Green Cuisine: spectacular, juicy interior and positive

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If it's time to upgrade the kitchen and it is a thorough repair, when you want to refresh the interior, you should pay attention to the use of green. According to psychologists, the green color is considered beneficial, positive effect on the state of mind, reduces stress and fatigue. Green Kitchen makes a positive attitude to the next day for breakfast and relax after work for dinner, even if the window is clear and cloudy skies.

Green Cuisine: spectacular, juicy interior and positive

Green color in the interior of a beneficial effect on the emotional state, reduces stress and fatigue


  • 1 The main advantages of the kitchen interior in green
  • 2 Various original versions of green kitchen design
    • 2.1 How to design the interior light green kitchen
  • 3 Features trim surfaces in the kitchen green
    • 3.1 Green Cuisine: how to choose furniture and accessories
    • 3.2 How to draw a green apron for the kitchen
  • 4 The harmonious combination of green color with other shades
    • 4.1 Other popular options are a combination of colors in the interior of the green kitchen
  • 5 Useful tips from the designers of interior decoration green

The main advantages of the kitchen interior in green

Kitchen in shades of green is associated with the spring and summer, when nature is full of fresh green. This interior always looks juicy and has a positive effect on the mood of the people in the room. In addition, nutritionists say that the color of young greens beneficial effect on appetite and improves digestion. For this reason, especially recommend the use of green tones in the apartments inhabited by young children who are difficult to feed.

Kitchen green help tune into a positive new day

Kitchen green help tune into a positive new day

It is interesting! Green Kitchen gives a charge of vivacity and energy, as well as the best way to prevent conflicts in the family.

Shades of green are most common in nature. Green color in the interior of the kitchen will be associated with a lawn. However, with kitchen equipment, be aware that green features a large number of shades - from light to dark or bright neon. Thus each hue can cause different association:

  1. Dark green - the color of stability, conservative views, is related to the reliability and thoroughness.
  2. Light green - light shade, causing a feeling of tranquility and romanticism.
  3. Pale green - calm tone, creating an atmosphere of calm in the kitchen and peace.
  4. Bright green - the color of youth, which is associated with joy and optimism, makes you want to experiment.
Kitchen in green colors have a positive effect on appetite and digestion

Kitchen in green colors have a positive effect on appetite and digestion

Kitchen design in shades of green necessarily must be supplemented by using potted plants, organically fit into the interior. It is better not to opt for this eye-catching pots that will stand out and create a bright spot. They should be in harmony with the color of kitchen fronts.

Various original versions of green kitchen design

To create a kitchen design in green and not oversaturate interior is required to competently approach to the choice of colors of the walls, furniture, tile and choose the right dishes, it is also important to purchase the appropriate overall design and kitchen textiles accessories. A wide variety of green tones allows you to choose a harmonious combination of different colors that make the kitchen a personal and unusual. If you use only one color, the room will look tasteless. Therefore, designers are advised to compose a few tones. It does not avoid contrasts, as they will help to freshen the interior. The palette of green color includes such colors:

Not to oversaturate green interior kitchen, you need to choose the correct color co

Not to oversaturate green interior kitchen, you need to choose the correct color co

  • emerald;
  • malachite;
  • ocher;
  • color lime;
  • olive;
  • myrtle;
  • green marsh;
  • khaki.

This may also include the so-called Islamic and Persian green - and this is not an exhaustive list of possible options.

Dark green color is right for the kitchen in classical style

Dark green color is right for the kitchen in classical style

Light green kitchen pleases and does not strain the eyes, as well as a positive effect on the mental state of man. The main demand - to adhere to self-restraint and not to overdo it with the use of colorful tones, which may act irritating. Poison (the so-called neon) the green advised to use with caution, carefully choosing his parts, limiting their number to a reasonable amount.

Shade of green, which is dominated by notes of yellow will look good in the interior of a dark kitchen, which windows faces north, so that will compensate for the lack of natural lighting. Color will create the effect of the presence of sunlight, especially if the room is in constant shade. If the kitchen is located on the southwest side, the interior can be diluted by means of aquamarine shades that will refresh the room.

The kitchen in shades of emerald and malachite looks bright and juicy

The kitchen in shades of emerald and malachite looks bright and juicy

Dark green kitchen looks favorably in a bright room, which is peculiar to the abundance of natural light. However, it is important to bear in mind that in a small room predominance of dark colors will make it visually smaller, and the room itself may look bleak. Dark olive green in a lot of ways to suppress the mood. If the kitchen is spacious and its decoration chosen dark shades of green, do not arrange a large number of bright accessories, because they will look out of place. This interior requires compliance stringency stiffness and is considered a conservative one.

How to design the interior light green kitchen

Lime belongs to the warm shades, formed by mixing blue and yellow colors. The advantage is considered to be the fact that it is well combined with other colors. Single color, which is not recommended to combine the lime - is purple, because the interior in such a case will look surly and unpleasant.

Light green color perfectly combined with other shades

Light green color perfectly combined with other shades

Light green kitchen, which all year round creates a feeling of spring in the house is always full of freshness and energy. If you choose a soft and dull light green options, the room will look calm and serene. Juicy, rich green, on the contrary, will invigorate and encourage them to take action.

Using light green tint is often seen in modern kitchens. The photo light green kitchen can draw attention to the abundance of simple and regular geometric shapes, as well as the combination of bright colors. Provence style in the interior of the kitchen involves the use of softer light green shades. Classical seldom uses light green range, because enter a bright accent in the interior such is not considered possible.

Light green kitchen creates a warm spring atmosphere in the room

Light green kitchen creates a warm spring atmosphere in the room

Useful advice!Juicy shade of light green is considered to be very catchy and bright, so in this color should be issued only one thing: either the wall or kitchen artist. If you overdo it, the kitchen is too varied.

Light green walls are a good backdrop for dark and for light headset. The main thing is that the furniture is simple and at the same time was functional. Furniture with dark facade on the background wall green color looks spectacular, while the bright kitchen set will make a fresh and perky. Bright accent wall is able to revitalize the interior of white monochrome space, while acceptable to use for the walls painting or wallpaper. It is better if the Wall monophonic or simple geometric patterns.

If you want to buy a kitchen set with a bright green facade, it is desirable that the surrounding walls were executed in soft pastel shades. It is important to adhere to the key rule: the brighter the facades, the calmer should be walls and other surfaces.

If the kitchen is in the green color, the walls have to be quiet shade

If the kitchen is in the green color, the walls have to be quiet shade

Well in light green interior looks simple table with glass top, which does not load the interior. It is especially important to use this option in a small kitchen. To make the lime interior completed, it is recommended to hang in the kitchen of clear glass goblets and vases to place in the same performance.

Features trim surfaces in the kitchen green

To get a nice interior, before carrying out repairs, it is recommended to view photo kitchen in shades of green. By studying different options for the interiors, you can choose the best combination of colors. It is important to understand that not always something that looks good in the picture, would be the best to look in the kitchen interior. Basically, the result depends on the room size and orientation relative to the side beam.

Most often, the kitchen ceiling green decorate in gray or white colors

Most often, the kitchen ceiling green decorate in gray or white colors

Studying the photo design of green cuisines, you can often find a white ceiling, decorated with unusual green chandelier or a series of built-in lights. If you prefer Stretch Ceilings, it will look nice fabric with a certain image - it can be a blue sky with clouds or the trees.

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Features, advantages and disadvantages of color, good combination with other colors. Rules of interior decoration in various kitchens.

To experiment with coloring ceiling is better in the spacious kitchen - the ceiling in a small room is advisable to leave pure white. If you want to surprise your guests, you can arrange the ceiling in tone green headset, and the walls are left white. This technique will help to visually increase the height of the room.

Useful advice! If you view a photo of green kitchens, in the interior of which the walls and floor are made in the green, you can draw attention to the fact that all surfaces are merged into one. This creates the impression of compressed walls. To avoid this, you need to use a graduated color. If the walls are green, the floor and the ceiling is better to leave white.

Do not make all the walls in the kitchen green, it is better to use different combinations. For example, the original use in the kitchen looks green wallpaper, which disposes one accent wall, wherein when placing the other surfaces used unobtrusive prints depicting peas or pale floral compositions. In this case, the appearance of the flashing must conform to the general concept of the room.

If selected for the walls ceramic tiles, it is not advised to use everywhere, not to make the kitchen look like a bathroom. Better to use ceramics in the most polluted areas, such as in the workplace or in the setup area of ​​the dining group. On other surfaces, it is recommended to leave the warm-colored wallpaper.

If the surface areas are decorated in green, the furniture should be low-key shades

If the surface areas are decorated in green, the furniture should be low-key shades

floor finishing is performed in the last turn and is selected based on the color of the walls or facades of kitchen furniture. The floor covering can be made neutral using the floorboard, or else to lay ceramic tile in green color.

Green Cuisine: how to choose furniture and accessories

Furniture in the interior of the green kitchen can be made in any style. However, if the classic is best to choose darker shades of antique, the modern styles such as high-tech, more suitable bright glossy facades. If the kitchen is decorated in the style of Provence, the green facades with patina will look elegant and create a pleasant interior. Color kitchen headset green apple is best accentuate the style of fusion, or even minimalism.

Important! If the green kitchen has been chosen, the walls have to shade it. In this case, the surface is best done in pastel shades, because the green wall in the kitchen background with green facades looks uncomfortable.

If initially for finishing the kitchen wall used shades of green, the facade is recommended to choose such colors:

  1. White. This set always looks appropriate, it does not focus on the attention.
  2. Light beige or cream. Well, when the furniture in this color will be made of wood.
  3. Yellow and orange. Such furniture blends perfectly with pistachio and olive walls.
  4. Dark brown. It looks favorably in the classical interiors, especially if the set is made of dark wood, and the walls are used for the decoration of delicate green hues.
  5. Pink. Bold decision, which requires caution, this set is better to choose to emerald walls. In this case, it is not necessary to apply the bright decorations.
Muted greens can be completed with wooden elements

Muted greens can be completed with wooden elements

Of great importance in creating a complete kitchen interior play curtains. It is better to choose natural or synthetic materials, easy to operate. The green curtains in the kitchen blend well with furniture facades, made in the same colors, but do not match the color of the walls, not to merge with them. Completion of the interior can be done not only by applying the classic tulle, but hung concise or Roman blinds. For the style of minimalism, even ordinary blinds fit.

The interior of green look beautiful curtains made in warm pale green or yellow color, which will contrast with green furniture. However, in this case, the room must additionally be other yellow accessories. Beige and green gamma is considered universal and suitable for any kitchen design.

Considering photo kitchen green, which are executed in muted light colors, you can pay attention to how effectively complemented the interior bright and expressive accessories. In addition to the curtains are used and these details:

  • Interior dishes;
  • vases;
  • flower pots;
  • open mini-bars;
  • tablecloths;
  • potholders and towels;
  • paintings;
  • statuettes and souvenirs.

How to draw a green apron for the kitchen

Green is considered to be a soft color shades which advantageously combined with each other, so difficulties with registration of the apron should not arise. Most harmoniously in the photo looks kitchens green apron made using one of the shades of green. When this is allowed, not only to pick a shade to match the kitchen furniture, but also to use a contrasting color to make an apron kitchen accent piece. In this case, it is important to choose the right color saturation. For example, if the interior is bright green or green, it will look beautiful apron dark bottle or even a pale light green hue.

The apron can be configured to match the entire kitchen or be contrasting

The apron can be configured to match the entire kitchen or be contrasting

Useful advice!In the green kitchen apron should emphasize the harmony of colors, even if the bright green shade was selected for interior decoration.

In any case, the selection of color need to be based on the fact that green is a natural tint, against which looked favorably and other natural colors. And you can arrange an apron, using images of plants, flowers, vegetables or fruit. Pale lime green apron pictured kitchen always looks fresh and pleasing to the eye, reminding of spring freshness.

Some people prefer to use bright and saturated acid tones that combine with the surfaces made in the same style. The main thing - to make sure that in this kitchen will be comfortable. Universal apron embodiment considered in a neutral color, which is present in the design of a small number of bright green color.

The harmonious combination of green color with other shades

To understand how a color is combined in the interior of the green, you need to seek clues to the nature, because it is a combination of natural colors will look the most attractive. The advantage is considered to be the fact that he and Green has many shades, which can be advantageously combined. The main condition for the design of the kitchen - not to mix warm and cool shades, and do not use more than three colors at once.

Unusual but spectacular combination will be the tandem of green and pink

Unusual but spectacular combination will be the tandem of green and pink

Whatever shades of green may be chosen, they still recommend to combine with other shades, because the monochrome interior over time will begin to push and bother. To make the room comfortable, you need to strike a balance in the use of different callers. The most popular combinations in the interior of the kitchen include several options.

The combination of black and green colors when properly chosen shades looks stylish and impressive. Using black balances the riot of green paint and adds the necessary contrast room. Green shades, on the contrary, diluted somber black. To place an approach green corner kitchen, which is complemented by a strict black top. It will be especially organically look like a combination of interior, designed in the style of hi-tech or minimalism.

Always harmoniously combines green and original kitchen with white. The contrast of the colors in the room creates a feeling of spring. Making the interior of a kitchen, you should follow the rule: the brighter shade of green is used, the greater must be present in the room white. This color scheme looks good in a country style or Provence. If the kitchen is already bright, you can perform a beige-green kitchen, which is less bright and is not a trademark.

Useful advice!If dilute interior white and green kitchen accessories in bright yellow, the room will create the atmosphere of a blossoming meadow.

Interior gray-green kitchen looks appealing and is not as strict as the option of using black, but not as brightly as the white and green room. To dilute a neutral gray color, it is recommended to use pure shades of green that add mood room. At the same gray tone serves as a tool, is set off by a sharp color green. The gray version can be issued not only countertops or appliances, but also accessories such as curtains or other kitchen textiles. This variant combination of colors is most common in high-tech style.

Other popular options are a combination of colors in the interior of the green kitchen

Yellow-green kitchen looks very organic, because in the nature of this combination is found most often considered to be the closest person. The use of yellow and green is often associated with dandelions in the meadow or the bright sunlight, which make their way through the green crown of the tree. Green kitchen with yellow highlights will provide a good mood, especially in rainy or cold weather. However, it is important to bear in mind that the presence of a large number of yellow stimulates the appetite, so if there are problems with being overweight, it is required to dose the amount of yellow tones.

The combination of green and white - the most common variant

The combination of green and white - the most common variant

The combination of green and brown in the kitchen looks nice and not get bored. Green and brown kitchen is associated with tree trunks and leaves on them, or with a cane on the background of the sandy shore. Brown can be used for decoration kitchen furniture facades, as well as for floors. If the kitchen is done with the use of warm tones of green, it is better to eat chocolate and sand tones of brown and gray suit brown shade for cold dishes. Other popular combinations include the following:

  1. Orange-green kitchen suitable for people with a healthy appetite. This combination of option creates an association with juicy mandarins always looks bright and elegant.
  2. The combination of pink and green are often correlated with the spring and tulips. However, care is required when selecting colors, one color should be the primary, and the second is used to create emphasis.
  3. Blue-green kitchen will evoke the globe. In any case, the combination is considered to be harmonious and successfully applied in all proportions.

Useful tips from the designers of interior decoration green

Experts strongly recommend do not be afraid to use green color where it is needed. In the interior, you can use green and shades as the base, and the other colors are used to set off the main bit color. In using different shades, it is possible to perform zoning area and provide the necessary functional areas. If afraid to make experiments, the bright colors should be used in small quantities. For example, you can pick up tiny accessories, and then the mood to increase the number of objects of a given color.

Green is used in the kitchen as a base, and the other colors are used in order to emphasize his well

Green is used in the kitchen as a base, and the other colors are used in order to emphasize his well

To make the room harmonious, floor and ceiling do not need to register in the same tone - is recommended for this purpose to use two different colors. Set off the bright facades of kitchen furniture and fill your room with bright curtains help saturated color. The main thing is that the furniture is not merged with the color of the walls, so it is best to use the game of contrasts. Other tips for green interior decoration:

  1. To highlight the dining area, it is better to use a table with a glass top, around which are placed the green chairs.
  2. Decorate the window can be green Roman shades made of linen.
  3. It is recommended to perform an apron with lime green tiles.
  4. For the flooring, it is desirable to use a multi-colored tiles.
  5. It is necessary to use different shades of green for the design of the upper and lower cabinets kitchen group.
  6. Can be arranged on an interior surface of the green open dishes.

According to feng shui green is considered to be the most advantageous for the design of kitchen space. Interior of green kitchen always looks fresh and happy. In this room a good morning, tuning in to a positive day and in the evening in a green interior relax. In addition, the room, decorated with shades of green, helps to remove negativity and promotes fast relaxation.

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