Kitchenettes cheap: how to choose a good cheap option

The kitchen should not only be a place for everyday cooking, but also comfortable, cozy relaxation area. If the kitchen has enough space to accommodate a dining area and reception, the table must be present in it. instead of the traditional dining table with chairsYou can use an inexpensive kitchen. It is considered a very popular now and, thanks to the wide range of models, it is easy to find the suitable style, material, decoration and price of the option.

Using a kitchen corner can efficiently use a small space, e.g., in a corner. Such furniture is pretty comfortable and functional. Some models can not only comfortably place where guests, but also to store kitchen utensils, food and other things in a specially provided for the boxes under the seats.


  1. Types and Benefits
  2. Dimensions and location
  3. form table
  4. round
  5. rectangular
  6. square
  7. Transforming tables in the dining corner
  8. Materials for the body and upholstery
  9. frame
  10. Upholstery fabrics
  11. select the Features

Types and Benefits

Now over compact models are more popular because they can even fit into a small area kitchen, and thanks to advanced features sofas, allow to use them as an additional room for Storage. In addition, many options are inexpensive. There are several parts of the models:

  1. Complete kitchen corner. In addition to the sofa corner, complete with a dining table and a couple of stools.
  2. Set with a table. If the room is quite compact, we can only buy a sofa and a table with no stools. This option is ideal for those who are not planning to gather in the kitchen a lot of people, and has for this purpose a separate dining table with seats.
  3. Only the sofa. If table in the kitchen already have or those that come with kitchenettes, are not suitable, then you can buy only one sofa. The table in this case sold separately or manufactured to order.

Kitchen corners and can be classified by the method of performing various functions other than seats, for example:

  • Storage. This is a very important function, especially if the headset is not enough cabinets and drawers for storing necessary things. special niches can be placed under the sofa seats, which are usually quite spacious.
  • Sleeping area. Kitchen corners with extra bed called transformers. They are useful if someone of the guests decided to stay for the night, and there is a separate bed for him. When assembled, the sofa looks compact and disassembled has a full bed.
  • The possibility of discrimination. Some sofas have a mobile angle, which is easy to set the right or left, depending on the convenience.
  • Drawers and shelves. The construction of some parts of the kitchen include the presence of shelves and drawers for storage of different things. This is useful for small kitchens where space is scarce and install separate shelves and cabinets there is no possibility.
Kitchenette with drawers

Among the advantages of kitchen corners can be identified:

  • Rational use of space.
  • Possibility to fit at the same table the whole family.
  • Comfortable design with soft seat and backrest.
  • Availability of boxes or niches for storage in the body of the sofa.
  • Additional bed in transformer models.
  • The possibility of zoning the space with the help of a kitchen corner.

Dimensions and location

Comfortable distance for movement between the area and other kitchen furniture considered extending from 900 to 1000 mm. And for easy seating and standing up from the table, it is important to sustain the size of it to the wall or furniture 800 mm. Sofa seat should have a depth of 500 mm. This is the most convenient size for the average person.

Place the kitchen is better where it will not interfere with freedom of movement in the kitchen and the use of other furniture and household appliances. So, the location next to the refrigerator, oven, sink is not the best. Best of all - free corner of the kitchen, for example, by the window. And if the apartment has a bay window, it may be a good place to install there is a cozy dining area with a kitchenette.

Kitchen corner in the bay window

form table

some kits kitchen corners in addition to the sofa have a dining table. Its size, shape and design is no less important than the sofa. On the table selection is influenced by various factors of personal preference, to the room dimensions, interior design etc. The most common form of tabletops: round, square, rectangular, with rounded angles. Oval almost never occur, since they require much more space to accommodate.


Tables round shape are more popular, as more comfortable for them to spend time with family and friends. In terms of appearance, the interior of a round table looks sleeker, softer and more comfortable, and no sharp corners is an advantage to families with young children.

Despite all the beauty area with such a table is better to use in the more spacious interiors, as round shape suggests not a compact and rational distribution, as a square or rectangular.


Models with a table of square shapes are the most practical, especially in small kitchens. This table can stand against a wall or in a corner of the center, surrounded by a sofa and stools. In this and in another case it is the same will look good in the interior. Interesting ready versions of this form are inexpensive in any furniture store.

Inexpensive kitchen

It can be purchased for the kitchen area with a rectangular table with rounded corners. These models look more harmonious, but do not lose their practicality and functionality. In addition, they are safer if there are young children in the apartment.


In contrast to the rectangular table, the square is much more compact. This is especially true for the kitchen with a deficit-free area. In addition, it looks thoroughly than rectangular or round. Most tables have a square design in transformation of the mechanism, that is, may be unfolded, or move apart. This is useful in case of need to increase the area of ​​the countertop, for example, to accommodate guests.

Transforming tables in the dining corner

Model transformers may be circular, square or rectangular. The mechanism of transformation also can be different: the increase countertops due to additional in-ear panels, the table is expanded on the basis of the book.

  • The first option involves razdvizheniya countertop in the middle and fill place inserts, which are under it. Such models are not very convenient for frequent use, so if there are guests in the house regularly, it is better to purchase a table-book.
  • The second option is more simple to use, it quickly spread. The design consists of a table top folded in half, you want to spread out and move, align the center of the table. Some models may have two side panels of the wing type.
Kitchenette transformer

Materials for the body and upholstery

Depending on the style of the interior furniture and other selected material for the kitchen area. When choosing a need to take into account the specifics of the room, as well as their own preferences and determine the price range products in advance.


If the furniture has to do cheaply, then the body can be selected DSP. This material is most common today. From it are made wardrobes, kitchens and other products of economy class. Chipboard is widely used in furniture production and is popular due to the low cost and wide choice of colors and textures.

A little more expensive are objects made of MDF. This fiberboard, which is composed of a smaller chip than the DSP. Thus, products are resistant to moisture and steam, as well as to temperature, they do not deform and swell. In addition, furniture made of MDF can not only be covered by a film of different colors and textures, but also painted with enamel and trimmed with a thin plastic.

Kitchen corners of the array are considered elite and expensive products. But this furniture adds to the aesthetics and refinement in the interior, which is precisely to look presentable, it may be carried out in whatever style. Benefits corners of the array is that they are durable, environmentally friendly and safe, beautiful, may have carved decorations and different colored surface. The most popular wood for furniture is oak, pine, beech and birch.

Wooden kitchen

In the modern interior, for example, in high-tech style, you can buy a kitchen area with a metal frame. These sofas look stylish and are simple and laconic forms, lines and decor. The main focus is on the functionality of the furniture. The set can be purchased with a glass top table with metal legs.

Upholstery fabrics

Kitchen corners can be manufactured as an upholstered or without. For home is best to use the sofas for a more comfortable stay. Wooden corner benches are most often found in public places: bars, cafes. Cloth upholstery should be chosen carefully, guided by not only the momentary sympathy for this or that material, but also in terms of practicality.

Upholstery should be resistant to fading in the sun, does not absorb dirt, moisture, grease, odors, if necessary, easy to clean, as well as being hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. If there are animals in the house, such as a cat, you should consider this as well.

The most popular upholstery materials are:

  • Shennilovye, jacquard, velor fabric. They can be found in the upholstery of the sofa kitchen corner.
  • Microfiber is durable and does not lose brightness over time, color.
  • Flok tissue as practical, but should choose a material with diagonal weave and short pile. Otherwise, the sofa will quickly lose its attractive appearance.
  • Genuine Leather. This is one of the most expensive materials for upholstery, but the furniture with it looks presentable and rich.
  • High-quality artificial substitute or ekokozha. It is practical, fire-resistant, environmentally safe and hypoallergenic. It has a wide selection of colors and designs.
Leather kitchenette

The filler seats and backs of sofas used mainly polyurethane. It is characterized by long life and is not deformed during continuous operation. Material breathable, water resistant and safe. It has a variety of indicators of rigidity, so everyone should choose the most comfortable option. In addition to a polyurethane foam is used as filler and foam padding polyester.

select the Features

Small Kitchen Interior should emphasize the style and combined with the rest of the furniture. Optionally, take it the same color as the headsets. Table and sofa can be quite contrasting and set a specific focus in the room. But if the kitchen is made of solid wood, the area of ​​the DSP will look cheap and out of place. Better pick up all the furniture out of the same material, albeit in a different color.

By purchasing an inexpensive kitchen area, you should pay attention to the quality of the frame and upholstery. On the back and seat should not be creases and folds, and crevices on the housing and cracks. If the sofa has boxes or folding bed, then make sure to purchase as a mechanism to check it out in action, spreading and folded several times. The same applies to the table.

Also, before you buy should plan kitchen space and remove required dimensions. If you find in the store ready-made kit failed, it is possible to execute it under the order of the furniture company. Then the material, padding and design chosen to your liking. But custom-made product is more expensive than buying ready-made.

Successful addition of an interior can become a kitchen area with a plush sofa and a table in the kit. It will serve as both a dining area and sitting area. Depending on the style of the room, as well as its size bracket design is selected, its size and shape, as well as design. Qualitative corner does not have to be expensive, but you should make sure before buying it in as carefully checking the appearance and attachment mechanisms.

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