Large refrigerators: the most voluminous built-in models

No modern cuisine can not do without such a subject technology as a refrigerator. This is an indispensable thing in life, and the right kind of appearance and form of the model will serve as a good addition to the interior. The range of refrigerators in the home appliance stores is huge. They vary in size, scope, design and price, there are built-in or freestanding. Recently, demand large refrigerators. They allow you to not only store all the necessary products, but also have a number of other advantages.


  1. Features a refrigerator selection
  2. Dimensions of the device
  3. "A" group
  4. "B" group
  5. "C" Group
  6. «D» group
  7. The volume of the refrigerator
  8. Cameras and their placement
  9. compressors
  10. "Know Frost" system
  11. control principle
  12. climate class
  13. Power consumption
  14. External and internal design
  15. Outside
  16. within
  17. freezer
  18. built-in refrigerator
  19. Models of large refrigerators
  20. LG GR-M257 SGK
  21. LG LFXS32766S
  22. samsung RF34H9960S4
  23. The choice of the refrigerator: additional tips and tricks

Features a refrigerator selection

By the choice of the refrigerator must be approached responsibly, to determine in advance with the required model and functions that it should possess. Refrigerator, regardless of its size, is the large household appliances in the kitchen. In everyday life, you can do without many things:

microwave, Built-in oven, vacuum cleaner, washing machine and dishwasher, refrigerator but no, you can not.

Dimensions of the device

First of all, we should define the size of a refrigerator. He must not only meet the needs of the family, but also fit well into the existing kitchen interior. Standard sizes can be considered: 550-750 mm wide and 600-650 mm in depth, 850-2100 mm in height. There are "Asian type" model: they are much wider and not as tall as European. Make it easier to navigate in the range, all refrigerators are divided into several groups:

"A" group

This very small refrigerators, generally having one chamber: the freezing compartment is inside or absent. Their dimensions are typically: 850-1600 mm in height, 550 mm in width, 600 mm in depth. For large or average household refrigerators are not suitable, rather they become to the country, work in a hotel, hostel or as a supplement to the existing refrigerator.

"B" group

Such refrigerators are considered "European style", this is the standard, familiar to us models suitable for apartments, where there are three or four people. These refrigerators have two chambers and dimensions 600 * 600 mm and a height of typically 1700-2100 mm and a volume of 260-350 liters. Freezing may be separated at the bottom or the top, consist of drawers and shelves. If he is on top, it has the same shelf with door.

A refrigerator group

"C" Group

It refrigerators "Asian type", they are much wider than the European models, but at the same below. The housing has a rounded shape, and the freezer is usually at the top. There are also single-chamber and dual-chamber, and the width is typically 800 mm, height of 1700 mm, and a volume of from 200 to 260 liters.

«D» group

It refrigerators with large dimensions, their height from 1900 to 2100 mm, and the volume to 800 liters. These models are best suited for large areas.

should say a few words about the models of large refrigerators side-by-side: they are versatile and easy to operate. The design provides two doors that open in opposite directions.

Inside there are four spacious compartments for storage of required products. Some models are equipped with freezers with additional doors and windows for storing frequently used products.

Refrigerators similar design are a real decoration of the interior. Their appearance is not seen is in white color, as in conventional refrigerators, and the design has a modern shape and may even match the kitchen set. But such models are certainly made to order. Some refrigerators have touch screens with electronic control, as well as many other useful features, e.g., a compartment for storing ice, various trays, butylochnitsy.

Refrigerator group D

The volume of the refrigerator

Usually take into account two types of volume in liters: a common and useful. First - this is the internal dimensions of the empty refrigerator, and the second - the number of products that can fit there. Of course, a decisive role in choosing the appropriate model plays it useful volume, it is from 200 to 350 liters. Refrigerators side-by-side and often have a volume of 650 liters. You can purchase options with a large freezer compartment, located in the bottom or the top, depending on the convenience. Refrigerators have a smaller volume than their conventional counterparts.

Cameras and their placement

In addition to the classic single-chamber variants, there are other, more functional: two-chamber and multi-chambered. For ease of use is better to buy a model with the freezer compartment located at the bottom.

More economical in price and thus considered to be sufficiently reliable-in refrigerators, but there is a significant minus - the periodic defrosting the freezer compartment. Modern versions often combine the three chambers, the average of which is zero temperature and is used for storage of perishable products. It should have a separate door and its own temperature control.

Refrigerators with one camera there is typically no freezer compartment or have very little food storage compartment up to 2 kg. Two-compartment can be either one-door and two doors. But we should choose a model with two separate doors for better conservation of cold in the freezer compartment.

Single-chamber large refrigerator Samsung RR 92 EERS


Through the work of the compressor is cooled in the refrigerator. Single Door small models have only one compressor, while the dual-chamber, three-compartment or side-by-side necessarily provided with two.

Large single-compressor models are more democratic and costs, and the motor runs at once into two compartments: refrigerator and freezer. It also has its own nuances, for example, if you want to lower the temperature in a chamber, the compressor will cool both at once, thereby expending more energy.

Therefore, the optimal purchase one compressor model, in which the cooling product will occur in a shorter time. Furthermore, it is possible to regulate the temperature individually in each chamber.

Also, one compressor can be turned off if necessary, e.g., to wash the chamber or to sort products therein, and the second left operational.

"Know Frost" system

Thanks to this technology, you can not defrost the refrigerator manually. The cold air flow moves within the chamber due to the fan. Then it enters through the hose to the evaporator, and when the fan stops, the heater is turned on. With it becomes frost and water flows into the hot tank.

Models with "know frost" save considerable time, exempt from self-defrosting. On the plus side, you can select to keep the product for a long time, they are not covered with frost and does not freeze together. Also, the compressor saves energy.

System know frost

control principle

Typically, refrigerators are two management options: electronic or electromechanical. First assume a complete panel and the dashboard display. The latter are considered more common. They are inside the chamber or externally to the housing of the thermostat knob, control is due to its rotation.

climate class

An important criterion for choosing a refrigerator climate class, it depends on the ambient temperature at which the refrigerator can operate. Each manufacturer defines its own parameters, and there are four classes of a certain temperature (in degrees Celsius):

  • N - normal: from +16 to +32;
  • SN - subnormal: from +10 to +32;
  • ST - subtropical: from +18 to +38;
  • T - Tropical: from +18 to +43.

Power consumption

These values ​​are usually marked letters are considered most economical model with class "A", followed by "B" and "C". The most expensive part of a power consumption model are marked by «D» to «G», but they are now almost are not issued. To reduce energy consumption should take into account some of the rules. For example, the refrigerator is not positioned close to the heater or the oven door is not open for a long time and not put into the chamber hot objects: pots, pans, trays.

Large fridge in the kitchen

External and internal design


Functional features of the refrigerator will certainly play a crucial role in the selection. But since this subject is not acquired by one or two years, and for many years, its appearance must match the interior of the kitchen, and the internal space to be comfortable and pleasing to the eye.

Fortunately, modern technology make it possible to manufacture refrigerators in various designs, there are even works of art. Some manufacturers offer in addition to color, decorate drawings model, patterns and other images. refrigerators can decorate glass, metal or wood, if desired.

However, choosing an unusual design models for your kitchen, it is understood that it may eventually get bored, or if there is a need to change the interior, then old refrigeratorIt may not fit into the surrounding space. It makes more sense to buy the standard model, with full set of features and stylish appearance. Another way to make the kitchen more harmonious, in a single design - choose the embedded version of the technology.

Refrigerator in kitchen interior


The appearance of the refrigerator from the inside, also has a great significance. Depending on the model, it may have various additional devices, convenient in everyday life, e.g., shelves, which may be either glass or a lattice. The first allows you to keep products in isolation from each other. Second considerably facilitate air movement inside. Additional shelves and trays, usually located in the doors, are designed for storing bottles, eggs, plastic containers of small size, etc.

Shelves are usually glass, plastic or metal grating. Glass look beautiful, have high strength, and by contamination of sufficiently wipe cloth. Metal Lattice not impede air circulation. Inside the fridge there is usually a large number of attachments that allow you to adjust the height of the shelf. This can be done by yourself, depending on the convenience. Embedded versions have similar equipment.

Lighting inside of the refrigerator is due to one or two light bulbs are usually in the front. It happens that the light is located at the rear wall, it is not very convenient as it is illuminated at the same time it alone.

Some models have a special shelf for bottles, it can also be positioned at a comfortable height for themselves. This detail is significantly saves space on the other shelves and allows you to conveniently and securely place the necessary bottle.

Bottle rack in the refrigerator


Freezer compartment also must be convenient and functional, despite the fact that it occupies a smaller area compared with the refrigerating compartment. One of the useful features may assume the presence of a cold battery, it is necessary to maintain the low temperature and 24 hours in case of a sudden power failure. It looks battery such as a container with antifreeze and can be used not only in the freezing chamber, but outside, for example for cooling products in containers.

Freezer compartments are equipped with crates and shelves with doors. Some models have a special pull-out tray for freezing small fruits and berries, as well as for storage of molds with ice.

built-in refrigerator

A separate item, you can select built-in models. In this case, the design of the kitchen units will be organic and perfectly fit into the interior. But to use this option in a finished kitchen is quite difficult, because it does not always have the opportunity to choose the perfect material to an existing headset.

Doors embeddable refrigerator are attached to the front of the kitchen, that is, outwardly it looks like an ordinary case, the outside can see only the lights and gauges. Recessed embodiments significantly more expensive in cost than standard analogues, furthermore their inner space is also inferior in size.

Large built-in refrigerator

Models of large refrigerators

Refrigerators large size is not as popular among the Russian population, such as the Americans. This is due to the lack of sufficient space in the interior of the kitchen, as most of the property has a small area. Still, some models can be found and purchased for spacious apartments or town houses.


This Korean model has a stylish appearance with an unusual body design in white or black. The total amount - 800 liters useful - 600. Inner space is equipped with a minibar.


Much more capacious than the previous model, the amount of nearly 900 liters. Appearance looks simple enough, without the trendy design, but it has other advantages. For example, there are door lock and alarm system, ice maker, and a filter for air and water.

samsung RF34H9960S4

The biggest of these models has a capacity of 970 liters. Furthermore, it has many useful features: icemaker triple cooled huge freezer and others. The price of this refrigerator is greater than 200 thousand rubles.

Many manufacturers can offer the three-dimensional model, in particular, Liebherr SBS 5712 (564 liters), Electrolux ENX 4596 AOX (362 l), Whirlpool ART 920 (310 l) and WBA 4328 NFW (420 l), Sharp SJ-PT441 R-HS (437 liters) and others.

Large refrigerators Liebherr SBS 5712 and 4596 Electrolux ENX AOX

The choice of the refrigerator: additional tips and tricks

  • Before you buy a refrigerator, you must make sure that he is able to pass through the doorway, otherwise it may be difficult to transport it to the apartment.
  • Place in the fridge you need to think in advance, a number must be no objects or structures that prevent the door from opening.
  • Domestic refrigerator chamber should be made of high-quality plastic. It is readily determined by the absence of unpleasant smell, but when this refrigerator must be disconnected from the mains.
  • Do not forget about the volume: for the average family of three to four people, choose the size of the inner chamber of 300 liters. Can be more, it all depends on the wishes of the owners and the size of the kitchen.
  • you can choose a model with handles, recessed in a housing for small spaces.
  • The noise coming from the refrigerator should not act on the nerves. Absolutely silent models does not happen, it is necessary to accept, but it is worth paying attention to this factor.
  • Some refrigerators have special closers that will not worry about accidentally open door.
  • If you purchased a new kitchen, you can think about the option of embedded refrigerator. He's a little less volume than normal, but you can not worry about the appearance of the kitchen will look stylish and harmonious.

You should choose a large kitchen refrigerator if the room size allows it to fit without compromising the environment. At the hardware store, you can find the model attractive design and user-friendly functionality, including embedded options. With a refrigerator in the kitchen will work several times easier, while the interior will get a stylish and attractive appearance.

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