Radius facades: features kitchen with curved cabinet doors

human desire to create an attractive, functional and stylish kitchen design perfectly justified. Special room requires a special design, built in accordance with modern requirements, where great attention is paid to the relevance of materials and form. Now manufacturers are gradually retreating from the usual rectangular cabinets and increasingly radius facades made with original and beautiful appearance.


  1. Advantages models with curved facades
  2. Fitted kitchen fronts
  3. The originality of the design
  4. Acceptable materials during the production of carcass
  5. Organization of external finishes

Advantages models with curved facades

The positive aspects of the use of such parts are:

  • Reliability - this design does not require amplification and installation of hard edges. As a result of the process production of fronts for the kitchen considerably simplified device becoming concave and convex shape.
  • Aesthetic role, contributing to ease the situation and harmony, because the rounded design look much more attractive than the notorious rectangular compositions.
  • Security is defined structural features, namely the absence of sharp edges.
  • Rounded surfaces allow to divide the space into functional zones.
  • Possibility to change the kitchen interior.
  • Ideal for small spaces.

Separate forms curved facade can be seen on the photo.

Kitchen with radius facades

Fitted kitchen fronts

Depending on the external design of the doors and their aesthetic role, these parameters depend on several factors:

  1. Design features are caused by the classical and curved shapes.
  2. Raw materials used affects the terms and conditions of use of the product.
  3. Basis base surface. Certain types of doors are of natural coating, however, economy class models suggest the use of inexpensive materials: plastic, veneer, film.
  4. Application of decorating elements: glass, milling, application photos.

The originality of the design

Radius facades are a special kind, which gives the room a unique style. Despite the complexity of the manufacturing process of such structures, such registration would be perfect one for any kitchen and their geometric parameters acquire different meanings, such as in Photo.

Kitchen set with curved facades

For curved facades characterized by the following design:

  • the outer surface is curved outwardly;
  • an internal having a concave bottom.

Constructions of the second type have a standard radius of 300 mm, and thickness can be different and varies in the range 16-19 mm. Height has a constant performance.

Acceptable materials during the production of carcass

The outer part of the frame finished with the following materials:

  • Natural wood, presented whole and paneled facades. Furniture made from natural raw materials, is always popular.
  • Chipboard laminated type is used as a basis for the manufacture of scaffolds. Distinguishing features - low cost, but the rapid swell from moisture and insufficient fixation fasteners.
  • Aluminum structures are not quite aesthetic, however, the material can be successfully used as a carcass structure for the inner filling headset. Such coatings are moisture and temperature changes, but in operation can darken and deform.
  • Stainless steel is resistant to corrosion and does not require dressing is used in kitchens ultra high-tech style.
  • MDF, as a coating for the kitchen, the most frequently used: the base of the fortress, the plainness of decoration, the tradition of any form, cheapness.

Option kitchen with curved doors shown in the photos.

Kitchen cabinets with curved doors

Organization of external finishes

The main component of sets is finishing the design of its facades certain materials:

  1. Paper and plastic with a stratified coating is glued on the base foundation at high temperatures, thereby forming a solid and smooth film on the surface which is not capable of deform.
  2. Coating MDF surface enamel. Among the more than 150 colors, each consumer will find its color.
  3. Veneer creates a simulation of a natural tree cover.
  4. Film coatings can create a variety frezerovok not afraid of mechanical influences and moisture, completely non-toxic.
  5. Curved facades for the kitchen to allow the seal to put on their surface, any image, including providing triple image.

Kitchen with curved facades are undeniable advantages, which would be enough to provide such a headset. After studying a huge number of models offered on the Web, select the desired option is not so difficult. As a result of the acquisition of the room filled with a functional, compact and beautiful suite, completely safe for living people. And the strength and reliability of such designs does not leave doubts.

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