How to choose a refrigerator: a better unit for the house?

Buying a refrigerator - a crucial step. Major Appliances is quite expensive and should serve for many years, so its selection should be taken very seriously. Now, when the range of goods in the shops all the time is replenished, and manufacturers are constantly improving their products, long and confused by such a variety. Omnipresent advertising, too, does not clarify the issue in which the refrigerator choose. We try to spread information about this technique on the shelves and designate targets, to avoid mistakes when buying.


  1. dimensions
  2. camera
  3. Freezer
  4. freshness zone
  5. Functionality
  6. Reliability
  7. refrigerator Comfort level
  8. Noise level
  9. control type


Standard considered aggregates of 0,6h0,6h1,7 m internal useful volume of 260-350 liters. But the size and capacity of the refrigerator chamber is selected based on two parameters: the floor area and family composition. Small kitchenette in which you need to fit many more home appliances, sink and furniture, in this respect, the most problematic. It is better to buy a model with reduced dimensions 45x60 cm - just for the usual kitchen module width. However, for storing a large family of products required a corresponding inner volume of the refrigerator chamber. In this case, he will have to "grow" with the traditional 1.5-1.7 m and 2-2.1 m.

Large fridge full of food

Sometimes have no choice but how to choose a built-in refrigerator for installation under the working top. Thus, in a tiny kitchen there will be overall items that significantly relieve the space. Of course, many in this chamber does not place, but for a family of two people it will be enough. However, there are two-door units, built-in furniture set. When selecting the size of the most important correlate of the refrigerator and the body in which it is installed. It is very important to choose the right depth to hang a door thick enough for reliable thermal insulation, thus do not protrude from the main series of furniture.

Choose the internal volume of the refrigerator so that the products do not lie on the shelves too tightly - air must circulate freely between them.

The kitchens include a large area such serious restrictions not, therefore, the size of equipment are selected in terms of their ease of use. The ideal model would be shallow tall as a man, but significant width: generally a two-door refrigerators design Side-by-Side or three-chamber units with bottom freezer. The cells of this "cabinet" all products to see, and most importantly - convenient to any family member to get them.

In addition to the size of the refrigerator in a closed form should also consider the "scope" of its doors. Of course, you are willing to carefully handle expensive equipment and each time with one hand to hold the sash. But it is better to choose a model and place for her with regard to avoid hitting the corners and a nearby furniture. If the kitchen layout you are not engaged, we should pay attention to the refrigerator with the ability to override the door on the right or left side.

Another detail which everybody forgets refrigerators must somehow get into the house. If his body is more than the doorways in the apartment and kitchen, take apart and bring it fail.

painted refrigerator


When selecting the size of the refrigerator is necessary to take into account the required number of individual cameras - it depends on how much storage temperature zones necessary for your standard set of products.


Needed in the event that the family decided to keep large stocks of meat, convenience foods, fruits and vegetables, as often as possible to get out of there products. Displacement chamber and the number of interior compartments will depend on presentation of nearly frozen sufficient supplies. The compact Refrigerator freezer It may be located inside the main chamber - in the useful volume is virtually no effect.

The volume compartments desirable additional box instantaneous freezing (Fast Frost). Products it cooled very quickly, preserving the maximum of substances. Also, fans of fresh reserves from the refrigerator drawers need shallow trays in which the berries or tins of ice frozen in just a few minutes.

If there is no need for such a long storage, it is better to buy a single chamber model with low temperature compartment (NTO). But before you choose a refrigerator with such an option, it is necessary to understand the classification - it determines the mode of operation of the built-in camera and the guaranteed preservation of food freshness. Marking is performed as asterisks integer from one to three:

  • storage up to 14 days at a temperature of -6 ° C;
  • up to three months at -12 ° C t;
  • up to a year (-18 ° C).

The absence of stars at the NTO in the refrigerator indicates that the products are prolezhat more than a few days at a temperature of 0 ..- 3 ° C.


In the rest position relative to the main chamber of the freezer compartment may be any - choose embodiment shown most convenient. Better to those departments that have to "apply" often turned out to be at the top of the refrigerator. In the extreme case it is necessary to consider a variant Side-by-Side, when the freezer and the main chamber are located each in its own half of the clamshell housing.

freshness zone

It should also look to the fridge with a so-called zone of freshness and zero modes. They are ideal for greens, raw vegetables and fruits. In addition, for normal operation, it is desirable that the products were placed in a separate compartment of his door, had good thermal insulation and its own thermostat. Food stored in them at a temperature just above 0 ° C (otherwise freeze) and various levels of moisture:

  • 50% - the optimal conditions for cold storage of fresh meat and fish up to a week.
  • 90% - for the fruit. Here they can lie three times longer than in a normal compartment smorschatsya not and will not lose their nutritional value.

With frequent blackouts only way to prevent food spoilage - to purchase the unit with a removable battery cold. This flat container, which is located inside the liquid "nezamerzayku". In the absence of power supply it will gradually selected thermal energy, maintaining in the chamber a negative temperature ranging from several hours to days.

Zone of freshness in the refrigerator


All that is required from the refrigerator - to cool the stacked products into it and cope with this task any working models. Another question is how and what will have to freeze. Here it will depend on the implemented solutions. The main cooling function, we have already discussed in the section select the inner chambers, but manufacturers do not stop and constantly introducing technological innovations necessary and not very much. Let's call them "the amateur" option:

  • ice maker with dispenser;
  • filter and Cold tap drinking water/соков;
  • Storage compartment for cosmetics;
  • open door alarm;
  • automatic door closers.

If any of these features will make your life a better and more comfortable, refuse it not worth it. However, do not buy a refrigerator that can do everything, just like that. Having played for a week, you will begin to feel sorry that he spent a few extra thousand.


Since the main work is done by the compressor installation, durability of the refrigerator depends precisely on it. The velocity of the generating equipment life associated with a large number of factors: the temperature in the chambers and in the room, and an internal volume filled compartments, insulation level, frequency of opening doors. Simply put, the main refrigerator components will last longer if the load on them will be minimal. For this reason, dual-chamber models better when each compartment has its own compressor. Of course, such a purchase would be more expensive, but the sudden repairs which require large expenditures. In the three-chamber refrigerators and large the technique of over 350 liters presence of the second compressor installation is required.

Modern units are divided into climatic classes. Compliance with environmental conditions of the acquired technology will guarantee the long life of trouble-free service. Marking determines the temperature in the room where the refrigerator will operate correctly:

  • T - tropical (+18.. + 43 ° C);
  • ST - subtropics (+18.. + 38 ° C);
  • SN - subnormal (+10.. + 32 ° C);
  • N - normal (+16.. + 32 ° C).

Saving appearance should also be attributed to the issue of durability. And although the fridge with scratches and dents can also serve as a corrosion gradually corrode the cabinet, and the impression of the interior unit with visible defects spoil. Good resistance to damage have expensive stainless steel appliances - they are sold by the company, focused on the production of premium appliances (Bosch, Liebherr).

refrigerator Comfort level

The first thing you pay attention to customers - is realized defrosting system. Depends on it, how often have to lead internal chambers in order.

  1. "Weeping wall"

Traditionally, refrigerators working drip system: internal moisture accumulates on the back wall, and it flows through the bottom of the hole located in a special tray. From there, the water is evaporated by hot compressor. With this you need to defrost and clean by the frost of the cells at least twice a year. In addition, sometimes the water just freezes on the inner wall of the refrigerator, turning into a thick heat-insulating "coat". In this case, the defrost can not be postponed.

  1. no Frost

Feature, which affects the cost of the refrigerator upwards, prevents the snow in his chambers. Internal moisture and condenses and evaporates by the unit, but it is happening in a special compartment. As a result of caring for equipment is greatly simplified (self-defrosting can be done once a year), but also its useful volume becomes smaller. But in the refrigerator is maintained constantly set temperature, the compressor increases the resource and power consumption is saved to an economical level.


Antibacterial coating - a nice addition to any refrigerator that provides the camera is not only hygienic, but also a long preservation of fresh products. Today, it offers almost all the companies that manufacture household appliances middle class and above.

Noise level

An important indicator of comfortable use of the refrigerator. The unit works round the clock, and if the day of his sound is invisible on the general background, it can become unbearable at night. For the kitchen behind closed doors, far enough from residential premises, the freezing technique the noise level is not so significant. But in the joint space, or simply in a small apartment with thin walls can not neglect this factor.

Before you choose a refrigerator for home, should ask "shumoproizvoditelnostyu" its compressor. It operates a simple rule: the louder the motor, the bigger the unit itself. However, current models much quieter Soviet predecessors and give all 21-56 dB, and one compressor still behave more quietly.

control type

This parameter is not critical for the refrigerator, because the regime has to change exhibited rare. But he indirectly affect other characteristics of the unit, so consider this issue. management options are only two:

  • Electromechanical - reliable and cheap bellows thermostat without frills. Temperature, although inaccurate, is set by turning the knob, that complex three-chamber refrigerators absolutely not necessary. But most importantly - the mechanics originally independent of changes in voltage.
  • Electronic - it increases the cost of equipment, but allows you to work more effectively with a variety of modes. Suitable for complex systems with several temperature zones.

If you find a really good fridge, ask before you buy - whether the selected firm service representative in your city. Any appliances sooner or later have to repair, so better to simplify your search for masters and spare parts.

Service Repair of refrigerators
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