Built-in microwave oven: Is harmful and what is better?

Built-in microwave oven - this is another great device that allows you to save space in the kitchen at the expense of the competent placement techniques. According to its characteristics, these units are not much different from their freestanding counterparts, but they fit perfectly into any interior, and do not take up space on the worktop.


  1. How to Choose Built-in microwave oven?
  2. Dimensions
  3. volume
  4. Power
  5. Design and color
  6. control type
  7. Internal coating chamber
  8. Double boiler
  9. The presence of the convector
  10. The absence or presence of the grill
  11. additional Features
  12. signals
  13. skewer
  14. The process of opening the door
  15. Child Lock
  16. defrost
  17. Avtoprigotovlenie
  18. What can be cooked in a microwave oven?
  19. Oven with microwave function
  20. Whether embedded microwave oven harmful?
  21. How do I install the microwave?
  22. If the microwave is not working

How to Choose Built-in microwave oven?

Since microwaves are identical recessed solo model except for certain nuances, then choose them by the same characteristics:


Despite the fact that the built in microwave oven takes up less space than usual, it is necessary to estimate in advance the place where it will be located at the stage of designing the headset. Typically, it is withdrawn in the cupboard or make special compartment above the waist level. On average, embedded microwave ovens are a width of 50-60 cm, but there are more narrow model, for example, the BEKO MWB 2000 EX. The depth of this technique starts with 30 and up to 60 cm.

One of the most compact models in this regard is the NEFF H11WE60N0, which perfectly fit into the top row of wall cabinets. The height of the built-in microwave ovens starts from 30 cm and up to 50.


Partly it depends on the dimensions: design a compact size model with a large internal volume can not simply technical. But inside the small and large outside microwave are much more common. If you allow the space, it is better to take a larger model. In such a microwave oven easily fit a large dish or goose carcass in its entirety. On average, it is believed that for a family of 2-3 people is enough models to 17-20 liters, 4-5, 23-25 ​​liters. If the apartment is home to more than 5 people, the best will be built in microwave oven for 25-30 liters.

Built-in microwave oven


The higher the number, the faster the heat product built microwave, the more energy it will consume. Minimum power of modern models - 700W, the maximum reaches values ​​of 1,500 watts.

Design and color

Built-in microwave oven in contrast to some other kinds of built-in appliances (refrigerators, washing machines) do not hide behind facades headset. The front panel with the door and the control buttons are constantly in sight. It is therefore necessary to select a model in such a way that they come to the headset and fit into the interior of the premises. Most microwaves classic design available in silver color, which harmonizes perfectly with the stainless steel. But you can find a model in the "retro" design, eg, Franke FMW 380 CL G PW. This microwave oven is formed in beige, handles, and knobs are made "bronze" to enhance the effect of antiquity. Also, there are black, white, yellow and even brown red model, however, they are by no means cheap.

control type

In the same way, as well as freestanding models, embedded microwave can be mechanical or electronic control type. The mechanical type is a two knobs to adjust the power and time. Models with control Only defrost, reheat and cook foods a couple of simple dishes. In addition, such microwave ovens is no display, so the warm-up time can be set only approximately, on the handle, and hence food is easily overheat.

As the customer reviews, the electronic control is much more convenient. Time can be set to within a few seconds (this option can be useful when heating baby food), it shows how many minutes remain before the end of defrost. And the menu in such models is much broader.

Built-in microwave

Internal coating chamber

Currently, there are 3 types of coatings and each is to talk separately.

  • Enamel. Most often it comes in white, but they can meet with the models and Serey enamel. Such a coating is easily cleaned using a detergent, it is practical and durable (lasts the entire life of the embedded microwave oven).
  • Bioceramic enamel. Generally such a coating or silvery blue with white patches. It is perfectly resistant to high temperatures, such as when you turn on the grill, and much easier to clean than usual. In addition, the term of service of bioceramics some manufacturers have reached 10 years.
  • Stainless steel. The strongest and most durable material. He transcend mechanical damage and temperature changes, but to keep clean this coating is difficult.

Double boiler

Healthy food lovers should pay attention to the presence of a double boiler. Under the steamer is generally understood a small bowl with a double bottom. The bottom is filled with water in it, laid out on a tray products, on top of a bowl covered with a lid. This steamer can not replace a massive tiered free-standing structure, but is perfect for batch cooking small portions of diet food.

The presence of the convector

Convector - fan built into the back wall, which distributes heat throughout the chamber volume. Since the microwaves heat directly to the product itself, without affecting the surrounding air, the convection mode include only makes sense together with the grill. Good built microwave oven with convection large volume can replace the oven. An example of a model with convection: Hankel OKE 6123, as well as many models of Samsung, Bosch and others.

Built-in microwave oven Samsung

The absence or presence of the grill

Under the grill realize additional heating element, with which you can cook without a microwave. There are two types: quartz and TANS. Quartz consists of several tubes hidden in the top of the chamber and covered by a grating. The advantage of such a grill - efficiency, compactness and ease of care. Cons - uneven prozharka through the bars of the cell. Heaters is a metal pipe in the upper part of the chamber. He warms evenly, but takes up more space and more difficult to clean.

In some models, set 2 PETN - one at the top, the other on the back or bottom. This design will allow the dish to grill evenly from all sides. When you select a built-in microwave oven with grill should pay attention to models with a movable Tan - this can be folded during cleaning, which will significantly simplify care appliances. An example of a model with an upper and lower grill - Samsung FQ215G002.

additional Features

The following functions can be attributed to a minor. As the customer reviews they rarely affect the decision when purchasing. However, there may tip the scales in favor of one or another model, ceteris paribus.


The presence of the sound signal the end of work and the ability to turn it off. Virtually all modern microwave ovens are a function of inclusion of a sound signal at the end of work. Thus, the owner can not wait for the end of the defrosting or cooking, and quietly go about their business in a different room. Once the microwave fulfill its program, it is immediately heard.

On the other hand, a loud beeping can awaken the small child or interfere with sleep head of the family, who came after the night shift. Therefore, in some cases, the useful ability to disable the sound when needed.

Girl near a microwave oven


Inexperienced buyers often confuse it with a grill. Indeed, these features often come in pairs, but the problem they are slightly different. If the grill - an additional heating element, then the spit - just a metal pin driven by a special mechanism. On a skewer can implant a piece of meat or vegetables like on a skewer and grill already zapechot it from all sides to form a crispy golden brown.

Sales can be find models with grill without skewers, but with a skewer grill without microwave ovens does not exist.

The process of opening the door

The doors in the microwave can be of two types:

  • hinged (in this case the loops are side);
  • folding (bottom loops).

Fundamental difference in reliability or comfort between them is not - it will depend on the location of the appliance and the habits of its owner.

Child Lock

Lock-off switch prevents changes to the program. In this way a small child will not be able to put in a built-in microwave oven or a toy metal cup and turn on the appliance.


In a simplified embodiment defrosting present in each microwave. Enough to minimize the power and set the time on the recommended scale, depending on the weight of the product. On models with automatic defrost microwave automatically sets the minute depending not only the weight, but also the type of product as meat, for example, the longer the fish is thawed and the fish longer of bread.

Woman with a microwave


Modern microwave ovens are not only warm up and defrost, but also to prepare a variety of dishes of French, Russian, Italian cuisine. As a rule, along with instructions to these models is a recipe book, which contains the sequence of pressing programs, the list of products and weight.

What can be cooked in a microwave oven?

Good built microwave oven with grill not only heats, but also prepares a variety of dishes. For example, boiled or baked potatoes, frozen vegetables, including cauliflower and broccoli. You can prepare all your favorite hot sandwiches with cheese, cook porridge and dumplings. On the shelves there were even special devices for cooking eggs in the microwave. In models with a grill, you can fry the meat to cook on the grill harmful, but very tasty chicken wings.

If added to the grill, convection, it is possible to prepare simple pastries such as pies with puff pastry cheese pie or apple pie with potatoes and stuffing.

Oven with microwave function

If the kitchen is small, it is possible to save some space by installing oven with microwave function. Such a cabinet other than the small size does not differ from the standard options. Same features, same varieties and characteristics of the coating chamber. Depending on the selected mode, it can work as both an oven and a microwave as a standard.

Oven with microwave function Miele

Whether embedded microwave oven harmful?

Many wonder whether harmful embedded types of microwave ovens. Since the built-in models in design are no different from the usual, the security system of the microwaves have exactly the same. When opening the door triggers automatic switch-off and the magnetron ceases to generate waves. Electromagnetic radiation harmful to the body, they can cause irritation, insomnia, headaches, however, microwave ovens actively applies microwaves prevents shield body and the door, the coated portion of the metal net. Furthermore, such microwave ovens are not at the table surface, and embedded in the set, which is an additional protection from radiation sverhchastotnogo. The penetration depth of waves of only 1.5 cm, so the body itself and the facade is ample protection.

How do I install the microwave?

Before you build the microwave need to consider a few important points:

  • It can not be installed in the hot and humid places, such as near a sink, a radiator and a stove.
  • Built-in microwave oven must be placed so that there is free access to the power plug.
  • Setting the microwave oven near the oven or regular oven, leave a gap between them in order to avoid overheating. This device can not be installed in a cabinet above the hob, since the hot air over the surface may affect the cooling system of the furnace.

Installation takes place in several stages:

  1. First, on the walls of the box are fixed the upper mounting bracket, which comes in a package: make drill holes and fix it with the screws.
  2. Is inserted in a microwave chamber.
  3. Brackets mounted under the base of the furnace: holes drilled for them and secured with screws plate.
  4. Fix the external decorative elements on the brackets. Turn on the oven to the mains and check its performance.

Built-in microwave oven

If the microwave is not working

As the reviews, the main problem with the damage the microwave oven is dismantling. The rest of the repairs of such equipment is no different from the repair of the Solow model.

If the microwave does not warm, and the food is not completely finished, the following problems: do not press start button, not correctly exposed time, the door is not closed, the circuit breaker tripped or fuse due to overloading of the electrical network.

If the product is overexposed, or is not ready, the following issues:

  • improperly exposed power;
  • incorrectly billed time.

If the device does not start when you press the "start" button, it is possible that the door is not closed.

Reviews manufacturers suggest that you can not operate the microwave oven if:

  • Deteriorated seals;
  • broken hinges;
  • bent or deformed body.

In each of these cases, the device must be sent in for repair.

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