Oven, cooker with oven and reviews of ovens

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Updating equipment in the kitchen, the owners are increasingly making their choice in favor of built-in patterns. As the reviews, they look much more modern free-standing, are rich in design solutions, ideally suited to the new set. The choice of new equipment for the kitchen usually starts with select the oven and gas surface, and all other devices are usually sidelined. Good cooking hob and oven - guarantee excellent pizza tasty cooked in a hot pot or roast is goose. If you choose the oven carefully enough, the hostess at risk find that the selected model no necessary functions, or on the contrary, that they are overpaid, buying a model with a lot of unnecessary.


  1. What are ovens?
  2. The size and scope of ovens
  3. cleaning system
  4. The color of the oven
  5. steamer function
  6. Glass
  7. oven door
  8. Convection
  9. pipe probe
  10. skewer

What are ovens?

According to the method of heating All ovens are divided into gas and electric:

  • Gas are rare and, as evidenced by reviews, occupy one of the last places in the ranking of the oven. They are distinguished by the high cost, but because in our country, gas is cheaper than electricity in a very cost-effective.
  • Electric are much more common. Their rating is much higher, because it is believed that the models with this type of heating is best suited for baking. Among electric ovens buyer can pick up as a very inexpensive option with 2-3 programs, and a multifunctional machine with lots of possibilities.

According to the control method, they are divided into dependent and independent:

  • Dependent have total control of the cooking surface. They are convenient in that in the oven does not have long to pick up the surface - the manufacturers are strictly regulated model that can create a set. Deficiencies in the dependent options much more. Firstly, it is impossible to choose a surface with other functions or other design. Secondly, if one part of the set fails, at the time of repair have to give up the latter, because they are interconnected. Third, the cabinet and the hob can not arrange separately in different corners of the headset.

It is obvious that the dependent ovens have more disadvantages than advantages, comparison with independent goes not in their favor, so they do not occur often and occupy the last place in the ranking of the built cabinets. Associates are only electrical cabinets.

Dependent Oven
  • Independent in no way connected with the hob. They have autonomous control and connectivity. This cabinet can be supplied separately on any available space, or operate without any cooking, so they have a higher rating among incorporation. Among independent options have both electric and gas.

The size and scope of ovens

Rating the most popular cabinets that are sold in Russia, the head model having a width of 60 cm and depth of 55 cm and 60 cm tall, with small deviations in the 2-3 cm. However, there are very narrow and wide cabinets, which will not be included in the standard set. Minimum height of models that can be found on sale is 36 cm, depth 46 cm and width 46 cm. It should be clarified that the non-standard size cabinets are more expensive.

The volume depends almost directly from the size ovens. In practice, because of various models of the inner space "eats" insulation. For example, the internal volume of the oven with pyrolytic cleaning is 10 percent smaller than the same volume of the oven with manual cleaning. The sale can be found with the camera equipment from 30 to 100 liters, but the majority of commercially available models fit into the range of 50-60 liters. This is enough for cooking cakes, pizza and other dishes of all kinds.

Dishes in the oven volume at different levels

cleaning system

Over the last decade the science on this issue has leaped forward. Housewives no longer need to spend half an hour in the oven furiously brushing soot sponge. There was a lot of new, modern methods of treatment.

Enamel easy cleaning - the easiest and cheapest way to facilitate the purification. As the customer reviews on this coating fat accumulates less and can be removed without making any serious effort.

Hydrolysis treatment. To use this feature you need to put in a baking oven with water and turn on the cleaning mode. After some time, the fat remaining after the pizza or fried chicken, softened, and it can be easily removed with a sponge.

Catalytic cleaning. It represents a special roughened plates, which are mounted on the inner surface of the enclosure. During cooking, the fat accumulates on them and split into water and carbon. Water evaporates separately, and carbon is deposited in the form of soot, which is enough to wipe with a damp cloth.

However, customer reviews say that this method has several drawbacks. Plates hide only a portion of the interior space, mainly the sides and the back wall. Glass door, top and bottom, which also falls into the fat after cooking pizza or grilled chicken, it is necessary to scour the usual way. In addition, the plates have a limited life - 5 years, after which they must be purchased separately and reinstall, otherwise they will not perform its function.

The pyrolytic cleaning. Perhaps, it is currently the most effective and holds the first place in the ranking. When the pyrolytic cleaning oven is heated to 500 degrees and this temperature is maintained from 1 to 3 hours. However, there is a fairly significant deficiencies in the system. Firstly, to high temperatures of not deteriorated set, such models paving thick insulation layer, because of which the cabinet becomes smaller than the inside. Second, this method requires a lot of clean electricity costs. In the third place, as evidenced by reviews of the owners, while the fat burning emits a foul odor. Well and fourthly, he oven with pyrolytic cleaning is quite expensive.

The color of the oven

This factor is largely determining the purchase. White cupboard hardly fit into the set of pine and green mirror will look out of place in the kitchen, made in red colors. In general, buyers have plenty to choose from. You can purchase the classic white cabinets, mirrored silver, and yellow can be extravagant.

Individual demand model of "antique". Most often, they have a milky white or copper color, but you can meet and black variants. Examples are: White electrical cabinet firm Hotpoint-Ariston FHR 640 (OW), black with gas trochanter Hotpoint-Ariston GOS7 A RFH, narrow cabinet color red copper Nardi FEX 25R09 R. Apart from the fact that the built-in models come in all sorts of colors, they are still many shades. For example, white cabinets can be kipelno white, but can be milky, almost beige.

Therefore, you must personally pick up the technique to not accidentally buy a cooking oven and a completely different shades.

Oven, matched in color to the interior of the kitchen

Rating of the most popular colors is headed silver (for stainless steel) color, followed by black and white. facade material may be as a metal, and heat-proof glass constituting kit with hobs "gas on glass".

steamer function

Buyers who follow the right diet, you should pay attention to the ovens with steamer function. They allow you to prepare not only tasty, but also healthy food. Among them are both more expensive models, such as white, narrow electric oven with steam firm De Dietrich DOS 1195 the W, and quite affordable options such as Hansa BOEI69170055.


That in the process of cooking the pizza, or any other baking door is not strongly heated, it makes two-layer glass. The air gap between the layers becomes a natural defense against excessive temperatures. In some cabinets occurs three layered glass, whereby the outer surface of the door is not heated above 50 degrees. This is especially important for families with young children. Even if a child touches the outer glass door during cooking, it does not get burned. However, this option is necessary to pay attention not only for the sake of security.

Laminated glass better keeps the heat inside the oven, minimizing temperature fluctuations, which is especially important for the delicious cakes and biscuits.

Most models that produce today manufacturers make two or three-layer door. Occasionally there are models in which the set of 4 chamber glass, e.g., Electrolux EZC 52430 AX.

Built-in oven with steam elektrlyuks

You can also mention that for security purposes in ovens pose toughened heat resistant glass, which when struck divided into many polyhedra with no sharp corners.

oven door

Kitchen stove with oven comes only with a hinged door. Ovens in this respect is much more diverse, commercially there are folding, hinged and sliding even options. Models with a sliding door are convenient because of the baking sheets do not need to reach any far into the oven, at the risk of getting burned. However, this cabinet will not approach customers who are planning to install equipment at chest level. But it suitable option with a hinged door, which swings open as well as a refrigerator door. An example is the white cabinets Company Barazza 1FVLTBS.

Not all customers know that in most modern door models can be removed for cleaning after cooking pizza or grilled chicken. It is enough to tilt the fasteners on the loops and pull the glass. It weighs a lot, so this procedure should be performed with caution.


Customer reviews show that today it is one of the most requested features. How many times former mistresses had to adapt to the operation of the oven: to change places trays, separately put down a container of water. Ovens with convection solve this problem. You no longer need a separate oven for each cake multi-layer cake or flip the pan when cooking Pizza - the fan will disperse hot air throughout the volume, at each level while maintaining the same temperature.

Oven Electrolux

pipe probe

This function is not included in the list of the most popular, however, as evidenced by the feedback can be very useful. Pipe probe is programmed to a certain temperature sensor and stuck into a piece of meat or chicken. When the product is warmed up inside the relevant degrees cabinet off. However, pipe probe is useless in the preparation of pastries, pizzas, heterogeneous in its products composition, as in one case, it is inconvenient to stick in the other - the temperature it will show incorrectly.


This option should be mentioned separately. The most sought-after rating it is also not included, but some people like to use when cooking rotisserie birds. Pin pierces through the piece, plug both ends fixes it still, and built-in motor rotates the entire structure. This function is not intended for cooking or baking pizza, but it can help to prepare the whole meat, poultry, or even barbecue. Fork and pin are not expensive, so the cabinet with a skewer can be purchased for a very reasonable price. The disadvantage of this method of preparation is that much fat is sprayed during operation. EXAMPLE pattern with skewer - mirror box Hotpoint-Ariston GOS7 I RFH.

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