Thermal insulation of the ceiling in the house with a cold roof: a variety of methods

Warm roofing is usually mounted in houses designed for living in them throughout the year, cold - in buildings used seasonally

Warm roofing is usually mounted in houses designed for living in them throughout the year, cold - in buildings used seasonally

Note! During the construction of two types of roof can be used country houses: cold and warm. Each of these structures has its own characteristics. They subsequently affect the continued operation, therefore, it is necessary to reflect on the choice of the roof at the stage of project design of the building.

Warm roof - type structure, comprising a full insulation skates. Its installation is carried out if the room placed under the ramps, operated as a residential premises. Today, quite a large number of modern houses projects includes the use of attic space for equipment of living rooms.

Roofs of this type should be installed in houses and buildings, which are operated and heated all year round. This will allow you to eliminate heat loss through the slopes. We should not overlook one detail: the costs of installation and the purchase of materials in the circumstances substantially higher than in the construction design of the cold type.

The ceiling of the building in a cold roof advantageously insulated type fiber or bulk materials

The ceiling of the building in a cold roof advantageously insulated type fiber or bulk materials

Features and specificity of cold type roof

Cold roof has a slightly different structure, since its construction is not used the usual scheme, where the layering of materials is carried out in the following order:

  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • roof.

Cold type of construction used in the houses, in which the space under the roof is not living and not heated in the winter. In fact, the cold roof construction is a truss system. On top of it carried out the installation of the waterproofing layer and the roofing material.

This type of roof has facilitated weight, accompanied by low costs of construction and installation of the system is much simpler than in the regeneration warm embodiment. Therefore, the cold roof can be seen as a practical way of organizing the budget and the roof for a country house.

Insulate the ceiling in the building roof type cold can both own and skilled process entrusting

Insulate the ceiling in the building roof type cold can both own and skilled process entrusting

Note! If the attic is not heating the air in this area serves as a buffer, providing reduction of heat loss. In accordance with the operation of a phenomenon such as convection, hot air that rises from the heated premises located below undergoes gradual cooling. As a result, there is no internal heating skates which eliminates the likelihood of ice forming on them.

To retain heat and lower fuel costs costs ceiling insulationPlaced under cold roof, often at the expense of mounting insulating fibrous materials or backfill type. This procedure can be considered the most effective, since heated air flows are always directed upward.

Driving device type cold roof

Driving device type cold roof

Advantages of ceiling insulation under the roof area

Of course, the issue of warming should be addressed at the stage of building design. However, if necessary, the procedure can be performed only after the construction, for example, if the house is old and it does not heat insulation has been provided.

If you make insulation of the ceiling in the house with a cold roof (especially constructions of wood), you get certain benefits:

  1. Insulating material will provide additional sound insulation, so tenants are not will feel discomfort, if the street is noisy, heavy rain, or there are sharp gusts wind.
  2. During the summer, the insulation will prevent the ingress of air into the heated house from the street. It will maintain a comfortable indoor climate.
  3. Winter heating material will prevent the release of heat from the space to the outside.
The imager will help to identify problem areas in the room, through which heat loss occurs

The imager will help to identify problem areas in the room, through which heat loss occurs

To insulate the ceiling area in a wooden house, you can seek qualified professional help. However, the most advantageous option regarding the price and the quality is the implementation of the procedure with his own hands.

Useful advice! Insulation works of the cottage can be done independently. The main thing with this - well consider: view the properties of various materials, their weaknesses and advantages to study the specifics of insulation technology with their application, to arm step by step instructions and videos.

Methods of insulation of the ceiling in a wooden house

Effective insulation can reduce the cost of going to the heating system of a country house, almost 30% due to the reduction of heat loss. This procedure significantly saves money from the family budget.

Insulation of the ceiling from the loft area

Insulation of the ceiling from the loft area

Installing insulation can be done in two ways: by the floor or bottom side attic area.

The most accurate and effective technology insulation ceiling zone under cold roof mounting method of a heat insulating material from the attic. In most cases the ceiling structure is made of wood, whose inherent thermal insulating properties.

After assembling a heater carried on the attic ceilings, formed over the surface of the sub-floor portion. When insulation executed indoors from the attic may be used or the type of backfill material web.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling in the house with a cold roof will significantly reduce heating costs

Thermal insulation of the ceiling in the house with a cold roof will significantly reduce heating costs

Features of insulation from the ground floor

Insulation works from the floor made in the event that:

  • performed reconstruction of old buildings with ready attic floors;
  • do not have access to the loft space.

The technology involves the installation of:

  • carcass structure of wooden strips or metal profiled elements;
  • Insulating material in the form of plates;
  • drywall as a cladding.

In this method has a significant disadvantage. By mounting the frame and casing is significantly reduced amount of space in the room (the ceiling height is reduced). Moreover, the installation work at the top of the room require more time and effort.

Installation of a vapor barrier in the ceiling insulation

Installation of a vapor barrier in the ceiling insulation

Useful advice! Quality and efficient thermal insulation can only be achieved in a complex. To solve the problems with the loss of heat in the construction of a cold type of roof insulation is recommended that all openings, including doors and windows, as well as gender. Using a thermal imager, you will be able to identify the most problematic areas. Areas colored in yellow and red, thoroughly warm, because it is through them the heat goes out.

Given the fact that this way of insulation is less effective, experts recommend doing it only when the reduction of heat loss by another method is not possible. For example, to avoid dismantling the ceilings.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling in the house with thermal insulation from the ground floor: 1 - preparation of the ceiling for insulation; 2 - Installation of insulation; 3 - sheathing plasterboard; 4 - finishing works

Thermal insulation of the ceiling in the house with thermal insulation from the ground floor: 1 - preparation of the ceiling for insulation; 2 - Installation of insulation; 3 - sheathing plasterboard; 4 - finishing works

Popular materials and put forward to them the requirements

building materials market offers a lot of heaters for private homes. To determine the choice of material, it is necessary to analyze the range of heaters for compliance with the essential requirements.

The criteria for selection of materials:

  1. Thermal conductivity (materials with the lowest thermal conductivity are considered the best).
  2. Moisture resistance (this option is of special value if performed assembling insulation on the outer side, and roof coating has worn enough).
  3. Durability.
  4. Environmental friendliness (the materials should not be hazardous to human health).
  5. The level of combustibility (during insulating works, use non-combustible or slightly combustible materials).
building materials market offers a wide variety of heaters for home

building materials market offers a wide variety of heaters for home

Most running heaters are:

  • expanded clay;
  • small shavings or sawdust;
  • all varieties of rock wool;
  • ecowool cellulose-based;
  • polystyrene;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane (sprayed type material).

What insulation for the ceiling in a wooden house is better to use

Thermal insulation of the ceiling from the attic area is carried out by placing thermally insulating material over the overlapping or voids inside it (if any).

Options insulation of wooden floors: a, b, c, d - mezhbalochnoe insulation; d - complete insulation

Options insulation of wooden floors: a, b, c, d - mezhbalochnoe insulation; d - complete insulation

The choice of material and mounting technology is fully dependent on the type of overlap, which can be concrete or wood. Concrete is insulated by means of dense material in the form of plates or mats and heavy Sediment type heaters. For wooden floors based on the lag should be used lightweight materials Sediment type or roll.

Using natural materials for insulation

In addition to insulation, is made on the basis of natural and artificial, for insulation works using materials of natural origin.

These materials include:

  • sawdust;
  • clay;
  • seaweed;
  • reeds;
  • needles;
  • hay;
  • old leaves;
  • straw and m. p.
Small chips is an excellent insulation of natural origin

Small chips is an excellent insulation of natural origin

Note! These types of materials (excluding sawdust) are highly susceptible to the processes of decay. Therefore insulation with their application will be short-lived.

Warming of using small chips or sawdust is considered one of the most ancient methods to improve the microclimate in the premises. In those regions where the development of woodworking industry, this kind of material can be bought for a penny, and in some cases even get for free if the contract with the factory. Often woodworking companies, they do not know how to get rid of sawdust, so the problems with the purchase of a heater should not be.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling in the house with a cold roof with the help of the reed plates

Thermal insulation of the ceiling in the house with a cold roof with the help of the reed plates

Sawdust is recommended to arrange a heat-insulating layer on top of the wooden floors. The only drawback of this insulation is its flammability. But this disadvantage can be offset by the application of different methods of installation.

The thickness of the heat insulating layer: information for calculations

Warming sawdust will be effective only if the right chosen layer thickness. This index is calculated based on the temperature characteristic of the winter season in your area.

Table for determining the thickness of the interlayer opilochnoj:

Identification of the substance The thickness of the layer (cm) depending on the temperature indicator (° C) Weight n / m (n = 1 to 100 kg)
-15 -25 -20
Small chips 6 8 7 3
sawdust 5 6 5 2,5

In some cases, the role of thermal insulation material may be used pellets made from small chips, having the form of granules. To reduce flammability recommended sawdust mixed with flame retardants (flame specialized tools and biological protection).

Besides wood chips and small chips can be used for thermal insulation and more unusual materials of natural origin.

Table thermal conductivity materials:

Identification of the substance conductivity coefficient Weight, kg / m³
(1 q = 100 kg)
Felt (various types) 0,031-0,05
Foliage (dry) 0,05-0,06
Tow 0,037-0,041 1,8
Moss 0,04 1,35
Needles 0,08 4,3
Mats of straw 0,05-0,06
wadding 0,037 0,8
Thin chips (packing) 0,05-1 1,4-3
The fire (of different types) 0,04-0,065 1,5-3,5
Sphagnum (peat) 0,05-0,07 1,5
sawdust 0,05-0,08 1,9-2,5
Straw (stuffing, rifled) 0,04 1,2

Useful advice! For safety reasons, perform additional insulation of electrical cables. It is recommended to use the corresponding diameter corrugated tube.

The simplest way to create heat insulation via sawdust

According to this method, elimination of gaps, which may be a wooden floor, is performed using clay. Its texture should be slightly liquid. After promazyvaniya surface is sprinkled with a thin layer of sand, because of excessive temperature, after drying the clay may crack, breaking the integrity of the insulation layer. In such circumstances, the sand gets into cracks and seal the gaps.

Sawdust and fine chips are highly ecological

Sawdust and fine chips are highly ecological

Sawdust - a favorite habitat of small rodents. To avoid damaging the insulation mice, poured a layer of carbide with slaked lime. Thereafter, a layer of sawdust. Depending on the climatic characteristics specific to your region, the thickness of the insulation can be different. Minimum layer is 15-20 cm, but it is better to perform the mound height of 25-30 cm.

Since chips are relatively easy to combustion, the top should be lightly sprinkled waste slag. Especially carefully it is necessary to do in the zone where the hot communication systems, such as the chimney. On top of the thermal insulation is not required to lay nothing. For convenience, if you use the loft should be put boards.

Warming of the floor from the attic by means of chips

Warming of the floor from the attic by means of chips

Other effective methods of insulation ceiling sawdust

Another technique requires protective measures to prevent damage to floor moisture. To do this, you can take a waterproof film which is laid on top of the wooden floor, or the whole surface with clay.

Useful advice! Use a waterproof film, which is capable of passing particles of vapor from the living room.

Thereafter sawdust are mixed with cement and diluted with water according to the recipe:

  • sawdust (10 parts);
  • cement (1-2 parts);
  • Water (1.5 parts).

To cement stuck to the wood chips, they have a little bit wet. The resulting mixture is coated onto the entire surface of the floor in the attic or you can fill its space between joists. The thickness of the layer - 20 cm. It is recommended to carry out this type of work in the spring, as the filings required all summer for a complete drying. To check the quality of drying, you should go on top of the mound. If the chips are completely dry, they emit a light crunch, and the surface of the insulation will not wrinkle.

Preparing for the insulation of the ceiling in the house with a cold roof: mixing sawdust with clay

Preparing for the insulation of the ceiling in the house with a cold roof: mixing sawdust with clay

There is another technique of warming with sawdust. This method is similar to the above described method, only cement in the formulation is replaced by clay.

And finally, the latest technology. It involves the implementation of insulation in the simplest way. From equation excludes slag, which do not need to sprinkle sawdust. In this case, a heater is lubricated clay. The mixture should not be too fluid to prevent leakage from the mound depth sawdust.

The use of clay as insulation for the ceiling

Clay is the oldest material used in construction. Pure clay is not used as an independent heater, as to provide a full level of thermal insulation, you will need to form a layer having a thickness of about 50-80 cm. This amount of material wooden ceiling is simply unable to withstand, so use special mixture of clay and sawdust.

Process of preparation of a clay-sawdust mixture

Process of preparation of a clay-sawdust mixture

Useful advice!First we need to cover the floor film with vapor barrier properties and the ability not to pass moisture.

Preparation of the clay-sawdust mixture:

  1. Take the large barrel and filled with water.
  2. The barrel of water is added to the clay in an amount of 4-5 cans.
  3. The liquid is stirred until the clay is almost completely dissolved in it, and the water will not get muddy hue.
  4. Part of the resulting mixture poured into the concrete mixer.
  5. Sawdust are added, mixing is performed.
  6. Under stirring clay and sawdust mixture was added water.

As a result, you need to get a solution with the optimum texture that will not be too thick or liquid. This mixture must be covered with a layer of a ceiling of 15-20 cm. After applying the surface leveled. Then it should be given time out to dry. While the solution is dry, cracks may appear on the insulating layer. They are eliminated by smearing clay.

Between the overlap, and the clay is necessary to set the film with vapor barrier properties

Between the overlap, and the clay is necessary to set the film with vapor barrier properties

The use of expanded clay for the insulation of the ceiling

LECA is an environmentally friendly material. The raw materials used in its manufacture natural clay. This type of insulation completely non-flammable, and when heated it does not emit toxic substances.

Mound formed from expanded clay, can have a different density level, since the material is discharged in the form of manufacturers with different size fractions. Of the fine particles formed by the densest heat-insulating layer.

Table density with parameters:

The size
granules cm
compression, MPa
The density level
(Bulk), n / m
(1 q = 100 kg)
The density level
(Bulk), n / m
(1 q = 100 kg)
1-3 0,9-1,1 4,5-6,5 2-2,5
0,1-0,4 2-3 8-12 4
0,4-1 1,2-1,4 5,5-8 3,35-3,5

For warming zone ceiling recommended expanded clay granules with a size of 0.4-1 cm.

Note! After mounting expanded clay becomes a source of dust and is not able to cause an allergic reaction. It has long periods of operational service and does not lose its properties and characteristics throughout this time.

On the part of the ground floor ceiling insulation should be done only safe types of mineral wool

On the part of the ground floor ceiling insulation should be done only safe types of mineral wool

Expanded clay and ecowool: Comparative characteristics

Expanded clay granules have a high index of heat resistance, so this material is used to separate the wooden cover of the chimney. For this chimney is constructed around a special basket, which is filled with granules.

To more fully appreciate the properties of expanded clay, it is possible to compare its performance with that of other environmentally friendly material - Cellulose Fiber.

Comparative characteristics:

material property cellulose wool expanded clay aggregate
the density level, i / m 0,42-0,75 2-4
The level of chemical inertness neutral
Percent water absorption in relation to the weight 15 18-20
The level of thermal conductivity 0,037-0,040 0,10-0,15
layer density High density and filling cracks Granule size:
1,5-2 cm - emptiness;
0.5-1 cm - high density
water vapor permeability 0,67 0,3
The level of combustibility low (due to fire-retardant treated) incombustible

The technology Ceiling insulation keramzit

The insulation technology using expanded clay fractions plays a significant role material weight. Because of its severity is not recommended to use this heater when working with ceilings of wood as flooring under the pressure of heavy weight could fail. Therefore, expanded clay is applicable only to concrete structures.

The first step is to carry out preparatory work: clear the concrete surface and cover it with foil paroizoliruyuschimi properties.

Expanded clay is made from natural clay and is completely safe from an environmental point of view

Expanded clay is made from natural clay and is completely safe from an environmental point of view

Useful advice!Stacking film layer made overlapping to an encapsulated coating. Places joints are glued with adhesive tape. Do not forget to make a lap on the wall with a margin of 0.4-0.5 m. With the coating film to be processed chimney and roof truss system made of wood.

After that you should knead clay and put it on the film layer. Concrete block placed on top of it. To ensure a high level of thermal insulation, experts recommend to make a mixture of coarse and fine granules. As a result of the embankment will be uniform.

If the house is located in the region with a cold climate, a layer of 150-200 mm thickness to be increased up to 500 mm. Otherwise, insulation works will have no effect. For this reason, the mound of expanded clay are rarely used for thermal insulation of buildings, as the insulation gets more weight.

The scheme of ceiling insulation in a wooden house with the help of expanded clay

The scheme of ceiling insulation in a wooden house with the help of expanded clay

Above the pellet is performed screed, consisting of a cement-sand mortar 50 mm thick. The mixture should be thick, so that the particles are not spilled tie deeper into the insulation. As a result, you'll have a strong enough floor surface, which allows to store in the attic of a massive thing or install the boiler. The big advantage of this technology is environmentally friendly and fire safety material.

Features ceiling insulation with mineral wool in a private house

Mineral wool is considered one of the most used and popular heaters. This material is processed attic area, because its characteristics are optimal for these kinds of works.

Various materials are used as raw material in the manufacture of mineral wool:

  • cullet;
  • sand;
  • blast furnace slag;
  • Stone rocks (basalt).
Mineral wool - the most popular material for ceiling insulation

Mineral wool - the most popular material for ceiling insulation

For this reason, the range of heaters get wide enough:

  • slag;
  • glass wool;
  • basalt wool.

Note!A group of insulating materials based on mineral wool has one significant drawback. On manufacture phenolformaldehyde resin as binder. In the operation of heaters emit harmful substances into the air for the human health. This carries a risk for all residents.

Process insulation ceiling with mineral wool

Process insulation ceiling with mineral wool

The characteristics and properties of slag wool

Slag is produced using blast furnace slag. As a heater for residential homes it is of little use. In zone loft moisture level can be increased. The probability of formation of such conditions is increased in the transition period (Fall, Spring).

Due to the high hygroscopicity of the material is subjected to rapid wetting, which greatly reduces its insulating characteristics. Acidity which is formed when wet, even after removal of slag wool has a negative influence on other types of construction materials. Particularly noticeable is the impact effect on ferrous metals.

Slag should not be used as a heater in residential building

Slag should not be used as a heater in residential building

Slag consists of caustic fibers. For this reason, this type of heater is not recommended to lay the premises for residency. slag wool structure is extremely fragile. When any damage to the fine particles are formed, which are so light that they can be in air in a suspended state. And it is dangerous to health.

In slag wool, there is only one advantage - low cost in comparison with other species of insulating materials.

Specificity mineral wool insulation of ceilings: the use of glass wool

Glass wool belongs to the group of materials referred to as mineral wool. The basis of its manufacturing technology is the use of the glass mass in molten form. In production of this thin drawn fiber mass. After that they form web, which is converted by the method of rolling in the web material. The range is present another form of glass wool products - mats.

With insulation glass wool ceiling required protective clothing and gloves and a respirator

With insulation glass wool ceiling required protective clothing and gloves and a respirator

Note! The thermal conductivity of glass is much lower than that of material made from slags. 0,55-0,8 water absorption rate is 1 kg per sq. m.

Glass wool is not the most suitable material for insulation, however it is frequently used for the treatment of attic floors. Often the material is combined with other heaters.

For the same reason as in the case of slag wool, glass wool can be placed only on the part of the attic space. Fine particles of fibers irritate the mucous membranes and skin, therefore it is necessary to protect the premises from contact with this kind of material.

Simple circuit insulation of the ceiling in the house with a cold roof

Simple circuit insulation of the ceiling in the house with a cold roof

Stone wool as the insulation: the properties and characteristics of

Gabbro-basalt rocks used for the production of basalt insulation. This material is optimal for work on warming the ceiling plane with the inside of the premises. Basalt wool fibers are the most plastic of all, so their level of fragility is extremely low.

The material introduced in the market in the form of a tightly compressed mats with high strength characteristics. Since the basalt wool invulnerable to external factors, heating operation can be performed even by the attic. Besides rolls, plates can be purchased from gabbro-basalt rock having different indices density.

Some manufacturers equip basalt wool layer of foil, which is aimed at enhancing the insulating properties. Brilliant foil coating perfectly reflects heat back into the room, preventing its exit.

Insulation using basalt wool can be conducted from the lower floor, and from the attic

Insulation using basalt wool can be conducted from the lower floor, and from the attic

Scheme mineral wool insulation of ceilings: applying wool "Urs"

URSA company offers customers the most demanded type of insulation - mineral wool. This manufacturer specializes in the manufacture of materials for glass fiber insulation and minerals. Mineral wool "Urs" has two forms of release: rigid sheets and rolls.

Useful advice!Rolled product is best used for insulation of buildings with wooden beams, placing the material between the beams. Plates are more suited to carry out insulation work in the cottages with concrete floors, although their use is permitted in structures made of wood.

To insulate the surface of the concrete floor must be carefully aligned the plane for further work. This zone blanketed film coating then can proceed to laying of slabs. Installation is vrazbezhku.

URSA company produces materials for glass fiber insulation and mineral

URSA company produces materials for glass fiber insulation and mineral

The surface is covered with sheeting, which can be formed of plywood or wooden planks. The water vapor permeability of concrete is very low, so it is not necessary to carry out a screed on top of the plates. This procedure will reduce the insulating properties of the material.

The scheme of the mineral wool "Urs" on hardwood floors attic

Driving insulation wool production company URSA slabs of wood:

  • the space between the joists is covered with pictures paroizoliruyuschimi properties. This stage can not be skipped, because the mineral wool loses its beneficial properties when wet. film Coanda carried overlapped and joints are sealed by sticking tape. Required lapping at the walls is 150-250 mm;
Rolled products are optimally used on hardwood floors, putting insulation between the joists

Rolled products are optimally used on hardwood floors, putting insulation between the joists

Note! Mineral wool in respect of fire safety is very convenient, so the organization of the wooden floor on top of the insulation would be the solution.

Warming of natural materials: reed application and algae

Mats formed from reed become excellent thermal insulator. Products are tied with wire or twine. Installation of insulation is carried out over the floors so that the seams are placed vrazbezhku.

It is recommended to lay the mats in two layers. This is done so that the second layer overlaps the joints which are formed between the first layer mats. This placement scheme aims to avoid the formation of cold bridges.

Harvesting cane intended for thermal insulation of the ceiling at home with a cold roof

Harvesting cane intended for thermal insulation of the ceiling at home with a cold roof

For natural materials for insulation and are algae. The seaside towns of the region, this type of material can be bought for a song or order delivery to almost any part of the country.

Ladders, made from algae have many advantages:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • therapeutic effect on the human body due to the large amount of sea salt and iodine in the composition (in operation from algae allocated useful pair);
  • the absence of such problems as damage to the insulation on small rodents;
Reed insulation panels: and - with the transverse location of the stems; b - with longitudinal arrangement of the stems; in - EEPROM variant products using wire clips; r - EEPROM continuous suture variant products

Reed insulation panels: and - with the transverse location of the stems; b - with longitudinal arrangement of the stems; in - EEPROM variant products using wire clips; r - EEPROM continuous suture variant products

  • material is capable of maintaining the combustion process and absolutely does not emit smoke;
  • the material is not afraid of insects and does not have the conditions for microbial growth.

Note!Mounting ladders from algae does not require pre-organization of a vapor barrier.

Laying traps is carried out directly on the floor or ceiling. The optimal layer thickness - 20 cm. algae should be placed on top of the board or to organize a full wooden floor.

Preparation of insulation from algae: Drying traps the sun

Preparation of insulation from algae: Drying traps the sun

Ecowool circuit and applying cellulosic material

Second name Cellulose Fiber - cellulose insulation. The material of the current generation is less popular than mineral types of heaters, however it is more environmentally friendly and has a natural origin.

Advantages of products made of cellulose-based:

  • when applied to the insulation surface being treated as if preserved - no chance for microbial growth and mildew under it;
  • It allowed stacking layers of any thickness, since the material has a low weight even with dense compaction. As a result, the overlap in the attic will not burden due to a large number of Cellulose Fiber, while the level of the ceiling insulation is very high;
  • long service life with full properties during this period;
  • insulation is completely environmentally friendly, and its operation is not accompanied by the release of toxic fumes;
sputtering method provides a seamless and completely sealed cover, do not miss any heat or cold

sputtering method provides a seamless and completely sealed cover, do not miss any heat or cold

"Dry" and "wet" technology insulation ceiling Private home ecowool

Ekovaty structure consists of small cellulose fibers. The process of mounting a heater in two ways: "dry" and "wet".

The basis of the "dry" technology is the spillage of material, followed by partitioning and compacted in the space between joists. Ecowool is a natural absorbent, there is no need to lay a pre-film.

Installation work "wet" method implemented using specialized hardware, which causes the cellulose fibers mixed with the glue onto the surface at a pressure of overlap.

Blown blow ecowool system allows all slot - as a result of the surface coating is formed integral with the air particles inside. For most regions, the optimum is considered to be a layer of a material thickness of 25 cm. Housing located in cold regions need to increase the thickness of 0.4-0.5 m.

Ecowool is highly effective and safe insulation for the ceiling

Ecowool is highly effective and safe insulation for the ceiling

Scheme mounting heater with water spray has its advantages. The presence of moisture accelerates the formation of lignin. Cellulose wadding on top of the crust solidified in 1-3 weeks after application. Given the fact that the material is subject to caking, you should always include a certain margin (about 5-15%) with time.

warming procedure using Penoplex

A material called Penoplex belongs to the category type extruded polystyrene foams. This type of insulation is much stronger than ordinary foam, although it has the features related to it. Through this penoplex can be used for insulation works on the concrete floor before performing the formation of the concrete floor in the attic.

Useful advice! Apply the active material in the process of warming the first two floors in the low-rise building of a particular type.

Due to its properties penoplex excellent for insulation of concrete slabs

Due to its properties penoplex excellent for insulation of concrete slabs

In the presence in the house of wooden beams on the application Penoplex should be abandoned. The surface of the products did not allow air to pass, which would entail accumulation of moisture, which creates favorable conditions for the development of mold.

The treated surface should be checked for the presence of irregularities. If defects have been identified, they need to be eliminated by the alignment. Only after that can be taken for the installation of vapor barrier material.

Next layer - Penoplex plate. Layout on their surface - vrazbezhku. Fixation of the insulation to the surface is performed using special plugs manned hat type "mushroom".

Scheme attic insulation concrete slab type

Scheme attic insulation concrete slab type

The joints between the slabs should be treated with the help of foam, carefully filling all available space. After complete drying of the sealant is performed pouring the cement-sand screed. The minimum layer thickness - 50 mm. When the solution has hardened, you get a solid foundation floor surface on the second floor or attic.

Related article:

uteplitel-dlya-sten-doma-vnutri-51Insulation for walls of the house and features indoor material selection. Material classification: selecting features, advantages and disadvantages of heaters. Prices for different types of insulation.

Ceiling insulation technology in the private house inside

Internal insulation of the attic space from the premises is considered to be an undesirable solution to heat loss. This procedure not only reduces the overall height of the ceiling in the room, but also increases the risk of getting harmful fumes or particulate material in the living room.

Note!Technology fraught with internal insulation and other effects, for example, development in the material of mold and other dangerous microorganisms.

Nevertheless, application of this method is allowed, but with some reservations in certain situations:

  1. The use of mineral wool is strictly prohibited.
  2. Is required to leave a gap for ventilation between the finish ceiling surface and insulation material.
Process ceiling insulation from the ground floor

Process ceiling insulation from the ground floor

Insulation works with penofol

Penofol by its nature is a foamed polyethylene. On the one hand on the material layer has a foil. Penofol has low thermal insulation capability, nevertheless allowed its use in buildings where there is a low level of heat losses.

Before the actual installation penofol on the ceiling surface should be organized crate. In this frame will be attached the material to be placed so that the foil layer was looking into the room. Insulation can be fixed with nails.

Do not forget the two sides penofol leave the ventilation gaps. To ensure that the required conditions for the establishment of such gaps, it is necessary to form on top of the insulation another crate, which will subsequently be closed plasterboard. Instead of finishing drywall, you can install suspended ceilings system.

When mounting penofol foil layer should look into the room

When mounting penofol foil layer should look into the room

Penofol can be used in conjunction with Penoplex to perform insulation works. The procedure is performed in a similar manner. Before finishing implement plasterboard on lathing fixed penofol.

The order of thermal insulation of ceilings inside Penoplex

XPS is not only suitable for the procedure insulation of concrete surfaces from the attic, but also on the part of the dwelling.

insulation scheme in this case is as follows:

  1. On the ceiling surface formed by lathing timber with a height exceeding Penoplex thickness of about 0.2-0.3 cm. Racks are set at a pitch equal to the width of the insulation, it should be taken away from the indicator 0.1-0.2 cm.
  2. Between the batten strips placed insulating material. If the carcass assembly has been carried out correctly, penoplex enter into this space, but with a little effort.
  3. On the crate is performed drywall installation. The result is a ceiling suspension type structure. This scheme allows you to perform insulation works installation of suspended ceilings.
Embodiments applying the adhesive plate Penoplex

Embodiments applying the adhesive plate Penoplex

Useful advice! To improve the reliability of insulation lock, attach it to the base of the ceiling using dowels.

Use of polyurethane and plaster mixtures as insulants

To modern materials used for thermal insulation of buildings, applies polyurethane foam. In a short time he was able to get the status of an ideal thermal insulation for attics and ceilings.

Advantages of polyurethane:

  • invulnerable to insects and micro-organisms;
  • fire resistance;
  • excellent waterproofing properties;
  • a high level of adhesion;
The equivalent thermal conductivity of building materials

The equivalent thermal conductivity of building materials

  • resistance to abrupt temperature changes;
  • good sound insulation;
  • no cold bridges.

The disadvantages of the material can only carry its full vapor permeability. The surface of the heater did not allow air to pass, which could negatively affect the climatic conditions of the room.

To carry out thermal insulation works with the use of polyurethane foam require professional challenge. Sputtering material is carried out under high pressure, which ensures complete filling of crevices and enveloping protruding structural members premises, for example, curved protrusions columns. sputtering a layer thickness of 100-120 mm.

There plasters intended for work on warming from the living room

There plasters intended for work on warming from the living room

As regards the application of plaster mixtures, this method is for some reason not very popular. However, the plaster is perfect for insulating concrete ceilings.

The material has many advantages:

  • decorative coating;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire resistance;
  • invulnerability before exposure to steam, moisture;
  • invulnerable to mold.

Note! Some manufacturers are types of plasters are designed for internal insulation works on the part of the living room.

Wiring diagram for installation of components for polyurethane foam spraying

Wiring diagram for installation of components for polyurethane foam spraying

Scheme ceiling insulation foam

For the past 50 years, the foam is used as an effective insulation material. Despite its shortcomings, the low price of the heater still allows it to maintain a high position among consumers.

In most cases, the foam laying is carried out in combination with a sealant. Through the application of foam at the joints eliminates all cold bridges. Low Thermal Conductivity - the most important advantage of this insulation. This numerical value may vary depending on the product density and thickness.

ceiling heat insulation of foam is the budget option, although desirable from the point of view of safety

ceiling heat insulation of foam is the budget option, although desirable from the point of view of safety

In the foam has a weakness - good combustibility. Besides, when ignited heater emits large amounts of combustion products: smoke and toxic substances with action. For this reason, the use of the material in some countries completely banned.

As a substitute for using extruded polystyrene, which has already been described previously. This type of insulation is not only poorly flammable, but also characterized by a high capacity for self-extinguishing. Despite this, the combustion of polystyrene has not less toxicity than the foam, so should carefully weigh the decision before performing insulation works within these materials premises.

Low Thermal Conductivity - the most important advantage of the foam plates

Low Thermal Conductivity - the most important advantage of the foam plates

The use of cork for internal insulation

White agglomerate is made from the bark of the cork tree. This type of insulation is of natural origin and is characterized by ecological purity. Often the tube is used in the process of installation of suspended ceiling structures Armstrong - the material is fixed on the crate. Sinter is not afraid of the negative effects of moisture, so does not need to pre-laying vapor barrier.

All the technologies discussed here are among the most popular method of insulation. The list of thermal insulation materials, suitable for use, does not end there.

When selecting insulation is very important to consider the features of the building. For wooden walls are not suitable sealable materials options (penofol, penoplex) - are best left to the concrete houses. More appropriate in this case to use natural and breathable thermal insulation: sawdust, seaweed, ecowool, reed mats.

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