How to make a corner kitchen with his hands: drawing, dimensions and installation

If the kitchen is small in size, arrangement of kitchen furniture and appliances along the walls is ineffective. More expedient variant of the angular placement of kitchen furniture. Make a corner kitchen custom-made - sometimes very expensive option, so many wonder how to learn to do it by hand.


  1. The first stage of work
  2. Where to get the materials?
  3. Location corner kitchen
  4. How to install a corner sink
  5. Styles corner kitchen

The first stage of work

First of all it is necessary to measure the dimensions of the kitchen to make a drawing. When a drawing is created, the list of installed equipment and furniture, and the figures applied to its placement. An option for a small kitchen space can be:

  • washing angularly space, combined with the pedestal;
  • locker, located on the corner sink;
  • two bedside tables, standing along the walls and adjoining a corner sink on the left side and the right side;
  • two lockers, hanging over the tables;
  • the place where it will be equipped with a gas stove, a cabinet for mounting plates and oven.

To accurately represent the size of the kitchen, you need to measure the length of the walls at several levels: at the top, near the ceiling, at the bottom, above the floor, and in the middle of the wall. It is also measured by the height of the walls: in every corner and in the middle of the walls.

It may be that the walls are not perfectly flat, and this must be taken into account. Kitchen area must be applied to the drawing, and it also marked the dimensions of installed kitchen appliances and furniture.

Example drawing and dimensions of the kitchen corner

at kitchen design necessarily be guided by the adopted standard size cabinets. For the floor, they are as follows:

  • depth 600 mm;
  • height 850 mm;
  • bivalve enclosure width 800-900 mm;
  • SINGLE cabinet width of 600 mm;
  • the distance between the cabinet and the wall 50-100 mm (in the distance to the wall countertop should act);
  • the front side of worktop cabinets typically beyond the edge of 30-50 mm.

Wall cabinets also have their standardized dimensions:

  • depth 300 mm;
  • height 700-900 mm;
  • the distance from the tabletop to the lower edge of the cupboard is not less than 450 mm;
  • from the plate before stretching should be menshe750 mm space;
  • the width of each wall cabinet usually corresponds to that of the standing underneath the bottom.
Sketch corner kitchen

Where to get the materials?

When the future kitchen design drawing is ready, you can think about where to get the materials to make the headset. Today, most manufacturers of furniture ready to provide its customers with ready-made elements of the kitchen cabinets a few standard sizes. You need to know the exact dimensions of each of the corner kitchen cabinets and choose the color and type of material (laminate, MDF, wood veneer or kitchen with a plastic facade).

Even if the basic details for the kitchen you have the opportunity to make their own, the facades of cabinets can be purchased ready-made. This will significantly reduce the time food manufacturing with his own hands.

Do not forget to pick up a convenient accessories for furniture: handles, hinges, and if necessary pull-out mechanisms.

After all materials and accessories are purchased, proceed to assemble and install.

that collect corner kitchen independently prepare a basic tool:

  • drill;
  • punch;
  • screwdriver;
  • different screwdrivers;
  • hammer.

Location corner kitchen

The drawings can be revived using a computer program for the design. Installing the headset corner kitchen starts with the angle. If there will be installed a sink, need floor corner cabinet for its shell. This cabinet has space for the trash can. If the installation of sinks in the corner is not practical, there is installed wall cabinet in which to store kitchen utensils.

There is also a car wash must be adjacent cabinet in which to store utensils, and on the top shelf - spoons, forks. Suspended sideboard is desirable to equip the device to its board - Dish.

What to use for cooking: electric stove, built-in cabinet or oven, equipped with hob? The second option would be more successful. For storing pans and other items useful floor cabinet underneath the oven. To remove the smell of burning and other "flavors" on the wall mounted range hood. The place where it will be placed, should be applied to the drawing.

TV in the kitchen? This design solution will satisfy fans of the movie or the TV news. For TV can allocate a place near the entrance door or to place it in front of the dining table in a special niche. In developing such a design course, you need to put on the drawing space, where it will be placed TV.

TV in the kitchen

If the dining table is not enough space, the drawings can be applied to different versions of the bar. Make a combination of racks with a corner suite kitchen - a popular modern version.

Those who decide to own hands to make a comfortable kitchen with an angular position of the elements can be ordered painted MDF or polymer coating. Aesthetically it looks for this combination of kitchen units: the facade of painted MDF and plastic tabletop.

How to install a corner sink

Masters prefer to make their own hands Kitchen appliances and kitchen furniture, because in this case the possible accounting of all the nuances. For example, you need to install their own hands the kitchen sink in the corner to save space.

Usually it starts with the dismantling of the old kitchen sink. It is mounted on brackets mounted on the wall. Before the operation is switched off as cold and hot water. Then the material removal old detached mixer and sink spigot. After the washing is removed, begin to dismantle the arms.

To make their own hands a corner kitchen sink, you need this set:

  • the actual angular sink;
  • mixer;
  • Tools required for installation of sanitary ware;
  • woodworking tools;
  • bars of wood;
  • suitable for material - gypsum paperboard, polymer or wood;
  • siphon;
  • Corners of metal screws;
  • Rubber seals - are required for the installation of new drain pipes and the mixer;
  • rubber plug for drain cleaning;
  • pipes made of plastic and a corrugated plastic hose.

After mounting the plastic tube when they are connected to a water supply system pipe, a corrugated hose is connected to the first sewer pipe and then to the siphon new kitchen sink. After completing the installation of water supply and drainage for dirty water, you can install the sink corner sink to the base - a specially designed cabinet.

To make their own hands and make it a safe fixture, useful pieces of wood, plastic material, plywood or gypsum cardboard, metal corners, screws.

After a cabinet with sink set into place and attached to the floor or wall plumbing installation begins. After her completion of the installation of a corner kitchen sink with his hands completed.

corner sink

Styles corner kitchen

Which style to choose for the next corner kitchen? You can rely on your imagination, but a better option - look at the ready stylistic designs and select one of them. The most popular style design corner kitchen is classic. The main feature of this style - the interior should be careful and strict, and equipment must be built. If there is a desire to create a home-like atmosphere, a great choice would be the style of Provence. It is also known as the "village" style, characterized by a light obsolete, which is manifested in the appearance.

It is also known for the original high-tech style. Its distinctive features:

  • the existence of strict lines in the interior;
  • minimalism, built in the absolute.

For lovers of bright and beautiful interior best modern style. Corner kitchen, executed in a style will please a variety of elements like curved facades headset or contrasting color combinations.

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