Large and spacious kitchen can cause an envious sigh of anyone who did not face the problem of registration of the huge room. Of course, in this kitchen will fit everything you need, and even a little too much. Here are just a well-designed harmonious design large kitchen It will be more difficult than to equip a compact work area. Although we will not dissemble - the merits of a spacious kitchen much.
- Large space: good or bad?
- Where to begin?
- layout options
- parallel
- linear
- The island
- angular
- U-shaped
Large space: good or bad?
On one of the main advantages of a large kitchen area, we have already mentioned - it is an opportunity all the necessary equipment and furniture to place in the same area. But this is not limited to her dignity as a kitchen open spaces offer us endless possibilities:
- Division into functional zones can be designated not only the boundary of different colors and finishing materials, but also more expressive elements. This can be niches, arches, movable or stationary screens and even just free passageways between the individual groups of furniture.
- There is no need to clamp the strict frame size kitchen, you can buy something you like.
- An abundance of natural light during the day, which in itself is a good design techniques.
Kitchen luxury size allows to realize almost any design direction. Particularly advantageous in such areas look interiors, which laid the abundance of furniture and accessories: modern, retro, Provence and all the options of country style. Will fit the idea that in a small kitchen is not enough space - loft, antique classicism.
The main problems that arise in the development of a design for a large space of the kitchen - is the need in the creation of additional lighting in all areas, and the need for a balanced approach to the choice of color palette.
On the first question, you can find out by following the slogan "More fixtures, good and different!". For each functional area will need its own source of light. But with the selection of callers will have to suffer. Here come to the rescue of the finished color scheme chosen style or rules of balance of tones:
- For light furniture good background will be saturated and pure colors (red, yellow, burgundy, blue and so on.).
- By dark the headset is better to choose pastel palette.
From the darkest brown, dark gray and black tones in the finish should be abandoned altogether. But to play on bold contrasts - a good idea.
Where to begin?
Not to try to grasp the immensity inner vision, their large kitchen stands to sketch out on paper or make it in the proportions of a special program. This will allow more accurately plan the placement of furniture according to the allocated areas and a better idea of the final result.
Getting to the development of the design project, you need to remember that in the end the main areas must be conveniently located in relation to each other.
To do this, all kitchen space is divided into 3-4 parts:
- Working - Pantry, a cutting table, a refrigerator, stove and sink.
- Dining room - a dining set.
- The clearance passage - the shortest path from the working to dining area.
- lounge (for most large kitchens).
To simplify the task of interior design, you can easily determine for themselves the basic idea of the kitchen, and then focus on translating ideas in each of these areas. So at every corner will own a bright accent denoting his independence, and together they harmoniously unite in a common space.
layout options
An integral part of a successful modern design - comfortable and proper planning. Kitchen a large area with a choice of options there are no problems.
Very convenient layout for the kitchen, which is a through room. Especially, this option will be good if the front of the entrance is a window or balcony. In this case, the kitchen furniture build in two rows on opposite solid walls, making the space more harmonious and cozy.
The palette of colors for two-row layout need more light, with plenty of glass and shiny surfaces. But you can choose furniture and colorful, so it does not get lost in space, and the kitchen itself does not look deserted.
There will first need to think about the comfort of the hostess and place the main elements of the work area closer to each other. The linear layout is applied to the elongated rectangular kitchens, and run from one end of the "car" is quite tedious. At the same time the rest of the furniture can be pulled in a row along the wall defining the opposite side of the room for a dining area.
The island
The most luxurious option for the correct form of cuisine. In the middle of a huge room beautifully accommodate square, round or rectangular "island" of the working area. Which of the kitchen environment to settle on the island - you decide, there may be any combination of home appliances and outdoor furniture. The main thing that the kitchen facility was well-lit.
Additionally need to take care of summing up utilities: water supply and drain pipes to the sink, the gas to the stove, electrical wiring to the hood. Therefore, today the "island" is usually installed on a raised platform.
Since the island layout focuses primarily on household appliances, the design of this kitchen should follow the modern style (high-tech, new wave).
A wonderful option for small kitchens proved to be quite versatile and has found application in large rooms. The fact is that even a very large set of furniture and other necessary items should be placed compactly, otherwise they would be awkward to use.
Corner work area takes up very little space, leaving it to create a comfortable dining area. It even can be set large sofa instead of traditional chairs or in addition to them. What is important is to see to it that the dining area does not become overloaded due to a large number of seats. With such a luxurious dining area, it is possible to afford to try to design a large kitchen in a Victorian or classic style.
Functional and expensive solution for large kitchens or studios. After all, for placement of furniture along three adjacent walls need a very large suite. In the free wall freely settle dining group, but in the center must remain still enough space to move.
If you are lucky enough prohibitively huge kitchen, it will look great U-shaped layout with an "island" in the center. Only need to observe the rule of ergonomics - the main working surface should be next to each other.