How to choose multivarku right and what is better?

Interest in home appliances, which can prepare excellent meals with little or no human intervention is justified, since they greatly facilitate the work of the modern housewife. There is a problem - how to choose multivarku among a number of technical innovations that have appeared in recent years in the consumer market.


  1. What is multivarka?
  2. Design features
  3. We estimate key parameters
  4. Software
  5. bowl coating Multivarki
  6. What to look further?
  7. Review of popular models

What is multivarka?

According to the technical structure of a multivarka integrated functionality of a number of well-known household appliances, replacing the kitchen:

  • kashevarku;
  • Bread Maker;
  • pressure cooker;
  • steamer;
  • rice cooker.

Ideally multivarka combines all of these devices, although it is possible to pick up such a model, where some functions are not available.

Design features

Basic components Multivarki - a housing arranged on the principle of the thermos. Inside, it is equipped with a cup to contain upcoming products. When deciding what multivarku choose, we must bear in mind that in the majority of the heating devices elements are arranged at the bottom, but there are advanced models, where they may be above or even from the side. These structural improvements offered by many companies that have production lines for the production of multivarok.


The device operates efficiently and better if it is integrated steam valve, located in the upper zone, the main purpose of which is to regulate the pressure. In this case, the hostess can choose multivarku-cooker in conjunction with other criteria.

Supervisory functions are performed by a microprocessor with electronic control. User-friendly display makes it easy to set the desired mode Multivarki and self-timer will monitor the time and the unit will shut off at the right time. If the device provides the possibility of cooking in a special mode, replacing the steam cooker, then this is included in the additional packaging container.

Multivarki principle of operation lies in the fact that during the cooking is not lost steam, foods are prepared without the stick, and preserving all the beneficial properties.

It is enough to lay the ingredients, install, and everything else is a smart device to make your own, signaled the moment when the meal was ready, and you can set the table.

Multivarka in the kitchen

We estimate key parameters

When choosing an appropriate model Multivarki for loved ones, help them to immediately determine the feature set, given that more than them, the more expensive it will cost the unit. Having the kitchen steamer, you can give up the cooking function using steam or confine the possibility of getting stews.

The next important factor increases the possibility to choose the right multivarku the parameters laid down in its technical requirements. This power Multivarki which has a broad enough range, reaching a maximum value of two kilowatts. Taking into account the comments from the experts, you should not dwell on the low-power products, hoping to save energy. It should be understood that in this situation increases the time Multivarki hence saving are anticipated.

Another important criterion - is the volume of the cup. Flavor better with a margin given that the most popular measure is 5 liters provide a family with an average composition of 4 3- person.

among the additional functions Multivarki you can note the presence of a timer, which provides a delayed start. This will provide, for example, cooked breakfast with his evening ingredients and adjust the time on the instrument.

Options Multivarki

Numerous positive reviews of users face the option of maintaining the high temperature of the finished dish, which is automatically activated after the cooking end. It is important to ensure that technical documents Multivarki was included the ability to disable this feature if it is not necessary.


Analyzing the expert advice on how to choose the right multivarku, you must pay attention to that last the most advanced multivarok models can offer up to 55 programs, which affects the cost of device. Each consumer decides what is best for him and it will take a practical use in reality. The experience and the reviews show that it is enough eight basic programs.

The most popular of the proposed Multivarki functions belong to the category of cooking all your favorite dishes.

  • Quenching. With a slow reflux (≈105 ° C) preparing nourishing meals.
  • Bakery products. This functionality Multivarki does not involve mixing, but allows you to get excellent pies with any stuffing.
  • Soup. At 100 ° C is obtained flavored soup.
  • Preparation of steam dishes. It's enough to install the supplied Multivarki capacity.
  • Buckwheat. While maintaining the temperature in the range 100 ° C is obtained wonderful nutritious cereal, especially if multivarka includes a ceramic cup.
  • Pilaf. The presence of such an option to prepare not only rice, cook rice, but also to prepare other dishes of pasta or potatoes.
  • Milk porridge. The whole process is in multivarka independently, without requiring constant monitoring.
  • Yogurt. Provided temperature 40 ° C, which contributes to obtaining a useful homemade yogurt.
Control panel multivarka for example Redmond

These programs are among the most sought-after Multivarki options. Convenience is the inclusion of a set of programs "Multipovar" option that can be found among the Redmond company's models. This feature provides unlimited potential as a home cook independently set the time and temperature.

bowl coating Multivarki

The material and the protective layer of the bowl as the main element Multivarki ensure its longevity and choice of cooking. By selecting a good model at the request of friends, help decide this important issue. Non-stick layer may be made of different materials - ceramics, Teflon, titanium, last of which is rarely used.

In the store, choosing multivarku have to give preference to ceramic or Teflon bowl, given that each species has its own distinctive features. Ceramics without problems washed shows scratch resistance. Teflon requires accuracy in care, so can easily get damaged, but longer retains excellent non-stick properties. Such a cup can even be washed in the dishwasher, which must not be allowed for the ceramic varieties that can crack. Which option is better, everyone decides for themselves.

Multivarka with food

What to look further?

What a multivarka better? In addition to the key performance indicators there are small nuances that it is advisable to take into account when deciding what multivarku choose among the variety of samples. Experts recommend to select such a model where the power cord connects to the device without a special socket. This is due to the fact that in the case of illiterate operating fluid easily enters the like compound, causing quite critical situations.

Build quality is affecting the durability Multivarki, the most reliable is from well-known manufacturers, such as Redmond, ensuring that the body receives strains during operation. Housing material affects not only the performance but also the cost of Multivarki. Stainless steel is more expensive than plastic, but it is stronger and more durable. In plastic its advantages - it is less heated, easy to clean, but is subject to the appearance of scratches.

Considering that from time to time to wash will not only bowl, but also the body, it is advisable to fix his attention on the kinds Multivarki where the top part is removed. This design is better for the reason that the steam valve is clogged, so it must be periodically cleaned. It is more convenient to do it, washing it under running water after removing the cover.


Promotes safe operation if equipped multivarka bowl fitted with handles to facilitate its seizure of their body. To facilitate the carrying device from place to place cord must be detached. It should be remembered that immediately after disconnecting multivarku open is dangerous, as steam escaping under pressure can cause burns. In operation, the device should be in close proximity to water and flammable substances and subjects.

Well, if multivarka equipped with a water trap that is designed to make it dripping condensation from the lid. In this case, the extra moisture will not fall into the cooking food. To not have to be purchased separately steamer, you need to immediately evaluate the packaging liked the device, as the capacity for steaming are separately.

Review of popular models

Studying the responses of consumers on how to choose multivarku, you can opt for the company's products Redmond, who attracted the attention of the availability of development management, through detailed preparation instructions. Stylish appearance, a sufficient number of additional programs are motivational indicators selection products from this manufacturer.

Among the well-known manufacturers, along with the most popular Redmond considered Moulinex. Panasonic. For example, the model Multivarki Moulinex Moulinex MK 7003 with a bowl of 4.5 liters implements all expectations, providing an extensive variety of dishes. Do not disappoint mistress and reliable model Panasonic SR-TMH18 LTW with excellent exterior design.

Multivarka Moulinex MK 7003

Multivarki budget considered by Saturn and Orion with a decent set of programs and compact dimensions. They are quite capable of replacing a double boiler, thanks to included in the complete set of steam basket.

Consumers appreciated multivarku-cooker Redmond RM190 with a ceramic cup in 5 liters. It addition to the main dishes perfectly prepares yogurt, popcorn, food deep-fried. A growing number of housewives like presence multivarka delayed start option. Always nice in the morning not stand plate and have breakfast ready.

Of the latest developments of the company Redmond delights can be remotely controlled with the inclusion Multivarki a phone and the ability to secure the device against accidental activation children.

The buyer with the device Redmond 4504 receives not only a collection of recipes, but also becomes the owner of a unique device, which provides for the possibility of cooking under pressure, which greatly reduces processing time and saves electricity.

Given the reviews, it can be argued that another attractive factor is the long-term installments, the proposed product Redmond.

Multivarka REDMOND RMC-M70

Modern young people looking to experiment, of course, interested in the model Multivarki Redmond RMC M110, which offers more than 50 different programs. This wonderful multifunctional device can even roast meat or potatoes fried, as a complete set includes a special basket. There is "Popcorn" mode, the ability to cook a jelly and a variety of other attractive recipes.

The quality and variety of options multivarok expanding rapidly. Given consumer interest, for many firms offer their own products, to facilitate the daily work on the preparation of a delicious meal.

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