Stencils for walls under painting: creative interior design

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Quite often, many people have a desire to change something in the design of his apartment, add novelty, or simply re-stick wallpaper. However, not always possible to realize his creative impulse in life. This is due primarily to the significant financial cost. In this case, wall stencils for painting will be a real boon to the host. They are easy to use, so apply pattern on the wall, and thus transform the interior you can own, without any cost.

Stencils for walls under painting: a creative way of interior decoration

Bright high-quality picture on the wall of the room can be accessed using stencils with minimal financial costs


  • 1 The advantages of using stencils
  • 2 Stencils for walls under painting: materials used and the types of
    • 2.1 Existing types of stencils for murals
  • 3 The choice of style stencils
  • 4 Stencils for walls: buy or make yourself?
    • 4.1 How to choose and buy stencils for walls under painting?
    • 4.2 How to print stencils to cut out of paper?
  • 5 Recommendations for choosing a picture, wall decor
  • 6 What kind of paint to use to create a picture using stencils?
    • 6.1 The application of the stencil for painting with acrylic paint walls
    • 6.2 Oil paint for painting walls
    • 6.3 Decoration of the walls using a stencil and tempera paint
    • 6.4 Features decorating with paint effect
  • 7 applying paint technology for stencils
  • 8 Using stencils for walls instead of wallpaper

The advantages of using stencils

Stopping the choice on the use of stencils for painting, the owner of the apartment is able to update the room with minimal capital investment. Through this simple process can be wall decor:

  • diversify the monotony of the walls;
Creative stencils can be purchased in the store for needlework or combine your own

Creative stencils for decoration you can buy in the store for needlework or combine your own

  • add zest to a familiar interior;
  • express their creativity;
  • to make repairs in the room with small financial losses;
  • expand or reduce the space of the room;
  • hide the current shortcomings on the walls;
  • add an additional element to the room (niche) or disguise it;
  • have a great time with the family. Children will love to paint on the walls of his room.

Buy ready-made stencil can be in any hardware store. And you can do it yourself using a template from the Internet.

Stencils for walls under painting: materials used and the types of

Today buy stencils for wall decor can be in any store for needlework or building supermarkets. A large variety of patterns allows you to choose the best option for any room, and styling.

With the help of stencils can be issued or the wall completely, or to emphasize some of the rooms area

With the help of stencils can be issued or the wall completely, or to emphasize some of the rooms area

Existing types of stencils for murals

In the modern decoration used several kinds of templates that allow you to get an interesting result. Consider options for stencils used in modern wall decor decisions:

  • simple. They are used for applying monochromatic pattern. Among the advantages of this type should be noted that it is best suited for beginners;
  • complex. To put this figure via the stencil requires two or more colors. This option is more suitable for those who have experience in the application of stencil drawings. In this case, overprinting requires precision, otherwise the result may look ugly blur;
  • antitrafarety. Take advantage of this type to create an unusual design can be anyone. Antitrafaret used when it is necessary to paint over all space, except for the pattern. Most often this type is selected for the design of recreation areas.

There is another way of decorating the room with the help of stencils - convex molding. In this case, the pattern is created using a stencil and putty. After drying the resulting inlay is coated with paint or protective lacquer.

EXAMPLE beautiful decoration wall made using masking tape of different widths, which can perform the role of a disposable stencil

EXAMPLE beautiful decoration wall made using masking tape of different widths, which can perform the role of a disposable stencil

The choice of style stencils

Today you can buy a stencil for decor and wall paintings made in different styles. Most often you can find the following:

  • art decor. This style is characterized by pomp and ostentation. For its design best suited geometric patterns and shapes that add integrity of the room. When making a room in this style often choose small stencils to paint on the walls. Less commonly applied monumental images;
  • antique style. He looks best in a spacious and bright rooms in country houses with large panoramic windows. Interlacing patterns in the style of ancient Greece and Byzantium give the room elegance and mystery. Very popular image columns, statues and vases near the entrance door. To select the area in the room, you can use a picture of the ancient god or hero myths;
  • floral style. He is considered universal. It is ideal for small rooms, as well as for luxury apartments. Beautiful flower arrangements made in bright colors, enliven the room, adding his originality. Using a stencil tree on the wall, you can create a unique composition, highlighting a separate zone in the apartment;
  • animalistic style. Choice of different images of animals leads to the bright interesting accent. Most often these goals are choosing silhouettes or faces of cats.
Animalistic paintings on the wall are very popular among the owners of country houses

Animalistic paintings on the wall are very popular among the owners of country houses

Useful advice!If there are doubts about whether the look beautiful picture on the wall, you can pre-print the picture and attach it to the wall with masking tape. This will give you an idea of ​​how the room will look with a ready stencil pattern.

In addition to the different areas of styles, templates can be divided by application area:

  • kitchen;
  • for the living room;
  • bedroom;
  • Nursery;
  • For bathroom.

There are universal patterns that will look great in any room. Sometimes cliches are used to draw the box outlet, wall joints or niche.

An example of the use of special stencils with simulated textured wallpaper

An example of the use of special stencils with simulated textured wallpaper

Stencils for walls: buy or make yourself?

Once the decision to use stencils for the walls in the apartment, the question arises: to buy a template or make your own hands?

The first option allows you to purchase a layout done by a professional. Drawing on this template differs clarity of lines, and it can be used several times. This stencil is made of durable material and is cut out using special equipment. Despite the obvious advantages of such stencils for painting does not allow to save on the decoration of the room.

A pattern made by yourself, is cheaper, but there is a possibility that the line drawing can be different roughness.

Make the final decision must be the owner. Sometimes buy stencils easier and faster for decoration than to engage in their own manufacturing.

Using stencils in the nursery - a great way to quickly change the design of the room, which is important for early child development

Using stencils in the nursery - a great way to quickly change the design of the room, which is important for early child development

How to choose and buy stencils for walls under painting?

Today buy stencils for walls in two ways: by visiting a shop or building materials for crafts or place your order through the Internet.

And in fact, in both cases the cost of the finished pattern will depend on the brand of the manufacturer, the material used and the complexity of the drawing.

To buy stencils for wall decor domestic producers will have to spend between 400 rubles and above. The larger or more complicated figure, the higher the cost to the layout of its application.

Among the most popular companies that are engaged in manufacturing stencils, highlight Bayramiks, Best Story, Olstik and others. Many firms, in addition to the manufacture of stencils for painting and selling models, offer services to their application.

Useful advice! Choosing stencils to paint on a wall, do not mix them with wall stickers. These two elements for decorating very similar.

Stencils motivational phrases popular in modern trends in interior decor in Scandinavian style

Stencils motivational phrases popular in modern decor trends interior in Scandinavian style

How to print stencils to cut out of paper?

If you decide to self-manufacture of stencils, you must decide on the material and design. To help with the latter may be the Internet, where you can find a wide variety of layout options. If none of them did not come, you can draw your pattern. In this case, the resulting decor is truly unique, and copyright.

After the image is selected, it is necessary to select the material for the stencil. This can be vinyl, thick cardboard or paper. The last option is great for creating a single stencil.

When used as a stencil paper for wallpaper for painting, desired pattern can be printed on an ordinary printer. Then all of the elements, faded gently cut. Using the double-sided tape is attached to the wall of the stencil, and using ink pattern is transferred onto the prepared surface.

Repeating pattern can be printed on the cardboard once and use many times

Repeating pattern can be printed on the cardboard once and use many times

Recommendations for choosing a picture, wall decor

When making the room decor is not exactly right, because every host has its own taste and vision of the ideal, comfortable interior. However, there are certain points that need to be considered when choosing stencil. This will provide a harmoniously decorated, in keeping with the beautiful furniture and accessories. Selecting the pattern in this regard is no exception.

Basic recommendations on selection of stencils:

  • selected pattern or image should be in harmony with the main interior furnishings and style;
  • image should be concise with a little line. Otherwise, you can "overwhelm" the surface and the picture will look out of place;
  • for each room you need to pick up your image, not to cause divergence of styles;
  • distinctness figure gives a large number of bridges and the broad lines;
  • by direct application to the image on the wall, it is recommended to make the layout and apply it to the selected location. This will allow to visually assess the pattern and position it correctly.
For decoration you can use a blank wall a contrasting color images of several colors

For decoration you can use a blank wall a contrasting color images of several colors

For the decor of the room walls are also used three-dimensional images that look beautiful and unusual. However, they require basic skills to work with putty. In this case, decided to buy a mask for the walls, you need to take into account the material used for it. For the bulk of decorating thick cardboard and paper are not appropriate. Due to exposure to moisture, they quickly come into disrepair and can spoil the final result. For this type of images, you need to buy stencils for walls made of plastic or vinyl, or make their own hands.

Related article:

Stencils to decorate their own hands: templates, materials, tips on making

How to make your own pattern. Tips for using. The main stages of drawing.

What kind of paint to use to create a picture using stencils?

For the application of the ornament to the surface using a stencil can be used all kinds of paints: acrylic, oil, water-based etc. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The application of the stencil for painting with acrylic paint walls

Among all types of paints used for drawing on the wall, it is considered the best acrylic. This paint is easy to operate and quick drying. Also, it is odorless and fits well to the surface. When you create the necessary shade two acrylic paints are easily mixed.

The process of applying recurring pattern stenciled

The process of applying recurring pattern stenciled

Acrylic colors do not fade in the sun, so the brightness of the color is not lost over time. The resulting pattern surface is durable, so does not require additional protective means.

Also, one of the advantages of this type of paint, is that it does not crack and can tolerate temperature variations. Damage with the help of drawing a long time keeps the brightness of colors and nice smooth surface. With acrylic paint, you can paint the wall on the veranda or in the gazebo.

Useful advice!Acrylic paint can be easily washed away with water. Therefore, when the erroneous application or poorly received picture, you need to immediately treat the site with a damp sponge. After drying this would be impossible.

Oil paint for painting walls

The main condition for beautiful surface when working with oil paints is Careful preparation wall.

Stencil pattern looks very harmoniously in a room decorated in the style of boho

Stencil pattern looks very harmoniously in a room decorated in boho style

This type of paint lies well to the surface and to create a smooth transition from one tone to another. For a long time the colors are bright and vivid.

Among the significant drawbacks of oil paint, highlight the drying duration and a strong smell, so a drawing better in the summer with the windows open. Before use, oil-based paint requires advance preparation and careful mixing.

Decoration of the walls using a stencil and tempera paint

Tempera paints are not as popular for decorating walls as acrylic or oil, although this option allows you to get a beautiful and durable surface pattern. Under the influence of this color does not fade in sunlight. After application, tempera paint dries well, but is not washed off with water. it is also not sensitive to temperature, so it can be used on the balcony, terrace or porch.

A significant drawback of Tempera paint is painted eventually cracking surface. It can not be used to paint the walls, a constant feeling of exposure to direct sunlight and moisture - it can lead to darkening of the image.

Color for staining the stencil is better to choose the color scheme, which is decorated room

Color for staining the stencil is better to choose the color scheme, which is decorated room

Features decorating with paint effect

More and more popular colors, which have a decorating effect. Let us consider some variants of this type of painting materials.

Fluorescent colors are perfect for creating unique and original decoration in the room. With their help, you can create the illusion of a starry sky or a beautiful night colors. Some types of such dyes are colorless, but put drawing can be seen at night. Using stencils and a fluorescent dye, you can create an incredibly beautiful walls, especially the kind of decor is popular for children's rooms.

Pearl paint will give the drawing a soft glow of light, ornament will be poured, creating a unique decor. This type of paint is perfect for light floral ornaments.

Luxury and wealth is always associated with velvet. An unforgettable experience creates velor paint. It has the ideal coating properties and is specifically designed to provide a smooth and durable finish. It is this kind of paint to help conceal imperfections and flaws in the walls. Excellent rests on the concrete, drywall, plaster, wood, brick or wallpaper. Obtained with the help of the surface it appears velor and is suitable for ornaments in the style of the art decor.

To simple drawing became more interesting, you can use paint to decorate effect - with a golden sheen, velor or with added sequins

To simple drawing became more interesting, you can use paint to decorate effect - with a golden sheen, velor or with added sequins

Paint, simulating a variety of materials, allow to be creative and create a unique decor of the room. Selecting the appropriate image, you must print stencils for walls under painting and use simulating paint. The resulting effect will please the host and guest delight. After all, with the help of simulating paint you can even realize the most daring ideas, and different textures diversify the surface and give a sense of volume.

In order to make ornaments or drawing view of ancient times, you can use the craquelure. This technique of artificial aging of the surface, wherein, using special means are formed on the paint cracks, imitating the natural cracking of time. The resulting surface, despite the presence of cracks, is durable and resistant to external factors.

applying paint technology for stencils

For painting on the wall, you can use a sponge, roller or spray. The latter option is particularly relevant when large painted stencils for walls.

Use a brush when working with templates is not recommended. It can result in uneven pattern borders and wicking paint under layout.

The process of drawing on a painted wall by means of a plastic stencil

The process of drawing on a painted wall by means of a plastic stencil

It is best suited for the application of tone roller. He rolls the surface evenly, it painstakingly prokrashivaya. In the event of non-uniform distribution of paint, you can use a fine brush to remove flaws.
Foam sponge requires use of an additional sheet. It is necessary to wet the sponge to get rid of excess paint. If you do not, then can be formed streaks and spreading boundaries.

Application Instructions pattern using a stencil on the wall:

  1. Before starting the work necessary to prepare the surface of the wall: it must be smooth, without stains and dust.
  2. Stencil attach to the wall with masking tape or glue, if used adhesive tape. At this stage, you need to check or even fixed pattern and whether it fits snugly against the wall.
  3. Paint application: using the selected tool to apply paint accurately so that the layer is as homogeneous as possible.
  4. He waited until the paint is dry, remove the template from the wall. If you use plastic stencil layout - it is necessary to clean up for later use.
  5. If there are irregularities on the edges of the picture - they can be corrected with the help of a thin brush to paint.
Since you can transform the interior of the room using a simple stencil and make it more interesting

Since you can transform the interior of the room using a simple stencil and make it more interesting

Useful advice!To a pattern of fine lines, it turned out beautiful and clear, it is better to use stencils made from self-adhesive film. Reliable fixation on the wall layout eliminate the offset it during the dyeing process.

Using stencils for walls instead of wallpaper

With its low cost, availability of materials and the opportunity to show their creativity potential, more and more people are opting for the clearance space of his apartment or office stencils.

Quite often, the entire surface of the wall decorate, repeating the same pattern. The result can easily compete with expensive wallpaper. Buy stencils to paint the walls much easier and faster than pick wallpaper appropriate quality, texture and value.

Putting figure on the finished surface does not take much time, and that pokleit wallpaper is necessary to remove the old Stitch. This leads to additional cash costs and time. Paint over the stencil you can own, without outside interference.

To figure has long remained bright and clear, it is necessary to take care of high-quality surface preparation prior to painting

To figure has long remained bright and clear, it is necessary to take care of high-quality surface preparation prior to painting

Stencils for wall paintings - a great choice when decorating. They allow you to quickly, easily and without great financial cost to qualitatively change the room. Apply using them drawing on the wall can not only adults but also children. In this case, the baby will be interesting to create an interior in my room. A large number of color shades will make the process a vivid and memorable.

Decorating the room with the help of stencils - it is a great opportunity to make it unique.

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