Projects of houses with attic and garage: variations buildings

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On the new real estate market leading position in the field of private engineering projects occupy houses with attic and garage. Such popularity is due to aesthetics and versatility of the structure, combined with saving factor. However, such a construction has the features that you should know before the start of construction.

Projects of houses with attic and garage: variations buildings

House with an attic and a garage are practical and functional


  • 1 Projects of houses with attic and garage: the distinctive features of the cottages
  • 2 Highlights of designing a house with garage and attic
  • 3 The choice of material for the construction of the house with an attic and a garage: Photo examples
    • 3.1 Modern building material for the construction of houses with attic
  • 4 Compliance with the outlines of buildings the size of the land plot
  • 5 What is the roof that the draft at home with a loft and garage: Photo examples
  • 6 Proper insulation of a small house with an attic and a garage
  • 7 Variants of the interior layout of house with attic
  • 8 Variants of projects to build large buildings
    • 8.1 Variations of small houses projects: Photo examples

Projects of houses with attic and garage: the distinctive features of the cottages

The house with an attic - photos clearly show the different options - is the most rational solution for a small area, which allows to increase the living space without reducing the land. Availability of personal transport causes another popular reception - building a house with a garage.

Project home with a loft and a garage for one car

House project garret and garage for one car

Projects of cottages with a garage and attic have a number of advantages:

  • By combining the two functional areas manage to reduce the costs associated with the development of the project and execution of construction works;
  • positioned adjacent to the living area and garage creates a comfortable environment in the latter, which leads to lower costs associated with heating the garage;
  • creation of an internal passageway allowing to move freely from room to the garage without going into the street, which is especially useful during bad weather;
  • the creation of an attic space provides increased living space, which is especially important for single-storey buildings;
  • compact multi-purpose facility allows you to save the free space of the land;
  • attic construction cost substantially cheaper than the construction of the second floor;
  • attic floor can further insulate a dwelling, saving him from drafts;
  • Attached garage will cost much less than a stand-alone item;
  • buildings are stylish and presentable appearance, stands out against the background of other buildings.

Highlights of designing a house with garage and attic

Before settling on a typical project or place an order for construction of individual option, we should define the key points. Along with the attractive exterior of the structure of attention deserve such a position:

To avoid errors, the project design is better to entrust the professionals

To avoid errors, the project design is better to entrust the professionals

  • selection of the base material for the construction of the building;
  • combination of construction with the surrounding landscape design;
  • matching the outline construction sizes of land;
  • choice of construction of the building roof;
  • the necessary insulation of the roof of the attic floor;
  • layout of the interior.

Development plan at home with a loft and a garage recommended to professionals, among which must be present architects, engineers, builders and designers. Because of this will be possible to eliminate errors in the calculations and technical mistakes in the project.

Special attention is required roof, whose design should be thought out carefully. Moist, warm air rising from the house, condensation and natural external influence in the form of rain and sun can worsen the condition of the interior trim of the upper room. To avoid this, it is necessary to competently organize the thermal, hydraulic and vapor barrier.

The choice of material for the construction of the house with an attic and a garage: Photo examples

For the erection of a cottage with an attic floor and a garage can be used bricks, concrete blocks, concrete, wooden beams, sandwich panels. Each option has obvious advantages and disadvantages. The choice of material depends on the climatic zone and the characteristics of the ground terrain.

Popular material for building houses is wood

Popular material for building houses is wood

Useful advice! Less costly and time consuming at the construction is frame garage with a loft.

The classic material for the construction of houses is a brick, has a low cost, it is a good thermal and shumoizolyatorom. Brick wall - one of the most stable structures that can withstand the weight of the attic. Load-bearing walls do not need to be strengthened, thus saving on the construction of the house. This material creates a Mighty robust appearance design.

Useful advice! Attic room can be created after the construction of houses of brick, which was not previously provided for in the project.

Another traditional material for the construction of low-rise buildings is wood. It, like brick, has high heat and noise insulation characteristics. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly product. House of timber will have a presentable appearance. In addition, the wooden building will stand for more than 50 years.

Sandwich panels - a three-layer material that is used in the construction of frame houses

Sandwich panels - a three-layer material that is used in the construction of frame houses

However, wood is prone to rapid ignition, which increases the risk of fire. This can cause the destruction not only of the living space, but also the car is in the garage. In addition, the material has a relatively high cost, which is more acceptable to people who are not limited in finances.

Modern building material for the construction of houses with attic

Today, very popular aerated or gas silicate blocks. They have the same performance as that of the brick, but the process is considerably simplified construction of the building. The elements are characterized by low weight, so that the construction work can be carried out alone. It also helps to reduce the load on the structure of the foundation. However, the material has the worst load-bearing capacity, which should be considered at the design stage. Intuitive use of the material can be seen on the photo of houses Projects of foam blocks with attic and garage.

Sandwich panels are supplied in kit form ready. The constituent elements of the construction are made of pre-designed project of the attic at home with a garage, taking into account the layout of the rooms. SIP panels are going according to plan-drawing. Plan further garage or loft after erection of the panels is not possible.

Silicate blocks - bricks have characteristics and have a small weight

Silicate blocks - bricks have characteristics and have a small weight

Construction of a frame house with garage and attic is done easily, but it is important to calculate the load on the frame correctly. If this is not done, the structure would break down and built like a house of cards. The use of this material will facilitate the process of interior design.

Compliance with the outlines of buildings the size of the land plot

If it is necessary in the creation of a large living area with modest amounts of land many choose two-storey buildings, many variations of which can be seen in the photo houses 8 projects with a loft and 10 garage. However, the daily movement of the stairs will have to taste a little. This is especially true of older people and those limited in movement. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the projects of single-storey houses with garage and attic.

If the site is narrow, it is better to give preference to an embodiment of the structure of a blank wall, on which there are no windows and doors. This decision will allow to build a house with an attic in the immediate vicinity of the site boundary. Along the longitudinal walls of the building can be placed for household needs.

House with a loft - the perfect solution for a small area

House with a loft - the perfect solution for a small area

If you choose the room layout is necessary to arrange the living room and bedrooms on the sides of the building, so that will ensure maximum penetration of natural light into the room, including in attic. Login should be placed in the attic or the end part. Placing a garage with a loft - photos clearly reflect this - as selected gables.

What is the roof that the draft at home with a loft and garage: Photo examples

Usually in the standard projects of houses with garage and attic provides roofing, at the same time covering the main building and an annex in the form of a garage. There are variants in which one of the attic space above the garage settling. Immediately it can be assumed that such buildings will suit any type of roof is visually displayed on the photo projects of houses with garage for 2 cars. As practice shows, some embodiments of economically unjustified, because they require significant financial costs. In addition, some types of structures is impossible to arrange in a certain climatic zone because of the large building height.

The Project is a small house with an attic and a garage most suitable types of roofs are gabled, hipped and poluvalmovaya that clearly show the photo. The easiest option is performed by a gable design. However, due to a roof attic room is small, narrow and uncomfortable.

Hipped roof and poluvalmovaya are hipped. With these broken structures manage to use 90% of the area of ​​the attic space to arrive at a comfortable living room. However, for the design of these complex structures will need the help of experts. These roof terraces look very aesthetically pleasing and original, emphasizing the uniqueness of the structure.

For a house with an attic gable will be the most suitable, or hipped roof poluvalmovaya

For a house with an attic gable will be the most suitable, or hipped roof poluvalmovaya

Useful advice!For convenient and comfortable operation of the attic floor its height must be at least 2.5 m.

Very popular projects attic houses, whose buildings and the garage roof is a single whole. However, from a practical point of view, the best option would be, where the upper part of the garage will serve as a basis for creating a penthouse terrace.

Proper insulation of a small house with an attic and a garage

Houses with attic need to organize proper insulation. Garage insulate optionally. It is important to organize a good ventilation. The most difficult step is the insulation of the attic floor. It is important to eliminate the occurrence of drafts and penetration of cold winds. It should also be properly organized waterproofing. The choice of insulation depends on the type of premises that are under the loft, and the duration of spending time on the floor.

The most popular material - foam. It comes in plates, which ensures its easy transportation and installation. The material is characterized by light weight, good thermal insulation properties, low cost. Among the shortcomings can be identified and ease of ignition of a greater likelihood of fragmentation products during assembly.

The most popular material for thermal insulation of buildings is a foam

The most popular material for thermal insulation of buildings is a foam

Another Budget material that is often used for insulation of attics, is glass wool having high thermal insulation and fire resistance. However, work with the material hard because it allocates to the air dangerous glass dust to human health, which can damage the respiratory tract. Product should be mounted in special remedies that protect the respiratory system and skin from damage.

Important!If the attic is used as a living space, use glass wool is not worth it.

Equivalent of glass wool, which has the same characteristics but devoid of the disadvantages is mineral wool. In addition, the material is resistant to moisture, good vapor permeability, resistance to nucleation of microorganisms, reduced heat-conducting properties and environmental friendliness. Such distinctive virtues are reflected in the cost of material.

Variants of the interior layout of house with attic

The internal arrangement of the premises is carried out to meet the requirements of the customer at the design stage of the project of the garage with a loft - a photo layout clearly demonstrate the various options. It all depends on the desired number of rooms, their purpose, which is determined by the composition of the family and the owners' requirements. However, the structure of the data require special attention to certain embodiments, the progress of the house to the garage and the type of staircase design.

Attic can serve as a living room, office or bedroom

Attic can serve as a living room, office or bedroom

Comfortable and convenient lifting on the floor provides a staircase with a large angle of inclination. It should be noted that this design requires a large amount of free territory. Reasonable way out of this situation is an arrangement under the stairs practical pantry, bookshelves and a spacious wardrobe for clothes or household items.

Compact design has a spiral staircase. However, it does not differ convenience. But if you select a design you want to consider the slope of the spiral, the optimal width and height of the steps treads.

Related article:

The project is a single-storey house with a terrace: modern ideas and design solutions

Advantages and features of similar buildings, interesting options for planning and advice. Facilities with terrace closed and open.

Entrance to the garage can be arranged directly from the house. In this case, consider the construction of the vestibule. It must be provided for measures to reduce noise and provide a reliable barrier against penetration into the living room of fuel and carbon monoxide smells. The project is a double garage with loft owners will appreciate during inclement weather. Despite this, the more rational is still considered one entrance to the garage from the street.

Variants of projects to build large buildings

Today there are many variations of finished projects of houses and houses with an attic and a garage. They differ in size and internal content. There are options of one-storey and two-storey buildings, buildings with a ground floor, wine storage or bath.

For the structure of the house with a loft and a garage, you can use ready design

For the structure of the house with a loft and a garage, you can use ready design

Houses with an area of ​​over 100 m² is much easier to arrange. Photos of buildings plans clearly show the many different variations, including these projects garage and attic for 2 cars. The attic floor is more spacious due to the large free area. Here it is possible to organize several living rooms, to equip the gym, put the pool table or create a spacious living room. Garage, which may have different dimensions, it is easy to attach to any side of the building. In this case, it is obligatory to take into account the aesthetics of the house, to extension does not distort its proportions.

Erection dimensional structure can be carried out under the project one-storey house with a garage for 2 cars. This is especially true when there are two cars in the family. Above the garage is possible to arrange a winter garden, a home theater or a game, which is clearly displayed on the photo garage for 2 cars with attic.

Can be given the structure of style and originality, replacing the standard glass wall of the attic floor. Also, the owners of two or more cars will appreciate with garage house project under the house, situated on the ground floor. Living rooms in this case are in the attic, which is planned on the basis of personal preference house owners. Various options can be seen in the photo garage of projects with a residential attic.

Variations of small houses projects: Photo examples

Houses with a loft and 100 m² require a more careful approach in the regeneration of the dwelling and garage. If the house is narrow and elongated, with a garage parked end. In the case of a square building an extension can be done from either side. Another option, which is often provided in the project at home 6 to 8 with an attic, a basement equipment where possible build garage. This solution will provide a compact, roomy, versatile and stylish building in a small area. Adjacent to the garage is possible to equip a steam room or sauna.

Design of a small house with a loft requires a more careful approach

Design of a small house with a loft requires a more careful approach

Useful advice! Projects garage with a loft, where car parking space is equipped on the ground floor, it is advisable to use in hilly terrain. This will allow the visually smooth terrain and harmonize the surrounding landscape and the overall construction of the form.

Garret in this case would have a smaller area. Where possible location just one room. Therefore, to get the most out of free space, special attention should be paid to the roof structure by the broken version. For version villa attic room can be used as a utility room. In this case, it is recommended to equip the gable roof, so that will be able to save on construction.

additional architectural elements are often used when creating design houses through which It created not only presentable and stylish appearance of the structure, but also expands space inside the house. One such element is a bay window. Photo of houses with garage and attic showcase the many variations of its location.

You can also use the column, exclusive windows. Additional improvement terrace or veranda ennoble the structure, making it more comfortable. For a comfortable summer holiday does no harm would be to create a balcony.

If the house has a rectangular shape, it is better to arrange a garage with the end

If the house has a rectangular shape, it is better to arrange a garage with the end

Noteworthy project home with a loft (photo is visually indicate) where a garage covered flat roof, which is the basis terrace. Aesthetics and design elegance is achieved by a skillful combination of decorative materials. For a large family will like the spacious cottage with a loft, topped with a sloping roof, maximizing the intended use of the attic floor.

Before you decide on a particular embodiment, it should study in detail the various projects, where in terms of the house with an attic and a garage presents all sorts of variations of premises interior layout. Experienced professionals are adapting selected to develop a specific region and will make the necessary changes, based on the wishes of the customer.

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