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Bits screwdriver to greatly facilitate the repair and construction work, since the process of assembling and the dismantling of various designs is simplified through the use of this convenient and useful tool. Removable devices can extend the scope of its application, in this article you can see the features of the most popular of them. The text contains overviews of nozzles designed to work with wood, metal and plasterboard.
For each species the fastener need a suitable form of bits per screwdriver
- 1 Attachment to the screwdriver: general information, the main types of tips
- 2 What are the names on the screwdriver attachments and what features they have
3 The main varieties of nozzles for screwdriver
- 3.1 Characteristics of nozzles for screwdriver-rivet
- 3.2 The main types of angular adapters for the screwdriver
4 The main types of polishing and grinding cups on screwdriver
- 4.1 Varieties of nozzles on the screwdriver to grind
- 4.2 Features polishing nozzles on the screwdriver
- 4.3 The main types of nozzles on the screwdriver for cutting metal and wood
- 4.4 Overview of nozzles on the screwdriver for cutting sheet metal and plastic
- 4.5 Scope and features of blade-tips on the screwdriver
- 4.6 Characteristics of nozzles on the screwdriver for drywall
- 4.7 Varieties of nozzles on the screwdriver for the screws in the tape
- 5 How to use the screwdriver with tape attachment
Tips on the screwdriver: General information, the main types of tips
How and removable devices for drills, screwdriver tips on belong to category of devices that focus on functional expansion. Thanks to them, this tool can be transformed into multi-purpose screwdriver or a compact machine for cutting sheet metal. Offers manufacturers a range of tips is very wide. With their help it is possible to carry out construction work of any complexity in the home, which provided so popular screwdrivers.
To choose the right bits, it is necessary to know the classification of products in this group
Some buyers do not know the difference between a drill and a screwdriver, but it is there. Moreover, these differences must be considered when choosing a removable nozzles for specific jobs. First, the rotational speed of the screwdriver is significantly less than that of the drill. Secondly, it does not have the moment of inertia. In other words, if you press the power button, the screwdriver will stop immediately, in contrast to the drill, which will be for some time to rotate.
All screwdrivers have a pivoting arm sleeve. It is designed to adjust the tightening efforts. In some models, there is no cartridge. Instead hexagon socket set, wherein fixed bits.
There are several kinds of tools, each of which can bring some benefits:
- Little screwing - used as a miniature electric screwdriver repair hours phones and small appliances.
- Folding screwdriver - these models are designed to work in a confined space where no one will be able to reach a common tool. If the handle is in the process create interference, it can simply be removed.
- Drills - structure, which are hybrids. They combine the best properties of each instrument.
Working nozzle for the screwdriver can be purchased individually or sets
Important!When working with a screwdriver desirable to use protective equipment. Especially it concerns the operations such as grinding and polishing, during which dust and debris are formed.
What are the names on the screwdriver attachments and what features they have
Removable nozzle, which are installed on the screwdriver, called bits. These devices are inserted into the cartridge. Bits are cross-shaped, square, slotted, hexagonal, in the form of stars, and so on. D. The buyer can purchase any type of nozzle by screws.
That the fastening element held firmly on a bit, it is necessary to choose the right size and shape. Nozzle must exactly match the notches on the screws. Otherwise, you can not only ruin and bits of broken instruments, but also to get injured. Using a special holder solves this problem. With the help of a screwdriver can be set for any type of bits, irrespective of its length and size.
Several distinct types of carriers:
- Magnetic base - equipped with built-in magnet. He pulls the bat with a screw, so rule out the possibility that the nozzle and fittings are poorly documented.
- For long screws - it has the form of a tube, which fixes the screw in the spinning process without letting it become loose.
- For hexagonal bits.
Navigate the extensive range of products to help the classification by size and type
It is not far from all existing varieties of the holders, in the list shows only the main ones, and the most popular.
The main varieties of nozzles for screwdriver
On sale you can find a lot of tools that extend the functionality of the tool. The user can obtain, thanks to the nozzles on the screwdriver, the pump, mixer, a saw, a polishing brush and other specialized equipment.
All removable devices are divided into three main groups:
- Nozzles combined type.
- Tips for special purposes.
- The main nozzle.
Working element lugs belonging to the main group, has the form of a cruciform or hexagonal head. Suitable such nozzles on screwdriver for screws of any type. They provide excellent adhesion to the fastening element. Some nozzles heads are magnetized, which greatly facilitates the tightening process. For technical specifications and capabilities of such tips are similar to a screwdriver.
existing types of for the screwdriver bit different form of their working part
combined type devices are classified as multi-purpose nozzles. Unlike basic tips they actuator located on both sides. Each end of the combined bits has its own size and mounting system. For ease of operation, an unnecessary part of the tip simply dismantled.
Bits special purpose advantageously presented in the form of nozzles on the screwdriver for stranding wires. They can also can control the depth of screwing and unscrewing the fastener is located under a sharp angle.
Useful advice! To increase or decrease the rotational speed of the nozzle is sufficient to weaken or, conversely, to increase pressing the start button.
Characteristics of nozzles for screwdriver-rivet
Traditional rivet having one-piece construction, is rarely used. Many experts prefer to use the welding machine. However, not every artist has at its disposal such equipment, as well as have the necessary skills to work with him. In this case, the best option would be the nozzle-zaklepochnitsa which is installed on the screwdriver.
Bits screwdriver on the rivet can be used only on those models where there is a reverse drive
Such devices can be used in the electric tool and the battery mounting nut type rivets and other fastening elements having a core.
It should indicate that nozzles for screwdriver for rivets can only be used on those models tool where there is a reversible actuator. These devices are designed for installation aluminum or steel fasteners, the diameter of which is in the range 2.4-5 mm. They can also be set via the sleeve made from non-ferrous metals whose diameter does not exceed 25 mm.
If the rivet will be used screwdrivers, battery operated, it is necessary to make sure that the battery voltage does not exceed 12 V. The very process of installation is not very complicated, and the nozzles are compact enough that they can be stored together with the screwdriver in one case.
The main types of angular adapters for the screwdriver
Adapters with an angular design allows to unscrew and tighten the fasteners in tight spaces. Such attachment is much easier to work, because the tool can be kept perpendicular to the surface, and tighten the screws at an angle, and both left and right.
Angle adapters facilitate work in confined spaces
In view of the technical characteristics and functionality are two types of angular nozzles for the screwdriver:
- flexible;
- hard.
Nozzles with a flexible structure for changing the direction of the twisting axis using a flexible connection. Externally, the device looks like a drill used in the dental clinics for the treatment of teeth. Removable tip includes a flexible shaft, which connects with the chuck working bit screwdriver. This type of nozzle facilitates and accelerates the work in remote locations where it is required to unscrew the screws.
Note! Flexible nozzles angled screwdriver for not suitable for fasteners, which are made from durable alloys.
Adapters with the rigid structure is a short nozzle, which changes the direction of the axis of rotation mechanically. Unlike previous versions of the cartridge device is much stronger. Hard adapters allow you to perform the installation and removal of attachments from either side. Such nozzles are typically used in professional use screwdrivers, which engine is designed for high loads and severe vibration.
There are two types of angular nozzles for screwdriver: flexible and rigid
The main types of polishing and grinding cups on screwdriver
Polishing and grinding nozzle for screwdriver - a large group of removable appliances, comprising a plurality of species. In this category you can pick up tips for different tasks:
- polishing of metal, wood and glass surfaces, as well as articles coated with varnish;
- cleaning articles made from metal corrosion and old paint residues;
- sanding wood and metal surfaces.
Due to the vast variety of baits for grinding screwdriver tips can choose to perform operations that it is impossible to carry out standard methods.
Varieties of nozzles on the screwdriver to grind
There are more than ten varieties for the screwdriver tips, by which to perform surface polishing. Removable devices of this type consist of a rod on which is mounted abrasive material:
- sandpaper;
Nozzles for screwdriver for grinding composed of the rod on which is mounted abrasive
- solid abrasive;
- stiff fabric, for example, felt;
- brush.
The most popular among the masters include the following types of removable tips:
- Cymbal - these products can be rubber or plastic. Equipped with fixed and adjustable pins.
- Ends - made of hard and soft materials can have a different shape (drum washer, a cone).
- Pan --on brush head screwdriver, brass fibers or metal, as well as tips with a soft core made of foam or felt.
- Disc - removable tool having soft bristles or a pad made of brass or steel wire.
- Drum - used as an abrasive grit tape, suitable to handle the holes and the end zones of the glass products.
- Fan - consist of several elements coated with sandpaper. Used for the treatment of surfaces with complicated geometry.
There are many types of sanding tips for the screwdriver
Note!It can be used with a compact screwdriver end Nasad Coy for processing jewelry if desired. The tip is so precise that allows to grind fine details in jewelery of precious metals.
Features polishing nozzles on the screwdriver
After processing, the product of polishing the surface of a nozzle becomes perfectly smooth. For this purpose, the end disc, removing microscopic topsheet material. Due to the thickness of the product does not change.
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Attachment to drill for various purposes-Yourselfers
Main types of accessories for cutting, grinding, polishing and other tasks. Tips for working with metal, plastic, wood.
Y nozzles on screwdriver for polishing various surfaces has a thrust disc with mountings for fixing a polishing material. This element is secured by a threaded tip. Since the tool shaft can rotate both the left and the right side can be found on sale device with the appropriate type compounds.
In the operation of the polishing disc on the nozzle wear, so it should be periodically replaced with a new. Replacement products are of small thickness (a few millimeters). Usually they are made of polyurethane. Although there are other options - of felt or wool of natural or artificial origin.
There are options for the screwdriver tips polishing with felt or wool
Some types of tips can be used to polish the vehicle body and glass, as well as products made from polycarbonate. Such attachment during operation to keep parallel to the treated surface.
The main types of nozzles on the screwdriver for cutting metal and wood
To perform many construction and repair work is required jig saw, screwdriver tips on a special scissors or a saber saw blade may become almost a full replacement of the tool.
Removable terminals in the form of scissors for cutting metal come in several forms:
- disc;
- turbo;
- Nibblers;
- sector.
Each of them has its own operating principles and is designed for cutting of plates of a certain thickness.
The main purpose of the screwdriver when working with wood - drilling holes
Overview of nozzles on the screwdriver for cutting sheet metal and plastic
Disc shears are equipped with two steel discs. One of them is rotated by the rotational movement transferred from the cartridge on the instrument. The design of the cutting disc for the screwdriver is arranged so that the metal is cut in a straight line, even without the markup.
Disc shears used in cladding and roofing work using:
- metal;
- galvanized;
- siding;
- metal sheets.
Note! Disc shears maneuverable enough to create curved lines, but with the production of complex parts, they can not handle metal.
Nibbler on the screwdriver, metal - head, which has a high maneuverability and allows to obtain a very precise cut. The edge becomes as smooth and accurate, so is almost completely eliminates the possibility to cut your hands when working with metal.
Disc shears used in cladding and roofing
Turbo scissors - head screwdriver at that operates on the same principle as ordinary scissors, but the cutting is carried out much faster. This device is suitable for cutting sheet metal, plastic and other materials having a high degree of rigidity. The advantage of this nozzle is that during operation no vibration. Because of this the rear side of the claws will not damage the surface to which it touches.
On this list of tips on the screwdriver for cutting metal finishes. Scissors sector type used in the installation of communication systems. They are suitable for cutting plastic pipes and power cables.
Scope and features of blade-tips on the screwdriver
Even in the presence of the jigsaw in the house of some jobs simply can not be done with the help of this tool. In such cases the possibility will be useful reciprocating saws. Nozzle for screwdriver this type typically used for cutting wood, although it can be used to cut out the plastic and sheet metal of small thickness. Reciprocating saw blade can also be used for garden care to suburban area. This type of devices is suitable for pruning young trees.
Trimming saw on screwdriver is used for cutting wood
Usually included is attached to the nozzle three interchangeable blades of different lengths - 10, 15 and 23 cm (contains only approximate value which may vary by manufacturer). Purchase this tip will cost several times cheaper than purchasing power saws. The nozzle is capable of operating at speeds of about 2000 rev / min.
Housing a removable device is made of a very durable plastic. From the same material made blade. Despite this, they are capable to cope with the cutting solid wood.
Note!When cutting material is necessary tightly to his brace, which will carry out the stop function. This will reduce vibration and to maintain the effectiveness of reciprocating saws.
Characteristics of nozzles on the screwdriver for drywall
Plasterboard is widely used in repair works as a rough finish, as well as for the construction of decorative designs and partitions. The sheets are fixed on the ceiling and walls by means of screws. For their installation using an ordinary screwdriver, which allows to control the installation of each of the fastening element. This method is quite laborious and time-consuming. To accelerate and simplify it, you can use the special attachment to drywall tape and screwdriver.
For drywall tape is most commonly used screwdriver
Plasterboard used bits labeled PZ and PH, which have a different shape slot. The nozzles PZ faces arranged parallel relative to each other. Because of this the head of the screw is rigidly fixed and centered.
The nozzles marked PH slots diverge slightly. This is to ensure that the tool can independently align the center even when it is at an angle. If pressing is excessive, then the edge nozzle simply pop out of the head fastener without damaging it.
Varieties of nozzles on the screwdriver for the screws in the tape
For fixing screws using a power screwdriver may be applied not only bits, but the tape. They are part of devices that provide automatic feeding of fastening elements. Such tips can speed up installation work about 2-3 times. The advantage of using them is that the master is not required each time to take a new screw and install it on the bat.
For fixing screws can be applied not only bits, but the tape
Manufacturers produce two types of actuators with belt feeder screws:
- Removable Tape screwdriver tips on - when the need for such a tip can be removed and further tighten screw. This option is in high demand among consumers, though not without flaws. The fact that the nozzle is necessary to buy with the screwdriver.
- Mechanisms stationary type - in this case a screwdriver tip together represent a unitary construction. Such an instrument belongs to the category narrowly focused and may only apply ribbons.
Belt screwdrivers are cordless and network. Devices that are connected to a power outlet, are half the price. However, they are completely dependent on the power supply and not as easy to work as a hanging cord creates certain inconveniences. This is especially true in cases where construction works are carried out on the ceiling.
Useful advice! To increase the efficiency of polishing, the nozzle drive to lubricate the special polishing paste.
Releasing two types of drives with belt feeder screws: fixed and removable type
How to use the screwdriver ribbon nozzle
Packing tape can not be called universal because it is used exclusively for tightening screws during mounting of gypsum boards. Many manufacturers have taken care of the convenience of users, equipping some models screwdrivers capable of operating without the tape. This tool enables the user to single self-tapping screws. To do this, remove the tape, and then install it in place of the adapter and the appropriate size bit. Process tape packing installation more complicated.
How to change the screwdriver tip on the belt-type? To do this, follow these steps:
- The instrument set includes an elongated bit. It should be inserted into the detachable nozzle before that will be installed on the screwdriver.
- The nozzle is attached to the chuck screwdriver.
- Next you need to install the tool on the "shop". It must be done so as not to screw located near the muzzle, and the projection of the tape. fastener supply is in an automatic mode, which is activated by pressing the trigger button.
In this training tool to work over. During the operation the screwdriver pressed against the drywall. This is done in order to grab the sheet and securely connects to the profile. Before you begin, it is desirable to apply drywall layout. At appropriate locations on the material with a pencil or marker is necessary to put a point.
Move the ribbon screwdriver nozzle need in the right direction, pressing it against the surface of the plasterboard
Installation work with a belt screwdriver characterized by high speed and efficiency. All screws recessed to the same depth, so the result is accurate and of high quality.
It is advisable to function lock release button has been provided in the screwdriver. In this case, the tool will run continuously. From the master need only move the screwdriver in accordance with the markings in the right direction, pressing it against the surface of the drywall. When the fastening member is screwed, it snaps assembly tape is moved with the other screws.
The list of accessories to enhance the functionality of the screwdriver, not ends. This article discusses only the major ones. To purchase a quality tip for power, it is necessary to pay attention to such nuances as the material of manufacture (Molybdenum, tungsten, vanadium, chromium), the presence of the protective coating on bit (titanium, nickel or diamond deposition) and reliability manufacturer. According to customer feedback, the best marks of the following companies are recognized: Torx, Slot and Pozidriv.
The nozzle is attached to the chuck screwdriver
Being in a specialty store, be sure to make sure the seller has a certificate confirming the quality of products, because it affects the life of nozzles. In addition, the buyer must provide guarantees.