How to transport the refrigerator: lying, standing, on his side, when you move.

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Ready to move into a new home or just go for the summer in the village? Then, among other things, you probably think about the transportation of large home appliances, of which the most problematic in the transport of a refrigerator. This is only superficially giant seems strong, but in fact this rather delicate instrument, and sloppy delivery could harm him. To ignorance not ruin expensive equipment, you need to understand how to properly carry the refrigerator, and remember a few rules. Buyers of the new device, this information can also be useful.


  1. Cooking equipment for transportation
  2. Basic Rules
  3. Adaptation after transport
  4. To carry on their own or ask for help?

Cooking equipment for transportation

  1. Remove from the refrigerator all products. Switch off the machine from the network, defrost, clean and dry it thoroughly.
  2. Remove all loose drawers and shelves - they must be packed separately, wrapped in cardboard or a soft cloth. If some elements are fixed inside the chamber special fasteners, they can leave.
  3. close the door of the refrigerator and the tie or clamping straps okleyte tape.
  4. Be sure to attach the compressor. To do this, look closely: sometimes manufacturers equip its transport bolts that just need to tighten. If not, fix the unit with rubber or cardboard gaskets.
  5. The ideal refrigerator transportation must take place in the original packaging. But if it is not preserved or torn, wrap machine bubble wrap or foam, paying attention, and the top cover.
  6. To the bottom it is better to fasten wooden pallets.
transportation refrigerator

Basic Rules

After you have packed the fridge, you can move on to his pickup. Wrap technique the machine must be very carefully, in a vertical position. It is desirable for secure use lifting straps. Carry the device does not need to swing without touching the walls, corners and railings - a careless stroke, may not bring it out of action, but the coating hurt. Sex in the car, where we put our appliance are kindly requested to lay a blanket or throw him a fat old mattress.

It is strictly forbidden to take up when carrying the refrigerator door, or it will come off or break off hinges.

All operating instructions indicate that transportation of the refrigerator must be performed vertically. Such a requirement is due to the fact that the inclination of the unit there is a risk of oil leakage from the compressor to the heat exchanger. However, in practice this is not always possible due to the large size of the device, because many models are 2 meters high. If you do not want or can not use the services of a transport campaign with cargo fleet, will consider whether it is possible to transport the refrigerator in a horizontal position?

In fact, it is permissible, but with reservations. Manufacturers are strongly recommended to transport the device with a slope greater than 40 °. In the most extreme cases, it can be laid on its side. And it should be done so that a compressor evaporator pipe facing up. Unfortunately, this advice does not apply to all models. For example, to carry the refrigerator manufactured by technology «No frost», can be solely vertically.

How to move the refrigerator

In no case can not be put on the refrigerator door - excessive load on the hinges and the seal will cause a violation of the sealing device. Subsequently, it will consume more energy, but on the edge of the shelf products are perishable. Set down the machine on the rear wall without the use of protective stops altogether unacceptable - it is just pomnetsya grille own weight.

In the car, a refrigerator should be fixed straps and stops. It should take care at low speed, avoiding sudden braking and jumpings on potholes. Otherwise, by impact or vibration the compressor can be broken with shock absorbers and subsequently will rattle during operation. Also, when strong vibrations sometimes fragile tube burst, releasing all freon.

Adaptation after transport

Do not rush to include the refrigerator as soon as he is "moved" to a new residence. Allow time for the oil and Freon to flow down along the tracks of. Otstoyka can last up to a day - looking at what temperature he traveled.

  • If the refrigerator transportation took place in winter, the oil thickens in the cold, and you run the risk of overload the compressor, turning it right after delivery. We advise that you wait about a day - during this time will have time to warm up the oil and the condensation has evaporated.
  • The unit is transported on its side? Wait 18 hours - enough to allow the oil and refrigerant returned to their seats.
  • If you are unable to carry the refrigerator according to the rules in the vertical position, and on the street heat, enough to wait 3 hours and can be switched on the device in the network.

Do not immediately be loaded into empty refrigerator a large number of products. It is better to fold them gradually so as not to overly burden the compressor.

Loading refrigerator

After turning you heard the uncharacteristic loud noise, it may be due to the displacement of the compressor on the bed. In this case, without invoking the wizard can not do.

To carry on their own or ask for help?

Of course, it is possible to cope with the transportation of the refrigerator by yourself without spending money on the services of transportation companies. However, is it worth saving? The answer to this question depends on the unit size. Small single-chamber refrigerator afford to move to the back seat or in the trunk of the car extended, carefully packed device.

But what if we are talking about a huge two-chamber refrigerator under the weight hundredweight? It simply requires the help of professionals. Otherwise, subsequent costs for the repair of equipment damaged by improper transportation, exceed imaginary savings many times over. A special transport order is not too expensive.

Professional freight forwarders do not just deliver oversized equipment to the address, but also have a "related" services:

  • Estimate the size of your refrigerator and pick a suitable car for transportation;
  • Form routes for the delivery of several best-selling goods one that allows them to keep the bar at a reasonable level of prices;
  • Pack the unit securely loaded him into the car;
  • Take the descent / ascent to the floor, if necessary;
  • Accompany the appliance to the "new home", carried out of the machine, unpack, harvested and ready to work.

Transportation cost depends on the size of the refrigerator and the length of the route, as well as a list of additional services. The total price of transportation from 2500 to 6000 rubles.

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