How effective is an ultrasonic repeller from cockroaches? User Reviews

Ultrasound - the principle of action of

How does an ultrasound agent from cockroaches work? The principle of its operation is quite understandable already from the name - the device affects the insects with ultrasound, which must drive them out of the apartment. The device is not without reason called a repeller, because ultrasound is not capable of killing an insect, it can only scare him away.

Ultrasonic means - the principle of action

The basis of ultrasound is precisely the effect of ultrasound on the insect's body. That is, the sound should be familiar to insects, since many of them communicate precisely with the help of such signals. For example, mosquitoes transmit ultrasonic signals to each other, which show that they are looking for partners or are warning about the danger.

However, cockroaches do not transmit any signals by ultrasound. They lack the organs that could transmit such sounds. Thus, it can be said that ultrasound is also effective, as is a similar signal from bedbugs or humans.

Ultrasonic means - the principle of action

Most ultrasound instruments have a small power, which, according to the developers, is enough to repel insects. However, the small power of the ultrasonic repeller will not have any effect on them.

If you install a repeller with a large capacity, it can affect cockroaches, however, with it, the repeller can also affect the person. As the reviews on ultrasonic repellents show, in some cases, after using such a device for several days, the residents of the apartment begin to have a headache, weakness. The same applies to pets.

Ultrasonic means - the principle of action

Of course, such consequences do not always occur, usually this happens when installing a powerful repeller, whose signal is felt by a person.

How does an ultrasound device affect insects?

It can not be said that the device does not affect cockroaches at all. If the insects are in the zone of its action long enough, then they begin to gradually break down the nervous system, which can lead to death.

How does an ultrasound device affect insects?

It should be noted that such changes in the system are possible only if the repeller has a high power. And with high power is likely to impact on the human body. In addition, it is not known how the insects behave after the impact of the ultrasonic device, it is likely that they will really leave the apartment.

How to use an ultrasonic trap from cockroaches?

The repeller is installed at an altitude of about 50 cm from the floor and plugs into a standard outlet. It is necessary that the device is open from all sides, otherwise the waves will be slowed down by obstacles.

You can not use broken ultrasonic protection from cockroaches. The temperature in the room in which the device is located should not be below zero and above 40 degrees Celsius.

How to use an ultrasonic trap from cockroaches?

Recently, users of the Internet are offered to download ultrasound from cockroaches. This new system allows you to reproduce unpleasant for insects sounds that should scare them away from your house.

You can listen to such an ultrasound to people, in most cases it does not bear any consequences. This allows you to get rid of insects in the apartment, but only in the event that they are wound up quite a bit. In addition, it is worth remembering that this tool does not give a full guarantee.

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