The dishwasher does not dissolve tablet: why is this happening?

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It is difficult to find even one cuisine that would not have been in the presence of a variety of household appliances. Shops offer a wide range of techniques to facilitate work in the kitchen. This includes and Dishwasher. For its full functioning of essential cleaners: powders, gels or special tablets. The latter are very convenient and easy to use. A quality product is not only great washes away the dirt from the dishes, but is also environmentally friendly to the environment and does not harm the human body. There are situations when the tablet does not dissolve in the dishwasher, such problems need to be found and to be able to prevent them.


  1. Structure and function of tablets for dishwashing
  2. Why not always tablet dissolves in the dishwasher?
  3. What are the tablets for washing dishes?

Structure and function of tablets for dishwashing

When choosing a powder or gel as a cleanser for the machine, you need to accurately measure the amount for each wash, and add salt to the water softener and rinse aid. It's not very convenient, and with the tablet is no such problem, because it is the right size and includes in its membership all of the above components.

First appeared in 1 tablet 3, which are now in great demand. In their composition contains salt, powder and conditioner. In a separate form all the components are placed in special compartments of dishwashers and tablet eliminates this need.

The salt softens hard water, thereby preventing the occurrence of scale and reducing the formation of foam inside the machine. The powder is needed to remove contaminants on the surface of the dish, in its composition contain the necessary substances. Rinse aid is needed during the rinse with hot water, thanks to him, dishes drying is faster.

The first step is necessary to obtain the dishwasher salt to prevent scale formation and subsequent dissolution of the remaining substances. In the process of soaking the dishes pour warm water and worth while. Washing takes place as long as the water in the machine is clear and transparent, it will mark the special sensors. Rinsing is in several stages: first cold and then hot water. High temperature not only expedite subsequent drying, but also contribute to the destruction of the bacteria.

Tablet for dishwashers

Why not always tablet dissolves in the dishwasher?

At first glance, it seems that everything is done correctly. The tablet has been loaded into the machine, the washing process is started and lasted for as long as necessary, but in the end the tablet is dissolved. Why? This occurs not only with cheap equipment, but also with well-proven and in demand among the population.

The first reason could be blocking the dosing chamber, that is when the valve does not open. In this case, you should check how the dishes located in and if she touches the lid of the dispenser.

The budget model dishwashers can simply not cope with the dissolution of the tablet, as their design is thought by some chemicals. Each component of the tablet should disintegrate at a certain temperature conditions. Indicators machines can not meet these requirements, then the tool is not completely dissolved, that is bad as the dishes, and the machine itself.

The easiest option is incorrect error tablet space in the detergent drawer. It should also be checked before starting the machine, that the dispenser is dry. The presence inside moisture can be absorbed into the tablet even before washing, thereby slowing its dissolution. A rapid washing in cool water mode requires the use of special detergents to dissolve quickly function.


What are the tablets for washing dishes?

One of the most popular means for washing dishes in the dishwasher is a tablet Finish capsules. From above it is covered with a special cover, which is not required to clean before use, it dissolves itself during the washing. This is convenient, as chemicals are not in contact with the skin, and, therefore, do not cause allergic reactions and irritation.

There are other tablets for the dishwasher - 4 in 1. An additional component is a means of protecting the glass from aging and turbidity, which is not uncommon, if the washing is constantly use the dishwasher. Tools 5 in 1 are composed of a component capable of purifying equipment from an existing scale. Tablets 1 to 6 perfectly washed surface of a steel or other metal utensils. Tablets may also be added flavoring components, antimicrobials, substance-removing tea stains, etc.

An important property of the tablets for the dishwasher is their environmental friendliness. This is achieved by using only a part of the natural natural substances, herbal extracts and mineral supplements.

As an example, the production called Ecover. The manufacture of these tablets is based on the principle of safety for human, there are no genetically modified additives.

Modern appliances can reduce the work in the kitchen, taking part of the responsibility for themselves, this also applies to the dishwasher. For its normal functioning and a positive result, you should choose only high quality detergent, such as tablets. They not only successfully cope with the dirt on the dishes, but also protect equipment from premature failure.

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