MDF facades for kitchens: painted and PVC film

"Face" is considered to be the kitchen of furniture. It defines the style and character of the interior. To a room look stylish and harmonious, we must carefully consider not only the design of furniture, filling and color, but also to choose the right material. The most popular are the current MDF facades for the kitchen. They have a wide range of colors, textures, and can be lined with plastic, PVC film or a painted enamel.

kitchen facades, if desired, can be replaced without touching the body. The advantages of this method is that it will refresh the interior, without resorting to expensive repair, or if the old facades rubbed over time, deform and lose attractive view.

Popular are the following options: plastic, Wood, glass, particleboard and MDF facades. Fiberboard (MDF), is suitable for almost any kitchen décor. Depending on the type of material which is lined surface, you can select an option or smooth with milling. Interesting photo kitchen can be found on the Internet.


  1. What characteristics must have kitchen fronts?
  2. Varieties of wood facades medium density
  3. MDF laminated facades
  4. MDF facades, lined with plastic
  5. Painted MDF facades

What characteristics must have kitchen fronts?

Facades are the front part of the headset, so they should be aesthetically attractive and fit the interior style. In addition to external factors, they are also important performance.

Since the kitchen - this particular room with a constant temperature difference, the facades must be sustainable before exposure to moisture, steam, do not fade in the sun and do not fade with time, it is easy to wash or clean with needed. In addition, kitchen furniture due to continuous use, you must be strong, durable, wear-resistant and environmentally friendly.

Kitchen fronts from MDF

In order not to completely change the whole set only the front part can be updated if necessary, ie facades. This can be done with minimal effort, just repainted surface or papered vinyl film with a pattern or a photo. If this option is inconvenient, it can change the look cuisine, bought separately fronts headset of any suitable material.

Varieties of wood facades medium density

More popular today enjoys a façade for kitchen furniture made of MDF. This medium density fiberboard, topped with a sheet of plastic, PVC film or a high-strength enamel paint. For the first time it began to produce in America in the 60s. 20. In Russia and CIS countries, production technology mastered only in the 90s.

For manufacturing use logs, peeled and chopped into pieces, which is carefully washed, and from it removes dirt, sand, gravel. Next, the sliver is ground and the resulting mass is mixed with natural resins, which are released upon heating timber. After thorough drying plate subjected to pressing and cutting on the machine. On the Internet you can find detailed descriptions and photos fibreboard production technology.

MDF material characterized by high strength, durability, it is not deformed by moisture and temperature changes, does not crack and does not crack. And due to the use in the production of resins of natural origin, plate not emit harmful for the organism, and environment substances.

The materials used for decorative treatment of MDF finished board:

  • PVC film,
  • plastic,
  • enamel,
  • veneer.

MDF laminated facades

One of the most economical options of MDF veneer facade is laminated with PVC film. This coating not only perfectly decorate the surface, but also protects it from many external factors. many varieties of film, it can be self-colored, colored, patterned or photo, to simulate different texture of wood, stone, etc.

options MDF facades with PVC film

Elevations in PVC film have a number of advantages:

  • low price, relative to other types of coatings;
  • large variety of textures, colors and patterns;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to mechanical damage, moisture, long service life.

But also its disadvantages to consider when choosing this coating for kitchen fronts. For example, in spite of the large assortment of films with a wood texture, it is impossible not to notice that the kitchen is made of MDF, not from an array. Even high-quality imitation is no substitute for natural wood.

Also possible problems during the operation can be peeling the film from the substrate. It occurs when moisture gets regularly on the facade edges, where there is a film joint. Also, at locations close to the source of fire or high temperature (i.e., in close proximity with an oven).

MDF facades, lined with plastic

Facing surfaces fibreboard make plastic facade more expensive than the coated PVC film. These options give the kitchen set effective and presentable that show multiple photos on the network. production technology involves the trim only the front of the facade, so he will need in the protection ends.

MDF façade lined with plastic

Coating end portion may have several options. Firstly, the edges can be used for edge PVC or acrylic. Second, you can close the ends using an aluminum profile. Such an option would be relevant in the interiors of hi-tech style, the photo of which in large quantities are on the Internet.

Among the advantages of the plastic coating can be distinguished:

  • durability, reliability and long service life;
  • water resistance;
  • no fading in the sun exposure, and the loss of the original color;
  • ease of care.

But, like the other materials, it also has its disadvantages:

  • Glossy surfaces fingerprints. In order to maintain the kitchen in perfect condition may need regular washing of furniture and removal of traces of hands from the facades.
  • Matte plastic rather poorly to cleaning.
  • Among the possible defects are often found on the surface of the coating unevenness facades.

Painted MDF facades

Kitchen facades, covered with enamel, well-emphasize the modern interior. Depending on the surroundings and your preferences, you can choose absolutely any shade surface. staining technique involves the application of paint on the facade of several layers. And each layer was thoroughly dried and polishes. Perfectly flat surface and exposed varnished polished.

Painted MDF facade

Obvious advantages enamel coating are:

  • A wide selection of colors.
  • The coating may be glossy, matte, pearl, pearl mimic, metal, etc.
  • Easy maintenance, strength, durability, resistance to deformation, without exposure to water, high temperature steam.

Compared with film options have painted a rather high price. Kitchen with such facades will be treated to the luxury class. Bright colors can be exposed to the adverse effects of the sun, that is fade with time. It is also not an exception, and even scratches are chipped at the ends. But if handled carefully with furniture, not cut with sharp metal objects or drop, then these problems can be avoided.

One of the most popular to date options are kitchen fronts from MDF. This is not surprising, because they have a number of advantages over many materials used to make furniture. In addition, Fibreboard addition to good performance is also environmentally friendly, and a wide range of decoration options allow to choose the right at any facade interior style.

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