Antique kitchen: design and materials

Unique identity, lack luster metal coldness and attract a large number of people antique kitchen. The charm of aged furniture design in the spirit of ancient Russia or medieval castles bring a sense of comfort, warmth and comfort features.


  1. Materials and general features
  2. Furniture
  3. Styles and decor
  4. Technics

Materials and general features

Kitchen antique mainly use natural materials, primarily wood and stone it. Perhaps the use of simulation and naturalness. Shades in the decoration of the premises must also be natural, not flashy, soft.

Widespread use of natural fabrics for tablecloths, curtains and accessories, such as towels and oven gloves. General rule is the matte surface with no hint of gloss or shiny gray metal.

If the metallic elements and are used, for example, in the castle kitchen style, then this copper, bronze or imitation by means of spraying.


For the manufacture of kitchen furniture is perfectly suited solid wood. Best rock act cherry, oak and pine. To lock or ethnic style suited massive table with carved chairs with high backs or normal stools.

Processing furniture lacquer coating is minimal and there are several possible options:

  • not treated surface, a polished;
  • Floor stain;
  • varnish - colorless or in accordance with the selected style;
  • artificial aging of furniture by applying a paint by a special technology, the presence of furniture abrasions, chips, cracks, patina.

Unlike array for furniture budget option is set with facades from MDF plates and overlaid veneer. Worktop for the kitchen antique can be performed under a tree (country, rural style of Provence) or of stone or simulate it (castle style classic).
Facades can be threaded with a paneled edges or have a stained glass inserts, engraved and colored ornaments.

Styles and decor

Kitchen of such a plan is usually performed in one of the styles, which can be:

  • country;
  • ethnic;
  • castle;
  • Shabby-chic;
  • Provence;
  • classical.

country style, rustic referred to rustic, and they are characterized cute, simple interior with natural linen fabrics, floral ornaments, onion braids and bouquets of flowers or ears. Tree in kitchens such prevails, it can also be used finishing masonry or wall tiles with irregular and thick seams, textured plaster. At these kitchens is always a place bunch of logs, fireplaces, clay pots and wooden figurines.

Kitchen in a rustic style

AT kitchen decor antique, made in the style of a castle or in a classic, you can see items made of copper and bronze, for example, candlesticks and chandeliers. Decorating the walls or kitchen apron is often made of stone tiles or uneven effect of naturalness. Furniture often wood: threaded for classics and untreated slightly rude to lock style.


Despite its features, antique kitchen should be equipped with necessary appliances. But in order not to disturb the harmony of the old style, it should be hidden in the set, hiding behind the facade, or disguised as the general mood and design space. This can help selecting the appropriate color art. On the market today offers a wide range of models of different colors - and under the tree, and gray, and a copper or bronze.

Cleaning of stainless steel or covered with white enamel is not suitable for the kitchen, formed under the old. There will be a perfect look stone, ceramics, as well as a mixer in bronze or copper.

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