Ceiling hood for the kitchen: the choice and installation of the ceiling

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In the process of cooking food filled with different smells, unfortunately, is not always pleasant. In addition flavors of your favorite dishes from time to time you can smell burnt food, stale food and other unpleasant things. In addition, problems can deliver consistently settling on furniture dust, soot and grease splashes. With such trouble to help cope hood. Its varieties are many, models are embedded, classical and even ceilings. The latter type seems the most presentable and impressive.

If the kitchen is big enough room, you can equip it to your liking and convenience, in the center of the room should provide the island with hob and oven. Above it is necessary to mount the hood, and the best option would be a ceiling model. It consists of a vertical duct, fixed to the ceiling. These hoods feature a stylish design and allow to realize any ideas interior.


  1. Varieties ceiling (island) extracts
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. What to look for when choosing?
  4. Power
  5. filters
  6. housing material
  7. Additional functions
  8. Caring for stretch
  9. Installation of ceiling hoods

Varieties ceiling (island) extracts

Ceiling hood in the kitchen is of two types, which are characterized by its air purification type. Models are: tap-off and recirculating. The principle of operation is based on the first challenge of contaminated air through the vent. To work these extracts will certainly need a duct.

Ceiling hood diverter

The second type - recycle. It does not require connection of the hood to the duct, the device operates through the filtering system provided design. With charcoal filters contaminated air is purified and returned back into the room, and small dirt particles, dust, soot and grease deposited on the filter lattice.

Recirculating hoods may be mobile or stationary. Mobile devices better. They are programmed to self-determination of the need for clean air. This is due to the special built-in sensors. Extractor hood itself will adjust the height above the hob, sink and climb back if necessary.

In appearance, ceiling hoods may also differ. In addition to the standard, conventional forms of product may take the form of an inverted cup, a cube or a flying saucer. Besides, island extractor It can be built. Then there will be only visible fence panel.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to stylish and contemporary look, island hoods have a number of other positive qualities:

  • It can be installed in any place kitchen. This is very convenient when the room allows you to experiment with interior design and place an item, depending on the most convenience. Versatility is the ability to extract its installation in any kitchen area, but certainly above the hob.
  • Wide range of models. A wide range of ceiling types extracts presented in shops, allows to design the interior to your taste and pick exactly what will appeal. Insular models can not only have a metal housing, but also glass, ceramic, wood, etc., as well as all sorts of decorative finishes. Also affects a variety of shapes: round, cubic, in the form of pipes, plates etc.
  • Additional functions. In addition to standard features, specific to each model variants have ceiling and other useful programs. For example: all kinds of lighting, height adjustment and power electronic controls, etc.
  • High performance. Due to the powerful motor island hoods can effectively clean the air in the spacious rooms. They are suitable for a large kitchen and living room for a studio.

Shortcomings in the ceiling models are not so much, but someone they can seem very significant. The first and very significant drawback is considered to be high cost. But if the owners can not afford to equip a large kitchen island in the center, most of all, the financial issue with extraction will be less acute.

Recirculating Ceiling hood

The second disadvantage - the high level of noise. This is not surprising, because for cleaning the air in a large kitchen requires a powerful engine that will inevitably emit a lot of noise during operation.

What to look for when choosing?

When buying the kitchen island hood can not be guided only by its external characteristics, should pay greater attention to other factors:


An important aspect in selecting a suitable model is its power. It is directly linked to the performance of the hood, which is indispensable to high-quality work of the device. To find out the record for a particular food, the amount of space you need to multiply by twelve (this value It is constant, since the recirculation of air renewal in the room occurs twelve times in one hour). The resulting number will be considered as the necessary capacity.


Besides drawing power, an important consideration when selecting a presence of the filter for cleaning. Each type of device has its own filters. Tap-off models can only dispense the grease that will not allow the deposition of dirt on the fan.

Hoods, working in the recycle mode should be available, in addition to collecting filter oil, coal and more. It is required for deeper and more effective cleaning of air as well as removing unpleasant odors outsiders. These filters need to be changed every two months.

In addition, the distinction is made between disposable and reusable filters. The first consists of a non-woven backing, padding polyester and paper. They must be replaced once every three months. A second made from aluminum and acrylic. Periodically, as contamination can be washed by hand or in a dishwasher, but not in hot water to metal is not darkened.

housing material

The material of construction of the ceiling extractor, must be not only beautiful appearance, but also durable and resistant to adverse environmental influences: moisture, vapor, and high temperatures it drops, grease, dirt, etc. BEST MODE considered: stainless steel, aluminum, high strength special glass.

Additional functions

No additional options it is possible to do, but they extractor hood will be more functional and attractive. Among the useful features are:

  1. Built-in lighting. Availability lighting as halogen or fluorescent lamps, aiming to the hob plate, greatly improves the process and the quality of work by the additional light source. Some models allow you to adjust the degree of brightness and its range.
  2. Different types of sensors. Improved ceiling hoods assume a built-in sensors for various purposes. For example, aimed at disabling the device after a given period of time. Or determining the degree of contamination of the grease filter.
  3. Wiping connection and the remaining play. Due to the interval connecting system exhaust fan automatically turns on once per hour. So, you can not worry about the purity of the air in the room, he will always remain fresh. Remaining play involves the fan still for ten to fifteen minutes after turning off the stove.
hood to the ceiling in the interior

Caring for stretch

To extract the selected model served for a long time and accurately, you must properly take care of it. This may require regular execution of certain actions, but in fact, it's pretty simple.

Firstly, the hood requires constant cleaning of the body surface from dust, soot, grease, spray, and other contaminants. You can wipe it with a sponge and special chemicals that dissolve fat.

Secondly, it is necessary to monitor the degree of clogging of filters and change them if necessary. Extract with dirty, clogged elements will not work as effectively. Before you clean or replace the filters, disconnect the device from the network, and then rinse thoroughly with every detail.

Stainless steel can be cleaned with a cloth moistened with a special composition for cleaning and polishing. Use aggressive chemical agents, abrasive sponges and powders with a grainy texture can not be - they may scratch the surface. Connect the device to the network should be only after its complete drying.

Installation of ceiling hoods

Installing the hood usually occurs after the installation of kitchen units. The distance from the plate should be at least 550 mm for electrical models and 650 mm for gas.

at what height to set the hood

For self-assembly may require the following tools:

  • dowels and screws;
  • spanners and a screwdriver;
  • outlet with earth connection hood.

First of all, we should deal with individual outlets, placing it at a convenient place on the wall next to the ceiling mount hood. Then, you need to layout the ceiling for support for the hood, puncher to make a hole, set mount and connect it to the hood body. With nuts should be firmly anchor the entire structure.

Further, there is an installation of the duct to the ceiling. It is important to measure the distance to the opening of the ventilation shaft, stretch and cut the duct to the desired size. Clamps or other types of fasteners to fix it to the ceiling. To pipe system was not visible in the interior, it is possible to hide the tension or the false ceiling.

Duct ends should be attached to the exhaust and ventilation shaft. After installation is complete, connect the appliance to the outlet to check its performance.

Choose ceiling hoods it should be based on a variety of important factors, such as: a stylish and modern design, high functionality, power, well-known and proven manufacturer, optimal warranty period, reliability, price, etc. If desired, the assembly drawing, you can make your own hands, but if in this case no experience, it is better to entrust the job specialist.

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