Air cleaners for the kitchen: the selection and installation of their own hands

Everyone knows that there are bad odors during cooking in the kitchen cooking. In addition, if necessary to cook on a gas stove, the room is going to exhaust carbon monoxide. As a rule, this leads to the fact that the hosts have to roast and bake with an open window, which is not always convenient, especially in the cold winter. Remedy the situation will help to kitchen hoods, whose popularity only grows with each passing year. Most often under the kitchen hood air cleaner usually implies that removes the exhaust air to the outside, or cleans it in the recycle mode. Set it can be their own hands, the main thing - to choose the right model.


  1. types of extracts
  2. How to determine the required capacity of the air cleaner?
  3. dimensions
  4. Principle of operation
  5. How to switch the hood of the discharge mode to the recirculation mode?
  6. Mounting

types of extracts

There are three basic types of hoods: flat, built-in fireplace. Each of these types has specific characteristics and is suitable for different rooms.

  • Flat - most budget and a common variant. As already becomes clear from the name, they are different small height, which can reach 7 -15 cm depending on the mold apparatus. The equipment comes with them a set of fasteners, assembly instructions and an adapter, which is attached to the corrugated duct. The power of such air cleaners for the kitchen is usually small, usually it does not exceed 200-300 m³ / hr. This is enough to small kitchen squares measuring 8-10. The peculiarity of these models - an open air duct in the exhaust air mode.
  • Built. Such models are almost completely embedded in the cabinet headset, visible only retractable front panel. They are larger and usually more powerful. Ducts such extracts mostly hidden inside the cabinet.
  • Dome. These include a rather large group of air purifiers. Unlike the built-they are not only indicators of capacity and size, but also appearance. Dome hood is fully open and occupies a considerable part of the wall. As a rule, it is equipped with 1-2 decorative boxes, able to hide ducts. For air cleaners of the type characterized by a wide base, gradually converging to the top, in the shape of a dome (hence the name comes). They may be made of stainless steel or painted metal, combined with glass or wooden inserts. The power of such devices can reach 1000 m³ / h.
Dome hood in the kitchen

How to determine the required capacity of the air cleaner?

It is defined as: "The volume of the room * 10 = Performance", where 10 - a ventilation rate, ie figure indicating the number of times an hour in the room is completely renewed air. Suppose, kitchen area 9 m². standard ceilings - 2.5 m Then the minimum necessary power of the air cleaner:. 9 * 2.5 * 10 = 225 m³ / hour.

If a drawing podtseplen corrugated hose, through which air is removed, then each hose turn the power will fall to around 10% - is also to be taken into account.

Of course, there are also more complex calculations that take into account the need for pumping air through the ducts or the amount of furniture in the room, but a simple man in the street to go into them to anything. The above formula is enough to estimate the required performance prior to purchase.


There are four standard length hoods 50, 60, 90 and 120 cm. In Russia, popular air cleaners on the 50 and 60 cm. 90 and 120 are extremely rare. The model is chosen such that its length corresponds to the width of the plate. If the plate 50, the air cleaner and the kitchen should be 50. Air 90 and 120 cm most often selected for large kitchens, in which the plates derived isolated islets, or in the production. Such units are fairly bulky and install them with their hands is difficult without assistance.

Principle of operation

Some air purifiers for the kitchen can only be operated in air extraction mode, some only in the recirculation mode, but most models combine both principles.

Two options for dealing Cooker hoods

If the air cleaner operates in extraction mode, the entire exhaust air is completely removed from the room through the air ducts. If the model is set up for recirculation, the air is sucked through a filter system, and then back into the room again.

As usual, each of these cleaning methods have their pluses and minuses. Plus outlet in that air is removed completely - it is much more efficient cleaning through the filters. On the other hand, the principle of operation requires a more serious installation, not to mention the fact that gofroshlangi not look very aesthetically pleasing, and take up much space.

Models operating in the recirculation mode, take up much less space, since it does not require any additional connections. They are very easy to install - just to drive two screws, hang the hood on him and plug into a power outlet cord. But the effectiveness of these cleaners is substantially lower by the same owners have to periodically spend money on filter replacement.

Filters for such extracts are of 2 types: generic and brand. Universal are fibrous sheet impregnated with carbon, which absorbs odors. Such a filter is placed on and pressed against the grease fasteners. Corporate usually screwed directly onto the motor. Carbon bed had a much thicker, so it cleans the air will be better, but the cost of such a filter above. Depending on the model, the filters should be changed every 3-6 months.

How to switch the hood of the discharge mode to the recirculation mode?

Almost all air purifiers on the market can operate in two modes. The air outlet mode exits through an outlet in the top or back of the drawing and then - through ducts in ventilation. To switch the device on the recirculation mode, it is necessary to close the outlet stub, which goes in the set, and distort the lever to change the direction of air flow. Cooker hoods configured thus can be mounted directly to the bottom of the cupboard. It should however be mentioned that it usually switch plane models. Built-in, complete which in any case are boxes and ducts, reconfigure does not make sense.


Install the hood can easily be their own hands. Included with the device typically goes Installation Guide and sheet markings for fasteners. The easiest way to attach a model that works in recirculation mode, with the air cleaner in the extraction mode will have to tinker a little longer.

Installation comes in several stages:

  • mark a wall and set screws or dowels;
  • suspended from the hood;
  • then bonded ducts: setting adapter attached thereto one end gofroshlanga, delay its collar;
  • to vent grille is attached to the adapter, the adapter is put on the second end gofroshlanga and also its collar delay corresponding diameter. Extractor hood is ready for use.

This is not the only option to install the hood. Much depends on the specific model of location: at the wall or in the middle.

Some air purifiers problematic to install their own hands - to fit them better to invite professionals. Instead gofroshlangov can use plastic ducts, which are more expensive, but look more aesthetically pleasing.

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