How to lay linoleum: cutting out the rules and laying flooring

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Linoleum - popular for many reasons, a material that is often used as a floor covering for the kitchen, corridor or hallway. Despite its relatively simple exterior it perfectly resists scratches and moisture and can easily be installed by yourself. Let us consider how to lay linoleum: how it should be cut out, and then take care to prolong life.

How to lay linoleum: cutting out the rules and laying flooring

Laying linoleum with his hands does not require any special knowledge or skills in the construction business


  • 1 How to lay linoleum
    • 1.1 Preparation of the floor under the linoleum: what should be the basis
  • 2 How to put linoleum on the wooden floor: technology features
  • 3 As linoleum glued to the concrete floor
  • 4 How to put linoleum, in the case of other base materials
  • 5 Preparation of the material and the choice of tools for laying linoleum
  • 6 Laying linoleum with his own hands: step by step instructions for operation
    • 6.1 How to cut the linoleum in a variety of cases: review examples
  • 7 How to put linoleum with his own hands: fixing cover
  • 8 How and what to glue the linoleum on the floor: in some cases it is necessary to
    • 8.1 At what glue to glue the linoleum: options adhesives
  • 9 How to properly care for linoleum, to extend the life
    • 9.1 How much is to put linoleum: prices for materials and work
  • 10 Technology laying linoleum: video instruction for use

How to lay linoleum

How to lay linoleum - a question that interests many who started an independent and quite budget repair. After all, this flooring can be called one of the cheapest. But at the same time, this material is worthy of attention, as it meets all the requirements and fairly good resistance to external factors. Consider each stage of the work to be done in the process of laying linoleumAs well as some of the features and nuances.

Linoleum - it is inexpensive and practical enough material

Linoleum - it is inexpensive and practical enough material

Preparation under linoleum floor: What should be the basis

High quality and suitable base - is the key to long life material. In order to linoleum I do not wipe, and looked the most aesthetically pleasing, it should be laid on a flat surface. This will avoid unnecessary exaggeration and deformation of the material, and hence prolong the life of the coating.

First, before lay floor covering should be possible to carefully remove all the baseboards. Make this a must as attachment linoleum It should be made to the walls. In some cases the old plinth is secured in place, if it is able to meet the owners. In this case, the dismantling must be done as carefully as possible, to avoid damage.

Useful advice! To install at a further avoid confusion, a plinth which is to be attached, it is possible to number them in the process of removal. Using a pencil, mark the number on the back side of the plinth and at the bottom of the wall, where he was assigned.

To lay linoleum needed on a flat surface

To lay linoleum needed on a flat surface

It is extremely important to assess the existing fundamentals. This will allow to select the most efficient sequence of actions and decide whether to dismantle the old coating or you can spend laying directly on top. Next, we consider in detail the specifics of working with a variety of surfaces.

How to put linoleum on the wooden floor: technology features

Laying linoleum on the wooden surface - a common technique that is used, for example, if the floor has old parquet floor, which lost its attractive appearance or painted board. The main thing you need to do before you lay linoleum on a wooden floor - to assess its condition. In both cases, there may be some problems with a base, e.g., precipitated elements parquet boards or deformation.

The base under the linoleum can be leveled with the help of machines sandind

The base under the linoleum can be leveled with the help of machines sandind

Therefore, in particular the flatness and smoothness of the surface can not count, so, before you put linoleum on the wooden floor, it is necessary to conduct training on their own. Here are some of the most popular options to solve this problem:

  • Using planer or sander, the base can be leveled. To do this, any cracks, bumps and other defects using putty smeared. Next, the grinding;
  • to conceal the existing surface defects can be laid another layer of chipboard or fibreboard panels. In some cases, even resorted to laying linoleum on plywood;
  • if you want to deal with missing parquet blocks, they can be first to recover, and then ottsiklevat parquet;
  • to achieve a perfectly flat surface, can be filled from above special structure, so-called self-leveling floor that has the ability to neutralize.
Before you lay linoleum, you need to make sure that the base perfectly flat under it

Before you lay linoleum, you need to make sure that the base perfectly flat under it

Thus, there are several ways to solve the problem, and get a flat surface, with the old wooden floor, it is more than possible. For more information about how to properly put linoleum, you can see after will consider features of other bases.

As linoleum glued to the concrete floor

Almost always, the old concrete foundation requires activities aimed at leveling. And we can say that the methods and techniques have similarities with those used for wooden floors:

  • before placing the linoleum flooring on concrete floors, having a base coated wood flooring. For this purpose, suitable chipboard or MDF boards;
  • poured concrete floor, capable of self-leveling.

In order to ensure a secure fit linoleum on the concrete foundation, it is necessary to choose the right adhesive composition, as well as the fact that the chosen floor covering meets the requirements. So, for laying on the concrete base suitable for the following types of linoleum:

  • subbase insulating material. In this case, the back side of linoleum has a special non-woven or woven backingDesigned to prevent passage of heat and sound;
  • Alkyd linoleum, as a basis for which is used a nonwoven or woven fabric;
  • other types of linoleum that are not suitable for bonding to the rough concrete base. In this case require installation of additional dry layer, which is under the linoleum stele. That can be used for this? Perfect, for example, the same as plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, etc.
It is important to choose the right adhesive composition for gluing linoleum on concrete floor

It is important to choose the right adhesive composition for gluing linoleum on concrete floor

Laying linoleum on the concrete floor has its own characteristics, and most importantly in this case - to choose the right materials. So before you make the purchase, it is worth once again verify compliance requirements of your choice and read with an algorithm that specifies how to lay linoleum on concrete floor.

How to put linoleum, in the case of other base materials

The first question that interests so many homeowners - whether laying linoleum on the old linoleum possible. In this case, the answer is simple: lay linoleum top of the same, but the old coating, is possible. The main thing - satisfy itself that it complies with the requirements, and it has no holes, cracks, and does not differ excessively large thickness. If so, the first thing you need to be sure to degrease the surface of the old coating.

Another difficult question - how to put linoleum, if the floor is already laid carpet. In this case, the old coating is not only it is necessary to remove, but also should take care of cleaning the surface thoroughly to remove any dirt and lint. All irregularities must also be eliminated, until the surface is sufficiently flat and smooth.

To simplify the process of laying new linoleum, it is possible to make installation of the old

To simplify the process of laying new linoleum, it is possible to make installation of the old

If you want to solve the problem of laying linoleum where already laid tile, in this case in the dismantling of the old coating is not necessary. The main thing is that all elements of the tiles are in place. If some have fallen away, it is necessary to choose the right size tile and glue them in place. Thereafter, the surface of the fill produce special composition intended for alignment. It is important that while it has a sufficiently high adherent properties.

Regardless of what you have to lay linoleum: wood, tile, concrete or old linoleum, in any case, you need to make sure that the base is thoroughly dry before you proceed for laying. This is important because through the linoleum moisture can not evaporate, and therefore, when poorly dried basis under cover very soon mold and fungus.

Useful advice!Before you put the linoleum must be carefully remove and wash the surface of the base. After all, even the small pebbles and sand grains will adversely affect the useful life of the material. Not less harmful and can cause tiny recesses and projections.

Of tile can be used as a basis for laying linoleum

Of tile can be used as a basis for laying linoleum

Preparation of the material and the choice of tools for laying linoleum

Material preparation involves not only the crop, but also the conditions of storage. The ideal temperature conditions, wherein the linoleum must be considered prior to laying between 15 and 25 ° C. It is associated with increased fragility coating when exposed to low temperatures. Therefore, if you have to lay linoleum with his hands in the winter, make sure you need to pre-enter it into the room and, without turning, let him lie down for at least 12 hours.

Useful advice! In order to avoid further undulations cover after the linoleum will be deployed on the surface, it is necessary to leave it for a while, before you start cutting and stacking.

At that time, while the rolled linoleum on the floor will be aligned, it is worth considering the availability of all necessary for self-styling tools:

  • with short sharp knife blade (best fit boot knife);
  • scissors;
  • roulette;
Building a knife is great for cutting out linoleum

Building a knife is great for cutting out linoleum

  • a pencil;
  • long range, building level, or just flat rake.

All of the above certainly there in the closet any handyman. So laying no need to purchase any expensive tools, which is another undeniable advantage in this case.

Laying linoleum with his own hands: Step by step instructions for operation

Before you glue the linoleum on the floor, you need to know one very important rule for rooms with an area less than 25 m², the adhesive composition is not used. Of course, this applies only in cases where one piece is used or, in the extreme case, the two pieces of material. In this case, it will be enough to fix the material under the baseboards. In place of a joint can be used double sided tape.

Process linoleum fixing plinth

Process linoleum fixing plinth

Thus, a closer look at each step of the operation:

  1. Making sure that a roll of linoleum, which you have previously deployed, lie for a sufficient amount of time and leveled off, put it in such a way that one party has been located substantially flush with the wall, and the clearance was only 3-5 mm. For the remaining three walls of the material should be placed slightly overlapping.
  2. If the area of ​​the room is large enough and use one sheet does not work, you have to work with joints. First of all, attention should be given to fitting joints to these places look aesthetically pleasing. Only then you can proceed directly to the installation pieces, again, do not forget about some overlap on the wall. Very often the surface of linoleum has any pattern, ornament or pattern. In this case, there is an additional need to combine drawing in the joints. Most importantly - do it properly in the middle of the room. It is also important that, if the pattern is repeated in the next room, and you need to combine it in the doorway. To do this, one of the sheets cover the need to move as long as the picture does not match.
  3. This step is relevant if you are working with multiple pieces of linoleum, which have a pattern. Most often, drawing imitates parquet or tiled covering that is composed of the intersection of straight lines. In this case, in order to maximize coverage look carefully, these lines should not be placed at an angle relative to the walls. Beautifully such linoleum will look only in the case if the lines are exactly parallel.
  4. Then you need to adjust the linoleum to the projections and niches that are available in the room. In fact, this encounter is almost always because the niche under the window sill and in the doorway - a common occurrence. In that case, in order to avoid mistakes and do not spoil the material, you must first carry out soundings niche.

Related article:

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On the wooden floor laying opportunity. The technology of the floor heating device under infrared film linoleum on the wooden floor.

How to cut linoleum in different cases: review examples

As a first example, consider the peculiarities of working with a corridor. In this case, the first overlap, which should correspond to the size of the depth of the niche, doing near the front door. To do this, you first need to measure the depth of a recess and a corresponding portion of the cover wrap. Then there is only gently cut unnecessary parts on the sides, so that the remaining piece of perfectly lay inside. Likewise made of linoleum fit under all the other niches that are.

Another case, which is much more frequently encountered in the kitchen than in the hallway - the presence of the protrusion. In this case, for most accurate measurements, it is necessary to lay linoleum protrusion and tuck. The depth of the projection to be measured, and then noting the value obtained on the material. After this will only neatly trimmed coat.

Before you begin cutting linoleum it is necessary to secure the

Before you begin cutting linoleum it is necessary to secure the

With the exception of these situations, there is nothing difficult in the process of fitting the linoleum. Suffice it a little bend linoleum to the wall so he made the most tightly to her, and then, using a knife and a ruler, carefully trim material. This method is suitable if the repair is carried out in the apartment of an old house, the walls of which can not differ perfect evenness. The main thing - do not hurry, you do not accidentally cut off the excess.

How to put linoleum their own hands: Fixing cover

As already mentioned, if glued linoleum, not actual question you need for small spaces. But if you need to fix the joints, then this is perfect for double sided tape. To do this, draw a line along one of the pieces. This line will show you where to draw the middle of the strip of adhesive tape. Glue it in the right place, it remains only to remove the protective paper and then alternately put on top of the two sheets, ensuring reliable bonding of linoleum and tape.

The rest of the fixation means installing linoleum skirtings: the old, if you decide to leave them or new ones that were purchased specifically for this purpose. Generally plinth perfectly pressed linoleum, providing it with a decent fit, but in this case is not recommended to be dragged across the floor heavy furniture. Although excessive loads can not stand and glued linoleum.

Sizing linoleum in small spaces does not necessarily

Sizing linoleum in small spaces does not necessarily

Important! In some sources you can find recommendation that the linoleum should be left to lie without fixing for a long time, such as a month. In fact, the real need for this, since PVC linoleum, made according to modern technology, does not shrink.

like than glued linoleum to the floor: In what cases it is necessary to

There are several answers to the question than to glue the linoleum. Let us consider each of them, as well as familiarize with gluing technology and some of the nuances of this process.

At what glue to glue the linoleum: Variants adhesives

The first version of the composition for sticking linoleum - dispersion compositions. The list could be made known to many AK, ADM-K, and Bustilat Gumilaks. It is also often used by their foreign counterparts. These options are commonly used for fixing the coating, which has a substrate of insulating substrate or tissue subbase. The composition is applied to a concrete base layer of 6-7 mm and then placed on top linoleum.

When working with Bustilat need to comply with fire safety rules

When working with Bustilat need to comply with fire safety rules

Another option - bituminous mastics and adhesives. Perhaps the most famous part of this group - "Bisky" although there are many more worthy of bitumen-polymer compositions. Typically, a layer of 4-5 mm thickness, and then, after waiting for 15-20 minutes, produce a bonding material.

Sometimes special mastics used, based on synthetic resins or rubbers. This group includes all kinds maslyano-, bitumen and lacquer-Melkova and casein-cement mortars. They can be perfectly secure any Alkyd linoleum without backing. The solution is uniformly applied layer of 3-4 mm on the back side cover and the base, using a spatula or brush.

In this case, pasting produce immediately. The first adhesive composition is applied to the subfloor and then waiting for a while until occur the so-called "tack", that is weathering the solvent from the surplus. Only after this mixture is applied to the reverse side of linoleum and, after a further 10-15 minutes paste.

First, glue is applied to the subfloor, and only after 15 minutes by linoleum

First, glue is applied to the subfloor, and only after 15 minutes by linoleum

In the first two cases are used for applying the adhesive toothed metal or plastic spatula. In this case, the size of the teeth should be determined by the layer thickness that you want to apply.

Important! If you apply the mastic, the basis of which a synthetic, strongly recommended that you use a metal spatula, as this may cause a fire.

Any excess adhesive that will perform at the seams after the linoleum is glued, must be eliminated. To remove them you can with the help of old rags, but it must be done immediately to avoid drying the composition. If the solution you used dispersion adhesive, then the hands of it's easy to wash off with plain water. If we had to deal with mastic, then scrub it is possible by means of a solvent.

The use of glue for laying linoleum to create a durable flooring and neat barely visible seams at the joints webs

The use of glue for laying linoleum to create a durable flooring and neat barely visible seams at the joints webs

Should I promazyvat entire surface of the coating or composition is to be applied only on the perimeter of each piece depends on the room size. Of course, it is better not to save, and carefully glue the maximum area. Although some experts say that as an alternative to the adhesive can be used double sided tape, glue it on the perimeter of each element of linoleum.

How to properly care for linoleum, to extend the life

As already mentioned, the quality and technology of laying linoleum, determines the term of its operation largely. Therefore, to understand so as to glue the linoleum, is to ask for the fact, how to care for them. Here are a few recommendations of experts, which will allow for a long time to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the coating:

  • detergents which include a solvent or acetone, in the care of linoleum apply strictly prohibited;
For the care of linoleum is to choose non-aggressive detergents

For the care of linoleum is to choose non-aggressive detergents

  • if for any reason the integrity of the coating has been damaged and there was a hole in the linoleum, it can be done at this point the patch. But in this case it is necessary to take care that the drawing on the cover matches perfectly, and seams were straight and minimally noticeable;
  • It needs to be concerned about the presence of the protective layer, which can be done with a special composition. It is applied to the surface, and then carefully polished. This coating becomes thinner over time, so that from time to time (about 2-3 times a year) it should be updated.

How much is to put linoleum: Prices for materials and work

The question of cost of certain repairs is always topical. Of course, since this is what determines the costs and largely decides which option do you prefer. But the simple answer to the question about the cost of such work is difficult, since a lot depends on what glue linoleum, and about what exactly the material in question.

Linoleum top layer of good quality are always resistant to abrasion

Linoleum top layer of good quality are always resistant to abrasion

Cheapest household linoleum will cost about 200 rubles per square meter, but most likely the material is thin enough and does not serve too long. More or less qualitatively coating cost 400-500 rub. / M. It is important to understand that if you lay linoleum, whose price is too low, then as soon as it loads likely to be damaged, so that too is not worth saving.

To deal with how to glue the linoleum, anyone can without any problems. This does not require special skills or abilities. It is only necessary to take into account all the recommendations for selecting and paving, and then a new floor will delight you with its appearance for many years. Of course, particularly durable and reliable material will cost much more, but to decide whether such an investment everyone should own.

Technology laying linoleum: Video-User to work

In order to visualize how to lay linoleum, very useful to look at video instruction. So you will be able to re-examine all the technology and pay attention to the details and features that are relevant in a particular case.

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