Mural on the wall: how to glue different types of products

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Create a stylish and original interior - a natural desire of owners of houses and apartments. Make the dream a reality in today's world, you can use the extraordinary design of the walls. Serious competition decorative plaster and refined panels can make a stylish wallpapers on the wall: how to glue them correctly and accurately so as not to spoil the material and appearance of the room, prompt recommendations contained in this article.

Mural on the wall: how to glue different types of products

To achieve good results with gluing photowall possible by bringing experienced, but it is actually to perform the work, and with his own hands


  • 1 Mural wall: the material characteristics and the advantages
    • 1.1 Exclusive design rooms with photo wallpapers: choice of subjects
    • 1.2 Features styling and design desktop space
    • 1.3 How to choose a wallpaper to the Mural: game shape and color
  • 2 What are wallpapers: classification of materials
    • 2.1 Paper and vinyl wallpapers: photo wall decoration examples
    • 2.2 Textile and non-woven wallpapers on the wall: the features and characteristics
  • 3 Types photowall in texture: Structure and Application
  • 4 3D wallpapers on the wall: innovations in interior design
  • 5 Mural on the wall: how to glue different types of products correctly
    • 5.1 Features adhesive of choice for different types of photo wallpapers
  • 6 How to glue wallpapers: surface preparation procedure
  • 7 As pokleit Wall Mural seamless: the organization of work
    • 7.1 As the glue on the wall Mural consisting of 4, 8, 12 parts of
  • 8 How to glue wallpapers on the wall with a different base: general guidelines
    • 8.1 How to glue paper wallpapers: step by step guide
    • 8.2 How to glue non-woven wallpaper wallpapers and vinyl-based
    • 8.3 How to glue wallpapers 3D on the wall: video instruction

Mural wall: the material characteristics and the advantages

Modern wallpapers - this is a powerful tool in creating a stylish design that will completely change the interior. good quality material is expensive, and therefore requires a special approach to the glueing and care. Opting for wall photos, the owners make a decisive step towards the revitalization of the interior. This unusual type of wall design is able to transform the children's room into a magical space, a living room to give Dynamic notes of the bustling city, or, on the contrary, spring forest tranquility, and in the bedroom to create a romantic situation.

Serious competition decorative plaster and refined panels can make a stylish wallpapers wall

Serious competition decorative plaster and refined panels can make a stylish wallpapers wall

Modern construction industry offers a wide range of products - from reproductions of works of art and virtual images of architectural monuments to modern 3D images of landscapes, views of cities, or scenes from fairy tales and movies. Each user can select the desired item, taking into account the family's financial capability and usability of the material.

Interior with photo wallpapers looks very exquisite. Fabrics have a unique advantage, because they can fit into any style. It all depends on what kind of image is selected for the creation of a design. This material is quite real pokleit their own hands, it is enough to explore all the technological details and choose the appropriate material for the base.

The attractiveness of this type of coverage is due to the brightness and realistic image, so to begin choose the wallpaper you need it with the preferred image, which should correspond to the overall design premises.

Exclusive design rooms with photo wallpapers: choice of subjects

Important!Subjects photowall must fit in with the style of the interior. For example, images of monuments hardly suitable for modern design and abstract subjects will not look in the style of Provence, or country.

Mural has a unique advantage, because they can fit into any style

Mural It has a unique advantage, because they can fit into any style

Given style orientation and genre subjects Mural arbitrarily divided into the following groups:

  1. Natural motifs. It is the most extensive on the subject of the group, which includes the panorama of forests, steppes and mountains in different seasons. This option is ideal in the case if the goal is to fill the room with bright colors.
  2. Water themed photowall soothes and adjusts to rest. It can be landscapes of coastal and river areas, waterfalls, an imitation of the rainy weather outside.
  3. Animals on the Mural. Images of fauna will appeal to children. Stylists are advised not to place a photo of aggressive wild animals, which adversely affect the psyche. It will be much better if they see pets from the wall.
  4. Photo of a car and the city. Wallpaper on the wall of this type will be to the liking of fans of progress, as they give an opportunity to plunge into the modern environment and the dynamics of life.
  5. Stories on the theme of art and sports perfectly fit into the design of the bedroom - it is a choice for creative individuals.

We should also be said about the kinds of fabrics, containing color illustrations. Mural on the wall of such subjects look best in the bedrooms. Images of white blossoms filled the room with tenderness and lightness. Especially popular in the interiors of tulips, roses and orchids. The flowers can be red, pink or yellow. They look beautiful against the background of green and black-and-white background. For example, a room with wallpaper tulips, made in one color with the overall design, will indicate the presence of the taste of the owners.

Subjects photowall must comply purpose room

subjects photowall must comply purpose room

Features styling and design desktop space

The selected theme must necessarily conform to the style of the rooms, as the overall design should not be controversial. Stylists distinguish types of photo wallpapers, which are suitable for certain interior styles:

  • for oriental style recommended wallpaper with the image of cherry branches in different seasons, characters and mysterious buildings;
  • Provence perfect fit pictures reservoirs, natural scenery, cozy courtyards and a variety of colors;
  • style scandium optimally meet the white winter landscapes and panoramas;
  • for the loft should be selected abstract paintings and graffiti, as well as textured wallpaper perfectly suited for bricks;
  • Art Nouveau welcomes car image objects of architecture and photography.

a variety of types of such coatings can be applied in a modern style. It fits almost any picture, as long as it was combined with other home furnishings. It can be as reproductions of the classics, and the city at night image. Mural on the wall with an abstract pattern fit almost any decor. The main thing - matching colors and shapes.

Provence style fit perfectly pictures reservoirs, natural scenery, cozy courtyards and a variety of colors

Provence style fit perfectly pictures reservoirs, natural scenery, cozy courtyards and a variety of colors

Useful advice!Lovers of experiments should pay attention to three-dimensional wallpaper 3D. Owing to their property to visually expand the space, you can hide flaws walls.

How to choose a wallpaper to the Mural: game shape and color

Wallpapers place on one wall, otherwise the interior is too put pressure on the psyche. Therefore it is necessary to correctly choose the wallpaper companion to fotopolotnam.

Especially look beautiful panorama or subjects with prospective effect, when the wallpaper serve as a continuation of images. For example, a photo of the old streets, stretching into the distance, with its old brick buildings perfectly complement the textured wallpaper under a brick.

When selecting products requires special attention to be paid to the color palette. For example, for small spaces should choose fabrics in bright and pastel tones. For spacious rooms such as the living room or hall, fit and darker copies. In the nursery is better to glue the colorful options. Will look great on a wall Mural "World Map", framed funny wallpaper in bright colors. Such a design will perform, in addition to decorative, and even cognitive function and will certainly enjoy a small room hosts.

Mural is placed only on one wall, so it is necessary to correctly choose the wallpaper Companion

Mural is placed only on one wall, so it is necessary to correctly choose the wallpaper Companion

Be sure before you buy photowall be acquainted with a number of alternatives and select the most appropriate. In this case, an important factor is the psychological perception. For example, wallpapers and related paintings bright flashy colors can hardly fit into the bedroom, but there are quite a harmonious look in the spacious living room or dining room. A great help in making correct decisions will photowall directory.

What are wallpapers: classification of materials

When choosing wallpaper for your house or apartment, you must first define the image that would best fit in a particular interior. To better understand the species diversity of products, you should see the picture wallpaper. Wall coating is selected not only based on visual and aesthetic characteristics - it is necessary to pay attention to their other characteristics. Wallpapers divided into groups, based on the following criteria:

  • a base material;
  • texture features;
  • presence of additional decorative effects;
  • compliance with a certain style.

The base material plays a key role in ensuring the right technology wallpapering, because from the ground material depends on the reliability of fixation of paintings on the wall. This classification category of the most extensive and includes the following species:

The base material plays a key role in ensuring the right technology Wallpapering

The base material plays a key role in ensuring the right technology Wallpapering

  • wallpaper with paper backing;
  • web with a vinyl layer;
  • wallpapers Non-woven;
  • wallpaper with textile substrate.

Useful advice!In order to understand how the wallpapers are glued in a specific case, it is necessary to examine all the species characteristics of the product, find the right glue and follow certain instructions.

Paper and vinyl wallpapers: photo wall decoration examples

Previously wallpapers produced exclusively paper-based. You can find products devoid of the major drawbacks of paper, characterized by easy pasting and durability In modern DIY stores. All the same paper wallpaper still find their consumers. Product advantages - environmentally friendly and affordable price. Wall with a paper coating easy to "breathe", it being possible to use any glue. Photowall disadvantages of paper are in the properties of the material itself:

  • rapid wear;
  • Low level of strength;
  • lack of water resistance, which contributes to the appearance of mold and mildew;
  • burn when exposed to sunlight;
  • do not hide flaws walls.

Thus, considering the above disadvantages, before gluing paper Mural, you must make sure that the room is quite dry and protected from excessive exposure ultraviolet rays.

Walls with paper photo wallpapers easy to "breathe", and it is possible to use any glue

Walls with paper photo wallpapers easy to "breathe", and it is possible to use any glue

Vinyl Mural are opaque dense webs with soft bilayer base consisting of paper and PVC. Such sweeps base heat- and water-resistant properties, so Mural can be washed and cleaned with the use of different means. The surface also involves applying any embossing. The material does not emit toxins, does not rot, it is not to breed mold and fungus.

When glueing material can be stretched, thereby facilitating its fixation in the corners and uneven in places where the walls have a complex structure. It is characterized by long life and durability. Postpaid helps to hide defects and joints. Cons - air-tightness and high cost, use for stick spetssostav, which is applied to the wall.

Textile and non-woven wallpapers on the wall: the features and characteristics

Fleece base is a composite fibrous web is not subject to stretching even on wet and does not shrink during drying, thereby providing ease of gluing. The coating is easy to clean, so is acceptable for registration of the bathrooms and kitchens. At the same time it interlining easily abraded and lends itself to other mechanical shocks.

Before you glue wallpapers on paper basis, you must buy a special glue. It is applied only on the wall, which eliminates air bubbles and helps hide irregularities and the joints become imperceptible. Non-woven wallpaper different air permeability, they do not pose a threat to human health and are therefore suitable for the design of bedrooms, living rooms and rooms for children.

Before you glue wallpapers on non-woven backing is necessary to purchase a special glue

Before you glue wallpapers on non-woven backing is necessary to purchase a special glue

Useful advice!Paper wallpaper can give moisture resistance, using lamination technology.

Textile wall appeared a long time and have not lost their popularity. Their structure is a bottom flizelinovoj-paper backing layer and a natural fabric cover. Any image and photos on this type of wallpaper are easy to apply and stay perfectly. For their production, use cotton, linen, silk and even suede.

Wallpaper of textile does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet light. That's textile covering is best suited to create the pictures for photo wallpapers and high resolution models with a self-adhesive coating, so it is the most expensive type of wallpaper. When gluing textile wall wallpaper carefully leveled and primed, and the adhesive is applied to the canvas and kept a certain time.

Types photowall in texture: Structure and Application

The combination of materials in the manufacture of wallpaper allows you to receive a variety of textured surface, which makes it possible to reproduce the texture of the canvas, traces applying smears, plaster or combination. Postpaid obtained by stamping a vinyl or non-woven base. On paper wallpaper, you can get a glossy and matt surface. Cloth fabric has its own unique texture.

Mural with the texture of a deep (up to 3mm) perfectly conceal small imperfections on the walls

Mural with the texture of a deep (up to 3mm) perfectly conceal small imperfections on the walls

Imitation canvas gives the impression that the sight of a real picture. Billing can be glossy or matte, without special bump that does not allow to hide flaws in the surface of the base. Walls before pasting wallpaper must be leveled and during operation they require constant care. This texture of the image is suitable for landscapes and still lifes. For example, look great wallpapers tulips.

Texture of the deeper (up to 3 mm) are wallpaper for painting, hide small defects on the walls. Simulated strokes help to recreate the paintings of artists of the classical and the beauty of the world.

Related article:

Wallpapers for the kitchen: how to beat a winner in a capricious interior room

Color solutions for the kitchen wall photos. Diverse coatings design. Options for expansion space.

Sandy texture consists in varying degrees of matt coating that allows light to dissipate without causing glare. Suitable for decoration of different interiors. Less picturesque sandy texture and is the ability to quickly collect dust, so the wallpaper will often have to wash or clean.

Texture plaster allows betray curly frescoes by combining smooth and embossed surfaces follow the contours of the image. Wallpaper for the walls of the type used in the creation of Venetian plaster, because the surface becomes vintage.

Postpaid obtained by stamping a vinyl or non-woven backing

Postpaid obtained by stamping a vinyl or non-woven backing

Useful advice!It looks great on the wall paintings depicting nature. Mural painting with the theme will help to relax after work. Before pasting the walls of such products shall be subject to a thorough primer.

3D wallpapers on the wall: innovations in interior design

A special category photowall make innovative fabric with volumetric 3D image. It's all the rage in the industry of photo wallpapers. Illusory such products on the walls create an expanded space and help not only to convey the beauty photos of animals and plants that have been taken by a macro, but also create a sense of presence in image. With this modern technology can bring to the infinity of space and mystique of underwater objects, landscapes of nature and the city at night.

Wallpapers in the interior with three-dimensional images will help to create a truly unique and exclusive design to any room. The most realistic look in these images, combined with a properly thought-out lighting and in the case of picture layout from floor to ceiling. Application of 3D wallpapers on the wall allows to visually enlarge the space, making it ideal for small spaces.

Approach to the design of the interior wallpaper with 3D effect should be particularly careful. You need to take care of the lighting, and proper placement of furniture. Original look door variants of three-dimensional photo wallpapers, which can turn into a doorway a bookcase, a fireplace, fabulous arch visually or continue placing the image of flower valley or forest trails.

A special category photowall make innovative fabric with volumetric 3D image

A special category photowall make innovative fabric with volumetric 3D image

Mural on the wall: how to glue different types of products correctly

The main goal when glueing photowall - is to get whole picture. Wallpaper on the walls should not have bubbles and joints should not be noticeable. Furthermore, it is necessary that the glue has a sturdy grip. You can achieve good results, attracting experienced professionals, but it is actually to perform the work, and with his own hands, keeping clear instructions. These savings would allow to buy stuff of better quality.

Even before the work necessary to prepare the tools and materials:

  • plaster;
  • putty;
  • putty knife;
  • primer for plaster;
  • primer for wallpaper;
  • container made of plastic for cultivation of glue;
  • corresponding type adhesive solution;
  • warm water;
  • scissors for cutting fields;
  • Stationery knife for cutting a double joints glued overlap;
  • building level;
  • plummet for applying vertical layout;
  • pencil;
  • brush and roller for applying adhesive;
  • narrow roller rubber ironed for joints,
  • line;
  • square for marking fabrics and walls;
  • roulette;
  • clean cloth;
  • sponge;
  • ladder;
  • stool.
The main goal when glueing photowall - is to get whole image

The main goal when glueing photowall - is to get whole image

Useful advice!Before wallpapering on the wall surface and to prepare an adhesive solution. On the packaging of any adhesive contains detailed instructions.

Preparation of the adhesive requires a certain sequence of actions. First, warm water is poured into the container, and then gradually poured dry composition to obtain the desired consistency. After a few minutes, the solution was stirred by eliminating lumps and brought to homogeneity.

Features adhesive of choice for different types of photo wallpapers

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the adhesive, which determines the reliability and durability of fixing wallpaper. In this case, these times need to be considered:

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the adhesive, which determines the reliability and durability of fixing a wallpaper

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the adhesive, which determines the reliability and durability of fixing a wallpaper

  1. Wallpaper made of paper, which are light and subtlety, you can take any of the adhesive solution. It is important to prevent the disintegration of the paper. If you delay, the wallpaper will become wet and stretched, and will shrink when dry, which can lead to the formation of defects.
  2. Glue for paper wallpaper should be transparent and sparse texture with a touch of antiseptics.
  3. During the preparation of mortar should comply with the appropriate density for each type of wallpaper base. The denser the texture of fabric, the thicker should be the glue.
  4. The adhesive mixture does not emit noxious fumes.
  5. Packing adhesive must be an integer and dry.
  6. As the wallpaper is necessary to make the glue application. This product, which is in contact with the solution can not be replaced in the store.

you should use the following table to select the correct type of adhesive:

View photowall Type of adhesive mixture
Paper wallpaper any glue wallpaper
vinyl spetssostav for heavy wallpaper
wallpaper on non-woven backing for non-woven wallpaper adhesive
Mural seamless composition or heavy textile wallpapers
laminated mixture for heavy wallpaper
textile special composition for textile wallpapers
murals solution for heavy paper basis for wallpaper

How to glue wallpapers: surface preparation procedure

One of the conditions of quality Wallpapering - this preparation walls. The surface should be smooth and clean, providing a snug fit individual masking elements and joints. First, you must carefully examine the walls of the existence of irregularities, dents and dimples. If the wall is strong curve, you should take care of alignment with the help of plaster or drywall. If there are only a few defects, it is recommended to carry out such stages of preparation of the walls:

  • remove the old coating and lagging plaster;
  • dismantle the plinth;
  • remove electrical switches and sockets;
  • remove nails, screws;
  • align the walls;
  • Apply primer.

For easy removal of the old wallpaper advisable to moisten the wall of water and wait for 5 minutes until the glue dissolves and the web will be restrained from the surface. Thereafter, a layer of primer and sent waiting time until it has dried. The primer solution should be applied to completely dry surface.

Important!It is impossible to glue items on the old fabric as through the beautiful photos on the wallpaper after drying tread the old image that spoil the whole look.

One of the conditions of quality Wallpapering - this preparation walls

One of the conditions of quality Wallpapering - this preparation walls

This is followed by the elimination of all irregularities: pit to cover the plaster and cut the bulge. Their presence can be determined using a level or plumb. After drying, the plaster putty irregularities overwritten. On the walls, apply two thin coats of a special primer compositions. Corners and places near windows should be treated with a fungicide solution to prevent the formation of mold or mildew.

As pokleit Wall Mural seamless: the organization of work

Normal width of the wallpaper - 53 or 100 cm, so it is quite easy to glue on the walls with vertical stripes. As photowall often used seamless web width of 2.5 or 3 meters. Moreover, their length can be up to 5 m. The common variant - wallpaper on the wall 3 by 3 m Gluing Mural of this type need not vertically but horizontally and once across. plane of the wall.

The basis of seamless fabrics, typically made of nonwoven fabric. It may also be a paper or tissue substrate. Mural glue special technology. In preparation for the walls need to make sure that the external and internal angles were strictly perpendicular to the floor and the ceiling and the wall itself had no protrusions. Use must be solely the adhesive composition for heavy wallpaper, which should have a thick consistency. Glue is applied gradually to a small area and immediately paste this portion of the web.

Begin work better from a place that is least open to review, for example, from the corner, where they will hang the curtains. Wallpaper top and bottom rails are fixed with special, and then leveled them with a rubber spatula or roller. Paste approximately half webs, check images using perpendicularity level.

The basis of seamless fabrics, typically made of nonwoven fabric

The basis of seamless fabrics, typically made of nonwoven fabric

If necessary, in the wallpaper are cut openings for windows and doors, openings for switches and receptacles. When the entire surface is papered should be carefully and precisely trim the excess wallpaper. Reiki is better to remove after at least 24 hours - after complete drying of the web. Gluing seamless ready Mural on the wall better together: one holds and unwinds the roll, the other plasters and glues. Yourself do not under the force of even an experienced master.

As the glue on the wall Mural consisting of 4, 8, 12 parts of

Pictures, consisting of several pieces, glue should begin from the center of the room or else on the next edge of the image. This requires pre-composition is spread out on the floor and make the appropriate markings on the wall. White stripes, which are available on each of the edges must be carefully cut using a knife or scissors stationery.

Useful advice!Begin to glue wallpapers, consisting of 4 pieces, it is recommended from the center, and from 12 parts - from the edge of the picture. It is important to follow to get the whole image.

The very process of pasting is a sequence of works:

Begin to glue wallpapers need left to right from the first to the last band

Begin to glue wallpapers need left to right from the first to the last band

  1. The application of a clear vertical line on the wall, from which begins Wallpapering. This can be done with a laser or conventional construction level. Fit and homemade plumb.
  2. Measurement photowall and fragment sizes to determine the location for each part. At this stage, also verified the proportionality of the corners and take into account the location of doors, windows, switches, sockets, niches and recesses on the walls.
  3. Sheets folded down pattern so that the first (queue gluing) web lying on top.
  4. Applying the adhesive layer and directly adhering the sheet at the intended place on the wall. This should be done slowly and carefully. You must once again verify that the markings to the edges and only after that to level the surface.

If the wallpaper has a special reserve strip, which are much thinner than the base web, then glue these wallpapers required overlap. Strip overlap cut exactly in the middle, the edge again coat with glue and carefully rolled the abutment webs squeegee.

How to glue wallpapers on the wall with a different base: general guidelines

During gluing photowall own hands should examine carefully the instructions which are attached to the glue and wallpaper with a different foundation and texture. It is also useful to examine more detailed step by step instructions on gluing different types of fabrics and see thematic video "How to glue wallpapers on the wall."

On the wall surface marking should be applied according to a pattern laid out on the floor

On the wall surface marking should be applied according to a pattern laid out on the floor

The average time of drying wallpaper lasts about 2-3 days. During this period, it is strictly forbidden to open the windows so as not to provoke a draft, and you can not intentionally raise the room temperature in order to accelerate the drying of wallpaper. Changes in temperature can cause delamination of the web, and increased humidity will promote the emergence of bubbles.

we can proceed as follows: In the case of bubbles. Take a medical syringe with a thin needle, dial into it a little glue, pierce the bubble and squeeze into a little glue. Further glued portion and smoothed, and appeared excess glue cleaned with a dry cloth. Sometimes, to get rid of bubbles building used a knife and a thin brush, but, according to experts, the focus of the syringe more convenient and practical.

How to glue paper wallpapers: step by step guide

General recommendations for pasting walls relate to all kinds of wallpaper, but each of them (due to the above features) requires an individual approach to the gluing.

Important!Wall paper under the wallpaper should be perfectly flat surface!

How to work with wallpapers on paper basis:

When gluing paper photo wallpaper glue is applied as wallpaper themselves, and on the wall

When gluing paper photo wallpaper glue is applied as wallpaper themselves, and on the wall

  1. Before you start wallpapering with paper backing is necessary to carefully align the wall and cover it with primer.
  2. On the wall surface marking should be applied according to a pattern laid out on the floor.
  3. Next, cut the white field (if available).
  4. Dilute the glue in a clean bulk containers of plastic.
  5. Turn the fragment photowall "face" down and spread the underside of the adhesive composition.
  6. Apply glue to the wall portion, which is supposed to paste prepared by fragment.
  7. Without delay, until the paper is soaked, sticking sheet. It is best to glue the fabric from top to bottom.
  8. Smooth fragment of wallpaper with a soft cloth.

Similarly, the remaining parts are glued photowall, requiring clean up residual adhesive with a dry cloth immediately. Then, the joints should be checked and, if necessary, additionally they miss the mark.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper wallpapers and vinyl-based

Beautiful Mural vinyl-based glued analogously to the instructions, which comprises the following steps:

Mural vinyl-based glued on the same technology as the paper

Mural vinyl-based glued on the same technology as the paper

  1. Preparation of the wall surface, which is the impregnation primer with two coats.
  2. marking the execution in accordance with the size of photo wallpaper on the wall.
  3. Preparation of thick adhesive solution according to the instructions for the glue.
  4. The pasting of the first web, which is then folded twice and held a certain time indicated on the package.
  5. Smearing the walls at the site where it is supposed sticky part photowall.
  6. Sticky web to target area.
  7. Careful smoothing sheet.

The remaining parts are glued on the same technology, whereupon the seams are smoothed and cut recesses for switches and sockets.

Technology papering the walls of non-woven photo wallpapers differs slightly from the steps described above, although generally involves the same series of works:

  1. The layout of sheet marking and walls within a pasted surface.
  2. Prepare adhesive which should be fairly thick. To do this, you must strictly follow the instructions on the packaging.
  3. Careful smearing wall area where the fragment is expected to glue and apply the adhesive does not need to the canvas itself.
  4. Dry leaf paste and level.
  5. Similarly glue all subsequent fragments for road marking.
  6. Trimming joints and additional sizing in order to maximize fit and concealment of seams.
Technology papering the walls of non-woven photo wallpapers involves thorough smearing glue sections of the wall, not the blade

Technology papering the walls of non-woven photo wallpapers involves thorough smearing glue sections of the wall, not the blade

Useful advice!If accurately perform dismantling, the Mural on a paper basis it is possible to re-stick. This makes it possible to eliminate the error, if the sheet has been pasted correctly.

How to glue wallpapers 3D on the wall: video instruction

Virtually all Mural with three-dimensional pattern produced on a paper basis, so for stick use the technology described above. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the items are produced without reserve, so the 3 D wallpapers butt glued to the wall. To a three-dimensional web must be treated with special care, since the slightest damage pattern can distort the overall perception of the picture. To avoid the consequences were invented wallpaper self-adhesive base. The process of gluing is significantly different from the method of pasting the walls of other types of wallpaper.

Sticky wallpaper work better together: one person gently cleans the substrate, and the second sheet gradually pastes, smoothing the surface with a rubber spatula. The protective layer is removed carefully, tear about 5 cm and immediately glues the upper part precisely on the planned lines. In no case be allowed connection adhesive surfaces, as their already impossible to divide. As a result, the wallpaper will be spoiled.

Items must immediately be glued precisely on the markup, as they stick at once and move them will not succeed. In addition, the work should be as quickly as possible, because the adhesive agent unsupported quickly loses its properties, and dries in a few minutes. Smoothing the surface is necessary to make a rubber spatula to avoid air bubbles. If the bubble is still appeared, it must pierce the needle, expel the air and carefully ironed surface.

Thus, working with self-adhesive wallpaper requires certain skills. The slightest misstep would entail a minimum of loss of effect of 3D, as a maximum - spoil the expensive material.

Well-chosen theme photowall corresponding to the styling of the room, give the opportunity to create an original interior design. Correctly chosen glue and strict adherence to a particular type of gluing technology products provide high-quality fixation wall photos on the wall. Photos and tips given in the article will help to avoid mistakes and get a great result, which It will allow for a long time to admire the spectacular scenery, beautiful sunsets and mysterious underwater world.

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