Ondulin or metal: it is better to opt for a home roof

Ondulin or metal: it is better to opt for a home roof

At work, it is important to take into account roofing technology of metal or Ondulina


  • 1 Ondulin or metal: it is better to buy a house roof
    • 1.1 Features Ondulina: photos, reviews of the owners of country houses
    • 1.2 Features roof Ondulin: reviews about the positive qualities of the material
    • 1.3 Disadvantages Ondulina: reviews of the owners of country houses
    • 1.4 Features metal: reviews of the owners of country houses
    • 1.5 What is the best metal for roofs: feedback on the quality of protective coatings
  • 2 The cover, Onduline or metal: reviews, it is better to choose
    • 2.1 Characteristics of metal and Ondulina: lifetimes, reviews
    • 2.2 The lighter cover, metal or ondulin: it is better to take a job
    • 2.3 Safer than covering a roof, Onduline or metal: reviews
    • 2.4 Buying Ondulina or metal: that would be cheaper
    • 2.5 Benefits Ondulina against metal
    • 2.6 Advantages of metal before ondulin
    • 2.7 What are the benefits of more profitable Ondulina or metal

Ondulin or metal: it is better to buy a house roof

Opinions as to what kind of roofing materials better odds. And this is not only the owners of country houses, but also specialists applying ondulin and metal roofing work.

Each material has its own advantages. Some of them are inherent and ondulin and metal, others are beneficial to single out one material against another. To this figure should be considered in more detail the properties of metal Ondulina and compare their features.

Features Ondulina: photos, reviews of the owners of country houses

Ondulin - roofing made of cellulose fibers which have been pre-cleaned, soaked with oil and bitumen ether resins, after which they were compressed.

The color scale of roofing materials

The color scale of roofing materials

Note!Ondulin as a roofing material for over 70 years. It was invented in France in an economical and practical cover for the quick recovery of damaged during the war, roof tiles, metal or slate. Since ondulin not lost its popularity.

Today, there are two variants of the coating:

  1. Ondulin - classic material in sheets of rectangular shape with parameters 0,95h2,05 m (this material is superficially similar to a paint coated slate with a wave height of 3.6 cm).
  2. Onduvilla - a modern version of Ondulin that looks like a Mediterranean covered with roofing tiles with 0,4h2,05 parameters m (manufactured cellulose-based strips impregnated with bitumen and stacked overlapping).
One variety Ondulina - onduvilla

One variety Ondulina - onduvilla

If we compare these materials left on the forums regarding the roof of Ondulin customer feedback positively reflect such an advantage, as the weight. Ondulina sheet with standard dimensional parameters weighs no more than 6 kg. While onduvilla has much more weight for the reason that a multi-layer stacking is obtained.

Due Ondulina reduced weight, renovation of old roof can be carried out without disassembly of obsolete coating.

Features roof Ondulin: reviews about the positive qualities of the material

Many owners of country houses have already noted the positive qualities Ondulina.

Onduline has a variety of colors to suit every taste

Onduline has a variety of colors to suit every taste

Disadvantages Ondulina: reviews of the owners of country houses

Despite such attractive features, including user reviews on ondulin forums and found negative comments.

As a rule, they relate to the following points:

  1. Since the inherent brittleness of the material, in the process of repair or maintenance, it is impossible to move around without a roof to avoid damaging the coating. For these purposes, be sure to use special tools.
  2. Ondulin has a lower limit of flammability and good support fire. This minus be the most important for this material. The only positive side of this is that to set fire to the roof of Ondulin hard enough. A similar situation occurs with weldable roofing paper.
  3. Under direct sunlight the coating burns and loses its appearance a year later.
Ondulina sheet has a standard size: 2000h950 mm

Ondulina sheet has a standard size: 2000h950 mm

On ondulin reviews online most of them are positive, so the coating can be considered a good investment of money in the construction of the house.

Features metal: reviews of the owners of country houses

Metal - a kind of roofing, raw materials for the manufacture of galvanized steel which is obtained by the rolling method, combined with the cold pressing technique.

Production materials impart special undulating shape, after which the protective coating is applied as a coloring composition or polymeric substance.

For a large house with a solid roof surface is better to use metal roofing

For a large house with a solid roof surface is better to use metal roofing

Note!Initially metal called "Ranilloy" because this kind of material is made exclusively on the Finnish technology.

Metal is produced in several embodiments which differ from each other in the form of the profile element, the protective coating composition and thickness of the workpiece. In this case, left by the owners of cottages reviews what better cover with metal roof of the building apart, since each of the cases, play a role not only the properties of the material, but also the taste preferences of consumers, as well as budget opportunities.

The process of laying and metal, and Ondulina not extremely difficult

The process of laying and metal, and Ondulina not extremely difficult

What is the best metal for roofs: feedback on the quality of protective coatings

Timing maintenance service of metal, and also determines the level of quality of the protective coating composition consisting of the polymers.

Note!The thicker the protective coating, the better the coloring of coating is obtained. Increase its resistance to fading. The polymeric layer and simultaneously performs a protective and decorative functions.

Ondulina One advantage is that it can be laid on slate, without removing the old coating

Ondulina One advantage is that it can be laid on slate, without removing the old coating

Most minimal lifetimes material has a galvanized coating without staining as zinc galvanic layer quite easily damaged. Then in this zone corrosion is generated, progressively destroying the material.

Related article:

chto-lychshe-ondylin-ili-prof-nastil-m2How do I know which is better: ondulin or profiled? Features a variety of roofing materials for the roof covering. The analysis of their composition and application, will help find the right solution.

Metal treated dye or varnished composition embodiment is more durable material. Nevertheless the cost of such coatings is sufficiently high that, on the other hand, compensated by the higher corrosion resistance performance.

roof structure under the metal tile

roof structure under the metal tile

The cover, Onduline or metal: reviews, it is better to choose

Before you make a final decision as to what to choose: Metal or ondulin should perform a comparative description of these materials on the basic quality criteria.

These criteria include:

  • durability;
  • easy installation of the system;
  • strength characteristics;
  • fire;
  • the ability to block other sounds;
Metal profiles with Banga

Metal profiles with Banga

  • cost;
  • decorative features;
  • the ability to delay the accumulation of snow, etc.

Characteristics of metal and Ondulina: lifetimes, reviews

According to the statement Ondulina (France) producers, this type of coating is able to serve at least 15 years. This information is listed in the warranty card.

Note!Time specified in guarantees reflect the period over which the coating will not leak. As for the decorative side of the issue, in this case the service life less because the paint under the influence of ultraviolet light fade much sooner.

An important element of the roof - lathing

An important element of the roof - lathing

In fact, the terms of effective operational service Ondulina almost three times more and reach a period of up to 40 years. Decorative surface properties will be lost only 10-15 years after installation. During this period ondulin can only brighten.

It is worth remembering that the coating in the form of Ondulina is a temporary measure for the house roof. In terms of durability of metal is able to offer more.

In accordance with technical information supplied by the manufacturer for metal, its warranty period are within the period of 10-50 years. This rate depends on the species of the polymer coating, the manufacturer, and the thickness of the metal sheet.

Ondulin and metal are the materials, easy to installation

Ondulin and metal are the materials, easy to installation

on the decorative coating is a guarantee of at least 3 years. During this time, the paint retains its freshness and richness. In practice, high-quality metal does not fade in the sun almost complete in its lifetime. On the durability of the coating also affects the quality of installation.

The lighter cover, metal or ondulin: it is better to take a job

Due to the reduced weight Ondulina installation of this coating can be performed independently without the help of professionals.

The positive qualities of the material that appear during installation:

  • material consumption, as well as the amount of construction waste smaller than when working with metal tile;
  • cheap components;
The size of the sheet metal

The size of the sheet metal

  • ease of installation is provided by the flexibility and elasticity (due to this coating can be mounted on roofs of complex configuration);
  • no need to use special tools.

When working with ondulin can restrict the use of a hammer, roulettes and-hacksaw blade, designed for use with wood surfaces.

Useful advice!Do not forget to get a lubricant for the saw.

Working with metal tile requires knowledge and experience, because the metal is not so easy to handle, and mounting coating should be done in a certain order. Accessories and lath require special attention.

Flow Ondulina usually less than metal

Flow Ondulina usually less than metal

Features metal mounting:

  • requires precise control of the position of all the elements (thoroughly remove all measurements and check the location of parts with a spirit level);
  • Organization of the roof on the roofs of complex shapes - unprofitable (a large amount of construction waste);
  • It requires the use of special tools - screwdriver, spirit level, elektrovysechnyh scissors capable of cutting metal handle.

When installing metal without having to call a specialist is indispensable.

The structure of the roof with insulation

The structure of the roof with insulation

Safer than covering a roof, Onduline or metal: reviews

With regard to fire ondulin considered unsafe material. This type of coating consists of roofing felt impregnated with bitumen. This embodiment of the roof can withstand temperatures up to 110 ° C. The material belongs to a certain class of fire - KM5.

Properties Ondulina not allow you to use it as a roofing material for hospitals, schools and kindergartens.

Metal is not afraid of fire, since the steel sheet is not susceptible to combustion and does not support it. This embodiment of the roof can withstand temperatures up to 130 ° C. If this figure is higher combustion takes place of the upper protective layer made of polymers. Fire safety is therefore in terms of metal safer and better than ondulin.

Laying metal on the roof of a simple shape

Laying metal on the roof of a simple shape

Note!In addition to fire, there is another factor operating roof that affects safety. When heavy snowfall on the roof of accumulated precipitation, which can fall on your head at the most inopportune moment.

snow accumulation problem largely concerns metal, which has a slippery surface. Snow load (coating ability to withstand a certain pressure precipitation) in this case is equal to 1,200 kg / m². For this reason, the coating necessarily require the installation of snow retention system.

Ondulina surface, in contrast, has a rough texture, so the accumulation of snow on it is well retained, the need to install a protective system there. Snow load in this case amounts to 960 kg / m².

Bright roof of a country house

Bright roof of a country house

Buying Ondulina or metal: that would be cheaper

The cost of material and all components of interest to many developers, especially if the budget allocated for the construction, limited.

Compare prices for the purchase of materials:

materials price, rub.
Ondulin (leaf) 400-420
Ondulin (m²) 200-220
Metal (leaf) 360-500
Metal (lm) 190-250
Consumables for Ondulina 250-280
Consumables for metal (lm) 100-300
Mounting Ondulina (specialist work m²) 300
Mounting metal (specialist work m²) 500

Some manufacturers include a complete set Ondulina supplies, so it is not necessary to spend money on hardware. Metal is not able to offer such an advantage. The average value of the screw 1 is about 3 rubles.

The cost of steam, hydro and thermal insulation materials for roof mounting in both cases is the same.

The roof is blue is becoming more popular among the owners of country houses

The roof is blue is becoming more popular among the owners of country houses

Note!By decorative properties with metal tile can be compared only onduvilla that can mimic the surface of the Mediterranean roof tiles. Palette Ondulina scarce and limited standard set of colors.

Advantages of metal before ondulin

Despite some shortcomings, metal has many beneficial advantages to ondulin:

  1. Due to the special composition and unusual construction material characterized by high strength properties.
  2. A large number of vendors market provides a great variety of building comprising a plurality of colors, type of material and coatings, profiles of different shapes and rates.
  3. In the production process the material is endowed with useful properties such as fire safety, moisture resistance, resistance to Effects of low temperatures and temperature changes, the ability to withstand operation in various climatic conditions.
The roof of the gray metal

The roof of the gray metal

What are the benefits of more profitable Ondulina or metal

The following table briefly and clearly reflects the strengths and weaknesses of metal and Ondulina.

Comparative characteristics of the materials:

metal ondulin
Benefits disadvantages Benefits disadvantages
rigid surface High noise levels Excellent strength characteristics The surface of the flex in extreme heat
Long service life formed condensate Complete protection from moisture Limited lifetime
light weight light weight
Complicated installation scheme A simple mounting scheme
An extensive selection of colors Paint gradually fade saturated colors The gradual loss of color intensity

In view of the previously discussed advantages of each material can come to the following conclusion: ondulin is the optimum coating if the budget the construction of the rigid framework is limited, and the use of metal promises reliability and durability (with full compliance technology installation).

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