Hanging shelves in the kitchen: what are and how to hang?

One of the simplest and most practical elements decorating the interior and wherein the carrier specific function is a shelf. It is needed in every home. With the help of the shelves can be to focus on the wall, to stand out from the rest. In the living room on the shelves can be store books, souvenirs, interior accessories. In a hall - the keys and other little things. Shelves in the bathroom allow to place household articles and personal hygiene items and kitchen shelves allow to store utensils and other necessary things in everyday life. It may seem that to hang a shelf - elementary problem, easily solved independently. But even here there are certain difficulties. It is important to know in what way you can install shelves on the walls of various designs, pick up tools and fasteners.


  1. What are the shelves: function, types and forms
  2. How to hang a shelf on their own?
  3. Shelf on drywall
  4. Shelf with light weight
  5. Shelf with heavy weights
  6. Mounting on a concrete wall
  7. Shelf on the tiles
  8. How to hang on wooden wall?
  9. The use of shelves in the interior of the room

What are the shelves: function, types and forms

There are many different types of shelves. For each room, whether living room, kitchen or bathroom, you can choose the best option that fits perfectly into the interior, and will emphasize its individuality. In this role well suited IKEA shelves.

As materials for the manufacture of commonly used wood, chipboard, MDF, plywood, glass, metal, plastic. For the living room, you can use wood, plastic or shelves made of chipboard and MDF. In the hallway, the bathroom and the kitchen are appropriate glass options. In the bedroom you can use any material, if it is well to emphasize the style.

The main functions of the shelves include:

  • Decorative. This regiment is part of the decor and on it placed all sorts of interior accessories: sculptures, candle holders, souvenirs, jewelry boxes, live plants in pots and other accessories and items.
  • Utilitarian. In this case the shelf is a rack for storing things needed for daily use: books, magazines, utensils, household chemical goods, personal hygiene products, keys.
kitchen shelves

The designs of shelves can be mounted, have the side and rear walls, angled, vertical or horizontal, inclined, in several tiers, with or without facades. An interesting and original appearance have IKEA shelves.

The typical form of the shelves is a rectangular board. But you can make the subject completely any appearance. It should know that the more intricate form, the more difficult it will be to fix it on the wall. To ensure the reliability of future construction, it is necessary to take into account the existing wall material and pick up for him the right tools and other items.

How to hang a shelf on their own?

An important criterion for placing the shelf is the choice of its location on the wall. It is necessary to determine the desired height, not to beat on her head, unable to reach high or, conversely, do not lean too low. If the shelf is meant for books or accessories, the best solution would be to set it higher, but with the ability to easily get to the items that are on it.

It is also necessary to pay attention to how much exactly will be hung shelf. After all, any, even minor deviations from the horizontal can disrupt not only the external appearance of the interior, but also a convenient storage of items on it. You can use the level or transparent bottles with water.

Shelves in the kitchen

To install a hanging shelf is necessary to choose the correct fasteners, taking into account the weight of the shelves and things that will be stored on it, and the wall material. It is worth noting that, if selected for the interior IKEA shelf, then it will be accompanied by detailed instructions for self-installation.

Shelf on drywall

Working with the gypsum surface requires a certain accuracy, otherwise possible damage septum receiving cracked or chipped. That is, to the question of how to hang drywall on the shelf, particular attention should be approached, thinking through each step, and choosing the right materials.

The quality of the work depends on the weight of the shelf itself than it heavier, more likely to damage the wall surface. To keep the interior attractiveness is important to deal with the question of how to hang light and heavy shelves themselves.

Shelves on drywall

Shelf with light weight

To install the shelf with less weight on a plaster wall anchors need to pick up special: an umbrella or a butterfly. Their operating principle is quite simple. When screwing the dowel into the wall cap is opened and forms a stop, which accounts for most of the load.

that fix the shelf to the wall plasterboard using hidden fasteners, it is necessary to drill two holes of the desired diameter. After which they are inserted dowels and screws to be mounted brackets for shelves. The final stage is the most hanging shelves.

Shelf with heavy weights

To hang a shelf may need a metal frame and attachment for him. The first step is to drill holes at selected locations in the wall and in your profile. Next, insert the dowel and screw with a hook to the shelves.

In some cases, when the drywall is not a separate partition, and overlaid over the uneven wall, the shelf can not fix thereto, and directly into the concrete or brick wall. To do this, there are the anchor bolts.

Scheme shelf mount plasterboard

The work begins with the preparation of the desired diameter of the holes. Further, these openings increases in monolithic wall in which the anchors are then inserted. Moreover, they can be used as separate fasteners or hooks shelf holders.

Mounting on a concrete wall

Unlike drywall, concrete wall much harder and, therefore, work on installing it on the shelves will be more time-consuming. Of the tools here can need: hammer, screws with dowels, drill.

The first thing to be noted at the wall mounting location shelves, carefully checking the horizontal. Next, you need to punch holes in the wall. It's wise to find out where the wiring not to accidentally damage it during operation. The dowels are inserted into the holes and the screws installed on their shelf.

Shelf on the tiles

One of the most labor-intensive processes is to install shelves on the walls, lined with tiles. This is not surprising, as tiles - very fragile material, especially if it is drilling. But also to such a problem, you can find an educated decision!

Kitchen shelves to tile

From the materials you will need a standard set, as in previous cases: punch or drill, dowels and screws, special drill. First you need to remove the glaze from the surface of the tiles in the field of drilling. Then carefully drilled himself tiles, taking care not to apply pressure to the drill.

When the hole is made in the tile, it is possible to continue drilling the wall of the smaller diameter drill. The final stage is the installation of dowels and hanging shelves with fixtures on the screws.

There is another type of hinged glass shelves - Shelves on suckers, including IKEA. But, if this option is selected for the bathroom, it is important to control the weight of the items that are on them, as this structure can not withstand the excessive load.

How to hang on wooden wall?

Secure the shelf or other suspension design on a wooden surface just enough. It does not require special tools or particularly accurate work, because the material itself is very malleable, and all designs, including hidden fasteners to hold it firmly.

Of the tools you may need a drill and screws. The principle of operation is the same as in the previous cases. However, if instead of a wooden surface used chipboard sheets, it is necessary to base shelf installation technology as on a plaster wall.

Glass shelves on a wooden wall

The use of shelves in the interior of the room

Shelves in the interior perform not only a utilitarian function, but also decorative. They allow you to create a specific song on the wall, releasing her. And you can pick up the necessary options, focusing on materials and appearance for each room.

For living a good solution will be selected as open shelves and closed. Interesting and appropriate style copies can be found among the samples IKEA.

Impressive look shelves in niches, including through the partitions made of plasterboard. They may be made of glass and mounted using hidden fasteners, or any other suitable material such as wood, particle board or MDF.

Design shelf easy to pick up, focusing on the interior of the premises. If the wall is decorated in bright colors and decorated with colorful ornaments, the regiment should be as simple in form and color. Monophonic background, on the contrary, emphasizes the original appearance of the shelves, if their decor used all kinds of console, vinyl stickers, wood, shaped pads, or even painting and decoupage.

Decorative shelf

Kitchen shelves is better to choose to match the headset. For example, the interior can be given a harmonious and aesthetic look. Shelves for food are not only decorative load, but also functional. They are intended for storage of kitchen utensils: Containers for spices, dishes, cutlery and other things. The IKEA catalog is possible to pick up a lot of suitable options for your interior.

Shelves for the hall, as well as for a bathroom can be made of glass and be used to store items that need to be nearby. Glass shelves in the hallway as appropriate harmonic continuation closet or an input group. In the bathroom shelves are usually located next to the mirror, but can be placed in a corner or niche.

Secure the shelf on the wall by yourself without any problems, if you know the rules of work with different materials and strictly follow the instructions. In this case, the shelf can be made with their own hands or buy ready-made, for example, IKEA company and set according to the recommendations.

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