The curtains in the living room: how to decorate and match the interior

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Windows without curtains looks unkempt and lonely. Especially if they are living among soft sofas, comfortable chairs and banquet tables, behind which you can have a cup of tea with friends or celebrate a special occasion with friends. Decorated window will complement any style of indoor, provided that in the living room curtains are selected correctly.

The curtains in the living room: how to decorate and match the interior

beautiful the curtains in the living room will complement any style of indoor


  • 1 A significant element of design: interior curtains in the living room
  • 2 Variety of colors and curtains for the living room functionality
  • 3 Ways to decorate curtains in the living room: the photo-selection
  • 4 Making custom windows: the curtains in the living room
  • 5 Extra Long curtains for the living room: photos of models in interior
  • 6 The importance of properly selected dimensions for the living room curtains
    • 6.1 Velvet curtains design basis for drawing room (photo interiors)
    • 6.2 Lightweight fabric window in the living room: tulle, organza, chiffon
    • 6.3 Inexpensive, stylish and simple: the curtains in the living room of the strands
  • 7 Fasteners as a complement of design: the curtains in the living room on the eyelets
  • 8 Selective use of colors: white curtains in the living room
  • 9 design curtains in the living room: the modern fashion trends
  • 10 How to choose curtains in the living room: the importance of the psychological perception

A significant element of design: interior curtains in the living room

Many believe the curtains finishing touch in creating the interior. With this we can agree, but with a small caveat. Once in the room the curtains removed, it becomes a completely different, even the perception of the basic colors changing. Consequently, blinds - very important bar, without which there is no general complete interior composition.

Curtains - is a very important touch, without which there is no general complete interior composition

blinds - a very important touch, without which there is no general complete interior composition

Choose the curtains in the living room in a manner appropriate to the overall design of the room is quite difficult. They can not try on a garment. In theory, the right shade is suddenly not quite harmonious in the overall color scheme of the room. Created imagination embodiment has no actual implementation, and the selected type of curtains can not satisfy certain characteristics.

The living room is a room, which tends to the festival, solemn, even if it is made in the style loft, minimalism, hi-tech, and so on. e., that is in the style directions, which dominate rationality, restrained lines and shape. In this room blinds may be one of the main design elements that create an atmosphere of comfort and hospitality.

In the modern interior curtains in the living room can be made from any fabric

In the modern interior curtains in the living room can be made from any fabric

Good help in the selection can be a photo of curtains in the living room interior, located on the Internet. They demonstrate the possible types of curtains and their application in a particular styling offer Various designs and decoration processing, color combinations and methods of attaching paintings.

Variety of colors and curtains for the living room functionality

In the modern interior curtains in the living room can be made of any kind of fabric: cotton, linen, silk (both natural and synthetic), wool, nylon, woven from yarns, etc... This canvas may be a single color, drapes with a large print or repetitive pattern with stamping and lurex.

A lot of glitter on the curtains erases comfort, heavy dark curtains - under pressure, a variety of bright colors - annoying

A lot of glitter on the curtains erases comfort, heavy dark curtains - under pressure, a variety of bright colors - annoying

The choice of color is largely determined by the style, but not only. The important characteristic is texture fabric. The surface is smooth or corrugated, as well as with an additional thread brighteners or other color tint. When choosing the color of curtains can follow this algorithm:

  1. Understand that complement the interior of the living room: brightness, gloss, bringing harmony of different shades or lightness, transparency.
  2. Select the interior element, which drapes will be combined. This may be the upholstery, walls, floor covering, tablecloth or other textiles.
  3. Determine the possible future invoice curtains: smooth fabric, embossed fabric, or perhaps velvet.
Way to design windows in the living room largely depends on the required functionality curtains

Way to design windows in the living room largely depends on the required functionality curtains

Useful advice!When choosing curtains in the living room can not prevent excesses. Many shine wipes comfort, heavy dark curtains under pressure, a variety of bright colors annoying, disturbing emotions emancipation.

way of window decoration in the living room largely depends on the required functionality of blinds, which can be as follows:

When using colored natural fabrics hang better products having an outer protective sizing

When using colored natural fabrics hang better products having an outer protective sizing

  1. Decorative. For this method, there is no limitation in the material or color.
  2. A barrier to the penetration of sunlight into the room - here can be used both light and heavy curtains. When using colored natural fabrics hang better products having an outer protective sizing. Otherwise, the fabric in place out of direct sunlight will quickly lose aesthetics.
  3. Protect premises from prying eyes. medium and high density fabrics are suitable for such purposes. They provide a comfortable feeling of privacy.

Color, texture and purpose of the curtains are in interdependence. Only when the triune compliance can be achieved in the living room comfort and decoration.

To protect the room from prying eyes suit fabric medium and high density

To protect the room from prying eyes suit fabric medium and high density

Ways to decorate curtains in the living room: the photo-selection

Create the living room interesting interior, you can use a variety of decorating options curtains. Depending on the color, texture and density of the webs can create different compositions. The most common ways to decorate curtains:

Heavy curtains will look a lot more original with a short frill top of the same fabric

Heavy curtains will look a lot more original with a short frill top of the same fabric

  1. Grabs. Curtains can be gathered in the center or shifted to the wall. Flying by using tow, ribbon, chain, and so on. D., Which also have a decorative design.
  2. Edging tape, tow, cord, fabric of different color. The product is sheathed on the edge that gives the canvas expressiveness makes it more shape.
  3. Mounting the double curtains. Webs are arranged in parallel. For example, the bright green curtains in the living room are covered with beige or light brown. To this composition is used lung tissue obtained lush curtains.
  4. Frill. They may be formed from a fabric identical to the curtains, and from the other.
Create the living room interesting interior, you can use different options for decorating curtains

Create the living room interesting interior, you can use different options for decorating curtains

We should also be said of swags. This additional tissue elements that are in the top of the curtains. They may be incorporated in stocks rather short lengths of cloth, hanging vertically downwards. The collected web can be thrown through the cornice. Quite popular for living rooms bulk pelmets - puffs. The fabric is not going into warehouses and contracted. Apply stringent pelmets. In this case, planted decorative fabric is fixed to the solid basis.

Originally decorate the interior of the living room curtains turquoise combined with gold or beige and brown frill at the bottom of the canvas. Dark blue heavy curtains will be much more original with a short frill top of the same fabric, trimmed with velvet or lace light.

Depending on the color, texture and density of the webs can create different compositions

Depending on the color, texture and density of the webs can create different compositions

Making custom windows: the curtains in the living room

In the dictionary the word "curtain" is defined as a sheet of fabric used for zaveshivaniya or enclosure, that is, it is the same curtains, drapes and so on. D. In this article, the word "curtain" will be used in a more familiar domestic value - short curtains. Most often, this method of processing windows used in the kitchen or in the covered veranda.

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Decoration portion and protection from weather and insects. A variety of used textiles, characteristics, features, pros and cons.

If we talk about the apartments block with standard dimensions of window openings or modern houses with panoramic windows, the curtains for the living room would be completely unacceptable option. However, living in the cottages can equip in the attic, and the housing, located on the ground level flats, has windows in the upper part of the walls. Non-standard facilities are different particular configuration of window openings, consequently, the approach to their design requires another.

Non-standard facilities are different particular configuration of window openings, consequently, the approach to their design requires a different

Non-standard facilities are different particular configuration of window openings, consequently, the approach to their design requires a different

Appropriate curtains in the living room with large windows and low. If such openings to issue long curtains, they will be much hang the wall, causing a sense of uselessness, the inappropriateness of such a large number of textile.

The curtains to the living room (photos clearly show it) must be made of a light transparent or translucent fabric. A large number of assemblies make them more elegant, solemn. The lower edge is not necessary to allocate a band or other stripes that accentuate the contour. Decorate curtains better at the top. Inappropriate use fabrics of bright colors, it is better to "dissolve" the canvas in natural light.

The curtains to the living room must be made of a light transparent or translucent fabric

The curtains to the living room must be made of a light transparent or translucent fabric

Useful advice!For sewing curtains in the living room it is recommended to use soft flowing fabrics. Vertical lines of the web folds facilitate visual increasing height windows.

Extra Long curtains for the living room: photos of models in interior

Special charm and splendor of the interior living room curtains give elongated. They are relevant to large size rooms where the respective sizes differ and window openings. For this type of blinds requires careful selection of fabrics. More organic look plain cloth muted shades. It can be silk or velvet products having a soft texture. Should not be used for sewing curtains elongated cotton and linen, as from such tissue depots in the bottom of the ridge will be messy.

When making the design of windows in the living room long curtains need to install a cornice at a height of not less than 300 cm

When making the design of windows in the living room long curtains need to install a cornice at a height of not less than 300 cm

The optimal length of additional curtains, lying on the floor of 20-30 cm. large allowances will occupy a significant part of the floor area that is both unaesthetic and inconvenient to use.

When making the design of windows in the living room long curtains need to install a cornice at a height of not less than 300 cm. If the length of the blade without additional part is less than 250 cm, elongated version of the curtains is not acceptable: it may be a feeling that they sagged. The possibility of breaking the decorative likely in the case where the allowance for elongation of small (less than 20 cm): curtains will seem just longish.

The importance of properly selected dimensions for the living room curtains

Curtain size is very important for the overall aesthetic design of the window. This is especially true for the living room. If the blade length of 4-5 cm shorter than the required size, the curtains will look kutsymi, unattractive. To avoid mistakes and to choose the optimal length and width of curtains in the living room, you need to spend quite a painstaking preliminary work. Required to perform the following measurements:

  • the width of the eaves (excluding the distance from the attachment to the edges, if it is not functional);
  • height from floor to eaves;
  • the width of the window opening;
  • fasteners size.
When buying fabric for the curtains to be added to the size of seam allowances - by 5-6 cm on each side

When buying fabric for the curtains to be added to the size of seam allowances - by 5-6 cm on each side

The results obtained will help to determine the full-length curtains. If you plan an elongated appearance, it is necessary this figure to increase by 20-30 cm. Short curtains (curtains) must be measured to the lower edge of the sill. This variant is more suitable for the living room. Curtains with a length up to the window sill, are used for food.

Important!When buying fabric for the curtains to be added to the size of seam allowances - by 5-6 cm on each side untreated. By purchasing a linen cloth, allowances should increase by another 7-10 cm, as this fabric can sit in the wash. Sewing of linen curtains best done after soaking fabrics.

If the blade length of 4-5 cm shorter than the required size, the curtains will look unattractive and kutsymi

If the blade length of 4-5 cm shorter than the required size, the curtains will look unattractive and kutsymi

The width of the curtains mostly depends on the size of the window opening and the taste preferences of the owners. However, you can use some tips, allowing you to perform this element in the overall harmonious interior:

  • lush curtains are not recommended for small size rooms, especially differing little height (less than 250 cm);
  • should not be too densely gather in the folds of the curtains with a pronounced pattern;
  • if the curtains in the living room on the two windows hung on one ledge, they have to meet in a closed state.

In determining the width of the curtains is important to also take into account the density of the tissue. Densely gathered thick curtains will seem heavy. thin drapery without folds neorganichno for many interior styles, except gravitating toward minimalism trends.

Velvet curtains design basis for drawing room (photo interiors)

In the recent past, namely in the 50-60-ies of XX century, the hallmark of living were made of velvet curtains at a more wealthy owners, plush - in the homes of low income people. If they had not a bright red color, its nuances. Sometimes you can meet brown curtains.

Velvet drapes beautiful form wrinkles when attaching

Velvet drapes beautiful form wrinkles when attaching

Velvet - a fabric with a thick base and soft pile. The material has a number of features that make it possible to actively use it to sew curtains:

  • density helps to protect the room from the scorching sun;
  • forming beautiful folds when attaching;
  • easy to decorating by gathering and contraction;
  • creating particularly favorable textures presentable appearance.
Velvet curtains help protect the room from the scorching sun

Velvet curtains help protect the room from the scorching sun

Modern industry produces velvet from both natural and synthetic materials. The most expensive fabric - silk. The variety of colors and velvet colors allows you to choose a setting that matches any interior. Velvet curtains used to decorate the windows of premises, with a classic design.

In the photo - green curtains in the living room interior. They perfectly harmonize with wooden furniture and light walls pistachio color. Green products does not necessarily imply the presence of the interior furniture and textiles of the same hue. Curtains can be combined with live plants. Such neighborhood mutually complementary and at the same time extracts the design elements.

Interior living room, decorated with velvet curtains, acquire a restrained rich decoration

Interior living room, decorated with velvet curtains, acquire a restrained rich decoration

Magnificent version of the classic design, which used colored upholstery, can be a gray velvet curtains. Interior living room decorated in this style, gain low-key rich decoration. Gray curtains organically combines both the fragments of similar color patterns contained in the floor covering, upholstery, and with elements of the decoration of furniture, having a similar hue.

Lightweight fabric window in the living room: tulle, organza, chiffon

When making the windows in the living room, many prefer the lung tissue. As the material for sewing curtains can be used tulle, chiffon and organza.

When making the windows in the living room, many prefer light fabric

When making the windows in the living room, many prefer light fabric

Tulle - a mesh fabric. She may have a pattern and color is monotonous, translucent and transparent. From it makes curtains. Referring to the dictionary, it is easy to notice that the curtains - this is the same as that of the curtain. In this article, the word "curtains" will be used as the name of transparent fabric that is used exclusively for decoration. Curtains of tulle attached to the window and the room in general lightness, airiness. It can be hitched either alone or in combination with a black-out curtains.

Light curtains in the living room are often made of chiffon - translucent colored fabric, the main features of which are as follows:

  • availability staining. This fabric has a great diversity of colors and shades;
  • compliance clearance. Easy-going, laid, drape;
  • It transmits natural light. The degree of transparency depends on the density of the material;
  • It gives the room elegance, lightness.

Curtains made of chiffon can be both self-decoration of the window and part of the decorative composition.

Lightweight fabric window in the living room - a tulle, organza, chiffon

Lightweight fabric window in the living room - it tulle, Organza, chiffon

Useful advice!Decorating chiffon fabric (collecting in warehouses, making pelmets, especially volume) it is worth remembering that the fabric after washing needs a thorough ironing.

Another type of fabric, which allows to embody the most interesting interior design ideas is organza - a material with a relatively high level of transparency, visually almost weightless. Organza is processed by a laser, for it is embroidery, it is etched - as a result of this technical fabric decor gets interesting patterns, color effects and forms.

Curtains made of chiffon can be both self-decoration of the window and part of the decorative composition

Curtains made of chiffon can be both self-decoration of the window and part of the decorative composition

Fabric feature the following advantages:

  • high level of decorativeness (even concise form);
  • preservation aesthetics for a long time;
  • strength;
  • ease of care.

Organza can be used as an independent design, as well as combined with other shades.

Inexpensive, stylish and simple: the curtains in the living room of the strands

Curtains yarns are solely ornamental use in the design of the windows. But it is rather increases than diminishes their dignity. Among the main characteristics of these positive curtains are the following:

  • do not prevent the inflow of fresh air through the open windows;
  • easily decorated by collecting;
  • characterized by a variety of shades, including one canvas;
  • the required length is achieved by cutting without the need to handle ends;
  • not require ironing, erase can be in the machine-machine (or tied in a knot in a special bag);
  • inexpensive;
  • in harmony with other types of curtains.
Curtains filaments have only a decorative purpose in the design

Curtains filaments have only a decorative purpose in the design

Perfectly executed cotton curtains living room with panoramic windows. Large glass areas emphasize their originality, creates a sense of flowing colors. Against the background of the wall, even monotonous, such curtains look less presentable and original. Application of additional decorative elements for such articles is not required. You can buy ready-made curtains in the living room, decorated with beads and lurex.

Useful advice!It is not necessary to decorate Filament curtains lambrequins from other tissues or make tiered composition. Both variants reduce visually length filaments that lead to loss of streaming effect.

Perfectly complemented by cotton curtains living room with panoramic windows

Perfectly complemented by cotton curtains living room with panoramic windows

Fasteners as a complement of design: the curtains in the living room on the eyelets

Eyelets are rings that reinforce holes in the fabric destined for threading into them round the cornice. The rings may be made of metal or plastic. As the fastening element, and they are making a decorative curtain design. The green curtains in the interior of the living room will be much more interesting if they hang with the white eyelets on white cornice. Can be used instead of white brown - this option is more organic for classic living rooms.

Useful advice!For registration of light curtains, which are often in contact with water, it is better to use plastic eyelets, as metal corrosion.

Eyelets being a fastening element also make curtains and decorative design

Eyelets being a fastening element also make curtains and decorative design

Curtains with eyelets have the same fold, which greatly enhances the aesthetics of the window. The distance between the rings is determined by the desired size of the folds. The optimum is considered to be a distance equal to 18 cm. Depending on the wishes it can increase or decrease, but not more than 22 cm. Otherwise, the folds are either significantly act (if dense tissue) or slack (with soft cloth).

The main advantages of eyelets like fastening elements are:

  • smooth sliding along the eaves;
  • easy installation;
  • low price.

If necessary, close the blackout curtains grommets significant weight may be the most suitable element mounting and decoration. For example, heavy brown curtains in the interior of the living room can be hung on the golden eyelets. This simple addition will make the curtains is much more effective.

Selective use of colors: white curtains in the living room

Despite the fact that the white color is combined with any shades, draw the living room in this style is quite difficult. To a large extent this also applies to curtains: plain may merge, color - drag attention to yourself bulge. Both will not contribute to the feeling of comfort and creating an environment corresponding to the destination space.

White goes with almost any interior shades

White goes with almost any interior shades

White has two shades - warm and cold. If carefully review the proposed design of the curtains in the living room photo, made in white color, it is easy to see that cool shade tends to be the same tones in harmony with the warm warm.

Shallow gray, pale pistachio, pure blue shades decorate the interior of the living room cool white.

For window decoration white living rooms can be used with the product drawing

For window decoration white living rooms can be used with the product drawing

designers recommend the following from the warm tones:

  • beige;
  • pink;
  • lilac.

For white living room beige curtains in the interior - like the best, does not require a color support other elements of the room.

Possible for window decoration white living room to use the product with a pattern. Strengthen a sense of style curtains with golden ornaments, non-contrast stripe, soft print.

Useful advice!Use the classic combination of black - white for the white curtains in the living room is only in the event that the black elements of the pattern will be small fragments or blotches.

Plain white curtains in the living room can merge with the walls and the colored pull attention to itself

Plain white curtains in the living room can merge with the walls and the colored pull attention to itself

design curtains in the living room: the modern fashion trends

Timeless subject to any interior. Psychologists advise change the situation in the house in the event of changes in the internal world, the pace of life, employment. A person should keep a balanced lifestyle. It is desirable that he had just had enough, but without excess.

change the interior for the sake of fashion should not drastically. But to make a new note, replacing curtains, it is available - and in this case, you can consult the capricious fashion. Photo of the beautiful curtains in the living room prompt a new, perhaps more modern version of the window decoration.

Key fashion trends are as follows:

For sewing curtains in the living room is recommended to use soft flowing fabrics

For sewing curtains in the living room is recommended to use soft flowing fabrics

  • avoiding excesses, excessive pomposity;
  • preference is given to succinct and functional variants;
  • in the trend - green and shades;
  • availability of prints with floral ornaments.

If the room is replete with elegant décor, the window is decorated with bright or contrasting shades, it is necessary to buy into the living room light curtains. This classical variant calm, will ease extinguish obtrusiveness. The thickness and texture of the curtain should be selected in accordance with the intended objectives and style.

How to choose curtains in the living room: the importance of the psychological perception

Almost all of the content of this article contains the answers to the question, how to pick up the curtains in the living room. Understand and even accept the rules and laws is simple. However, the interior should not be created for the interior. To avoid this, the choice of textiles data should be accounted and psychological aspects:

The thickness and texture of the curtain should be selected in accordance with the intended objectives and style

The thickness and texture of the curtain should be selected in accordance with the intended objectives and style

  1. It is not necessary to decorate the window in favor of style with bright curtains. Over time, they are not only bored, but will be annoying.
  2. If isolation from prying eyes is a mandatory condition for comfort, you should choose dense, neprosvechivayuschiesya curtains with good functionality. Alone will not bring satisfaction decorative.
  3. You should not be tempted by beautiful curtains for the living room, not in harmony with the overall interior design. Gradually begin to dominate the discrepancy in perception.
  4. Performing decoration curtains, be sure to consider the possibility of cleaning. If it is a problem, the desire to look behind the curtains need to be replaced - and the design of the window will not be happy.

Cozy, interesting furnished living room - a business card of the house. It unacceptable temporary position pending zone or unkempt appearance. Random curtains reduce to zero design effort, and properly fitted and neat filling the room with beauty, will help create a comfortable and pleasant interior.

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