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Important for people to maintain personal hygiene, especially after using the toilet. If the European countries bidet is used both in public places and in homes, then in Russia, many do not know how to use a bidet correctly. Most likely for this reason the device and is not widely used, although it recently installed much more frequently than before. After all, it helps to carry out a bidet hygiene with comfort.
Bidet - a device similar in appearance to the toilet, but fitted with nozzles designed for hygiene after defecation
- 1 The story of the device, which you need a bidet in the bathroom
- 2 Why you need a bidet in modern toilet room: the main reasons for the unit installation
3 How to use a bidet: the main varieties of plumbing fixtures
- 3.1 Properties of the mixer arrangement, classification of devices for water flow rate
4 The main varieties of combined sanitary devices
- 4.1 On what parameters need to pay attention in the first place: expert advice
- 4.2 Common rules on how to use a bidet: video instructions
- 5 Advantages and disadvantages of the device for cleaning the installation
- 6 A few tips for proper installation of plumbing in the bathroom
The story of the device, which you need a bidet in the bathroom
When making a bathroom or toilet, many are wondering how to use the bidet, and whether it is necessary to install the device. Typically constraining factor is the acquisition of a small area bathrooms. Although in recent years a growing number of excellent alternatives to standard bidet appears on trading floors, which also help to keep personal intimate hygiene.
First mention of the bidet, with a similar purpose, are to the XVII century
Despite the fact that as a way to use a bidet quick cleaning the steel after using the toilet for a long time, it is still not everyone fully understand the meaning of the installation additional device in the bathroom. Many people confuse it with a urinal, the drinking spout or a small sink.
If you delve into the history, the first mention of the plumbing can be found as far back as the seventeenth century in France. The first device is a small bath in the legs, which are pre-filled with water and used for its intended purpose. We put a bidet often directly in the bedrooms and was used not only for caving, but also as a shell. For a long time, a bidet was a privilege only the wealthy homes of ordinary people has not been able to buy it. Even then, people recognized the usefulness of the installation device, especially when you consider that the toilet paper appeared two centuries later.
Over time, the plumbing structure has undergone constant changes and improvements, which expands the popularity of the use of a bidet is not only in European countries but also in the US continent.
Interesting information! The first devices with electronic control have been developed in the second half of the nineteenth century, and radically changed the concept of how to properly use a bidet to women and men. Modern modification is a cover for toilet bidet with built-in electronic adjustment unit. Most of these models can be found in Japanese homes.
The first bidet basins were filled with water, which were used in France
The main function of both the first and modern bidet is to maintain the purity of the genital and perineal area, which because of its location is considered to be the most contaminated part of the body. Therefore, the educated modern man immediately clear why you need a bidet and how to use it, even though some are still thinking about the relevance of the installation. In general, among the main positive points of installation are the following:
- Convenient cleaning the external genitalia after using the toilet. Wash the perineum is considered more useful and hygienic than using toilet paper.
- Comfort of use of the device low for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, with different kinds of disabilities and for the elderly, who by virtue of age is difficult each time to climb into the bowl bathroom.
- Prevention of hemorrhoids development. The use of toilet paper after a bowel movement does not clean the skin, which is especially dangerous for small anal fissures occur. People who are prone to the formation of hemorrhoids, it is strongly recommended only caving.
Why do I need a bidet in modern restroom: the main reasons for the unit installation
Those who are accustomed to using toilet paper is not immediately clear what the benefits of a bidet, for which it is recommended to install. The most common answer to this question - maintaining purity of the body. Indeed, this aspect is of great importance in the life of modern man, especially the girls.
The device simplifies the bidet washing procedure, it helps to maintain good personal hygiene
The photo bidet can be seen that the device is a device in the form of small shells, from which the water flows through the hose to the nozzle, usually located at the bottom of the bowl. Some for ease of purchase is not a separate device, and a small toilet with integrated bidet. Due to the versatility of the device will not need to carry out jogging from the toilet to the bidet after spravleniya natural needs.
How to use a bidet for women, men and children? The main purpose device:
- Conducting hygienic standard daily procedures. The most common feature, which is convenient to use, regardless of age or gender.
- Bathing babies and children. If you purchase a device with retractable hose, using a bidet is convenient to carry out cleaning the kids that will help keep the sink clean. Of course, for this purpose will only fit a separate bowl.
There are other applications of the device. For example, the device can be used to conduct massotherapy. For such operation should acquire embodiment with movable mixer mounted on a side of the device. In this case, it is possible to choose the intensity of the water supply and adjust the direction of the jet. After performing a comfortable setting for themselves will carry out daily gentle massage reduces inflammation and swelling, as well as preventing the formation and progression of hemorrhoids.
The main advantage of a bidet is its versatility, practicality, ease of use and installation
Plumbing fixtures is also used for making foot bath that will relax your limbs after a hard day's work and improve blood circulation in order to avoid the appearance of varicose veins. To carry out this procedure is required to close the drain hole and fill the cup with water. It is necessary to adjust a comfortable temperature and to enhance the effect can be added to water or relaxing grass oil.
After the procedure, wash the instrument, so the walls are not left grease stains or stains. Also advised to purchase quality products with faience coating that is easy to clean. It is important to understand that this kind can not be used in the case of buying a toilet with built-in bidet.
How to use a bidet: The main varieties of plumbing fixtures
If you view a photo or video, how to use the bidet men and women, we can draw attention to the fact that the sanitary appliances for cleaning the construction of similar in appearance to the toilet. A distinctive feature of this plumbing is considered to be the presence of the mixer on the housing and the tap from which flows a stream of water the desired pressure, in this case it is possible to send it to wherever you want. Depending on the structure of the bidet devices are distinguished by such features as:
- installation method;
- nature of management;
- particularly the water supply.
Allocate freestanding bidet and a device mounted in the toilet
The most easy-to-install option considered floor bidet. In this case the construction is attached to the floor at a distance of at least 60 cm from the toilet bowl. The maximum distance is selected based on the area of bathrooms and user convenience. In any case, you need to fix the device so that it is convenient to change from one device to another. Among the main advantages of acquiring a floor bidet, allocated as follows:
- low cost;
- easy installation.
More complex installation is characterized by the suspended bidet, but underneath the empty space, which greatly simplifies the process of cleaning in the bathroom. The design is kept thanks to the installation mounted on the wall, so installation can be carried out only at the stage of carrying out repairs in the bathroom. The main advantages of wall-mounted bidet:
- Compactness. Due to the fact that a large portion of the device inserted into the wall surface remains only directly bowl.
- The ability to hold a lot of weight. The installation is a sturdy construction so permissible to use a bidet to both men and women having a high weight. Maximum load on the device is 400 kg.
Depending on the control features distinguish manual or automatic types bidet
Useful advice! Because of the apparent fragility of the construction of many is not clear how to wash in the bidet-type suspended. In fact, thanks to its special construction, it is quite possible for any person weighing fully perching on a device in a comfortable position.
Properties of the mixer arrangement, classification of devices for water flow rate
When you purchase it is important to bear in mind that floor bidet comes in a complete set (with mixer and other necessary accessories), but the suspended models often sold without a crane and a mixer, so they will need to purchase separately.
Studying the pictures, how to use the bidet, you can see that the water, depending on the type of construction, is served in different ways:
- With the help of crane and mixing. Most models in the bowl set special devices that increase the level of comfort when using the device.
- Through an opening located at the bottom of the bowl.
Selecting device type depends on the specific application. If you plan to operate a standard, it is better to get the plumber with the classical method of supplying water from the tap. In this case, it is easier to regulate and adjust the temperature. When this valve can be located at the center of the device and the rear wall - comfort depends on personal preference.
Suspended bidet models often sold without a crane and a mixer, so they need to be purchased separately
The water temperature may be controlled manually, but the more expensive models are equipped with a special thermostat that controls the water level of the heating. Furthermore, these devices are completed mixers, varying degrees of water feeding the jet intensity:
- conventional;
- pulsating;
- intense;
- soft.
The main varieties of combined sanitary devices
In most cases the bathroom can not boast of large dimensions. Therefore, when planning the space are trying to limit the installation of plumbing to make it convenient not only to enter the room (or leaves), but also perform actions freely within room. In this situation, a stand-alone bidet is considered a luxury, so the preference in a situation with a small bathroom give it a universal combined plumbing. Consider the main types of such structures.
Shower toilet. The ideal solution for a small bathroom. When considering how to use the bidet (photos show the advantages and disadvantages of this type of sanitary ware), you should pay attention to the significant advantages - no need for transplanting to the device on the device and the release of additional space bowls. For these reasons, the design and widespread.
Toilet bowl with a hygienic shower is a watering can, very similar to the shower
Hygienic watering. users often think about what is better: a bidet or shower hygienic. Many are inclined to the second option. The device is a funnel, very similar to a shower, but with a small head and, in some cases, with a special button at the bottom, designed for quick on / off water. The model is widely used, because use hygienic shower in the bathroom can not only direct purpose, but also applying it at cleaning, for example for filling buckets, washing the bowl, rinsing dirty containers. Furthermore, a device in a compact size.
Cover-bidet is considered one of the latest inventions, which can be installed on the toilet at any time, the main thing - to choose the right size. The built-in bidet cover permissible to install in all conditions and in the bathroom of any size. If you view images and photos, how to use the bidet men and women, we can see that the process is very similar to using the shower toilet.
The main advantage of the cover bidet - the presence of e-government, allowing it once to configure the optimum temperature to be maintained at each time. In addition, some models comes bundled remote control, with which you can control the water pressure, use the whirlpool and air freshener. Another useful option is considered a hairdryer, avoids the use of towels after bathing, which provides additional protection for the delicate skin of the perineum.
It often occurs with built-in bidet toilet seat - this is when the toilet rim is equipped with nozzles
Useful advice! According to the instructions, a bidet built into the lid, must be connected to the mains, in order to fully use all the functions. This caveat should provide to the acquisition device.
On what parameters need to pay attention in the first place: expert advice
Before you select a specific model of a stand-alone device or shower toilet, is recommended primarily to draw attention to the material from which made the cup. The most popular options include such surfaces:
- Porcelain. Material used for the production of the most expensive models, because it is considered to be high-quality and durable. The absence of porosity prevents the penetration of foreign odors, dirt and moisture into the structure. The average service life of 50 years and more.
- Earthenware. Cheaper material, which, in view of low cost, often used for the manufacture of sanitary ware. Earthenware is porous, however, to improve the quality of consumer, bowls further coated with glaze. In this regard, they are rarely used for more than 30 years.
Related article:
Toilet with bidet functions: ergonomic and convenient device for personal hygiene
The characteristic features of the device. Material for manufacturing products. Variety of plumbing fixtures. Popular manufacturers and models.
While viewing video and photos, how to use the bidet, you can draw attention to the fact that the devices are made from other materials, such as glass or plastic. The public toilets are often found steel bowl, which is characteristic of resistance to mechanical damage. But installing steel bidet strongly recommended not at home due to the fact that the land on such a device is unpleasant and uncomfortable. Customized design models can be produced, wherein the base material acts as glass or a precious metal.
Current models of bidets are several modes of operation, including in accordance with the user's gender affiliation
Helpful information!Apart from the fact that the porcelain itself is more expensive manufacturing techniques (when compared with faience) also has a higher cost. For this reason, bidet porcelain will cost 20-30% more expensive.
When you purchase is necessary to consider the type of construction and to select the optimal device, focusing on the height, weight and age of the people who will most often use the product. Please be aware that the elderly and people with disabilities to use too low or, conversely, too high the device will be uncomfortable. The optimum height of the toilet and bidet in this case is considered to be 45-60 cm. This figure is an average of 10-12 cm higher than the standard setting.
cup size must match the dimensions of the toilet room. If the parameters are not allowed to place two separate device should opt for plumbing, combined with a bidet.
Another selection criterion is considered to be a way to connect to the sewer system. In this case, the devices are classified as follows:
- vertical;
- horizontal;
- inclined.
The optimum height of the toilet and bidet is considered to be 45-60 cm
If bidet installed after completion of the repair, it is necessary to acquire model corresponding wiring formed and mounted in the riser sewer inputs. For this reason it is recommended to choose a convenient option to start repairs, to prepare the required outputs for him.
Experts advise to buy the goods in the audited retail outlets. In this case, it is useful to inquire about the availability of quality certificates and guarantees. Plumbing is expensive and not available for one year. Therefore, the supporting documentation can help in case of need to return or exchange the device.
Common rules on how to use a bidet: video instructions
The main rule of the sanitary device is that you can not use a stand-alone bidet toilet as: need to change to the cup after spravleniya natural needs. On the internet you can find many photos, how to use the bidet for women and men. Tips for using the device:
- Before direct the jet at the crotch area, to avoid pouring hot or too cold jet must be carefully adjusted water supply temperature.
- Sit on the bidet can be in any comfortable position. Still, most people focus on what is best to sit down face-to-tap, because how to use the bidet mixer will only be if it will be before eyes.
- Around the device at arms length necessary to arrange intimate soap or towel disposable wipes for skin drying. If the appliance is used by different people, it is especially important to hang next to paper towels.
Useful advice!While viewing a video, "How to use a bidet to women", you can draw attention to the fact that to all the hygiene is important to reach without getting up from the device. This life hacking is useful to consider both men prefer to use a bidet for personal hygiene.
Previously, it was decided to sit on the bidet "top", and some people do just that, but in the long run pose everyone chooses on the basis of personal convenience. Follow clear rules there is no sense - it is better to rely on their own feelings and comfort.
Advantages and disadvantages of the device for cleaning the installation
Installing a bidet provides tenants a number of advantages, because you can rinse the intimate area after using the toilet without leaving the bathroom. This allows much faster to wash the desired part of the body and do not use for this purpose a shower or bath. Other positive aspects of use of the instrument:
- wash bidet is much simpler than the cup of tub or shower;
- easy to teach children to independently use the appliance;
- facilitate hygiene procedures for elderly people with problems of the musculoskeletal system and the disabled;
Among the main disadvantages are the need to allocate a bidet in the bathroom
- presence of a large range of models and versions;
- the presence of some instruments useful additional functions;
- saving in water consumption;
- practicality and functionality of many devices;
- easy installation and maintenance.
Before choosing a bidet to be properly studied and the main disadvantages of using the device:
- creation in the bathroom an additional node to connect the device to consume water;
- summing up to some models the electric network;
- the most significant cost of functional devices;
- absence from the territory of some of the cities of service centers for repair models with built-in electronics.
Another controversial moment of setting hygienic shower in families with children - the possibility of flooding the neighbors. Children can play too long in the toilet and accidentally turn on a constant supply of water for watering. If the hose is not immersed in a toilet, it will inevitably lead to water leakage. This problem can be solved by conducting outreach. The advantages of such devices prevail over their minor imperfections.
The high cost is justified by the bidet comfort and use that carries the device operation
A few tips for proper installation of plumbing in the bathroom
After the turn to make sure all the benefits of a bidet, you should think about setting rules. Competent to perform the installation of plumbing there are generally accepted rules and regulations. In any case, the installation must first be useful to a specific user. Before starting the installation, you must take into account the location of the cup with respect to the riser sewer systems and other devices in the room.
- Typically, the device is mounted on the side of the toilet bowl a distance of not more than 1 meter, it is better - 60-70 cm. It is such a distance is easily overcome without unnecessary movements. At the same time it should not be much to reduce this distance, because the toilet and bidet is inconvenient to use.
- Other plumbing and should not be located close to the bowl, because otherwise it will be uncomfortable to sit. Before the device is better to leave at least 60 cm, the minimum distance on each side - 25 cm.
Bidet is considered ideal for the daily maintenance of personal hygiene of genitals and perineum area. The device is no substitute for a shower or a bath, but it is a great complement bathrooms, saves time podmyvanii. Every time after using the toilet to run around in the shower - a long and uncomfortable, and installed a bidet makes it possible to freshen up quickly and comfortably.