Design a bedroom 12 sq. m: how to make a small room cozy

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Bedroom - an intimate part of the apartment, which requires mandatory privacy, because everyone wants to sleep and relax in a calm and cozy atmosphere. Even with a small area of ​​a room, to create a design bedroom 12 square meters. m must be so, to place in it all the necessary pieces of furniture and leave enough room for easy movement. In these conditions it is necessary to competently approach the surface finishes and do not overdo it with furniture.

Design a bedroom 12 sq. m: how to make a small room cozy and comfortable

The design of the bedroom 12 square meters. m is especially important to study the functional space


  • 1 Repair bedroom 12 square meters. m: priorities
  • 2 Major repairs nuances when creating the design of the room of 12 square meters. m: Picture of ready examples
    • 2.1 Design a bedroom 12 sq. m: the most common finishes
  • 3 Choice for furniture design bedroom 12 square meters. m: a photo of the original interiors
  • 4 How to arrange the room 12 sq. m: photo well designed interiors,
    • 4.1 The main types of layouts designs small bedrooms of 12 square meters. m: photos of different options
  • 5 How to arrange the bedroom 12 sq. m: photo color solutions, choice of lighting and decor
  • 6 Design options for the bedroom 12 square meters. m: photo designs in modern and classic styles

Repair bedroom 12 square meters. m: priorities

The main goal when creating the design of the room of 12 square meters. m - or even try to visually expand the boundaries of actual space. If you can actually increase the bedroom area, then it is necessary to use. For example, you can attach located near the balcony and make it a successful continuation of the room. Design a bedroom 12 sq. m, with the adjoining balcony, you can successfully beat the stand and in the balcony area of ​​study or establish there a dressing table, which will be well illuminated during the day.

Most of the rooms in apartment buildings are modest premises with an area of ​​no more than 12 square meters. m, where it is difficult to arrange the interior

Most of the rooms in apartment buildings are modest premises with an area of ​​no more than 12 square meters. m, where it is difficult to arrange the interior

Yet often have to think about how to expand the boundaries of the space visually. Therefore, the repair of any room, including a small bedroom, the designers recommend starting with a detailed development of the design project. To perform a preliminary draft, there is no need to contact the designers. You can try to design it yourself using the available online programs designed specifically for building interiors. The most popular versions of the software designers are:

  • Google SketchUp;
  • 3D Max;
  • ArchiCad;
  • Apartama.

Using these programs will enable the well-thought-out design project bedroom 12 square meters. m, calculate the required materials, as well as to plan the number and dimensions of the furniture. This will help protect them from unnecessary costs and will not clutter the room with unnecessary items.

Before you go shopping to look closely to the furniture, wallpaper and textiles, it is better to "sketch" the plan of works on paper

Before you go shopping to look closely to the furniture, wallpaper and textiles, it is better to "sketch" the plan of works on paper

Before we proceed directly to the purchase of materials and furniture, it is recommended to determine in advance what I want to see the interior of the bedroom 12 square meters. m and reflect highlights, such as:

  1. Lighting. Whatever the planned repairs in the bedroom, but the number of lighting objects need to think in advance. We should immediately determine the number of fixtures and their placement: on the ceiling, the walls, next to the bed. If you plan these moments in advance will be able to hide all the wires correctly.
  2. Zoning. If you look at a photo of bedrooms repairs, then many of them can be seen that in the room, besides the bed, desk mounted or fitted with a wardrobe. It is not always required for the zoning to build solid walls - just use a different finish or open shelves.
  3. Removing measurements. A preliminary calculation of the area will help you determine the right amount of finishing materials and furniture properly set. We should not try to place a lot of items - can be limited only to the most necessary to leave a space.
  4. Disposition. In step execution plan room 12 sq. m solved all major aspects. For example, if different bedroom incorrectly configured, think through advance correction options forms and methods of filling all recesses and corners.
Preferences in the methods of registration space of the room will depend on the colors of finishing, furnishing and decor

Preferences in the methods of registration space of the room will depend on the colors of finishing, furnishing and decor

Major repairs nuances when creating the design of the room of 12 square meters. m: Picture of ready examples

Bedrooms are located in buildings of various types, which affects the design features of the design of the room.

If the apartment is located in the Khrushchev is required to pay special attention to the material from which erected the house. If it is brick, it is necessary to think in advance the additional wall insulation: it can be either external or internal. Another problem is considered to be the height of the building and the presence of abundant amount of green space. Khrushchev - a building, which is usually characterized by the presence of 3-5 floors. Crowns of the trees are more often on the level of the windows, which prevents the penetration of sunlight. This shortcoming should be solved with the help of artificial light sources.

Unlike Khrushchev panel houses characterized by a large number of floors and a high ceiling of the apartment, which allows to show imagination when choosing ceiling covering. Performing multi-level ceilings give the opportunity to organize a sufficient number of built-in lighting.

A white finish ceiling and walls copes with the visual extension of the space and serves as the perfect backdrop for any wall decor

A white finish ceiling and walls copes with the visual extension of the space and serves as the perfect backdrop for any wall decor

As for the bedrooms, located in a private house, to perform an interior room of 12 square meters in this case. m most simply, because there is a complete freedom of choice of the room design. If we are talking about a house built on his own project, you can at the construction stage to consider the shape of the room.

Useful advice! No matter where will be formalized design bedroom 12 square meters, more importantly, on what should focus, - surface finish.

Proper and competent registration will give the room a special atmosphere and create a feeling of comfort. To make room pleasing to the eye, it is recommended to preview the photo rooms of 12 sq repairs. m and determine what kind of design would be desirable to perform in a particular room.

Bedroom of modest size does not fit the pompous atmosphere in a classic design and options for branches of this style

Bedroom of modest size does not fit the pompous atmosphere in a classic design and options for branches of this style

To maintain a balance, so that in the end does not get too boring, or, conversely, multicolored interior, you need to stick the basic principle when bright accents are used in limited quantities and only to highlight some elements. If you choose a bright color of the walls, the furniture and decor should differ calmer tones, which will balance the brightness.

The bedroom is considered to be the premises in which a person should feel relaxed and calm, because otherwise a rest in the room will not be possible. It is best to opt for surface finishing natural materials as much as possible, which differ attractive appearance and pleasant to the touch. We should not forget about the durability of the materials, which will allow even simple design of the room for a long time to look attractive.

Making room 12 sq. m need to take care of the combinatorics of color finishes and furniture, floor covering and textiles

Making room 12 sq. m need to take care of the combinatorics of color finishes and furniture, floor covering and textiles

Design a bedroom 12 sq. m: the most common finishes

The main requirement when selecting a floor covering - to give preference warm options that make you feel comfortable while walking barefoot. The ideal material for a floor covering can assume natural wood, room-filling specific flavor. However, not everyone can afford to lay on the floor wood. For more affordable in terms of price options include:

  1. Parquet or wood block flooring. Both materials are manufactured on a natural basis. They are characterized by a smooth and pleasant surface, as well as a wide selection of colors and shades of wood.
  2. Bung. Pleasant and natural material, which is the least susceptible to wear.
  3. Laminate. Do not choose the cheapest variety of coatings, because the floor is scratched and quickly lose its attractive appearance.
  4. Linoleum. Refers to budgetary flooring options, but at the same time at retail outlets available in a wide choice of colors and textures simulating various natural materials. It is recommended for this purpose, choose a thicker, warmed linoleum.
The snow-white finish, as a blank canvas to create the bedroom of the image, which will be cozy and comfortable

The snow-white finish, as a blank canvas to create the bedroom of the image, which will be cozy and comfortable

It is interesting! If you view a selection of photos of designs of bedrooms 12 sq. m, one can see that most of the floor is done in bright colors, as in a small room like shades are considered optimal. It is important that the floor was not lighter than the walls.

When making a design bedroom 12 square meters. the choice of materials for the walls in the first place depends on personal preference. This may be the wallpaper, textured plaster, paint. The only thing that is not recommended to do the designers - used for wall cladding panels, which will take away the area in a small space.

For the walls in the bedroom are usually used various versions of wallpaper:

  1. Paper. Look beautiful, there is a wide range of different options. Paper wallpaper are considered to be environmentally friendly and to "breathe", but their main drawback - low wear resistance.
  2. Non-woven or vinyl. More dense and soft ware, which, thanks to a variety of textures, well used to the space zoning. The advantage is considered to be the fact that they can be washed in case of contamination.
  3. Liquid. This option is recommended for use in the bedrooms, which do not differ smooth walls, because liquid wallpaper can correct this deficiency.
Light beige and sand tones create a warm atmosphere in the space of 12 square meters. m

Light beige and sand tones create a warm atmosphere in the space of 12 square meters. m

Many photos of the interiors of 12 square meters room. m can be seen and the use of photo wallpapers, which paste over one accent wall. Most often used for this purpose the wall behind the headboard, but in this case the rest of the surface is desirable to make neutral, self-colored, better light.

A method of finishing the ceiling depends on the height of the walls. If the bedroom is low, to keep the volume of the room, the ceiling is recommended to smooth and painted in white color with water-based paint. If the ceiling height standard can be used hinged embodiment or execute a layered structure with web tension and drywall. Various passages in the ceiling is also beneficial not only used for installation of recessed luminaires, but also for the zoning of the space that can be seen in photos of the interiors of rooms 12 square meters. m.

In parallel with the selection of colors and styles, you can plan the ceiling trim, walls and floor bedrooms

In parallel with the selection of colors and styles, you can plan the ceiling trim, walls and floor bedrooms

Choice for furniture design bedroom 12 square meters. m: a photo of the original interiors

To properly determine how to arrange the furniture in the bedroom, it is necessary to consider not only the features of plan, but the number of people using the room as well as the function to be performed room. If the room is designed only for sleep, then you need to properly install the bed and related small items of furniture, which are located around it. If the apartment is small and in the bedroom requires installation of the cabinet or the design work area, and then select the furniture you need, taking into account these features.

Related article:

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Looking through different photos of bedrooms, we can distinguish the basic elements of furniture that are most needed in these areas:

  1. Bed. This is the central element of the bedroom, the size of which depends primarily on the number of people. When it comes to family bedroom, the bed have to be double - width of 160-180 cm and 190-200 cm long.
  2. Cupboard. The bedroom is better to install a complete wardrobe, interior equipment which can accommodate a large number of shelves and drawers, allowing you to store the necessary things.
  3. Chest of drawers. Acquired by the impossibility of installing the cabinet and is used for storage of small clothes and underwear.
  4. Bedside tables. Considered to be mandatory elements of an interior bedroom 12m², allowing convenient to arrange the necessary items near the bed: phone book or a small nightlight.
The modest size of the room should not be pushed to buy the bed smaller than desired

The modest size of the room should not be pushed to buy the bed smaller than desired

Useful advice! These pieces of furniture such as a TV or a dressing table, are not mandatory and are set only under the condition that they will not interfere with the free movement around the room and create a pleasant, cozy atmosphere.

Special attention in the regeneration of the bedroom should be given the choice of bed. Even if the room is designed for one person, it is still not recommended to buy the product with a berth already 160 cm. Also for the decoration of the room designers are not advised to choose a bed longer than two meters, so as not to overload the small area.

In addition to selecting the optimum size, be competently approach to the definition of bed style, which should fit well into the interior. In the photo cozy bedrooms you can often see the use of products with the original back at the head. Unusual forged back wooden bed becomes a real gem of classical bedrooms.

Bed frame, in addition to what should be beautiful, is obliged to vary the strength and durability. In addition to the wooden frame, are considered reliable and forged metal structure. The mattress is better to choose an orthopedic, hypoallergenic filler, prevents pests.

Another important element of any bed is considered to be a drawer, which allows you to use the area occupied by sleeping, most efficiently and frees up more space in the room. It is desirable that the box does not abut against the floor, which will greatly facilitate the process of cleaning. The interior is rectangular bedroom with a window is recommended to install a bed headboard to the opening.

In addition to the bed, it is necessary to consider the presence of bedside tables and storage systems

In addition to the bed, it is necessary to consider the presence of bedside tables and storage systems

How to arrange the room 12 sq. m: photo well designed interiors,

Disposition of the room does not depend only on what elements want to see in the bedroom, but also on the characteristics of the premises: the number of doors and windows, as well as their location. If you view the photo designs and has 11 square meters. m (or 12 sq. m), we can see the classic design, in which the bed is placed in the center of the room near one of the walls. On one side of it will be a wall with a window, and on the other - with a door, the fourth wall is most often used for placing the cabinet.

Useful advice! Designers do not recommend to have the bed directly opposite the door, so she does not attract attention. If this is not avoided, the bed should be set accent element, which would detract from the look of a berth.

Creating a rectangular design bedrooms, especially the small size causes some difficulties. At arrangement of narrow room is better to arrange the bed away from the front door, and it is desirable for this purpose to use the opposite wall from the entrance.

In general, if we consider the rectangular layouts photo bedroom of 12 square meters. m, can be seen and options when the bed is not installed against a wall, and a little further. In this case, for the head can be put wardrobe with sliding doors and create an invisible zone of storage.

There are other common options bedroom design layouts 12 meters (photo successful interior included):

  1. Square bedroom. In this case we are talking about a room with a length of the walls is about 3.5 m. You can set the bed in center, and the rest of the furniture is located along the walls, but in this case will be quite a bit of free space. Therefore it is better to place the bed under a window or in a corner.
  2. Bedroom irregular united with a balcony or other location. If this room, bathroom with balcony, there is better to equip an office with a desk and a place for reading books, leaving the rest of the area to complete the bedroom.
In a square bedroom 12 sq. m bed better place in the center of the room

In a square bedroom 12 sq. m bed better place in the center of the room

The main types of layouts designs small bedrooms of 12 square meters. m: photos of different options

In the photo of the interiors small bedroom 12 square meters. m can often see such a plan, when the bed is in the middle of the wall perpendicular to the window. On both sides of her are placed symmetrically bedside tables. Opposite the bed is a wall on the free TV or projection screen. Side of the door, in this case set a large wardrobe in the wall.

The main advantage of such an arrangement of furniture is considered symmetry that creates a feeling of well organized space and comfort. The disadvantages of the interior include a small width of the cabinet, small gaps between the main pieces of furniture, as well as the inability to install cabinets under the TV.

Important!To reduce the risk of injury in a small bedroom furniture is recommended to choose with rounded corners. If in the house the children live, the protection on the corners hang special softeners.

The lack of bedside table in the room free up space for the installation of storage systems, the dressing table or chair for reading

The lack of bedside table in the room free up space for the installation of storage systems, the dressing table or chair for reading

The bed can be installed along the central walls which are arranged perpendicular to the wall with a window and a door. In this case, bedside tables are arranged symmetrically on the sides of the bed, and the TV is fixed on the opposite wall in a modular design, which includes tUmba under the TV and two-canister cabinet, located on either side of the TV. Additional storage space can be organized on a TV.

The advantage of this plan is not only a symmetry, but also the ability to store a lot of things and the availability of space on the sides of the bed.

Another way to organize the space small bedroom you will set the bed at the free wall near the window. In this case, the bed is placed off-center wall, and the maximum is shifted to the window to leave enough space for a small nightstand. Against the wall opposite the window, set a narrow but long closet with sliding doors, interior fittings which features a large number of shelves and drawers. The downside of this option are considered to be fairly large size of the cabinet and a small amount of free space.

The photo design modern bedrooms can see another easy way arrangement space when the storage space located behind the headboard and sides of it. In this case, it freed a lot of free space, but a significant disadvantage is the lack of the possibility of installing bedside tables. Another drawback - the location of all the furniture along one wall, which causes a feeling of congestion interior.

How to arrange the bedroom 12 sq. m: photo colors, selection of lighting and decor

The main thing that is required to perform the regeneration of a small bedroom, - visually expand the volume of the room. If you view a selection of photos of designs and has 13 square meters. m (11.12 sq. m), which are very similar in shape and area, you can draw attention to the fact that pastel light colors are used for the surface finishing. Pure white ceiling, which is lighter than the surrounding surfaces all seem visually higher and the room is filled with the volume and lightness.

The wall at the head of the bed, made in the manner of accent with the help of color - a good design method for the isolation of the central piece of furniture a small bedroom

The wall at the head of the bed, made in the manner of accent with the help of color - a good design method for the isolation of the central piece of furniture a small bedroom

The walls also recommend using a light finish, which not only contributes to an increase in visual space, but also acts on the human relaxing. The most popular colors for the decoration of the walls of the bedroom are:

  • beige;
  • lactic;
  • sand;
  • light lavender;
  • pale green;
  • coral;
  • blue;
  • silver.
The walls of the bedroom 12 square meters. m better to issue in light, neutral tones, this technique will increase the visual area

The walls of the bedroom 12 square meters. m better to issue in light, neutral tones, this technique will increase the visual area

Useful advice! The color of the floor covering must be several shades darker than the walls, and the texture is selected based on personal preferences.

Organization of illumination depends on the height and type of bedroom ceiling covering. Studying the photo design rooms of 12 square meters., It is possible to note that the main elements considered beautiful ceiling chandelier and bedside lighting sources that are either mounted on the bed or on the bedside installed nightstand. It is important that each side of the bed had its own self-contained nightlight.

If the room is planned installation of chairs for reading or working at the computer, it must be equipped with a good source of light, be it outdoor floor lamp or sconces on the wall. Since the bedroom is a fairly intimate room, in addition to the main lighting, the room must be equipped with a series of lamps, lighting power which can be changed by the controller. Creating a romantic shadows in the bedroom is like nowhere else handy. Below is a selection of photos interior design bedrooms with well-chosen and executed lighting.

A good one visual expansion space serves as a mirror or mirror installation cabinet. The main thing - do not place it in front of the cabinet, the best location - in front of the window, which, due to the mirror effect, visually increases. It should be noted that not all designers welcome mirror installation in the bedroom.

Having established a chair for reading, it is necessary to equip a good source of light - outdoor floor lamp or a sconce on the wall

Having established a chair for reading, it is necessary to equip a good source of light - floor floor lamp or sconces on the wall

Selection of decorative elements depends on the style in which the room will be made out:

  1. High tech. Does not accept the decor but modern technological advances: in the bedroom is usually mounted plasma TV and a cutting-edge watch.
  2. Loft. Allows the presence of black and white pictures or pictures.
  3. Provence. The main decoration style - beautiful bed linen with floral print.

To make the interior complete, and a cozy bedroom, attention design window opening. Curtains create in the bedroom atmosphere isolation and privacy. If you do not want to clutter the room voluminous curtains, which occupy a lot of space, it is possible to limit the installation of Roman blinds made of thick material.

Design options for the bedroom 12 square meters. m: photo designs in modern and classic styles

Modern design bedroom 12 square meters. m. prefers to use classical methods of planning the installation of a laconic furniture various textures. In the interior is very important own fantasy owner, which should move in harmony in the bedroom space.

The basic principle, which adhere to the regeneration of a modern bedroom, can be formulated as follows: fewer parts and more space where people feel comfortable. It is important to fill your room with functional furniture: a bed with drawers or lifting frame, wall cabinets with a good pull-out accessories. Modern style involves the use of straight lines, the abundance of light and high-quality modern materials. Below you can see a selection of photos of various designs of bedrooms in contemporary style 10 square meters. m, 12 sq. m and other smaller areas.

Minimalism - is the preferred style in the design of small bedrooms

Minimalism - is the preferred style in the design of small bedrooms

The main modern styles include:

  1. Loft. Brutal and daring interior design is perfect for the bedroom. Preference is given to an untreated surface rough with the effect of negligence. In the bedroom is welcome mix of vintage furniture and modern technology installed on the brick wall background.
  2. Minimalism. Prefers possible to release space on the details and use the light up to the white color for the walls.
  3. Pop Art. Bright, modern style, in which there is a riot of colors. This bedroom is suitable expressive and creative individuals.

Classic styles 12 squares fit difficult, but possible. In this case, the key element is a double bed which is decorated forged or carved back and patterned textiles. In addition, the installed wooden bedside tables. The addition classic styles are beautiful curtains, paintings of the Renaissance painters on the walls and lamps, antique. The main areas include the following classics:

  1. Provence. Key features: pastel colors, floral motifs on surfaces, furniture with an artificially aged facades and unusual decor.
  2. Scandinavian. Modest embodiment preferring plain white finish, the presence of wooden furniture. Decoration becomes pale blue bedspread on the bed.
  3. Country. The most important in this style looks Bedroom, executed in shades of pale green that refresh the room. The walls are usually decorated with paintings depicting mountain or rural landscapes.
  4. Vintage. Lightweight and elegant style, which involves the use of bright pearl, gray or pink shades. It looks attractive room ivory. It is recommended to apply for the interior restored vintage furniture.
Rough rough surface of the masonry is perfectly fit into the interior in the style of the bedroom 12 square meters loft. m

Rough rough surface of the masonry is perfectly fit into the interior in the style of the bedroom 12 square meters loft. m

In the bedroom, which has ploschad12 squares, it is difficult to organize the space efficiently, especially if you want to install a large number of pieces of furniture. In this case we have to fight for every centimeter, carefully weighing the decision. If you select options for modular suspended furniture, not to obscure the surface and the most well-used area, will be able to create a cozy and comfortable space for sleep and rest.

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