Machine tools for cold forging: assembling and making of metal elements

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Blacksmithing - is hard physical work, which requires special equipment in conjunction with the relevant knowledge and experience of the master. However, for the manufacture of some artistic elements, simply bend the workpiece to the desired angle. metal deformation may be performed without heating the mechanically applied to this machine for cold forging. What features have similar units - will be discussed in this article.

Machine tools for cold forging: how to create artistic elements of metal

machine for cold forgingAllowing you to create wave-like elements


  • 1 Machine tools for cold forging: the advantages of their use
  • 2 Variety and purpose machines for forging
    • 2.1 Can it be done with his own hands a machine for cold forging
  • 3 Cold forging their own hands: machine tools, drawings, video
    • 3.1 Design of cold forging machine, preparatory work
    • 3.2 How to assemble the torsion machine for cold forging your own hands
    • 3.3 How to make a machine for cold forging gnutik
    • 3.4 Machines for the snail cold forging their own hands: versions
    • 3.5 machine drawings snail cold forging their own hands
    • 3.6 Production of snails: how to make the machine with their own hands
    • 3.7 How to improve their own hands machine for cold forging snail
  • 4 Self-made machines for cold forging metal with his own hands: video instruction

Machine tools for cold forging: the advantages of their use

The method uses cold forging metal such property as ductility, i.e. the original shape of the workpiece can be changed by mechanical action within a predetermined range. Therefore, soft metals are suitable for this process, such as low carbon steel, copper, aluminum and so forth. For use as the preforms can be applied:

Examples of different materials are used for cold forging

Examples of different materials are used for cold forging

  • bars and rods of any cross-section: round or square;
  • Metal cutting band different;
  • pipes;
  • rolling profile.

Products, which are manufactured by the blacksmith in the hot forging of metal of a kind rare and unique. If you want to create a set of identical elements, which are then collected in the finished structure, uniqueness will only interfere. With this purpose, cold forging method is used: it guarantees the formation of a large number of identical elements.

Since hot metal working professionals who are skilled in the use of this technology and can skillfully handle complex tool. In cold forging the highest skill is not required - it's much easier. Hand tools for forging allow without significant physical effort to get enough products to run a project.

Universal machine for the creation of artistic snail spirals and curls

Universal machine for the creation of artistic snail spirals and curls

In addition, the time spent on training elements are significantly reduced when working on special machines, not to mention the comparison of this method to hot forging technology: a few minutes to manufacture a single element - is undeniable advantage.

Variety and purpose machines for forging

The machine is used for any purpose to facilitate the manual labor. Forging the cold type can be used on different equipment, which minimizes the physical effort of the master and to perform the following basic operations:

Machine for creating a shaped profile by cold forging

Machine for creating a shaped profile by cold forging

  • bending the profile at the desired angle or radius;
  • manufacture of coils or curls;
  • longitudinal twisting workpieces.

Variety of receiving the item allows you to build them in combination and intricate designs, create accurate artistic canvas for fences and arbors, balanced decor for park benches and other various items destination.

Note!Decor machines help to create the same shape and size of the elements in a short period of time can reduce the cost of each of them and to reduce the duration of the manufacturing process.

Industrial machine gnutik allowing obtain a preform with a predetermined radius

Industrial machine gnutik allowing obtain a preform with a predetermined radius

Cold forging machines may be specialized (only perform one operation) and universal. Distinguish these types of special machines:

  • gnutiki (bending machines) - allow to bend the workpiece at an angle or predetermined radius (wave);
  • snails - tightening the workpiece in a spiral and swirls;
  • torsions - help longitudinally twist the workpiece or several such parts simultaneously;
  • Punching machines - with their help make decorative collars, shaped lugs, wave with a fine pitch.

Universal machine include components of the special equipment in its various combinations.

Adaptations for cold forging actuated mechanically (manual machines) or via electric drive. Equipment with electric different speed and ease of processing workpieces. Machine for cold forging, the price of which can be quite high, is characterized by high productivity. When there is no need for performance and speed, the manual machine would be sufficient for the job, especially if blacksmithing - it's a hobby.

Gnutik machine for processing pipes by cold forging

Gnutik machine for processing pipes by cold forging

Can it be done with his own hands a machine for cold forging

Buy manual machine for cold forging can be an authorized dealer of tools available or to order on the Internet. The question is the price and the buyer's ability to pay. Alternative - build it with his own hands. The principle of operation will not differ from the goods purchased in the trade network and the functions performed are absolutely identical to the factory. Additional benefits - winning price, the confidence that the design will not fail after the first use.

Important!Not all equipment can be done independently, some parts require industrial production or manufacturing under the order.

First, let's get acquainted with the design features of each machine type, to evaluate the possibility of self-assembly.

Machine for cold forging a snail, allowing you to create spiral elements

Machine for cold forging a snail, allowing you to create spiral elements

Torsion must perform twisting metal rods, so its construction requires two elements holding the workpiece. One of them serves as a clamp, and the other comprises a rotary spindle, which, actually, is spinning rod to a desired helical wave frequency. The device is quite easy to build, and some masters generally cost vise and straightforward manual winch.

The design of the bending machine is also simple, but it contains a number of mandatory elements, the assembly of which is impossible without special tools. Base - a massive steel plate in the middle with a groove into which is inserted a movable stop movable worm gear. Two other cylindrical lock fixed and attached to the base on both sides symmetrically with respect to the groove. It stops the installation can cause difficulty, since fixing holes are drilled only on the specialized machine, impact drill such a blank of high-strength steel will not succumb.

Creating elements by cold forging in a homemade machine gnutik

Creating elements by cold forging in a homemade machine gnutik

Machine tool for metal forging snail may have two varieties: a collar or lever type. The first option allows to vary the bending form in the process, however, it has several weaknesses in design and is very demanding to manufacture strength materials. The second type is more stable, but less productive. Experts believe the easiest snail machine tool assembly which will not cause difficulties.

Cold forging their own hands: machine tools, drawings, video

Pretty easy to make comfortable and functional equipment for cold forging, the basic principles of its operation and purpose. Any drawings, videos and photos of designs always leave room for the creativity of the author and perfection of the finished product. The following will focus on the main points that are important for the assembly of machines.

Design of cold forging machine, preparatory work

First and foremost, the machine assembly condition for cold forging their own hands - drawings. These graphic documents require several:

  • drawing machine base for the future installation of the equipment;
Location machine snail guide elements for cold forging

Location machine snail guide elements for cold forging

  • assembly circuit or several circuits for each adaptation performed;
  • drawings replacement parts if they are provided in the structure.

Important!During the design phase should consider how will move the movable parts and components in an already finished product. this is especially necessary in the manufacture of interchangeable working tools, such as snails or gnutika.

To assemble a homemade cold forging machine will need the following tools and materials:

  • sredneuglerodistoj steel plate (not mark 35 below);
  • thick-walled pipe having a square or rectangular cross section;
  • cutting machine for metal (preferably a laptop) or grinder;
  • manual fastening tools;
  • welding;
  • router;
  • means for bending;
  • tool for measuring and marking.
Creation of different helices in the machine workpieces by cold forging snail

Creation of different helices in the machine workpieces by cold forging snail

Useful advice!To products made of cold forging, has a rather good quality, it is necessary to detail, homemade machine, too, were of high quality. To do this, all welded joints, edging and finishing ends of the surface carefully polished.

How to assemble the torsion machine for cold forging your own hands

A simple twist some masters do without the machine, holding one end of the workpiece vise, and the second rotating usual collar. In this method, the workpiece can not only to braid, but also to bend, especially in the area of ​​the fixed end. To avoid this, construct the guide structure in the form of a narrow trench, for example, from a tube with an upper longitudinal section (U-shaped cross section). It is worth considering:

  • the length of the trough - it should be shorter than the blank, which is reduced by twisting;
  • the width of the trough - is necessary for it to be 1.5 times wider than the workpiece, as it will hear during deformation.
Model torsion cold forging machine to create a twisted elements

Model torsion cold forging machine to create a twisted elements

You can get the desired result without the machine - it would require physical strength, and spend a lot of time to work. To such an option is not suitable, it is better to do the project of universal equipment.

Collect torsion machine for forging their own hands is permissible in two versions: a simple and universal. A simple model is an improved method of working with the vise, and the universal can additionally carry items such as a flashlight or basket.

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The choice of tools and materials for forging. Tips for beginning artists to metal. Description of the forging process, features and warnings.

Main operating force required for deformation of the material, will take over the support, so the foundation of the future of the machine should be durable. For this purpose, fit a pair of I-beams or U-sections welded together. The stability of the base of the legs will add similar profile, welded to the overall structure. Then you can engage in the manufacture of other nodes - and the tailstock spindle.

Torsion machine with a base of two rods of square cross-section

Torsion machine with a base of two rods of square cross-section

Each of the nodes homemade cold forging machine with his hands cartridges intended for placement preforms should have strong screw clamps (to secure fixation). Due to the decrease in the length of the workpiece by twisting tailstock is always done moving. Allowed to build headstock of the clutches, fixing them on the basis of bolts having a size not less M16. On the same axis as the clamp sleeve assembly mounted to the movable part of the machine, wherein the pre-drilled holes for the clamping bolts.

The movable part of the spindle knob is rotated, consisting of 4 arms which are long enough to extinguish the force applied to rotate. You can add a rubber grommet to protect the hands from slipping.

The main difference in the assembly of a universal self-made machine for cold forging is to design the movable part. It should provide a helical flow in the manufacture of lamps and baskets and fixed in conventional twisting metal. Therefore, the moving part is provided with a set of two spindles - smooth and screw. In such an embodiment is required for moving the headstock locking screw for fixation.

Production twisted torsion bars on the machine by cold forging

Production twisted torsion bars on the machine by cold forging

Useful advice!If you want to perform a workpiece, not curled over the entire length, and only in certain areas, to the machine design constraints are added. They are executed by type tailstock - with screw clamps and slidably.

Work on the torsion machine is physically tiring, get quality products on a large scale is difficult. Therefore, the introduction of electric drive in the design will be appropriate solution.

How to make a machine for cold forging gnutik

Machine gnutik monumental, massive, simple in design and build, but difficult to find and match details. Its purpose - to bend at different angles workpiece, so the force on all the nodes will be equally large, and hence, to detail the high requirements of the assembly.

Manufacturing of structures of bent rectangular method for cold forging machine gnutik

Manufacturing of structures of bent rectangular method for cold forging machine gnutik

For the base of the machine is chosen thick steel frame. It's worth noting that the machine is mounted on the table. Usually do bolted fasteners, such as that of vice. In the center of the frame is carried out guide to be movable. It is driven by an eccentric mechanism which, in turn, is attached to the base frame. In addition, set three stops, creating a kind of "plug" - a working design elements. Depending on the profile of their fold change: round rolls - to perform a wave, "hammer" - to form angles.

Work items are made of structural steel. Their strength - reliability of all equipment. Processing and fitting of such products require only professional equipment. Therefore, if there are difficulties in ordering, purchasing or manufacturing of the main components, it's wise to buy a machine for cold forging gnutik in the store. The cost of it is low, but it can additionally be useful for bending pipes.

Model Machine for manufacturing gnutik angular or wave blanks by cold forging

Model Machine for manufacturing gnutik angular or wave blanks by cold forging

Machines for the snail cold forging their own hands: versions

collection algorithm homemade machine for cold forging your own hands is quite simple and straightforward. Only when you create a snail three possibilities of design ideas, and even then very rough. Each master sees execution curl or spiral, as well as the sequence of workpiece bending differently.

As with any creative process, the production of snails for cold forging their own hands begins with the basics - the construction of key machine components. In the present case - a frame worktop and the main shaft with rotation of the lever.

The upper part of the machine for cold forging snail with removable guides

The upper part of the machine for cold forging snail with removable guides

Frame or a table for snail necessarily make metal. Wood is not suitable for the design: long and heavy loads will destroy him for several applications. As the material used will be appropriate area, thick-walled pipe or channel. For countertops also need metal - the sheet is not less than 4 mm in thickness: The thicker the more reliable. The shaft and lever - is the primary node which will cause the metal blank to bend in a predetermined pattern. The lever is connected on one side to a roller which bends the workpiece, and the other - with the main shaft.

According to the type of machine performance snail come in three variants:

  • Monolithic fixed bending template;
  • removable bending designs that make the curl of a different kind;
  • a collapsible structures curl and rotating table top for bending complex shapes of high accuracy.
Installation guides on the machine for cold forging snail

Installation guides on the machine for cold forging snail

machine drawings snail cold forging their own hands

Many artists who undertake the manufacture of machines for the first time, neglect engineering phase, built "by eye" patterns, and the development and modernization of the units involved directly in the process assembly. Drawing snails for cold forging with their hands should do in the preparatory phase. It will help to avoid some of the subtle nuances in the assembly, as well as significantly reduce the manufacturing process.

Necessarily follow the drawings that made another master. Availability of manufacturing or assembly conditions of materials may differ, and it is likely that the vision of the finished design may also be different.

One of the designs: 1 - share of the cochlea; 2 - the basis of the machine; 3 - a pressure roller; 4 - lever to control the pressure roller; 5 - mounting bases; 6 - pin to lock plowshares; 7 - prizhinogo groove roller; 8 - a control lever axis; 9 - a spring for pressing the roller; 10 - to the workpiece retainer; 11 - a leading share of the cochlea; 12 - the main axis; 13 - levers. Scheme snail machine for processing articles by cold forging

One of the design choices: 1 - share of the cochlea; 2 - the basis of the machine; 3 - a pressure roller; 4 - lever to control the pressure roller; 5 - mounting bases; 6 - pin to lock plowshares; 7 - prizhinogo groove roller; 8 - a control lever axis; 9 - a spring for pressing the roller; 10 - to the workpiece retainer; 11 - a leading share of the cochlea; 12 - the main axis; 13 - levers
Scheme snail machine for processing articles by cold forging

Especially important is the drawing for constructing patterns curls with your hands. Video Equipment for cold forging will help to calculate and construct a proportional spiral. This step is necessary to curl made on a homemade machine had an aesthetic appearance.

Useful advice!Templates for snails build according to the rules of mathematical spirals, given the number of turns, the density, the width of the opening for the equipment on the machine and the initial entry radius curl.

Production of snails: how to make the machine with their own hands

Monolithic machine - this is the simplest snail design. Spiral pattern is applied directly on the countertop. Then, following drawing, cut several pieces of thick metal. They are welded to the worktop, observing the markings deposited previously. Work on this type cochlea moves slowly but bending machine allows both a symmetrical preform diameter and the metal strips which are laid flat, with no vertical deformation.

Monolithic snail machine to create a cold forging manufacturing method

Monolithic snail machine to create a cold forging manufacturing method

Monolithic machine can have an alternative design variant, when the base is not fixed, but rotatable. For a given rotation and facilitate manual labor used a worm gear.

How to improve their own hands machine for cold forging snail

Homemade snail need not comprise only simple elements. You can be collected immediately improved model. For example, what if you need the curls of different shapes and with different patterns of spirals? Collect for each sample a single machine would be inappropriate. Therefore, instead of tightly welded single pattern on the table number of demountable create variants with different patterns. The design of making adjustments that allow you to change the template, fix it steadily, while maintaining the overall reliability of the machine.

Production curl by cold forging machine to snail

Production curl by cold forging machine to snail

The most professional models of snails found the machine, where the tabletop is rotated, and the curl pattern is made from several separable segments. It should be noted that all the sections are made with high accuracy. In the home workshop to realize this is difficult, so the unit production order in the workshop or factory. The curvature of the template changed by the adjusting screws, but on the surface countertops have a number of holes that will capture segments of the template in a predetermined position. In a similar way it is possible to bend any kind of curl.

Make a machine for cold forging your own hands, drawing which will carry out this task is quite simple, if you look at the principle of its operation and design features. It is important to calculate everything carefully and perform measurements. It is possible that someone will be able to come up with their own versions of new or improve existing models.

Self-made machines for cold forging metal with his own hands: video instruction

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