Dimensions of washing machines: standard height of washing machines

Since the majority of Russians can not boast spacious bathrooms, the size of washing machines are critical in selecting an appropriate model. Indeed, if the equipment does not fit in the allotted space for it, neither the price nor the functionality will not matter. Knowing this, manufacturers have taken care of the comfort of consumers and the maximum variety of sizes of models. On sale you can find narrow, wide, compact machine with a large and a small load.


  1. Whether you booted from the size depend on?
  2. Narrow washing machines
  3. Standard washing machines
  4. Full Size Washers
  5. Vertical washing machines
  6. Compact washing machine
  7. Washing machines with high load

Whether you booted from the size depend on?

At first glance, it is obvious - the wider the machine, the more things in it will fit. However, things are not so simple. The first loading the washing machine does not depend on the body size and the drum size. Therefore, change the boot can only be changing its volume. You can do this in two ways.

The first - to extend the drum. It is along this path first walked manufacturers. True, this method has increased and the size of washing machines. Aggregates obtained roomy, but cumbersome. Now manufacturers are trying to expand the diameter of the drum, compact placing internal components. With increasing diameter and increasing the volume, and hence the load.

As washing machines are divided by size? When it comes to automatic machines, they can be divided into: narrow, wide (Full Size), standard, vertical, compact, non-standard. Narrow, wide and Full Size differ only in depth - height and width have the same, 85 cm and 60 respectively.

Narrow washer

Narrow washing machines

These include models of width 38 cm or less. As a rule, they can not boast a large load - their range of 3.5-4 kg. This machine is suitable for a small family or a single person. Of course, in a narrow model will not enter winter jacket or cushion 70 * 70, but one set of clothes or a few t-shirts in it is quite possible to be washed at a time.

The obvious advantage of such a machine - a small width. As for the cons, in addition to a small load it can be noted that these models are not very stable due to its size and low weight.

Standard washing machines

These include models in width of 38-45 cm. Such washing machines are much more stable and narrow loading them greater: from 4.5 to 6 kg. Perhaps the models of such size usually buy. They easily fall comes down jacket, a plaid or a single blanket. Standard washing machines are widespread, the buyer can pick out as a very simple, inexpensive embodiment, for example, Indesit WISN 82 and expensive, multifunctional unit, such as LG F-1096WD.

Full Size Washers

They rank as the model of 45 cm or more. As a rule, they become people who are not limited by space in the bathroom or in the kitchen. What good is such a model? First of all the fact that they are very roomy. drum loading these machines ranges from 5 to 8 kg of dry clothes, which means that it will fit any thing in the house, except the Palace and the carpet. The second advantage - greater stability. Typically, Full Size models weigh about 80 kg. They are massive and heavy, not shaking during the spin cycle, and not "jumping" on the floor as narrow.

Vertical washing machines

Their peculiarity is that the clothes are not loaded through a hatch in the side of the housing, and a hinged lid on top. Such models of their dimensions can be attributed to the standard - the height of all the washing machines of this type is 85 cm, width and depth of 40 cm and 60 cm respectively. But because of the unusual load them can be displayed in a separate category. Vertical washing machine can be deployed before and squeezed into a narrow aperture, e.g., between the wall and toilet, and can be put sideways - it all depends on the willingness of the owner and the availability of space in the bathroom room.

The main disadvantage of these models - the high price and relatively limited choice. If conventional cars in front shop of household appliances may be more than a dozen, the vertical will be 4-5 times less.

The high price is primarily due to the foreign origin of vertical machines, which are not going to Russia.

Vertical washing machines

By the way, potential owners should take into account that in case of breakage components also will be delivered from abroad and will cost cheap. their problematic build in kitchenTo do this, you will need to develop custom designed furniture, can not just remove the top cover as in conventional models. Also, do not get such a model to use as a dresser for storing all kinds of containers with household cleaning products, creams, lotions. Typically, in such models is equal loading of 5-6 kg, but there are options and 7 kg, e.g., Hotpoint-Ariston ARTXXL 109.

Compact washing machine

As a rule, the height of these models does not exceed 70-75 cm. They are also called "washing machines under the sink." They are lower, narrower and less standard width units. Acquire such models are people who can not carve out in the bathroom though a little space. In general, they do not differ from ordinary cars and erase, as well squeeze, the only thing more expensive as going overseas assembly and feature a small load, not to exceed 4 kg.

Washing machines with high load

We are talking about units with capacities ranging from 10 to 17 kg. Some buyers will be surprised, but there are others. As a rule, they are not displayed on the trading floor and shops bring them to order. They rarely take individuals - mostly acquire hotels, hotels and similar organizations are forced to regularly handle a large amount of laundry. An example of such a machine - Samsung WD1142XVR.

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