious decrease in the characteristics of the roof.
  2. The walls of the timber also houses require care that must be expressed in the regular conducting protective treatment composition which prevents the occurrence of fungus and mold. The most problematic place is considered the joints so that their examination and treatment needed to pay more attention. It is also extremely useful to produce surface finish flame retardants, which prevent combustion and protect the house in case of fire.
  3. Oddly enough, windows and window frames of wooden houses also require careful maintenance. So, in order to prevent the processes of decay, it is necessary several times a year to put on their special formulations in the following order: an antiseptic, primer, water-dispersion paint.
Home from a bar requires careful maintenance to prevent decay processes

Home from a bar requires careful maintenance to prevent decay processes

If you regularly pay due attention to the wooden house, you can be sure that it is properly will last for many years, without succumbing to the ravages of external factors.

How to build your own home from a bar: video instruction for beginners

As the price of prefab houses from a bar under the key is often to buyers is quite high, many people prefer to hold a separate installation. And in order to avoid common mistakes in this case, it is necessary to see an instructional video. Construction house from a bar - a task feasible for everyone. One need only listen to some advice and recommendations.

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