Tile floor kitchen (photo)

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The kitchen is designed not only to cook on it - it is also a place where meet with friends and family. The kitchen is often work, discuss the latest news and even sleep. everyday kitchen floor subject to various stresses and external influences, in this regard, it is necessary that the floor with the dignity they managed to survive. In this case, tile floor in the kitchen is one of the finishing options, and how to select it properly and place, read on.


  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tiles?
  2. How to choose tiles for the kitchen
  3. Prepare the floor for tiling
  4. Laying tiles

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tiles?

It is often chosen for the kitchen ceramic tile or tiles. This is due to the practicality of this material is relatively democratic price and rich variety of textures and colors (see. photo below).

Tile burning is created by a mixture of sand, clay and mineral elements, hereinafter it is applied, and the glaze colorant. To the customer it was easier to deal with those kind of tiles to acquire the kitchen floor, 5-level classification was invented. It receives a specific class based on its strength, resistance to bending and mechanical stress from the outside. Floor covering 3 or 4 corresponds to strength class.

If there is damage to the tiles, you only need to replace the damaged area, but in the case of linoleum need to completely replace the canvas. In this respect, in linoleum tiles wins. And what else has advantages tiles? List the positive aspects of application tile for kitchen floor:

  • It has high practicality and ease of cleaning;
  • It has a long operating period;
  • represented rich assortment of colors and shapes;
  • It fits in almost any variant of the kitchen interior.

A variety of tiles


  • barefoot walk on it's cold, if it is not heated (especially relevant this problem, if a family has young children);
  • tile has a high stiffness and if it drop anything fragile, it is likely the subject is broken;
  • pattern on the surface with time is erased.

How to choose tiles for the kitchen

The important point when choosing a tile on the kitchen floor is that its surface was smooth and whole, which is directly dependent on the quality of the material. If it does not comply with required standards, then how professionally it would not meet, the result will look crooked. You also need to understand that the smaller tiles cost, the worse its structure. Many manufacturers offer buyers tile catalog with photos, which you can, without leaving your home, choose the option for a particular style of cuisine.

When choosing tile for the kitchen, special attention should be paid to its geometric shape, the surface on the front side as well as the fact that the corners match.

The parameters have to be right, that will certainly affect the result of the placement and duration of use. Kitchen - a territory with high grease, because of this you need to clean the floor frequently, so it is important to tile boundaries as small as possible. Based on this logic, it is better to choose the tiles of large format (30 x 30 or 50 x 50). If this option appears dull, the floor pattern complement and diversify the finishing can be small tiles, laid-open at the edges, any geometric pattern or any other method, such as in Photo.

Large and small tiles on the floor

Prepare the floor for tiling

Laying tiles should be carried out only on a flat concrete surface. And since the material is placed by means of a mixture of cement, some believe that the tiled floors can align the starting floor irregularities. If the differences are small, say, less than 2 cm, it will be possible to do so, and as stronger defects, correct the curvature is quite difficult. Therefore, the more even the floor will be initially, the easier and faster it will be possible put on the kitchen tile.

Floor, whose parameters do not meet the required standards, it is necessary to carry out the alignment, which is used either a concrete screed or self-leveling mixture. Installation of the second option is much easier, although cement much cheaper.

Laying tiles

As mentioned above, the tiles are placed on a cement mixture. The composition for its preparation can be purchased at any hardware store. But you can use the "home recipes" for which sand and cement are mixed in a ratio of 1: 4. It is not necessary to increase the amount of cement in the composition, because it is in the process of hardening, increasing in volume, can cause cracks in the tile.

First sand must sift through a fine mesh in a polymer composition can be added additives such as lime milk. As professional mixture as homemade diluted with water. Make it as long as they do not reach the dense state, thus it is necessary that the composition literally sprawling under the weight of the tile, but also was not too runny.

The procedure for laying floor tiles:

  1. It should provide good adhesion (adhesion) to the substrate solution, which thoroughly clean the rough surface from dust.
  2. Start laying should be of the most open-angle, since it will be most obvious. It is essential that the site consisted only of the whole tile segments. Impact location of the first member, as this will depend on the entire pattern as a whole. To fine-tune the position of the first tile, you need to start from the shape of the room.
  3. For applying the solution are gauge spatula, using it a layer of uniform thickness throughout the kitchen floor repair process.
  4. The solution is applied to the entire surface of the tile, it is important to ensure that there was no empty seats, because in the future, these voids become the most vulnerable places.
  5. To put the tile on the floor is level, use a special device designed to test the flatness - an ordinary building level drop.
  6. Before you fix the tile on the floor, it needs a little pin to it a kind of "village", and only then it is already possible to tamp it to the required level with a rubber mallet. Each time must be checked in relation to the previous tile set. It is necessary to make sure that the plane is formed smoothly.

In order that the seam is the same in thickness, used plastic "crosses", which is always used for laying tiles and inserted between adjacent tiles (see. Photo).

Plastic crosses for leveling tile joints

During the coating kitchen floor tiles at some point you have to cut the material. In order to do so conveniently and quickly fit kafelerezka or Bulgarian. If these tools are not, you can replace a core with a diamond tip or a glass cutter.

To accurately cut an extra piece of material to make a deep risk across the front of the tile width. After that it should be put on the corner of a hill, for example, the table to mark this coming smoothly to the edge of the support and the excess portion should be shed. Now you need to mark rattling metal object from the back side. After that a sharp movement is cracking down on unnecessary parts of tiles, and a split occurs exactly at the place of marking.

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