Fireplace made of plasterboard with their hands: incremental algorithm works

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fireplaces drywall It refers to the decorative elements, which are often installed in apartments. Due to a variety of coating materials, such constructs may be combined with various interiors. Make a fireplace made of plasterboard with their hands on the forces of each, since its inception enough to have minimum skills working with gypsum material and adhere to the instructions strictly.

Fireplace made of plasterboard with their hands: incremental algorithm works

Fireplace with a core of gypsum board can be arranged in any style


  • 1 Features false fireplaces plasterboard
  • 2 What advantages do hand made false fireplaces?
  • 3 Varieties of ornamental fireplaces plasterboard
  • 4 Fireplace made of plasterboard with their hands: choose a design
  • 5 How to choose a location for the fireplace plasterboard?
  • 6 Create a drawing for a fireplace made of plasterboard
  • 7 Fireplace made of plasterboard with their hands: performing layout
  • 8 How to make their own hands a fireplace made of plasterboard materials and tools
  • 9 Raised fireplace with his hands. Step by step instructions. Photo milestones
    • 9.1 Fireplace with their hands Plasterboard: step by step instructions on the trim frame
    • 9.2 What can be issued with their hands raised-hearth? Photo ineresno ideas
    • 9.3 Corner false fireplaces with their hands Plasterboard: features everything

Features false fireplaces plasterboard

Using a full-fledged fire in such an artificial fireplace it is strictly prohibited. On the Internet you can find articles that provided instructions for finishing plaster fireplaces for use of the flame, not imitation. Experts strongly recommend to implement such instructions into practice, as the consequences can be fatal.

Raised fireplace can be installed in any room, and decorate at will any objects, not being afraid of fire

Raised fireplace can be installed in any room, and decorate at will any objects, not being afraid of fire

Assembling false fireplace made of plasterboard with their hands allows you to not only exquisite element of the interior, but also the heating device. Heating is done in such units by means of special heating elements which are fed by the energy from the mains.

What advantages do hand made false fireplaces?

Decorative fireplaces made of plasterboard have a number of advantages. Consider the advantages of using these devices in more detail:

  • imitation fireplace made of plasterboard may be installed in any apartment. And for such work does not need to obtain any permits;
  • Device shape is adjusted for the particular characteristics of the interior, which is very convenient;
  • build false furnace is carried out with the use of simple materials that can be easily purchased in the market or in any store a profile;
  • no open flames ensures the safety of such structures;
  • organization gypsum furnace in the apartment or house is small in financial expenses;
Imitation fireplace made of plasterboard, decorated with real logs

Imitation fireplace made of plasterboard, decorated with real logs

  • Upper baffle design such different functionality, since it can be used as supports under family photos (or any other objects).

Note!If necessary, collected his own hands decorative fireplace made of plasterboard can be equipped with electric heating.

Organization of the electric heating is done quite simply. As already mentioned above, it is not recommended to use an open flame in such constructions. If you decide to use an open flame in a furnace simulation, it is necessary to take care of the rear cover and side surfaces of the refractory materials. This lining is made quite simply by hand. Photos decorative fireplace made of plasterboard with different types of heating can be explored on the Internet.

These decorative items can not attach to the wall, which will transfer it to any point of the room by the owners desire.

Varieties of ornamental fireplaces plasterboard

Depending on the intended use identified two main types of these units:

  • interior;
  • electric.
Fireplace drywall, acting as decorative interior decoration

Fireplace drywall, acting as decorative interior decoration

In the first case the oven is used as an interior decorative item. Imitation flames in such construction is performed at the expense of ethanol combustion process. Such a focus is not suitable for high-grade heating. Today the most popular are interior units of gypsum board (GCR). During the installation of such a device there is no need to use fire-resistant materials. Almost everyone will be able to organize such a false fireplace. Photos of these structures, as well as all necessary drawings can be found on the Internet easily.

All interior units can be divided into the following categories:

  • simulating fire retardant;
  • simulating burning and smoldering fire logs;
  • imitating natural fireplace.

The third option is the most popular, because it does not require the ventilation system. In the first two cases, ventilation can be necessary to remove combustion gases.

Construction of plasterboard can be equipped with an electric fireplace, which looks like a real

Construction of plasterboard can be equipped with an electric fireplace, which looks like a real

Electrical device, in addition to being a decorative interior decoration, also performs the function of the heater. Electrical devices are characterized by high power and have the appearance that best resembles the natural model fireplaces. In specialized stores and on the Internet are sold ready false fireplaces. Buy ready-made design is possible to save time, however, from a financial point of view, it is best to assemble this unit plasterboard themselves.

Fireplace made of plasterboard with their hands: choose a design

Installing a full fireplace in the apartment requires not only large financial costs, but also accompanied by other difficulties. But the furnace room of this type creates a unique atmosphere in the house, so many owners hesitant to install their own hands a decorative fireplace made of plasterboard. Photos apartments with fireplaces say that this element is often the central "figure" of the interior and make it unique. Photos also help wishing to acquire false fireplace to determine the design and choose the most acceptable option.

The size and design of the furnace simulation are determined by these rules:

  • if you intend to install a fireplace, which will have a medium size, it can be placed inside a small plasma TV. Such a solution will simulate the flames without installing the gas burners and air pipes;
Decorative fireplace in the living room and the surrounding accessories attract attention and make this song a highlight of the interior

Decorative fireplace in living room and the surrounding accessories attract attention and make this song a highlight of the interior

  • for simulating flames in a small device, you can use the usual LED-photo frame. She will perform the same function as the plasma TV (transmission of images);
  • as close as possible to the natural device is recommended to set decorative oven electric heating system. In such a case it is possible to obtain not only a decorative interior element simulating a flame, but also a complete heater.

Helpful information! Note that in small rooms most often used corner fireplace made of plasterboard. This solution saves valuable space premises.

Raised fireplace can be used as a stand for a plasma TV. Using the design in such a way is a fairly common practice.

Shelf above the fireplace trim can be used as a TV stand

Shelf above the fireplace trim can be used as a TV stand

How to choose a location for the fireplace plasterboard?

Before proceeding to the study manual, which tells how to make a fireplace made of plasterboard with their hands, you need to choose a place for him. If the installation of the device is planned in the large living room, then the best solution is to place a fireplace in the point that corresponds to the middle of the longitudinal walls.

Optionally, you can also perform a decorative chimney, which will give the maximum likelihood design view. The main thing - is to determine the size and design to create his own hands the fire of plasterboard. Photos constructions equipped with a chimney, will assess the feasibility of such a decision and the possibility of installing a pipe in his room.

Skilled craftsmen are not recommended to install fake pockets in remote locations of the room. Especially this rule applies to designs that are equipped with heating devices. For hard to reach places include:

  • space in front of the heating radiator;
  • points, which are located far away from the doorway;
  • place near the cabinets and other bulky designs.
Fireplace should hold in a place where it will be available to a general review

Fireplace should hold in a place where it will be available to a general review

Create a drawing for a fireplace made of plasterboard

Drawing or sketch is the first step in creating your own hands decorative fireplace made of plasterboard. The drawing and the project can be done by yourself or use the search on the Internet. Best of all, if the drawing is done in full size (scale 1: 1). In order to make such a drawing, will be required:

  • a large sheet of paper;
  • line;
  • pencil or marker.

The drawing must be applied at the point where it will be installed the furnace of GCR and visually verify that the location chosen design right. You can then proceed to the assembly layout.

The drawing must indicate the size of each element of the future of the fireplace

The drawing must indicate the size of each element of the future of the fireplace

Dimensional drawing fire from drywall should include every detail of the future construction. Dimensions, shape, form - everything needed to celebrate, creating a furnace project of GCR.

Fireplace made of plasterboard with their hands: performing layout

Skilled craftsmen are advised after the drawing gypsum furnace to make it layout. Especially this recommendation addresses beginners who have no experience in the creation of such structures. Why the need for layout? assembly layout allows a realistic assessment of a structure which will be assembled in the drawing and identify the mistakes made during the creation of the project.

Materials and tools that will be required for the organization of the layout - it is foam sheets and PVA glue - different low cost. Layout assembly does not cause any problems and can fix design errors before expensive materials to be used.

For fixing plasterboard sheets using U-shaped metal profile

For fixing plasterboard sheets using U-shaped metal profile

How to make their own hands a fireplace made of plasterboard materials and tools

For the manufacture of fireplace GCR need to purchase the following tools and materials:

  • metal profile in the form of the letter "P". As the guide rails are used;
  • GCR;
  • screws to the frame structure. The length of the screws should be approximately 14-15 mm;
  • screws used to fix the GCR. The head of such screws to be countersunk;
  • conventional dowels;
  • roulette (measurement);
  • screwdriver;
  • punch;
  • Bulgarian;
  • building level. As plumb level can be used;
  • sealing compound (silicone);
  • putty;
  • paint (latex).

All of the above tools and materials are needed to build raised-hearth of plasterboard. You can buy them at almost any store a profile.

Related article:

The fireplace in the apartment and the best design with its use

The principles of using fire as a key element of the interior to create a cozy atmosphere in a variety of styles. Popular design techniques.

Screws should be specific, intended for use with plasterboard and of suitable length. The last parameter depends on the thickness of the plasterboard.

The first thing to mark the fireplace on the wall according to the drawing

The first thing to mark the fireplace on the wall according to the drawing

Raised fireplace with his hands. Step by step instructions. Photo milestones

How to make a false fireplaces for the living room or any other room? In order to answer the question of how to make a fireplace made of plasterboard material, it is necessary to examine the three main stages of its creation:

  • accomplishment of the carcass;
  • Cabin structure using the GCR;
  • design of the portal.

Carcass - is the foundation of the future of the furnace of the portal. To work on assembling the frame structure must be taken very seriously. Before installing the frame, apply markings on the surface, which will adjoin design. Markup conveys the outlines of the furnace and to evaluate its real size.

Important! Performing layout, you must ensure that all the lines were straight. As a result, the line of intersection walls and floor should form a right angle (90 °).

Method bonding metal profiles between a

Method bonding metal profiles between a

After performing layout can proceed to the assembly of the fireplace made of plasterboard with their hands. Step by step guide for the implementation of the framework is provided below.

For assembly of the rear wall to the wall bases (for marking) are fixed guide profiles. Binding profiles is performed using the dowel-nails. The base of the rear wall comprises two vertical and cross struts. Performing the frame assembly, it should be remembered that the numerical index (cm) from the floor to the lower cross member is a determining factor in the height of the parapet.

Further, fixation is performed guide profiles along the contour of the combustion chamber. After that, the fixing profile on the floor, which is fixed on the parapet line. Then, the front rack mounted, the distance from which to the rear wall is a factor determining the depth of the fireplace. The front pillar are joined together by crossbars. Coupling of the rear wall of the front uprights is performed using cross-members, which are located in a horizontal plane.

To bend the profile, you need to make cuts on it at regular intervals

To bend the profile, you need to make cuts on it at regular intervals

After assembly, the front and rear rack false furnace installation can proceed to the parapet struts and crossbeams piping. Then, in front of the machine frame recorded flue rack compartment that need to connect to the main struts by means of spokes.

At the end of a set of fuel compartments mounted. To carry out the curved arches need notching profiles and bend them to get the desired shape. Step cuts should be about 1.5 cm. Thus, the portal frame are assembled for a fireplace made of plasterboard.

On the Internet you can find all the necessary materials for the assembly of the fireplace with his hands Plasterboard. Photo frame designs in various stages of assembly help to do the job correctly.

EXAMPLE carcass ready to trim the fireplace plasterboard

EXAMPLE carcass ready to trim the fireplace plasterboard

Fireplace with their hands Plasterboard: step by step instructions on the trim frame

To sheathe fireplace gypsum boards, you first need to perform their cutting work (in accordance with the dimensions stated in the draft). Consider a procedure that needs to be done to cut the GCR:

  • you must first press the line to the surface of the GCR. The range should be pressed strongly by the cutting line;
  • Next, you need to hold a knife along the building line;
  • after performing a cut through the line, it is necessary to reverse the gypsum plasterboard hands and penetrate the cardboard layer on the other side.

Helpful information! Sophisticated fireplace elements (e.g., a set of flue compartment) require high precision when cutting them out of the GCR. Therefore it is necessary to first apply markings on pieces of a sheet of graph paper.

Cutting sheets of drywall must be done very accurately with a ruler

Cutting sheets of drywall must be done very accurately with a ruler

Cutting complex parts made using special devices - jigsaw. On the Internet you can see various photos of fireplaces made of plasterboard, made using intricate elements.

Finished parts are fixed to the frame by means of screws, which must be suitable for use with gypsum material. Display step for these screws varies from 10 to 15 cm.

You need to clearly follow the suggestions below algorithm of actions to perform with his own hands a fireplace made of plasterboard. Step by step guide on the casing frame the fireplace gypsum parts is as follows:

  • sheets with joints that are arranged in one plane bevel is cut (the cut width should be about 5 mm);
  • after that, the joints are reinforced. For this purpose, a special mesh-serpyanka;
  • then place the joints are covered with two layers of primer. Depositing a second primer layer is made only after the first layer is completely dry;
Before applying putty joints GCR necessarily reinforced by a special net

Before applying putty joints GCR necessarily reinforced by a special net

  • after drying the second layer of primer design resulting processed putty (start);
  • then putty handled the entire portal.

Thus, a ready portal for the fireplace made of plasterboard. Own hands to execute it will not be difficult, however, should take into account all of these nuances.

What can be issued with their hands raised-hearth? Photo ineresno ideas

Consider the most popular materials used for the decoration of fireplaces decor:

  • Self-adhesive film or "self-adhesive";
  • ceramic tile (the most common material for decoration);
  • stone (natural or artificial);
  • brick;
  • marble;
  • wood.
Monochrome fireplace made of plasterboard can be decorated with a variety of decorative elements

Monochrome fireplace made of plasterboard can be decorated with a variety of decorative elements

In addition to the above materials for decorative cladding metal forged fireplace elements can be used. However, an important consideration when selecting a cladding material for the portal is that the decorative design should not experience excessive load.

His hands can be done facing the fireplace with any material, but skilled craftsmen are not advised draw furnace itself if the material cost is substantial (e.g., natural stone).

Facing the portal fireplace tiles made quite simple. To do this, use the special tile adhesive and using it to glue the tiles to the portal. Instead of glue, you can use liquid nails, which is also well proven in this case.

Raised fireplace decorated with ceramic tiles and plaster moldings

Raised fireplace decorated with ceramic tiles and plaster moldings

Corner false fireplaces with their hands Plasterboard: features everything

When choosing a place for corner fireplace, it is worth considering two basic rules:

  • desirable to select the angle of the room that is least involved;
  • popular solution is to install a decorative oven in the corner opposite the entrance door.

As is the case with the installation of a central fireplace, you must first create a blueprint of the future of the unit, as well as to make the marks on the walls and floor.

Note! If you want to install an electric heater in the corner of the decorative fireplace, then it advised to make arranging power.

In a small room you can build a compact angular design that mimics a fireplace

In a small room you can build a compact angular design that mimics a fireplace

the frame assembly and its subsequent plating is performed in the same manner as in the organization of the central chimney. The construction itself, of course, will be different because of the location. It is advisable before installing explore photo false fireplaces. With his hands to perform an angular oven is quite simple, however, you must follow the instructions for the assembly of the frame, as well as its skin and the lining of the GCR.

Experts also advise to pay attention to the reliability of fastening GKL using screws. It is recommended to tighten until the end, so that they do not protrude above the surface of the drywall.

Performing regular or corner fireplace with his hands Plasterboard material, you can get not only a beautiful interior element, but the heating device for the room. In addition, these lesions have an upper panel - shelf, which can accommodate a variety of decor items.

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