Purple kitchen: headsets purple color in the interior

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Purple kitchen is as beautiful as it is insidious. Spectacular color delicate violets and lilac discovers a force and expressiveness that tame him and organically fit into the interior can not please everyone. We show you how to avoid mistakes and create a truly spectacular kitchen design, using such an unusual color and its shades.


  1. Creating a harmonious design
  2. Combinations of colors and mood of the kitchen
  3. White
  4. The black
  5. Gray
  6. Green
  7. Pink

Creating a harmonious design

Saturation and hue of purple, which you will use, is primarily determined by the chosen direction of the kitchen design:

  • For the avant-garde and kitsch pop-art style suit toxic shades of purple and fuchsia.
  • For a romantic Provence and other areas of the country-is better to choose light pastel shades of lilac, thistle, wisteria or lavender.
  • Minimalism and high-tech assume saturated colors (purple, indigo, "Persian Blue", crystal violet).
  • Very rarely, an unusual color is used in the interiors of classic kitchens, which are suitable only for deep and noble shades - eggplant, violet, plum, dark purple.

Also rich purple tones have to be correlated with the size and brightness of the room. Than it is closer and darker, the more delicate and lighter shades should be used in the interior.

Council designers: do not use in the room is more than one color violet range - these experiments are of no benefit to the kitchen decor.

kitchen facades with purple base cabinets

When you create an original design, determine where you "settle" the selected tone. For large surfaces (walls, buildings headset) best suited bright shades of purple. Saturated and bright colors leave for individual facades, for example, the bottom row of cabinets, as well as accessories. Do not forget that the floor and ceiling finish also plays an important role in the proper perception of the overall picture. For the violet kitchen should choose neutral and warm tones of ivory, cream or beige color - not only the lone white. The same applies for countertops, however, it is allowed to use more natural pattern and light-colored wood.

The seventh color of the rainbow itself is very noticeable, so there's no need to overload the kitchen interior some complex forms or cumbersome decor. Fans "decorations" will be sufficiently elegant gold finishing, compact or stainless steel fittings or glossy effect surfaces. But on the apron you can get even, used to design skinali with photo printing. It will look great almost any flowers, berries or the image of a night city, if the set is made in dark colors.

With gloom too purple cope interior light curtains of light flowing and shiny fabrics. Enhance the effect of airiness and other help kitchen textiles in gentle colors (tablecloth, napkins, or even lace lampshades).

purple curtains on the kitchen

Combinations of colors and mood of the kitchen

Purple easy to make a beautiful kitchen, but a cozy interior becomes not always. This paradox has long been explained by psychologists who found contradictions in the "nature" of the last colors of the rainbow. It turns out that purple is able to influence the emotional state of the person causing the depression and anxiety, the frenzied activity and performance. And all it acts in different ways - depending on the color intensity, the concentration in the interior and a combination with other colors.


Despite the warnings of designers, white and purple kitchen interior can be very interesting, if you add to it a few more neutral tones. Number of mauve color scheme in this case it is better to reduce to a reasonable minimum, for example, leave a deep color for facades headset or completely "relocate" it to the dining area.

kitchen purple with white

The black

Paired with saturated purple gives a dark and sometimes dramatic effect that does not add to the interior comfort. But the bright purple and lavender hues, and even supplemented by a white or gray background, easy to solve this problem.

kitchen purple with black


The perfect backdrop for purple kitchens in any performance. But the intensity of the two colors is best to choose, using an inverse relationship. However, even this may not be enough to create a harmonious interior, as a neutral gray is noticeably "weaker" expressive purple. So we have to remember yet another rule: the richer and deeper violet color, the greater the area of ​​the need to give a gray background.

This combination is realized in the interior is quite easy, especially now that the market is easy to find chrome fittings and appliances silver-tone steel, which is also quite pass for Gray. Thanks to this carefully, "dilute" set of lilac colors will look more gently.

gray with purple kitchen


Traditionally considered a companion purple scales, but because of the abundance of cold and warm colors, as well as the apparent contrast to use them together is very difficult to correct. Take controversial color equally possible only in one case - if you have a spacious and well lit kitchen. Otherwise, the number of refreshing green will have to severely limit.

The best option for a green and purple interior are soft pastel shades. With their help it is easy to create a romantic "Lavender" design in the style of Provence. Which of the conflicting colors to give set, and some walls - here it does not matter.

purple with a green kitchen


Purple kitchen with pink notes looks glamorous. To maintain this impression, be sure to complement the interior of elegant and expensive accessories in neutral colors: crystal chandeliers, porcelain figurines or colored vases. Also welcome laced curtains and intricate floral patterns on the tile apron or wallpaper.

As regards undesirable neighbors, for they are purple, lemon yellow, orange and bright red. The combination of these colors gives the kitchen too aggressive and more likely to get tasteless.

Create organic and stylish kitchen interior in violet tones is as difficult as it is interesting. Do not be afraid of color, but with his capricious character to be reckoned with - and all you get.

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