The size of the kitchen sink: how to choose the standards, variety

Determine which size is suitable for cleaning your kitchen is relatively easy. For this we need to know in advance the size of the kitchen units and understand the place of its working surface it will be allocated under the sink.


  1. What else influences the size of the sink?
  2. How to understand the sizes?
  3. The size of washing
  4. bowl size washer
  5. The width of the cabinet
  6. Cutout washer (fitting hole portion)
  7. The dependence of the size of washing on its shape
  8. Dimensions bill wash
  9. Examples of location and design:

What else influences the size of the sink?

The answer is simple - the value of your family, and her eating habits and lifestyle. For a small family of 1-2 people is appropriate to choose a sink small size - up to 45 cm in diameter or width. Often eat out, or can be in a house with a dishwasher? In this situation, too, have reason to think about whether a big need in the kitchen sink? Maybe enough to buy a compact on the perimeter, but with great depth bowl sink for washing pots and pans.

If you have a big family, we have a lot of cooking and, accordingly, to wash the mountain of pots, give preference to sink more and more deeply. The same can be said for those who like cakes and casseroles, as in this case, the sink should be easy to hold a sheet pan and various forms of baking.

Washing machine for large families

How to understand the sizes?

It should be noted immediately that the different manufacturers of kitchen sinks like releasing exclusively its proprietary shell sizes. There are a few standard values ​​for the washing of certain forms (round, rectangular, etc.), but they are the exception rather in a large variety of modern models.

It can be divided into the basic parameters of washing as follows:

  • wash size;
  • size sink bowl;
  • width of the cabinet;
  • cut-out under the sink (installation opening).

The size of washing

The commodity catalogs this parameter is sometimes referred to as the "working surface". In other words, this is the maximum size of a washing her side to the other. Very often these parameters manufacturers and retailers introduce some confusion, indicating the different representation of physical quantities in the same amount. Let us examine an example. Before you flush oval sink artificial granite with a size of 612 x 492. Her photo and drawing.

Oval sink in the kitchen

Drawing an oval sink in the kitchen

Note the size of kitchen sinks in the figures are always given in millimeters (mm), and in everyday life, we often use the more familiar to us centimeters.

Manufacturer in the specification have the following:

Size (L x W): 612 x 492, i.e. length is 612 mm and width 492 mm.

The seller on the price list posted:

Dimensions (W x D): 612 x 492, ie, the seller 612 mm - this is the width, and 492 mm - is the depth.

Both the seller and producer in his own right, though created for the user some inconvenience.

Choosing the size, keep in mind that during its installation should be left at least 3-5 cm from the sink countertop edges. This will avoid the ingress of water on the "apron" kitchen floor and on your clothes.

Offsets from sinks mounting edge

Another important dimension - the thickness of the walls of the washing. it is of particular importance for Stainless steel sinksWhose thickness ranges from 0.4 to 1.4 mm. The thicker steel, the longer it will last, and the less noise it creates in the water jet. Considered optimal thickness dimensions of 1.2 mm. At a smaller thickness can be problems with stable installation mixer.

bowl size washer

This characteristic is always smaller than the total working surface. In the case of the above example oval sink, bowl size expressed as the diameter of 400 mm. If the cup has a square or rectangular, we would have two values, indicated as length and width of the well or the width and depth. The picture below the cup size is 350 x 390 mm.

The size of the rectangular sink

Sinks may consist of 2 or 3 cups of equal volume or different from each other. In the second case, the technical characteristics of such a value will appear as the size of the main bowl of the bowl that is the greater.

Cleaning of the kitchen two cups

wash bowl is another important parameter - the depth of the bowl. From the depth it depends on how much and what kind of dishes you can lay down your sink. With deep sink can be safely put high faucet and without fear that the stream of water splashed with the surrounding surface.

If you go back to the drawing oval sinks, its depth is 205 mm. Find the size of the bottom left of the image. Standard dimensions of the depth of the cup - it is 16-20 cm, but there are sinks to a depth of 13-15 cm and 21-25 cm.

The width of the cabinet

This option can be found under different names, too. For example, the "minimum width pedestals" or "minimum base". It refers to the minimum distance between the side walls of the cabinet, which will be built into your model. For the above-mentioned washing oval this size is 450 mm. Sink having several bowls enclosure size may be up to 800 mm. To successfully install a round sink below the picture width cabinet must be 600 mm.

The size of the cabinet under the sink round

Cutout washer (fitting hole portion)

A very handy feature for understanding how large a hole to be cut in the worktop headset to set to sink. Under each kind of sinks will be a particular size. In the drawings typically it is as follows (see. on right):

Fitting hole under the sink

The dependence of the size of washing on its shape

The type of material sinks size varies little. If we compare the characteristics of the steel sinks, artificial stone or ceramics, this will be approximately the same magnitude. Dimensions sinks directly related to their form.

It is logical to assume that the major dimension and its circular wash bowls will be expressed as a diameter. The most convenient of them are in the size range of 450-500 mm in diameter. There are also more compact in size with a bowl diameter of 300 mm.

Round sink in the kitchen

Oval, often referred to as washing with a round bowl and rendered right or left wing of it, forming an oval configuration. Therefore, besides the linear dimensions (length and width), and more indicate the diameter of the bowl. Standard size lengths range from 560 to 780 mm, width - from 440 to 510 mm.

Oval sink for the kitchen

Classics of the genre for sinks - it is square and rectangular sink. The most familiar and commonly used cleaning in our nation's homes. Size sides standard square washers is within 400-500 mm. Among the variety of sinks rectangular name some standards is difficult. Basically, this model with parameters close to the size of 500 x 600 mm.

Rectangular kitchen sink

For corner sinks, sinks triangular and trapezoidal shapes sizes are very individual. What unites them, so this is the width of the cabinet, approaching the figure of 900 mm.

Corner sink large wardrobe

Dimensions bill wash

Budget option that does not require special calculations. a wash size must match exactly to the size of tables, over which the bill sink installed. Best selling model among overhead sink: 500 x 500mm, 500 x 600mm, 600 x 600 mm.

Waybill sink budget option

Examples of location and design:
Decoration: Magasin De Bricolage Ouvert Ce Dimanche. .magasin intended for Magasin De Cuisine Ouvert Le Dimanche
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