Kitchen in a wooden house: Interior decoration options

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Wooden houses never go out of fashion, because the premises from environmentally friendly material most associated not only with nature and relaxation, but also with something truly real. That is why the kitchen in a wooden house in many a feeling of relaxation and tranquility. Fitted kitchen interior should be done, based on the characteristics of the wooden structure. Some believe that the kitchen in the house of the tree is very different from the common standards. In addition, this room is the main room in any home. It is cooked in the kitchen and her food is able to unite people.


  1. Particulars of the kitchen facilities
  2. Popular variants kitchen design in a wooden house
  3. finishing Features
  4. Lighting in the kitchen in a wooden house
  5. Kitchen-living room in a house made of wood

Particulars of the kitchen facilities

Kitchen design is much more likely to pay attention than the other rooms of the house. Often refined decor decorate Kitchen-dining area. Owners of conventional kitchens can always decorate it yourself. And what level of completion and

kitchen design choose those who have a house out of wood? What style is best to perform interior of the kitchen and how to most harmoniously will look kitchen space in a wooden house?

The kitchen in wooden houses should be carried out on a maximum of environmentally friendly materials, which will create around natural comfort. This can be done with the help of furniture and wood decor, stone stove - real or decorative.

This kitchen interior in wooden houses are best to do one piece as if carved from a single piece of wood. Arrangement according to the principle of naturalness will help you relax and escape from the city.

Kitchen design in a wooden house

If you constantly live in a wooden house, the one-color design of wood you get bored quickly. In this case it is possible to issue fusion cuisine. This style allows the combination of several different materials, styles and colors. You can easily combine classic wooden interior and modern materials such as plastic or metal. And in order to create a unique cuisine in a wooden house, use a source of inspiration, for example, the works of professionals in design art.

Popular variants kitchen design in a wooden house

  • Kitchen in eco-style. Kitchen in wooden houses best draw approximately to the design of the apartment building. However, this style has a number of features. Material processing should only be natural. Decorating the walls can be carried out a tree or "Brick". Paul usually made of boards or laminate, and furniture made of wood or chipboard. Revive a kitchen by using plants.
  • Kitchen, made in rustic style. This option does not require a special finish. For the interior design, you can use a low-key tile and wood. As a rule, the kitchen in wooden houses in this style are made of carved, rough furniture and the interior are added characteristic rustic utensils, such as dolls, tubs, a samovar, and more.
kitchen decor in a wooden house

Tip! To kitchen rustic look colorful and complete, should be placed in it several wicker baskets and bundles of garlic and onions, as well as complement the composition Russian stove.

  • Kitchen in wooden houses, made in the style of hunting. Finish this room also made the tree. design feature of this style - is the location of the dining area next to the fireplace. That design kitchen space with natural stone is considered to be the hallmark of the hunting style.

Furniture can be like the old, made of wood and dark, simple, modern wood combined with the skin. Lighting in the room should be dimmed at any time. Kitchen accessories can be supplemented in a hunting style, such as antlers, various trophies, stuffed animals, weapons. All this will create a feeling of proximity to nature, hunting and forest.

Also for the kitchen interior in a wooden cottage suitable such styles as country, provence, Shabby chic, rustic and ethnic.

finishing Features

air temperature and humidity in the kitchen are not consistent, so the materials for its decoration should be chosen appropriate, and it is quite difficult to make the owners of wooden houses.

finishes cuisine in a wooden house

Kitchen in wooden houses require registration of walls, ceiling, floor and working area for cooking. To begin you need to finish the walls, you can paste over the moisture-proof, washable wallpaper or covered with decorative plaster. If you have the opportunity to take advantage of the luxury of a wooden texture, it will certainly do it. After completely optionally varnished wood, can be just paint topsheet bright color and then sanding it. Soaked into the veins of wood paint accentuate its naturalness and texture.

The easiest way to arrange the kitchen floor in a wooden house - it can be done with the help of decorative stones, tiles or parquet. In most financially advantageous coating is linoleum or laminate. On the ceiling of the kitchen facilities is easier and more practical to apply water-based paint or varnish, and working area issued with a Plexiglas, mirror tiles, laminate or decorative strips plaster.

Lighting in the kitchen in a wooden house

During the development of the design of kitchen space it is necessary to take care of the right light. After the wood has a property such as light absorption, so lighting should be bright, and a few light sources.

Lighting in the kitchen

Natural light from the window during the day will be enough, if the room has a large wide window. However, the kitchen in wooden houses should also have and good artificial lighting. We need an overall flow of light from the chandeliers in the ceiling, as well as point-mounted lights that will illuminate the important areas of the kitchen space.

The curtains in the kitchen of wooden houses have to be flashy decorated in warm or pastel colors, in accordance with the chosen style. A good option would prefer shade curtains wood blinds. During the day they will allow the window to be open, and at night they can be closed tightly.

Kitchen-living room in a house made of wood

In addition to kitchens important room in the house is considered to be a living and these two areas can easily be combined with each other. However, to decorate this space is much more difficult. Cope with difficulties as follows: to support the interior of the kitchen is enough. You can create a monolithic space with the necessary finishing, furniture and color schemes. This technique will help facilitate the repair and visually enlarge the area of ​​the premises, the space will look harmonious.

If you are not afraid of difficulties, you can zone the Kitchen-Living room, for example, gender or contrast allocation cuisine using the catwalk. In addition, you can play with lighting - bright light is best done in the kitchen and in the living room to leave the shade. Making the kitchen-living room is not much different from the usual finish premises, but the owners of wooden houses easier to play on the texture of the wood in the living room and kitchen areas.

kitchen Equipment in a wooden house - very easy. The design of this room, of course, depends on the financial possibilities and free time. Therefore, always before starting work, you must make a start on budget and personal preference.

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