How to choose a gas stove: which model is the best?

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Nowadays more and more popular among kitchen appliances take embedded power hobs and oven. But, despite this, the demand for free-standing gas model is not reduced. Until now, housewives prefer to install in the kitchen is such devices produced by proven and reliable companies with good reviews and great warranty period. Before you buy is better to study in detail tips on how to choose gas stove and acquire the right product for themselves.

Each year, gas cookers model improved and adjusted to the needs of modern man. Unlike some electric stoves, appliances that operate on gas, are much cheaper, but the quality is several times better. So the choice was easy, you should know the basic characteristics of the device, its positive and negative sides, as well as additional features.


  1. Advantages and disadvantages of gas stoves
  2. Dimensions
  3. Material hob
  4. Enamel
  5. stainless steel
  6. heat-proof glass
  7. Number of burners
  8. Oven and other useful features
  9. The best models
  10. Gorenje GN 470 W-E
  11. Bosch HSF 44K30N9
  12. hansa FCGW57203030

Advantages and disadvantages of gas stoves

Good gas cooker allows you to cook food quickly and efficiently. Unlike electricity, it does not need time to warm up the burners and turn off after it will not be for a long time to cool down.

Among the advantages are:

  • simple operation;
  • savings on electricity;
  • the ability to easily adjust and control the temperature regime;
  • food becomes more intense taste and smell;
  • lower price compared with the electric oven.
How to choose the best gas stove

But also disadvantages in gas models also exist:

  • It requires careful and accurate operation, as the device may result in fire or injury if the non-observance of safety rules.
  • Binding to a gas pipe. It is better that the board is close to the pipeline, but it is not always convenient for design ideas. Here it is necessary to adjust the interior under the existing communications, as the plate is moved to another place will cause a lot of difficulties, and possibly problems with authorization.
  • Installation requires the work of specialists. Change and repair gas stoves alone can not, especially if in this case there is no necessary experience and knowledge. Such work is best left to professionals.

Despite significant shortcomings, most housewives still prefer it to the gas model, and not just because they are more accustomed to power. Cooker, powered by gas, of its simplicity in operation and maintenance, and various stylish design as well as lower cost.


Like other appliances, gas stoves have standard dimensions, varying within certain limits. It is created for the comfortable kitchen equipment, to be able to skomplektovat any furniture and equipment together. Standard plate height is 85 cm, depth of 50 or 60 cm, and the width is from 30 to 90 cm. Widest plates contain up to eight burners.

Standard plate, which is used in most kitchens, has dimensions 85h60h60 cm.
Some firms supply their models legs with height adjustment. After the default settings created by the average person and are not for everyone, they are comfortable.

How to choose a gas stove

Material hob

For the production of modern gas stoves uses a special steel resistant to high temperatures. These boards meet all the technical requirements, have an attractive and stylish appearance, the diverse design. To understand how to choose a good gas stove, you need to analyze the types of material used to produce the cooking surface.


The most common models in the home are considered plate with an enamel surface, white or brown. These boards differ low price and neat appearance. But also shortcomings in this lot cover, it is difficult to name the best. For example, enamel panel is chipping and scratching when used for cleaning abrasive and metal sponges. In addition, the surface in continuous operation gets dirty and burnt stains quite difficult to wash.

stainless steel

Cooking, stainless steel panel, you can safely assume that accent the kitchen. They make the interior a stylish and attractive. Moreover, their surface is a matte or glossy. The operation of such plates is much easier, they are more amenable to cleaning, dirt quickly departs from the surface. But the price of such boards is much higher enamel and to keep their appearance in perfect condition, needs daily care. To do this, buy special tools for stainless steel surfaces.

Selection of stainless steel gas cookers

heat-proof glass

The surface of the glass-ceramic gas hob becoming more and more popular nowadays. These models look stylish and impressive, they look better in the interior of the kitchen than the enameled plates. Their surface is of high strength, durable and easy to clean, not afraid of high temperature. On sale you can find glass-panel black and brown. Less common are the white model.

Number of burners

The dimensions of the plate and the number of burners depends on the wishes of the hostess and kitchen interior features. The most common version with four burners, but there are also models with a larger or smaller number of them, as well as different sizes. plates typically have high power burner in one instance, two - one medium and low-power. Modern versions are equipped with multi-level constructions burners for cooking a variety of labor-intensive dishes. In addition to round, the burners are in the form of an oval or a triangle.

Oven and other useful features

An important detail is the presence of either plate of the oven. He is of two types: electric and gas. For boards, working on gas, it is better to choose the second type of oven. Despite the fact that the electrical cabinets are considered to be more modern and functional, the gas also have a variety of useful programs.

The simplest of the oven does not have a fan structure and provided with a pair of heating regimes. The best on the market gas stoves are considered more advanced, thanks to uniform heating and hot air circulation, meals are prepared quickly, well prozharivayas from all sides.

How to choose a gas stove with oven

Some have gas stoves electric oven. This option is considered the best for those who are preparing various cakes in large quantities.

You can also be found among the useful programs: grill, spit, defrost function, steamers, etc. But these models consume a lot electricity, so before you choose the oven, it is necessary to analyze the possibilities and make sure that this variant needed for the kitchen.

Among the best features of useful gas stove can also be found:

  1. Electric ignition. With this function, you can do in the kitchen without matches or lighters. To light the burner, just turn the throttle control lever and press the button. Further, it is possible to adjust the level of the flame.
  2. gas control. If for any reason the burner flame was extinguished, the system will notice this failure and to stop the flow of gas alone.
  3. Protection of children. This feature can be very useful in households where there are small children. As to leave the child alone with the stove is dangerous, the security program will have by the way. It blocks access to the oven and gas burners. That is a child, even if he wants to turn the lever, can not turn on the stove.
  4. Timer. Thanks to the built-in timer can be assured that the dish will burn. Beep notify the readiness of food.

The best models

To understand how to choose a gas stove, you should examine the range of proposed models. Among the popular gas stoves you can choose some of the best, judging by the reviews. These include: Gorenje GN 470 W-E, Bosch HSF 44K30N9, Hansa FCGW57203030.

Gorenje GN 470 W-E

For the price, this plate is considered to be the most affordable. It has a classic design and a white enamel coating. Model of standard dimensions (500h600h850 mm) is equipped with adjustable feet, allowing yourself to set the desired height of the product.

Brass plates cabinet Gorenje GN 470 W-E gas, with a volume of 56 liters. It has one lower heating mode. The cabinet door is provided with double glass heat reflecting layer, which allows air to be heated uniformly in the chamber. Lacquer inside the oven easy to clean and has a self-cleaning function. On the hob has four circular cooking zones of different diameter and power. Also among the useful features there is gas and electric ignition control.

Bosch HSF 44K30N9

Unlike the previous version, the gas model HSF 44K30N9 has more expressive design, and it costs not much more expensive. Top cover protects the cover glass, which is in the clear walls prevents contamination from fat splashes, smoke, fumes etc. This plate is manufactured in standard sizes, and the material of its cooking surface made from steel with an enamel coating.

Gas cookers Bosch

The plate has four cooking zones of varying thickness, as well as the function of gas and electric ignition control. Control mechanical hob is performed by rotating the handles. The oven operates on gas and has a volume of 66 liters. Inside the camera has built-in lighting, its walls are covered with a self-cleaning enamel. Among the additional features present grill for cooking meat steaks, casseroles, etc.

hansa FCGW57203030

This model is made in Germany, its price is slightly higher than that of the previous two gas stoves. It also has a standard size, suitable for any average kitchen. Additional features are present: a gas supply control and semiautomatic electric ignition. Is controlled by rotating the pen, which is recessed into the body.

Cooktop made of stainless steel and coated with a white enamel. It has four burners of varying power. The oven has a smaller volume than the previous models. It is equipped with built-in lighting, timer, spit and electrical grill. The inner surface of the chamber is covered with special enamel, with self-cleaning. The door has a double glass and mirror coating. At the bottom of the plate is a box for storing the necessary kitchen utensils.

To choose a gas stove is affected by many factors. Firstly, it is important company producing model. It should have a lot of positive reviews and high rating. Secondly, the stylish design and the availability of useful programs are also an important factor. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken with the model, it is better to hike to the store to determine for themselves the important functions and programs, as well as price limits.

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