Installation and connection of the washing machine to the water supply

Washing machine - this is not a household appliance that can just bring home from the store, placed in any convenient location and use. For her work, you must connect the washing machine to utility networks. Despite the abundance of specific requirements, the installation of a washing machine may well be carried out independently. Installing the washing machine with his own hands will require the presence of a small set of tools and the basic skills of handling.


  1. stages of work
  2. Placement and adjustment
  3. drain organization
  4. water supply
  5. power Features
  6. trial run

stages of work

The correct set of actions for installing the washing machine includes the following steps:

  1. Choice of location taking into account the convenience of plugging in the washing machine, as well as sufficient rigidity and strength of the base.
  2. Organization of connecting the washing machine to the sewer.
  3. Connect the washing machine to the water supply.
  4. Performing connect the washing machine to the electricity supply.
  5. Removing the shipping bolts and testing (flushing) launch.

Placement and adjustment

Before you connect the washing machine, you need to choose a suitable place taking into account the proximity of communication for it. In this regard, common variants of installation of the washing machine in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Recently, for this are increasingly using adjacent spaces: corridors, storerooms. Especially when combined installation and connection of a washing machine repair.

If you seek to do everything right, then at the stage of acquisition of the device you need a good understanding of its allowable dimensions.

It is necessary to bear in mind that for the installation of washing machines should take place with a margin. Vibration occurring in the process, must not lead to contact with surrounding surfaces.

Washing machine in the kitchen

Installation washing machines operate on a solid horizontal surface. Its small vertical deviations from the horizon compensated using leveling feet. For accurate positioning of the top surface of the device to expose the bubble level horizon. When installing your washing machine, you can use a plumb line, but it is not too convenient. Tolerance is 2 °.

During the installation of the washing machine should strive to lower its center of gravity as low as possible. To do this, before install the washing machine, it can be preset by the level of the support surface to determine the location of the top of the legs. Her spin until it stops, and by extension the rest put the machine correctly. They are then fixed with lock nuts.

Adjusting installation washing machines allows placing the retaining spring drum in a vertical plane. This ensures its oscillations within the planned trajectory. Correctness of the device remains stable even under the most unfavorable loading.

It is not allowed to install washing machines use pads under the legs.

The only exception - a thin mat of rubber or linoleum, which can be put on the floor of the tile before you install the washing machine. This will prevent it sliding across the floor.

Anti-vibration pad for a washing machine

drain organization

During the installation of the washing machine drain organization can be performed in one of two ways:

  • on a temporary basis;
  • cutting in the sewer system.

Performing work on connecting the washing machine on their own, the easiest way to go on the first way. To do this, the device comes complete with a universal bracket. The drain hose is put in its grooves, and he fixed on the rim of the bath, sink or toilet. For this connect the washing machine does not require any additional materials. All is done almost instantly. But hygiene and convenience of this option in the daily operation of a big question. It is better to tinker, but to fulfill a permanent sidebar.

The main thing when organizing a permanent connection to the sewage washing machine - is to observe the correct height placement bend the drain hose.

Pressure pump hose must rise to the height recommended by the manufacturer, and then connect to a common drain network. When the instruction to the device does not give specific guidance on the necessary lifting height, it can be taken at 80 cm from the floor. Most recommendations for the installation of washing machines offer a similar value.

Following this trajectory solves important problems:

  • It does not allow the water to flow out of the car when off the drain pump;
  • prevents drains from the system fall into the sump of the drum;
  • It prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors from the system into the device, and from there into the room.

On the last point in more detail. Often in the recommendations for connecting the washing machine independently found a reference to compulsory tie after the water seal (siphon). In fact, if the documentation of the device does not extend these requirements, on purpose to complicate the design is not necessary. The drain pump is located at the bottom of the drum in the recess. After it off the column of water in the hose to kink flows back to the pump and closes the passage of gas pressure from the system.

Connect the washing machine to the water supply via a flexible hose

To connect the washing machine to connect to the sewer drain hose to the wiring can be done anywhere. It is convenient to do it under the sink. It's enough to replace the upper part of the siphon with a special suction bend. The hose is put on it. The compound is compacted clamp.

In general, the inset is organized via tees, additional nozzles and inserts transition under the desired diameter. The hose is sealed in the socket rubber sleeve. In addition, the joint can miss the mark with sanitary silicone. In place of inflection and at the entrance to funnel hose should be fixed to the wall.

water supply

When connecting the washing machine to supply wiring must be complied with 4 basic conditions:

  • connect the device hard-liner is not allowed. In connection with the vibrations in such a connection will not be long to be sealed;
  • flexibles hoses must be positioned freely without tension optimally if it will hang free loop;
  • inlet pressure must correspond to the manufacturer's recommendations. Excessive leakage can cause, inadequate leads to overheating and failure of the intake valve;
  • before the hose flexibles need to mount the shut-off valve (ball valve).

Inset into the water supply is not necessarily accompanied by cutting the tube and pipe laying. Much depends on the installation of the washing machine and place in the immediate vicinity of the instrument. In most cases, there is always to be found attached flexible liner mixers or sewage tanks. It suffices to unscrew the nut on the pipe fittings and mount therebetween tee. On a tee or on the pipeline portion from the latter to the appliance stopcock is mounted.


The flexible hoses from the kit to a machine in most cases has an internal thread ¾ inches. If necessary, between the nut and the tap adapter is placed. The crane is necessary to block after each wash. To protect the valve seat from the automatic abrasive particles in a better add a mechanical filter. All joints are sealed by rubber or silicone gaskets or packs tape FUM or similar materials.

Sometimes for connecting the washing machine to apply a temporary water circuit. To do this, from mixer unscrewed the gander, as the nut flexible liner is attached in its place. There just has a suitable thread. The process takes a few minutes. This is more difficult than to open the tap on a permanent layout, but completely eliminates the possibility of leakage while the device is idle. Besides, it becomes possible to apply warm water to the machine and saving on its heating heating elements.

power Features

The complexity of connecting the washing machine to the power supply depends on the relevant prerequisites existing wiring. These conditions are:

  • use of a 3-wire network with phase zero and the grounding conductor;
  • matching section of wires and electrical fittings power device. Domestic apparatus would be enough wire 3 * 2.5 mm and a reinforcement 16 A;
  • the presence in the circuit breaker;
  • desirably also connected via a disconnecting device.

If the network corresponds to these conditions, it is enough to thrust the plug into the device near the place of installation of the washing machine outlet. If necessary, possible to use a 3-wire extensions 16 A.

When you need to make improper wiring pad to the device individual supply directly from the meter. RCD circuit breaker and can be placed in a cabinet in the immediate vicinity of the machine.

The main difficulties arise during the installation of washing machines in the old housing stock, where the grounding circuit has never been. Before you connect the washing machine without a ground connection, it is worth considering the possible consequences.

Practice shows that the heaters insulation breaks down over time, and sooner or later the body is under stress. If you co-operate with their neighbors, the score is not difficult and expensive grounding into the earth, and lay mine on the plate.

trial run

The process of installing washing machines finishes removing shipping bolts and trial run. It is performed without the laundry at a maximum temperature of heating water in one of the wash cycles. The drum is washed by the factory grease.

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