Thermostat for heating the radiator in different buildings systems

Thermostat for heating the radiator in different buildings systems

The thermostat allows you to maintain an optimal temperature in the room


  • 1 The operating principle of the thermostat
  • 2 Types of valves
    • 2.1 Ball valve
    • 2.2 cone valve
    • 2.3 Automatic thermostat for heating radiator
  • 3 Technical features automatic thermostats
    • 3.1 According to the control method
    • 3.2 On the composition of the working environment
  • 4 Regulators and in one pipe of the double pipe heating systems
  • 5 Rules for Setting the thermostat
  • 6 Thermostat for heating radiator (video)

The operating principle of the thermostat

There are two methods of climate control in buildings - qualitative and quantitative. In the first case, the water temperature varies itself in the system. This is done using a mixing assembly mounted in the boiler. Quantitative method involves control of the inflow of coolant in the battery. This is the main function of the thermostat for heating radiator.

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When the ambient temperature increases special thermocouple partially overlapping crane lumen device operates electronically. Receipt of the hot water decreases, and the battery cools down. With decreasing temperature process is run in reverse. All operations are carried out without human intervention.

Useful advice!Termoregulyatory in private homes is better to install on the panel-type battery having a small capacity.

The operating principle of the thermostat

The operating principle of the thermostat

Types of valves

Installing the control devices to heat sinks not only provides thermal management, but also issues emergency security solution. If the battery ran down, require replacement or repair, it can be disconnected from the system by turning a tap.

coolant flow control is performed using the following elements:

Ball valve

Suitable only to disable the battery because operates in two modes - "open" and "closed". As for the radiator thermostatineffective. Do not hold the shutter half open. The reason is that the ball valve faucet standing in an intermediate position, gradually becomes unusable. His damage solids circulating through the pipes together with the coolant. They inevitably leave scratches on the polished ball, resulting in lost tightness constipation.

Scheme radiator installation with thermostatic control

Scheme radiator installation with thermostatic control

cone valve

On the whole, quite functional and low-cost solution. To regulate the flow of water can be, but all operations have to travel manually. No marking on the locking device does not. It is necessary to empirically select the position of the valve, to reduce or increase the heat sink temperature. Constant manipulation crane also do not pass to him completely - often breaks down the protective cap of the device.

Conical valve - view in section

Conical valve - view in section

Automatic thermostat for heating radiator

This is the best option for modern housing. instrument mechanism consists of two parts - a heat-sensitive head and the valve. They interact with each other without any energy. Thermostat (bellows) is a hollow pleated cylinder filled with gas or liquid.

If the room is raised in temperature, then expanding the liquid in the cylinder, and the bellows increases. This is driven by the stem, and shuts the valve. The flow of coolant into the battery overlaps that allows to adjust the temperature of the air downward. If it became cool, the amount of working fluid in the head decreases. The stock falls into place, the valve opens the coolant passage. The battery heats up.

Automatic thermostat for heating radiator

Automatic thermostat for heating radiator

Thermal heads have a large margin of safety. They stand about a million cycles of expansion and contraction. The device and for 100 years has not developed such a resource.

Useful advice!Firstly thermostats set smokers with unstable temperature (in the kitchen or in rooms with windows on sunny side). The private cottages devices mounted on the radiator upper floors, where warm air rises. Due to this temperature regime is aligned throughout the house.

Electronic Temperature Controller Battery

Electronic Temperature Controller Battery

Technical features automatic thermostats

The principle of operation of thermostats for radiators is the same, but there are a number of structural differences.

According to the control method

Thermostats with manual adjustment. Such devices have a valve head, which marked the division between 0 and 5. Turning the tap handwheel, we increase or decrease the passage opening for the coolant.

Zero indicates the battery is completely blocked, the remaining numbers - adjustable temperature range of 14 to 24 degrees.

The structure of the thermostat for the heating radiator

The structure of the thermostat for the heating radiator

Electronic Instrument. It runs on batteries or battery. This is the most massive and expensive device of all, but also the possibility to expand it. The thermostat has a temperature sensor, external or embedded. If conditions change the sensor sends a signal to the microprocessor, and the thermostat is activated.

The cost of the device quickly pays for itself by saving heat. The device can be programmed to change in temperature during the day and by day of the week. For example, 9 to 17 hours at a set temperature of 10-15 degrees, and then to raise it to a comfortable 22 degrees.

EXAMPLE thermostat connection to iron radiator

EXAMPLE thermostat connection to iron radiator

On the composition of the working environment

The bellows may be liquid or gas. Gas thermostat for heating radiator responds quickly to increase-decrease in temperature. but liquid relay better respond to the pressure of the bellows. In addition, they are easier to manufacture, so are available in the extended range.

Regulators and in one pipe of the double pipe heating systems

In the houses of the old single-pipe system batteries are connected in series. This means that the thermostat by suspending the supply of coolant in a radiator, effectively stops circulation of hot water throughout the system. Replacing old batteries with modern convectors must be accompanied by the installation of a bypass - pipe connecting the inlet and outlet pipe channel.

For such a system selected thermostats with a large inner diameter, having a low resistance. If you do not address this point, all the coolant goes through the bypass, and the battery will stay cool.

Examples of mounting and thermostats in one pipe of the double pipe heating system

Examples of mounting and thermostats in one pipe of the double pipe heating system

In a two-pipe system, radiators are connected in parallel. Disabling one battery will not affect the work of others. The bypass is not needed, and for effective temperature control thermostat can be built with a high flow resistance.

Useful advice!Much work effectively controls on the aluminum, bimetallic and steel radiators with low thermal inertia.

Connecting an automatic thermostat to the battery with their own hands

Connecting an automatic thermostat to the battery with their own hands

Rules for Setting the thermostat

Any shut-off and control valves are mounted in view of the direction of coolant flow. The instrument has an arrow, which rate must coincide with the direction of flow of hot water. Only mount the controller in this position.

The device must be horizontal, parallel to the floor. If the crane is standing upright, the thermal head would be a stream of warm air from the tube. As a result, the device can not accurately respond to temperature changes. When the semi-open valve is constantly in the room temperature is below the set.

Driving properly install the thermostat

Driving properly install the thermostat

We can not close the thermostat decorative panels and heavy curtains. If this is necessary, it is better to purchase controller with remote sensor, which is mounted at a distance from the valve.

Finally. The efficiency of heating equipment, temperature controlled, increases many times. Setting the thermostat allows you to save on your bills, simplifying the repair system and creates a favorable microenvironment in the house.

Thermostat for heating radiator (video)

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