Pictures of Feng Shui: the picture for the kitchen to the cardinal

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Create a soothing atmosphere in the kitchen it is advisable to pay special attention. Where a person spends a lot of time, so each decorative element plays a role. In accordance with the rules of Feng Shui various pictures, often appearing in the interior of the home, designed to bring harmony, and not just draw a sight.


  1. Rules of selection of paintings for the kitchen
  2. Placing pictures in the kitchen
  3. South
  4. Southeast
  5. East
  6. Northeast
  7. North
  8. Northwest
  9. West
  10. Southwest
  11. practical advice

Rules of selection of paintings for the kitchen

In any situation, the center is the man himself, who has a particular influence of his surroundings. When planning a kitchen surroundings became the main purpose of the desire to make an impact all the decorative elements beneficial, given that there must dominate wealth and love.

If purchased for decor picture, the images are not allowed ruinous disaster scenes, wild animals, ugly, deformed individuals, cause only negative emotions.

The perception of any form of decoration should emphasize and strengthen the feeling of comfort, security, home comfort. Place according to the rules of Feng Shui, even small in size pictures advisable in a certain area, knowing how it will affect the overall energy of the room. Select the picture for the kitchen should be on the side of light, each of which correspond to its symbols and values.

Symbols light sides of feng shui for the selection of images for the interior

Placing pictures in the kitchen

Each space sector has a certain pressure, force that in a positive way placing a particular image is simple if you know some of the principles of Feng Shui.


Power on the south side of the kitchen belongs to the fire. Ideally, it is here placed cooker, necessarily separated from the sink even countertops. By strengthening this segment pattern of the sun, poppies, blooming sunflower, royal peacock, or in the bright plumage of the cock, you can enhance the growth of reputation, self-realization. If the picture has a frame, then they are selected wood, painted in brown or green shades.


This side of the kitchen is in wood authorities responsible for the prosperity of the family, the multiplication of wealth.

South-east direction will not take the hot flashes of red, as the energy here will strengthen Only subtle landscapes, images filled with light birch wood or flowing spring in the forest more often.

Avoid gloomy scenes with standing water in ponds, veiled with slime, the plant. Particular positive comes from your own embroidered images of hands. You can choose to implement a fast-growing bamboo, placing the embroidery frame in wood.

pictures of bamboo


Activation of the eastern segment of the kitchen protects family relationships and promotes good health. Responsible for that tree, then fit the same pictures as in the south-eastern area. The images should not be felled, dead trees, drooping grass. This trend takes perfect placement on the wall of family photos. If there was a desire to see the fish, the birds, they should be shown in pairs.


Earth element predominates in the north-eastern side of the kitchen. There may also be a hob. Picks up the image of wood or plaster frames should reflect the main character of this area - knowledge. This may be an owl, scenes from school life, a wise serpent.


Northbound responsible for Feng Shui for career success, will require strengthening if the kitchen executed projects, homework, preparing a speech. This patrimony of water, and accordingly it should be in the pictures in silver, white or blue frames. It is necessary to avoid water image bearing trouble and destruction - floods, waterfalls, storms, as well as stagnant backwaters.

Mural in the kitchen window with a view of the sea


This sector accept the color of silver and gold on the frames of paintings, the story of which can be lunar landscapes, majestic mountains, images of places of dreams. Activation of this zone is similar attributes to attract the patronage of respectable people.


kitchen wall on this side, should be given the power of children's creativity with images of planets, the infinite universe, mysterious landscapes - mountain, moon, children's images.


This direction of Feng Shui is responsible for harmony and romance of the family. Conquer earth element is easy to enhance, place a picture of the twin images. Appropriate to be passionate red poppies frame in beige.

The painting "Love"

practical advice

When arisen desire to send positive energy flows in a particular area where there is no place for that could fit the picture - there is a window, arch, door, high-set, you can apply some of the design techniques:

  • purchase textiles to curtains or light curtains with the necessary symbols of the elements, the dominant sector;
  • above the door or archway lay a picturesque mosaic of the desired image;
  • apply drawing with a favorite and suitable for energy picture on front surface of the headset or apron.

We must not forget that any picture is placed in the interior of the kitchen, the household must be appreciated. According to the principles of Feng Shui the most filled with positive energy are autographic manufacturing products.

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