Gas cooktop burners 3: reviews

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hobs used in modern interiors in great demand. This is not surprising, because they are easy to use, have a wide variety of designs, materials and designs. Gas hob independent type can be located separately from the oven in a convenient location for the hostess kitchen units. The spacious interior can experiment with its design and size, choosing a more convenient model for themselves, but for small spaces such an option is not necessary. In this case, should be provided compact products into three hot plates, which do not differ in functionality from the standard panels but occupy less space.

To date, gas cooktops overshadowed in popularity, giving way to electric counterparts. Based on the reviews, you can explain it to fewer features and a user-friendly operation as well as less impressive appearance, like a glossy ceramic surface. In fact, gas models are no less positive qualities, than electric. You just need to thoroughly to approach the issue of choice, to determine the price category, material and design.


  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. materials
  3. enameled steel
  4. Stainless steel
  5. Ceramic Glass
  6. The location and type of burners
  7. The design and choice of location for installation

Advantages and disadvantages

In gas hobs have some advantages over electric models, among which the main ones are:

  • Price. Relative to the cost of electrical products, the price of gas is much lower, this is due to the production technology. In addition, this option and the operation is considered to be more advantageous, because the gas in the country is cheaper than electricity.
  • The convenience of use. Food cooked on gas, considered to be more healthy and tasty. Gas hobs allow smoothly regulate temperature, rapidly exposing and maintaining the desired flame intensity in the burner.
  • Fast Food. With gas tableware heats faster and to a greater temperature than the electric models. From this it depends on the speed of cooking.
  • Attractive design. Current models of gas surfaces are not inferior in appearance electric. Products can be selected in a variety of colors and materials, including glass-ceramics.
Gas cooktop three burners

Like other home appliances, gas panels have a number of disadvantages:

  • The possibility of gas leakage. With the hob or cooker, it is necessary to carefully monitor the gas and prevent its leakage. Otherwise, it can lead to irreversible consequences.
  • Lack of environmental friendliness. As a part of domestic gas, there are various impurities, which when burned can adversely affect health and the environment. Open flames fire burns oxygen in the kitchen, which also adds to the address pluses gas surface. Also after cooking often to be found soot on the walls and bottom of the dish.


Hob with three rings generally has a width of 450 mm. It is suitable for a small kitchen, thus saving space. A family of two or three people that option must be arranged, but if more people should be selected with four standard model. the panel dimensions are directly dependent on the number of burners. Accustomed to all equipment with the four rings, but even in a big family rarely, when they both use all. Therefore, it is possible to do three.

If the gas hob has sufficient power, the cooking process will not last longer than a stove with four burners.

Gas stove three burners

When buying you should pay attention not only on the size and design of the panel, but also the material of which it is made. It affects not only the appearance of the plate and food in general, but also the durability and wear resistance technology, as well as the complexity of its cleaning.

enameled steel

This is the most familiar and popular option for gas hobs. Enamel has a wide color gamut, quite economical compared to other panels. Unfortunately, the appearance of chips and scratches on the surface is not uncommon. Therefore, to maintain an attractive appearance of the panel should be careful to use it and take care of regularly. For cleaning should not use aggressive detergents with a granular structure, rigid metal brushes and sponges. It is important to avoid falling on the surface of the heavy pots and other items that do not get chipped, which then can not be hidden.

Stainless steel

No less popular than enamel, stainless steel panels are considered. They look decent and are able to decorate the kitchen in a modern style. Their price is slightly higher enameled models, but the performance is much better.

Gas stove three burners with a sink

The downside is the possible appearance of scratches over time if not carefully used panel. Also have to regularly remove handprints and spray dried from water, which are stainless, and, especially, the glossy surface appear constantly. Applied abrasives should not be for the steel cleaner is better to use a special household chemicals or traditional recipes.

Ceramic Glass

This is the most expensive and stylish gas cooktops. They look luxurious, with them, any food will be exquisite and attractive. Material not only beautiful appearance, but also has a high quality and good performance. Glass-ceramic panel can be made in different colors. In addition to the classic black and white, they are found in brown, beige, milk and other colors.

The material requires careful handling. He does not tolerate chiseled strokes and other mechanical damage. But due to the fact that the surface is perfectly flat and smooth, take care of the glass ceramic is quite simple. The truth will have to buy special chemicals. If the choice is made in favor of the ceramic glass plate, it is necessary to determine and with the manufacturer. For the production of such products all use the same materials, so you should not overpay for the brand. The price may be higher, but if the equipment is equipped with additional functions.

Trehkonforochnaya gas panel

The location and type of burners

Trehkonforochnye cooktops are quite compact, with a width of only 450 mm. But this does not prevent them to have a variety of designs and configurations. Gas surface may be square, rectangular, circular or elongated shape in the middle. By purchasing a particular model, you should check whether placed simultaneously on all burners utensils.

Cooktop burners may be arranged in a triangle, or be in the same row, if the product has an elongated shape.

An important factor when choosing a panel is the type and size of gas burners:

  1. Ovens grills. It looks like a lattice with rings under her and is designed for cooking meat and vegetables without the use of oil.
  2. Double crown. It has one divider fire, by which two circumferential flame formed.
  3. Triple Crown. These are two divider and three circles of fire, respectively. The advantage of these burners is the possibility of preparing meals in the shortest time, since the heat is quickly and efficiently. Burners with two dividers are suitable for a large amount of food.
Scheme burners gas cooktop

Choosing a modern gas hob three burners, it is useful to examine opinions about popular models and manufacturers, as well as know what features it might present. For example:

  • Lever switch or button which blocks the flow of gas immediately on all the burners with a click.
  • The rotary levers for adjusting ignition device and flame level.
  • Blocking the gas supply if, for whatever reason did not happen ELECTRONIC.
  • Built-in timer.

In one hob can combine different in size and design burners. For instance, at the plate may be standard, Ultra Speed, auxiliary and even multi-level burner.

The design and choice of location for installation

Once the desired model of the hob burners on three selected should pick up for her a suitable place in the kitchen headset. Experts say that in terms of usability and ergonomics, the most appropriate location is the area between the sink and the end of the headset. By washing the panel to be away from the free worktop at least 600 mm.

Gas cooktop three burners

If the cooking surface and the oven is independent of type, they can be located in different places. When placing the instrument in the vicinity of other appliances (over or under), you should use a special bezel to reduce the heat level.

All kitchen furniture and appliances must comply style interior. This also applies to the hob. Fortunately, manufacturers offer a wide range of models made in different materials and colors, so you can choose for themselves the most appropriate option easily. The gas panel may be a contrast with respect to the table top, apron and a headset to be close to them, or the same hue.

  • The steel plates are considered to be the most versatile and can be used in almost any interior.
  • Light furniture and countertops made of natural wood harmonizes well with household appliances of white enamelled steel.
  • The kitchen hi-tech stylish element will serve as a black or white ceramic hob, as well as stainless steel model.
  • In the classical interiors better use enameled or stainless steel surfaces with cast iron burners.

The choice of the gas panel - a responsible step, therefore, to the issue should be approached thoughtfully, focusing on customer reviews. When the kitchen is small, instead of the standard cooking surface can be used compact model three burners. In functionality and appearance, it is not inferior with four products, but allows you to save valuable space and use it, for example, as a work plane.

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