How to upgrade an old table and decorate it with your own hands?

Even the most robust and reliable dining table sooner or later lose its gloss and will look to put it mildly, unpresentable. Cracked paint, chips and stains do not add beauty to it. But if he still stands firmly on his feet, do not rush to throw it away. Old table can be updated with your hands in and out is much cheaper than buying new furniture.


  1. painting furniture
  2. Mosaic
  3. Decoupage
  4. self-adhesive
  5. painting

painting furniture

With a little imagination with the help of acrylic furniture can change beyond recognition, not just update the color. For example, two-color staining through tulle lace gives the stunning effect. And the richer will weave pattern, the more interesting to get the picture on the table.

The easiest way to decorate the old kitchen table It does not require a particularly high costs, although the work will have to:

  1. Inspect furniture for external defects and repair: glue in the grooves, if rassohlis connection, tighten the bolts.
  2. Legs if desired, can completely replace or even to tie instead carved balusters - it is how you imagine a new look of the table.
  3. With nazhdachki removed from all surfaces remaining paint or varnish. Work will have to wear safety goggles and thick gauze bandage. To expedite the process, it is better to use a belt sander or grinder with a suitable drive.
  4. Remove the resulting dust and his hands zashpatlevat all cracks and chipped. Caulking need specially designed for wood.
  5. After drying, grinding repeat fine-grained abrasive obmesti and cover the stain table. Today's range of stains is large enough so that with the help of properly selected composition of the wood can be given any natural shade.
  6. When stain erode, wood surfaces need to be primed, or paint layer lie unevenly. Grunt choose alkyd or shellac-based. It is applied in a single layer, if necessary, two, better to make a break between them to dry completely.
  7. Carry out your own hands polishing, but this time it is easy not to remove the protective layer to the tree.
  8. Only now you can move on to painting. Covering choose very carefully so that it can endure frequent wet cleaning - because the kitchen table. If there is an opportunity to work outdoors, you can take an alkyd enamel. The apartment is better to use safer acrylic compounds odorless. The paint is applied in thin layer 2-3 with intermediate drying.
  9. Instead of paint can be used with any nail gloss effects or special wax. But the latter will need to brush up from time to time.
table painting

Even if the new table cover has dried, use it the first week is undesirable. During this time, the layer of varnish or paint acquire maximum strength, and updated furniture will last longer.


The table, which is not only beautiful, but also practical, easy to get after lining mosaic. It may be small tiles or fragments of colored planted on tile adhesive - use what is easier to find. It is important to carefully align the mosaic layout on the countertop surface.

The seams between the elements must be of equal thickness - so inlay will look neater, so to use the special tile crosses.

Upon completion of work the remaining gaps are filled latex grout contrasting color.


In this technique, not only decorate tabletops, but also chairs from the same set. The result is a truly unique headset unprecedented beauty. Decoupage is good because it allows you to update your own hands practically any furniture and hide minor surface defects. And he carried out is as simple as a child's application, although it requires the utmost accuracy.

Updating the table decoupage technique

Preparing the furniture is the same as for painting. As a result, you should have evenly primed or lacquered table light color - against this background patterns can best be seen. You can use any picture - carved with his own hands from the holiday special wipes or tissue paper for decoupage.

Decorate an old table:

  • Make a layout of pictures cut out "dry" to imagine the kind of future applications.
  • Pencil is easy to identify the position of patterns.
  • Images themselves separated from the extra paper layers, leaving only the top (sheet for decoupage exfoliated not necessary).
  • I put the napkin on a tight image face down and cover half diluted PVA glue.
  • Together with the image file to turn on the countertop.
  • Smooth image without removing the film, and then carefully remove it. Make sure the thin paper is not reached after the file.

When all the figures in this way will be transferred to the surface to be decorated, they can be supplemented by a list or sequins, and a table covered with clear lacquer in several layers. So they went as straight as possible, it is better to use the compounds in the form of aerosols. Artificially aged the table, you can use-craquelure varnish, but it's not for everybody.

Decoupage table


This dense film will always help if you need to quickly update the old furniture. But if for working with paneled fronts it is not adapted, the flat surface can use it to decorate easily. Due patterns, simulating the texture of natural stone or wood, adhesive tape attached to the table view is not a self-made furniture.

The main thing - at work with their hands to prevent the appearance of the film bubbles and folds. To do this, do not remove all at once a protective layer of paper and separated by only a few centimeters.

Then one can simply pull the sheet, causing the film to adhere exactly to the table top, and its very smooth movement along the wallpapering smooth roller or a soft cloth.

Pasting the old table


Such a way to update the table is not for everyone. This requires artistic talent, or at least the ability to redraw the images of the source. However, this creative work can entrust somebody from the household or acquaintances who know how to draw. In an extreme case, prepare stencils by printing your favorite pictures from the internet.

Paint an old table only after a complete renovation and painting, as well as degreasing. To work better to use acrylic paint - in a kitchen they persist longer than others and do not fade.

If you work through stencils, please be masking tape for their attachment and apply pattern sponge - it will be more precise and accurate.

Painted countertops covered with protective layers of varnish and allow to dry completely. A new subject to harmoniously joined in the kitchen environment, some elements can be painted with his own hands to move to other surfaces: facades of the headset, the refrigerator door or wall.

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